Prophecies: how are formed and fulfilled
(bilingual: in English
and Polish )
5 March 2014
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When God created the first humans and other living
creatures, initially He so programmed their lives that
they were ruled by the passage of the natural time
of the universe - which time the new "totaliztic science"
calls the "irreversible absolute time of the universe".
This is because in just such time lives our God.
(A wider discussion of this natural time is provided
in item #C3 below on this web page.) But soon
it turned out, that in this natural time God has NO
control over lives of creatures that He created.
Hence, this first human civilization began to
develop in the direction that was unacceptable
to God. Thus God was forced to destroy all those
His first living creatures with the use of biblical Great
Flood. In approximately a half of the duration of
that Great Flood, God reprogrammed the bodies
of the people (and all other living creatures that
have DNA) for lives in a different, artificially
pre-programmed for them by God, "reversible
software time" - as this is described more
thoroughly in sub-item #C4.1 and in item #C4
from the web page named
or in item #G4 from the web page named
Only the inanimate matter (e.g. metals, rocks, fossils,
etc.) God still left under the control of this natural
time of the universe - which elapses around 365
thousands of times faster than this new, artificial
time in which at present live, amongst others, all people.
Due to the introduction of this artificially reprogrammed
by God reversible software time, now everything is under
God's control - even the amount of pain and suffering
that each person must experience (as it is explained
in items #C1 to #C9 from the web page named
or even the history and fate of each truth
(as it is explained in items #H1 to #H7
from the web page named
Thus, in the new kind of time reprogrammed
by Himself, God could govern precisely
over the life and development of the humanity -
so that He could achieve His superior goals.
Because of the principle on which this artificial
time works, a vital feature of this reprogrammed
by God "reversible software time" was that
the general fate of the entire humanity
and each individual person, have to be
pre-programmed in advance in the form
of so-called "omniplan" - which
in item #C3 from the web page named
is compared to an analogy of the movie
film stored in the memory of a today's
computer, or to a control program from
today machine tools with numerical
(computer) control. This "omniplan" by
folklore is called "fate" or "destiny". Because
of the existence of this "omniplan", one
amongst the "by-products" of running the
lives of people according to this "reversible
software time" is that God has pre-planned
in advance the scenario "what" happens both
with the entire humanity, as well as with each
individual person. (Although to be able to repetitively
improve individual people and the entire humanity
through the use of "iteration" described in item
#C3 below, God continually improves this scenario
pre-planned in advance.) God does NOT keep
secret His knowledge of the future, but
reveals it to people, amongst others, in
the form of what we call "prophecies".
This web page is just dedicated to prophecies.
Amongst others, it gives examples of old prophecies
which soon after the Second World War were
circulated among the more aged inhabitants of
Poland. It also tries to emphasize the importance
and the validity of prophecies, to explain way
prophecies fulfil themselves, to reveal the
mechanism of their formulation, and to indicate
why we should take notice of whatever prophecies
have to say. In turn, because the fulfilment of
prophecies is only possible, when oppositely to
erroneous claims of our official science, the fate
of the entire physical world is ruled simultaneously
by these two drastically different kinds of time
described above, the speeds of elapses of which differ
from each other by around 365 thousands of times,
and also because the actual
fulfilment of prophecies is one amongst numerous
empirical evidence (more thoroughly discussed
in item #C4.1 from the web page named
that the fate of the humanity and Earth is really
ruled by both these different kinds of time,
in item #C3 of this web page is briefly described,
amongst others, what are these two kinds of time
and how they work.
Part #A:
Introductory information about this web page:
What inspired me to write this web page:
I started to write this web page for several
important reasons. Firstly because I noticed
that present people typically are NOT aware
of the existence and content of these old
prophecies from the area of Poland. I know
these prophecies from my childhood, as
I used to listen to old people who were telling
them. I still remember very well several out
of them. So I decided to present them here
in order to remind to others both, their
content, as well as their cultural significance.
Secondly, I noticed that many old prophecies
just started to fulfil themselves. So I decided
to indicate here the fact of their fulfilment,
as a kind of "food for thoughts". Furthermore,
I noticed that the reason why these prophecies
are fulfiling right now, is the blindness of many
people. So I hope that through realising what
these prophecies state, I manage to cool
down the rush and enthusiasm with which
various people add their contribution towards
the fast fulfilment of these rather scary prophecies.
Textbook of totalizm
which presents some amongst prophecies described here:
These readers which prefer to read books
rather than read web pages, probably will be
pleased to know that there is an illustrated
edition of the textbook of totalizm which
takes the form of
monograph [8/2] entitled "Totalizm".
In subsection L4 from volume 8 of this monograph
[8/2] are described and commented some amongst
prophecies presented on this web page. To readers
of that monograph [8/2] I recommend also volume 6
which presents findings of the
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
about the nature and characteristics of God.
What is the mechanism that governs the fulfilment of prophecies:
The matter which fascinates me most in
prophecies, and which I would like to describe
on this web page, is the manner in which
these prophecies fulfil themselves. Namely,
that the fulfilment of
a prophecy always takes place in so humble
and invisible manner, that the majority of
people does NOT notice that these prophecies
are fulfilling right now and in front of their own
eyes. One feels like to repeat after
the Bible they look but NOT see - see the
"Acts" 28:26 "you will look and look, but not see").
This unnoticeable for normal sandwich-eaters
fulfilment of old prophecies, is explained
convincingly by the
philosophy of totalizm.
This philosophy states, that in His acting
cannot use movements which would
disclose His power and existence.
After all, any manifestation of Godly power
would deprive people of their "free will" -
they would have no other option but to believe
in Him and to submit to Him. However, God
wants to leave to the "free will" and to a choice
of every person whatever this person wishes
to do. But in order to leave to people this "free
will", God must complete with hands of people
even the most important historic events - to
make them appear as if they are "natural"
and "normal". This is why in the fulfilment
of prophecies carried out by God, there
are NO fireworks nor lighting flashes, nor
supernatural phenomena. Everything happens
quietly, humbly, naturally, in almost unnoticeable
for us manner. (Means in a manner that is
explained in more details in subsection JG2.1 from
volume 6 of monograph [8e/2].)
But whatever happens it unavoidably goes wherever
prophecies foretold it to go.
An excellent illustration for interesting mechanism
which rules the fulfilment of prophecies, including
prophecies from the
provides an old legend about the great flood. It originates
from the east-southern coast of China. This legend was
published as the legend number 67 under the title "The
Great Flood", on pages 161 to 173 of a following book
[7D3] by Wolfram Eberhard, entitled "Folktales of China"
(Routledge & Kegan Paul, Ltd., London 1965, Library of
Congress Catalogue Card Number 65-25440). Because
of the evidential value of this legend, I already summarised
it in subsection D3 from my
Polish monograph [5/4] -
the free copies of which are available from web
pages of totalizm. Here is a summary of this
interesting legend:
In a mountain village lived a woman and her son. She was more than fifty years old; her son, Chou Ch'eng, was exactly nineteen. They were very poor and earned their living by collecting firewood.
Every morning Chou Ch'eng hung his axe on his carrying pole and went into the mountains. Every day by midday he collected a large load of firewood, which he would take into the town to sell. With the money he received he would buy some rice and go home, where his mother would have dinner ready for him. He would put down his stick, and while he ate the meal he would tell his mother all that had happened during the day. By the time he had finished it would be nightfall and time to go to bed. The next morning he would go out for firewood as usual, and his mother would cook the rice bought the day before, eat some of it, and keep the rest for her son. In this manner the days go by.
One day Chou went to the hills as usual. His mother had finished dinner and was mending his clothes when she heard the loud clang of a gong ceaselessly beating outside. Putting down the clothes, she went to the door to see what it was, and there she found an old beggar monk. She said to him, "We are poor people and have no spare rice. You must go elsewhere." "Lord Buddha! I am so hungry," said the monk. "Please give me the rice you are saving in the pot."
The woman was frightened when she heard this, because the rice pot was standing in the house and he could not know what was in it. Fearing he might be a saint, she said to him, "The rice in the pot is really for my son. But if you are very hungry, I will give you it. Please wait for a moment." She went back into the house, put half the rice into a bowl, and brought it out to the monk.
While he was eating, he said to her, "I have something important to say to you. When your son Chou Ch'eng comes home, tell him to return to town and buy some sheet of paper and some flour, prepare some paste, and then stick some straw and the paper together to make a boat. When the eyes of the two lions in front of the big temple in the village become red, you must both get into the boat, because the land here will disappear and the town will be covered by a large lake. But remember this: if you see sparrows, ants, or snakes swimming in the water, you may save them; men or wolves, however, you must on no account assist. Do you understand?" Then he went away.
The woman looked up at the sun and, calculating from its place in the sky that her son would soon return, she went into the house, poured the rest of the rice to a bowl, and then went out again to watch out for his coming. Since there was no sign of him, she went in again and tidied up the clothes that she had mended; when he still did not come, she went and stood at the door.
The sun was slowly sinking behind the hills in the west. The birds who had already retired to their nests, were singing their bedtime songs. She became tired standing by the door, and was worried and anxious about her son.
Only when it was almost dark did she see him coming, and she felt as if a load had been lifted from her heart. She saw that he had a bag on his stick, and was pleased he was bringing the rice. "Hurry!" She called out. "Why are you so late today? After dinner I have some news for you." "I have already eaten," answered the son. "As I was coming home from the hills today, I met an old man who wanted to buy all my wood. He didn't ask the price, but wanted me to carry it back to his house, which was more than thirty li [about ten miles] away.
As I put down the load, I saw a delicious-looking meal standing on the table, which the old man invited me to partake of. At first I refused, but in the end he insisted on my eating, and being very hungry, I did take some. Afterwards, I was afraid he would give me no money,
but in the end he gave me twice as much as I ordinarily received. When I told him that I had to go into town to buy rice, he suggested that I should buy a bushel of rice from him, and he gave me much more than usual." Chou Ch'eng pointed to his bag.
While they were talking, they went into the house. After putting down the bag, he asked his mother what had taken place at home during the day. She told him all about the beggar monk who had urged them to make a boat of straw and paper, but her son was sceptical and asked her, "How can a paper ship carry people?" "That is not our business," replied the mother. "This monk was really a saint, because otherwise how could he know you were called Chou Ch'eng and that there was still some rice in the pot?" Usually Chou agreed with his mother, but this evening he thought she was wrong.
However, the next morning Chou went into the town to buy the things and then came home to paste the ship together. Meanwhile his mother washed the rice and cooked one pot full, and then another to serve as provision on the boat. By midday the boat was ready, and Chou ran off to the temple to look at the lions' eyes; but seeing them as white as usual, he went home. Then he went again, but still there was no change to be seen. He returned again, until his mother said to him, "It is too late for them to become red today. Wait until tomorrow."
During the night neither could sleep well, and they got up long before the sun rose. Chou rubbed his eyes and ran off to the temple, while his mother packed the clothes and put them into the boat with the rice, a pot, a bowl, a basin, and a sieve, not even forgetting the old bed.
Repeatedly the son went to the temple, but the eyes were still not red. In the evening, as he was running there again, people asked him why he continually went there. Chou called out to them, as he hurried by, that he was going to see if the lions' eyes were red. Two young wags heard him say this, and thought to themselves, "What a fool Chou is! How can the lions' eyes become red? Let us paint them ourselves and see what he does."
When Chou went once more, and this time saw that the eyes were red, he rushed to tell his mother the news, helped her into the ship, and then went on board himself. Scarcely were they inside, when they heard an appalling crash, and on opening their eyes again, they saw nothing but water all around. Their craft however, was floating on the water just like a real ship, perhaps even quieter. However, it had no rudder and went wherever it wished. Chou was so horrified that he could barely utter a word. But his mother kept on murmuring, "So many people have met their dead. What a disaster! The saint told me that if we saw a sparrow, a snake, or an ant swimming about, we could save them, but not a man or a wolf."
Chou saved several creatures that were floating
near his boat. He also saved one man, named
Wu Yi. Wu Yi claimed, that he is the only left
alive from a family of five, because only he knew
how to swim. Although there was no wind, their
boat floated on the sea for entire night {probably
carried away by tsunami waves}. They woke up
the next morning when the sun was already high
while their boat was lying on a shore of some
mountainous island. After shifting to the land
Chou build a new hut and return to his occupation
of earning for living by collecting wood.
Well, the key event for fulfilment of the legend
presented above was the change of colour (to
red) of eyes of the lion. But this change did NOT
occur in a manner as we would expect for the
fulfilment of a prophecy, means spectacular
just by itself, propelled by a miracle of some
sort. Rather opposite, this change of colour
happened silently, naturally and unnoticeably,
one would think that only because several
hooligans had nothing else to do - so they
decided to paint these eyes for a joke. Of
course, these hooligans did NOT know that
they by themselves are just a small bolt in a
huge mechanisms of the prophecy, and that
they themselves have also their function to
be fulfilled. Only that their function boiled down
to painting, for a joke, eyes of lions to red, and
then to dying a painful death in tsunami waves -
so that a next generations could receive from
God another moral lesson for learning and
could have a meaningful example for describing
it to others.
The legend presented above in my opinion contains
a very important moral lesson which we should
take notice of. This moral lesson states that
"even the most important and great prophecies
are fulfilling themselves through humble and ordinary
events from everyday life". In the result many
people, who are awaiting for fiery demonstrations
and supernatural lightning flashes, and who expect
that important prophecy has the right to fulfil only in
such a manifesting manner, may even NOT notice
that a given prophecy actually is fulfilling right now
literally in front of their eyes.
By the way, the above legend by a strange coincidence
is full of facts concerning a murderous tsunami
induced technologically through exploding a UFO
vehicle. For example, it describes an unique sound
of thunder and roaring which accompany the arrival
of such a tsunami. The occurrence of this extraordinary
(powerful) roaring at the moment when tsunami hits,
was described by a number of witnesses who lived
through the tsunami of 26th December 2004 (i.e.
the one which occurred along shores of the Indian
Ocean and which is described on the web page
Other equally evidential information contained in the
above legend is the necessity to build the boat with
roof and a need to manufacture this boat from water
resistant paper mixed with vegetation fibres glued
together with dough made from starch. (Today we
would make it from some more modern materials,
which would be equally hard and strong.) The point
is that only such a boat with a roof made of very
hard shell, which amongst others can be formed
by laminating its casing from water resistant paper
and fibres glued together with some powerful glue,
is able to protect its content from the boiling water
and from deadly splinters that are hurled by the
powerful tsunami. For example, in the Malaysian
press, which at the beginning of January 2005 was
describing reports of these people who managed
to survive the tsunami of 26th December 2004, there
was a story of a family, which saved itself from almost
a sure death, only because just before the arrival of
water torrent full of splinters - which normally dismembered
victims of this tsunami, this family jumped inside of
empty wooden barrels in which they locked themselves.
Hard shells of these barrels protected them against
being dismembered by splinters, while the ability of
wooden barrels to float prevented their drowning.
In my personal opinion, the above legend describes
actual event and actual saving of someone from tsunami
that really took place. Only that through repetitions of
this story from a generation to a generation it took
the form of a legend. Furthermore,
this supernatural creature that simulated an UFOnaut
knew the future
and thus also knew exactly what is going to happen,
that most probably appeared in the real event, either
impersonated a Buddhist monk, or in subsequent
repetitions of this "legend" was taken to be a Buddhist
Why prophecies must fulfil themselves in an unnoticeable manner:
For me personally, and also probably for
many other people that are used to seek
answers to questions which bother them, the
extremely vital becomes the source of so
significant discrepancy between our personal
wishes and reality. In our personal wishes
we would like biblical prophecies fulfilled
in a fiery and spectacular manner. But in
reality these prophecies fulfil in a humbly,
natural, and almost unnoticeable manner.
In my opinion, this discrepancy results
from a natural mechanism, with the use
of which prophecies are formulated. In
this mechanism, the content of prophecy
was formulated by ordinary people, not
by God or by some supernatural creatures.
God only let to know this ordinary people
what is going to happen in the future. (In
past such an insight into the future was called
"visions". Presently we probably would call it e.g.
the use of time vehicles
in order to temporally "shift in time to future".)
Such an insight in past was given to many
people, for example one of them was famous
Nostradamus. After seeing the future these
people then described for us what they saw
in there. In this manner a prophecy was born.
Naturally, whatever was seen by people who are
preparing a given prophecy after they were shifted
to the future, these people are going to describe
with their own words, and with the use of terminology
that was available in their times. So let us analyse
now how this practically looked like. After all,
such an analysis is going to explain where comes
from this discrepancy between our expectations
and the real life. (Means, why we expect spectacular
fulfilment of prophecies, while these prophecies
actually fulfil in a humble and unnoticeable manner.)
And so, for example, when Nostradamus was shifted
to a battle-field with the Hitler army and saw a fight
of tanks in there, he described these tanks as "iron
wagons". After all, he knew only horse wagons. In his
times tanks were NOT invented yet. In turn, when
an ancient Israeli shifted temporally to our times,
described the "personal serial identification number"
imposed onto people by politicians and required
practically for every formality, he described it as
the "number of the beast". Still when another
person arriving to the future, noticed e.g. that
time vehicles described on the web page
immortality.htm - about immortality and life without end,
allow to return to life people who were dead before,
he would described in his prophecy that the day
is to come when "dead people will resurrect".
* * *
Of course, all the above is just my personal
guess how this preparation of prophecies
could look like. How it really looked, we do
NOT know. However, analysis similar to the
above allow us to understand, that behind
prophecies does NOT hide, nor has a right
to hide, a precise description of something
prepared by someone who knows the
terminology, conditions of living, and situation
from the future. Means, descriptions of these
people should NOT be taken literally. After all,
prophecies are formulated with wording which
are known to ancient people who prepared
them. Thus they are allegoric. This means
that in order to know when and how given
prophecies are fulfilling, we firstly must interpret
them to our present language, situation, and
reality. In turn when we learn how to carry out
such interpretations, then with a shock we
discover, that nothing vital ever happens as
a complete surprise. Everything is foretold
in advance in various manners. In turn, the
superior being of the universe which we call
God (the
philosophy of totalizm
calls Him the "universal intellect"), would NOT
go through the trouble of foretelling to us
whatever is going to happen, if He does
NOT intend to consider later somehow in
His further actions the consequences of
this foretelling. According to my findings,
this superior being
uses prophecies in order
to shape the consequences of whatever
inevitably is coming, appropriately to our
reaction to a given prophecy! This in turn
leads me to a main message of this web
page. Namely this message states. We need
to take notice of prophecies. We should
try to understand what it is warning
us against, and what we should do in order to
minimise the evil that is going to result
from it. This is because from our reaction
to a given prophecy depends how the incoming
evil is going to affect us, and how it is going
to influence our future fate.
Part #C:
The "Number of the Beast":
How this "Number of the Beast" from Apocalypse just reveals itself to us:
Thoughts which I would like to share here
were provoked by problems which I encountered
for some time starting from 2004, only
because I was then unable to provide
authorities with some number, which
in my understanding was my "Number
of the Beast". YES! Just this "Number
of the Beast" which is described in the
Bible, in the book of "Revelation 13:16-18",
where on its subject is written, quote:
"The beast
forced all the people, small and great,
rich and poor, slave and free, to have
a mark placed on their right hands
or on their foreheads. No one could buy
or sell unless he had this mark, that is,
the beast's name or the number that stands
for the name. This calls for wisdom. Whoever
is intelligent can figure out the meaning of
the number of the beast. because the number
stands for a man's name. Its number is 666."
Well, according to the Bible, in times shortly
before the most important breakthrough in
history of the Earth, this number receives
almost every person on the Earth and will
be required to show it on almost every
occasion. The number becomes absolutely
necessary for completion of practically
every operation. Even the purchase of
daily bread will NOT be possible without
having this number. As it turned out, in
past I just had serious problems, because
I still was unable to prove that I have this
number assigned to me. On the other hand
we know that the use of such number is
gradually spreading all over the world.
As an example consider "IRD" number
from New Zealand, "social security number"
from the USA, "IC" number from Malaysia,
or "PESEL" number from Poland. To be
worse, the showing of this number is required
in present times in ever increasing life situations.
Why the "number of beast" is a sign and a confirmation for us
that just times arrived when biblical prophecies are fulfilling themselves:
What puzzles me in the "Number of the Beast",
is that independently from the country in the
world, everywhere in the initial form this number
has exactly the same format. Namely, everywhere
it started from the date of birth of a given person
(i.e. year, month, day), followed by some other
number. To be more intriguing, such a format
this number has not only in Christian countries,
such as Poland (i.e. "PESEL"), but also in
Islamic countries, such as Malaysia (i.e. "IC").
Most clearly this "Beast" which imposed the
number onto people, is above governments
of countries, since it is able to influence a
whole range of different countries in the world,
imposing on all of them the same system of
numbering people! It would be interesting
to check what format has the number which
each one of us carries in the "identification
implant" placed in our shin bone, the photograph
of a mark from which is shown at the beginning
of the web page
ufo.htm - about UFOnauts.
In recent times various organisations were established
in many countries of the world, the goal of which
is to fight actions of their governments of the type
of the "Number of the Beast". Means to fight with
a gradual erosion of human freedoms and rights.
But this is a hopeless fight. Step-by-step this
invisible "Beast" enslaves us increasingly tight
into chains of various laws, requirements, and
governmental control. In this manner from relatively
free citizens it turns us gradually into slaves of
our own country. How far this enslaving of us already
went, we can learn when we look around carefully.
An idea about the seriousness of this situation
present the totaliztic web page named the
better humanity
in which I am trying to indicate some ways
of repairing our situation indicated by the
philosophy of totalizm.
The subject of the "Number of the Beast" lately
is intriguing me a lot. After all, this number is
the last "missing link" in the realisation that
we already are living in years when Biblical
prophecies begin to fulfil. Who would think
that such a "honour" is granted to our generation.
So many God-fearing generations of people
lived on the Earth before us, reading the Bible,
believing in every word of it, and looking for
arrival of times when Biblical prophecies
would fulfil themselves. But strangely, these
prophecies would NOT fulfil for them. On
the other hand, our present generation in a
great majority neither reads the Bible nor believes
in words of the Bible, and it is this generation
that lives in such extraordinary times. The
arrival of these times is foretold by practically
everything around us. If we look at television
news, then it is obvious that already for a long
time the Earth is trotted by the "Raiders of
Apocalypse" - see item #J1 below. After all, the recent
destructive rains and floods,
volcano eruptions,
tsunami waves,
collapses of roofs in public halls,
locust swarms almost on every continent,
all these are deeds of such "Raiders of Apocalypse".
Also, exactly as the Bible foretold this, in the world
lawlessness and immorality are ruling.
We also have the "Number of the Beast"
indicated in item #C1 above.
According to various signs on heaven and the
Earth, as I wrote this in items #G2 and #G1
below (and also reported in subsection A4 from
monograph [1/4],
as well as in subsection L4 from the
second edition of monograph [8e/2] "Totalizm"),
since 1999 on the Earth probably Second Jesus
is acting. Only that in order to NOT be crucified
again by omnipresent heretics, clearly
this time he arrived "like a thief" and is forced to
act exclusively from hiding - as the Bible foretold
this. (The evidence which seems to confirm the
activities of Second Jesus on the Earth includes,
amongst others, the miraculous revelation from
Christchurch and from Borneo - described in
items #G2 and #G1 in further part of this web
page.) The only thing that is still missing in order
old prophecies from the Bible fulfilled completely,
is the arrival of
and him taking the rule over the Earth. But even
he is already foretold by some people that
supposedly he is to arrive to the Earth in a
near future. He supposed to be a creature
which is going to look like Jesus from holy
pictures, but which is going to show tricks
even greater than our magician David Copperfield.
However, he will lead the humanity to a
destruction. (In fact, at the end of 2005 in
Nepal a strange creature appeared, which
could be him. This creature is described
on the web page named
How the number 666 confirms the continuous,
improvement of the mankind by God, carried
out through the use of "omniplan" for managing
the "reversible software time":
Since the time of invention (or discovery) of
my Periodic Table of
Earth's Propulsion Systems
(i.e. the table briefly described in item #H1.1
from this web page, while thoroughly discussed
in item #B1 from the separate web page named
I unsuccessfully try to convince various institutions
and nations that they should undertook the construction
of "Time Vehicles" of my invention - for example
see descriptions from item #H1.1 below on this
web page. (On web pages which I published on
the subject of these Time Vehicles they are also
described under the name of the
Magnocrafts of the third generation.)
After all, my Time Vehicles allow people to
infinitively extend human lives
through shifting people back to years of their youth
each time after they reach an old age. In addition,
Time Vehicles are absolutely necessary for people to
understand God, content of the Bible, and the world
around us - as it is illustrated, amongst others,
in "part #H" from the web page named
while reasons for this state of things are explained in
introduction, item #A1, and sub-item #C4.1 from that
web page "immortality.htm", or in item #G4 from the web page
(No wonder, that because of such enormous importance
of these "Magnocrafts of the third generation", the fact
of their inventing and use on Earth is even prophecised
by Nostradamus - for details of these prophecies see
item #H1.1 below on this web page.)
There are probably many reasons why these my
efforts turn out to be ineffective - as it is explained
in item #H1.1 below on this web page. One of these
reasons is probably a philosophical immaturity of
today's scientists and decision-makers, who continue
to believe that the entire physical world is ruled just
by one natural time, which the new "totaliztic science"
calls the "irreversible
absolute time of the universe" - means
who believe, that the entire universe is ruled by just
one natural time in which at present lives only God,
and which I described briefly in the introduction to
this web page, while more thoroughly I explained,
amongst others, in sub-item #C4.1 and in items
#C3 and #C4 from other my web page named
and in item #G4 from the web page named
After all, these beliefs of scientists and decision makers
do NOT allow them to accept and to acknowledge the
evidence and experiments, which are presented on the
web page named
and which conclusively documented that in fact the
physical world is ruled simultaneously by two drastically
different kinds of time, while people live only in
this unnatural (artificially programmed)
"reversible software time"
which does NOT exist in nature and therefore which
had to be pre-programmed by God, and in which
time it is possible to build my "Time Vehicles" for
repetitive shifting people back to years of their youth.
(These my evidence is doubted, in spite that a large
part of it is derived from the
Bible -
and thus directly from God.) In this item #C3 I am
to add yet one more example of evidence confirming
that in fact we do live in this slowly elapsing in short
jumps, "reversible software time" artificially pre-programmed
by God, not in the fast and smoothly elapsing natural
"irreversible absolute time of the universe", which
according to the Bible elapses around 365 thousands
of time faster than our "reversible software time", in
which at present lives only God - while in the physical
world which rules only over ageing of inanimate matter
(e.g. ageing of rocks, caves, bones of dinosaurs, coal,
etc.), and our supposed living in which is claimed by
the official science to-date - for details see item #C4.1
from the abovementioned web page
This yet another example of the evidence for the lives
of all people in the artificially programmed by God
"reversible software time" is the number "666" given
in the Bible as the "number of the Beast".
The reason for which the specific set of three digits
indicated in the Bible, is a further proof that
we lead our lives in the artificially programmed by God
"reversible software time" (means, NOT in a naturally
existing "irreversible absolute time of the universe" -
as erroneously tells that to us the old official science),
is the manner in which the divine software entity
called "omniplan"
(this one described in item #H1.1 below on this web
page) manages the "reversible software time", so
that it is possible for God to continuously improve the
quality of the physical world. Namely, the improvement
of the physical world with the help of "omniplan" can
be done only through the use of a method called
This method depends on the fact, that God repeats
many times the life of every person, by shifting him
or her in time to years of his or her youth - as this is
admitted by God in the Biblical verse which is discussed
in item #B4.1 from my web page named
During each such shifting back in time God also
erases thoroughly his or her previous memory, so
that this person is NOT aware that previously already
experienced the passage through a given period
of time in his or her life.
Then God permits this person to re-live his or her life
again in already somewhat improved conditions and life
circumstances. As a result of the use of this method
of "iteration" for the improvement of the physical world,
almost everything that, both, happened in the past
and will happen in the future, is in the state
of continuous changes and "flux" - aggravated even
more by the fact that these people shifted back in
time always have their "free will" in their selection
how in this new passage through life they are to
react to given (new) conditions and improved life situations.
(Notice here, that these situations are repetitively "improved"
according to the so-called "principle of reversals"
described, amongst others, in item #B1.1 from the web page
antichrist.htm -
which allows a much better fulfilment of God's superior goals.
Thus, from the point of view of people who love being "spoiled",
these situations do NOT need to be perceived as any "better".)
In total, in spite that this divine "omniplan" contains
a general plan for "what"
is to happen, and in spite that this general plan has
already been communicated to the people in the
form of "prophecies" and contents of the holy books,
in fact until the "end of the world" is NOT crystallized
definitively "when"
certain events are to occur, nor "who"
amongst the people will cause them, or
they will affect every other human being. After all,
everything is in a state of constant improvements,
changes and "flux". In fact I already had an opportunity
to notice and to describe in my publications changes
of a huge number of things that present official science
considers to be unchangeable. It is also sure, that to
repetitive improvements and changes are subjected
also things the changes of which so-far I was unable
to notice, e.g. laws of physics and nature, structure
of matter and cosmos, history of humanity, etc.
At this point I should inform the reader, that God
confirms in the Bible, that in fact He continually
improves our physical world with the use of the
method of "iteration" described here. My attention
drew to this confirmation one of the readers of
this web page. He found it in verse 104:30 from
the biblical "Book of Psalms", where in English
it is expressed e.g. with words - quote:
"Send out thy spirit, and
they shall be formed of the new/and they shall
be reformed of new; and thou shalt renew the
face of the earth. (Give thou them breath, and
they shall be formed anew; yea, thou shalt renew
the face of all the earth.) In this biblical
verse the key meaning is that "they (the people)
are created (revived) again (new, anew)". This is
because such a meaning informs us, that each person
is revived (created once again) by God more than
one time - what constitutes the essence of the God's
iterative method (described above) for improving the
people and the physical world. Unfortunately, these
key words "again, anew", which indicate multiple
repetitions of our physical lifer, were "lost in translations"
in many translations of the Bible to English. For example,
these words are missing in the majority of popular
translations of the Bible to English. Thus, in order to
verify that the true meaning of this verse 30 from Psalm
104 is correctly translated also in some English Bibles,
I was forced to search through many different versions
of the English Bibles. I finally found it translated
as quoted above in the "Wycliffe Bible Version" (that
Bible I found in February 2014 at the internet address
provided in my list of "online" Bibles available
in internet - which list I published sometime
ago in item #H3 from my web page named
But returning to the number "666", these continuous
changes and "flux" resulting from the "iterative"
improvement of the physical world by God, cause
that at the time when the Bible was written, there
was NOT known definitively what exactly will this
"number of the Beast". However, in His infinite
wisdom, God knew that in times when the "mark
of the Beast" will govern over human lives, all
the matters of every person will be described
by thousands of different important numbers.
After all, already now the life of every
person is described by several hundreds of
important numbers - for example, by dates
of birth and dates of significant life events,
phone numbers, numbers of identity cards,
passports, membership cards, etc., numbers
as American "Social Security" (or Polish "PESEL"),
registration numbers of cars and other vehicles
owned, bank account numbers, numbers of
archives in various Institutions, official numbers
of cases, significant numbers for payments
(e.g. tax numbers), numbers of address
and details of houses, gates and flats, IP
numbers of computers, etc., etc. In turn
from statistics it is known that in virtually
every thousand of such numbers should occur
at least one number containing the set of
digits 666. As a result, at a time when the
"number of the Beast" becomes important,
because of this presence in the life of
every person of these thousands of various
important numbers, virtually every person
will be identified by at least one number
which is to contain the set of digits "666".
At the time of inspiring the content of Bible,
in His infinite wisdom and foresight God
already knew about this - so He actually
introduced to the Bible this information.
(Notice here, that instead of the number
666, God could use any specific, easy-to-remember,
three-digit number. After all, in the future
every specific three-digit long number will
be present in some significant number
describing each person.)
An additional advantage of the Bible indicating
of the specific and meaningful number, such as
666, as the "number of the Beast", is also that the
availability of it in the documentation of virtually
every person, allows in the future to hail to be
any person whose lifetime achievements turn
to be more convenient if just described as the
action of "Antichrist". After all, according to the
educational method of God, described under
the name of the "principle
of reversals" in item #F3 from my web page
the more one's lifetime achievements increase the
true knowledge and awareness of the humanity, the
more it must be prevented, persecuted, and deviated.
(According to the action of this "principle of reversals",
in fact in the interest of God lies only the promotion
of everything that is harmful to the mankind - for
example, the promotion of the theory of Darwin or
Einstein, paintings of Picasso, the promotion of any
artist or sportsman who glorifies immorality, etc., etc. –
as described e.g. in item #H6 from the web page
Thus, hailing someone as "Antichrist" is a highly
effective and inexpensive way to discourage people
from recognizing whatever works to their advantage,
whatever builds them up, and whatever is very much
needed by them. It would NOT surprise me at all,
if only in order to delay the construction of my
Magnocrafts or my
Time Vehicles,
one day, also under some pretext I am hailed as
"Antichrist" - although it probably will be difficult
to find another scientist on Earth who has
accomplished equal to mine academic achievements
that allow people for a better understanding of
their God, for gaining the proof-based certainty
of God's existence, and for reinforcement of own
admiration and love of our God. After all, the collection of insults
and epithets which already are pelt at me, at my
academic achievements, and at numerous my
inventions, since a long time include almost everything that
imagination of immoral people managed to invent so far.
The fact that already thousands of years ago God
knew and announced in prophecies to people,
that during the reign of the Biblical "Beast", virtually
every person will be described by at least one
significant number containing in itself the sequence
666 of digits, is also a further evidence, that our
physical world is ruled by this "reversible software
time", and thus that my "Time Vehicles" can certainly
be built. After all, for ever coming true what God has
planned long ago, our world must be governed and
improved with the use of this software entity called
"omniplan" (described, amongst others, in items
#C4 and #C3 from my web page named
But what is even more important,
the fact that people are living
in the "reversible software time" managed with the help
of the divine "omniplan", is also a conclusive and irrefutable proof that
God exists, and that
people have immortal souls.
After all, this unnatural "reversible software time"
could NOT appear just by itself in our physical
world, but it had to be intentionally programmed
by a being so wise and so mighty as our God is.
On other hand, in order God is able to improve
people through the iteration-based, repetitive shifting
them back to years of their youth, these people
must have appropriate programs stored in their
software souls which control their passage through
this reversible time.
In other words, because "reversible software time"
is a highly artificial creation that does NOT exist
in nature, and thus which had to be intentionally
pre-programmed by the superior intelligent being
with the knowledge and capabilities of God, the
fact that indeed we are all living in that reversible
time is a proof that God does exist, and the proof
that our passages through this time is ruled by
special divine programs stored in our "souls".
So in the time when humanity will build my
"Time Vehicles", and thus experimentally and
illustratively prove to everyone that we actually
do live in that "reversible software time" artificially
pre-programmed by God,
then instead of simply
believing in the existence of God, each person
receives a visually visible proof that God does
exist. Thus, in those times, "knowledge
will replace today's beliefs" (as we know, knowledge
is better than beliefs, because one can always stop
believing, but one NEVER stops to know).
The actual fulfilment of prophecies has also
a reversal evidential value to the one described above.
After all, it is as well another empirical proof complementing
the long list described in item #C4.1 from the web page
that our physical world is ruled simultaneously by two
drastically different kinds of time which I described here.
In turn, because this non-existing in nature "reversible
software time", that allows God the implementation of
prophecies, could appear in our world only because
it was artificially pre-programmed by God, such a
fulfilment of prophecies is also
another proof for the existence of God.
Of course, readers of this item do NOT need
to await until the time of building my "Time
Vehicles" for gaining a visual proof and
scientific certainty that God does exist and that
people really live in that artificially pre-programmed
by God "reversible software time". (After all,
the arrival of that time is still quite distant - as is
clear from the explanations in item #H1.1
below.) This is because, if their mind is already
open to the truth, then the large body of evidence
and experiments which document that we really
live in that unnatural "reversible software time",
they will find on my web page named
immortality.htm -
e.g. see in there item #D1 or sub-item #C4.1.
But in order to not force the reader to search
through that web page and already here indicate
at least one example of probably the most widely
sighted (although rarely noticed) amongst such
evidence, this evidence is the difference in
speeds with which rocks and the humanity
are ageing. After all, rocks do NOT have DNA.
In turn, as described on that web page, in
all living creatures DNA are kinds of natural
computers which control journeys of these
creatures through the reversible software
time. Hence, by not having DNA, rocks age
in accordance with the passage through the
natural "irreversible absolute time of the universe" -
in which time also lives and acts our God. This
natural time of the universe do NOT elapses in
short jumps, as it does our artificial "reversible
software time" - in which between every two jumps
appears a very long break. Thus, according to
the verse 3:8 from biblical "2 Peter" (discussed
in sub-item #C4.1 from the web page "immortality.htm"),
this natural absolute time of the universe elapses
with the speed of around 365 thousands of times faster
than our artificial "reversible software time". In the
result of this shockingly fast elapse of the absolute
time, rocks, fossils (e.g. bones of dinosaurs or coal) and
all minerals, age around 365 thousands of times faster
than people. In many cases this allows to more alerted
people noticing with naked eyes such a fast ageing
of rocks which previous appearance they remembered
well. Also no wonder that in dating carried out by the
old so-called "atheistic orthodox science", rocks
supposedly exist already for millions of human years -
because their ageing takes place in accordance with
this fast "irreversible absolute time of the universe",
while people age accordingly with the slowly elapsing
"reversible software time". For example, I myself with
my own eyes saw (and described in my publications
indicated in item #C4.1 from the web page "immortality.htm")
various examples of how the rocks, that I saw
just a few years earlier and the prior appearance
I remembered exactly, in just a few of those years
of my life aged to the level, the achievement of which
should take them many millions of years. Similar
evidence of extremely rapid aging of the known
rocks reported to me others more observant people.
In turn all living creatures, including humans,
already contain DNA that controls their journey
through this unnatural reversible time - as this
is explained comprehensively on the web page named
while briefly summarises item #G4 from the web page
Thus, the speed of aging of everything that lives in this
"reversible software time", including each one of
us as well as e.g. the entire human civilisation taken
as a whole, is many times slower than the rate of aging
of rocks. After all, the time of each of us and all of the
humanity has these long pauses between subsequent jumps,
and also is continually shifted back by God, improved,
refined, revised, etc. No wonder that the history of human
civilization has only about 6,000 years of that reversible
software time - no matter whether the dating results from
the correctly documented research of the old, official,
"atheistic orthodox science", or from analyses of data
and dates provided for us in the Bible by God.
Part #D:
"For as long as the land of Slavonic Pruses is
supervised by the Madonna of Teutonic
Knights, the German language is to prevail
on this land":
The old prophecy about the Madonna of Teutonic Knights already fulfilled itself once:
In the niche of the castle church from Malbork
in Poland, a huge figure of Madonna of Teutonic
Knights used to stand since Medieval times.
To this figure was linked an old prophecy which
stated that for as long as the land of Slavonic
Pruses is supervised by the Madonna of Teutonic
Knights, the German language is to prevail
on this land. (Note that "Pruses" is the
name assigned to Slavic tribes of pagans
that used to live in North-East corner of Poland.
Under the excuse of conversion to Christianity
they were annihilated by mainly German
"Teutonic Knights".) So-far this prophecy
fulfilled itself already once. This is because
the German language really diminished on
the land of Slavonic Pruses immediately after
in a mysterious and still unexplained explosion
from the last days of the World War Two,
the castle church, together with this figure
of medieval Madonna, were erased from
face of the Earth.
More information about this old figure of Teutonic
Knights and the ancient Polish prophecy linked to it,
can be found in parts #C to #F (i.e. see in there
items #C1 to #F3) from the totaliztic web page
malbork.htm - about mysteries and curiosities of the Teutonic Knights' castle in Malbork.
Fig. #D1abc: Here is how old photographs
portray the stucco statue of Virgin Mary
from the church in Malbork Castle. About
this statue exists an old Polish prophecy
stating that "on
lands of Slavonic Pruses which are overlooked
by this statue, the German language is to
prevail for as long as long this statue watches
these lands". This old prophecy
already fulfilled itself once. As we know this
statue was mysteriously destroyed at the end
of Second World War. Simultaneously the
German language diminished on lands of
Slavic Pruses which this statue supervised.
But in 2007 a group of Polish citizens
organised in a foundation named
Mater Dei
unilaterally (and extremely unwisely) decided
to let us experience whether this prophecy
fulfils itself again. These Polish
citizens initiated a vigorous action to restore
this statue. So we will have the opportunity
to see whether, after the statue is restored,
also the power of the old Polish prophecy
linked to this statue is to return. Means,
whether the German language returns to
this land. The first supernatural acts of this
just restored statue already started to be
manifested. These acts boil down to court
orders taking away lands and homes from
present Polish owners and giving these back
to former German owners, and also on sending
illness to the author opposing of rebuilding
of this statue in its old, Teutonic configuration
and tradition. Descriptions of these new
supernatural acts of that statue are provided
in items #C6 and #F1 to #F3 of the web page
(Click on the selected photograph
if you wish to enlarge it.)
As these photographs illustrate it, the statue of the Malbork Madonna was modelled in the
positioning that represents the expansion and control over lands that this statue overlooks.
Thus it symbolised perfectly the intentions of Teutonic Knights who erected this statue,
enforcing with its supernatural powers the aggressive activities of the Teutonic Knights.
So if this ill-omened statue is restored in present times, for the security and the prophecy
reasons its aggressive and hostile position should be intentionally changed (as the
philosophy of totalizm
and also the Chinese
feng shui
advices this to us - see item #C5 on the totaliztic web page
malbork.htm - about mysteries and curiosities of the Teutonic Knights' castle in Malbork),
thus making it to symbolise and reinforce with its supernatural powers the present situation
of the lands that it supervises. How to accomplish this task is explained in item #C5 mentioned above.
(a) Left photograph originates
from a view card dated in 1930s and
published by Albert Frisch from
Berlin. It shows the head of this
figure, with Holy Infant Jesus
sitting on her hands.
For more details about this photo
see web pages,, and
(b) Central photograph in fact is
a single frame from an old German film
entitled "Land an der Weichsel" by von
Caengel, from 1943. An extremely interesting
is that both, the Virgin Mary, as well
as the Holy Infant from this figure,
had the characteristic "triangular faces"
and "buttock-like" bulges on their chins -
means anatomic features which are typical
for UFOnauts - as this is explained more
comprehensively in caption
under "Fig. #2" from the web page
and the caption under "Fig. #1" from the web page
So it looks like the above figure was
created because sometimes ago a female
UFOnaut impersonated Virgin Mary and
the Holy Infant Jesus.
(c) Right photograph originates
from the German so-called "War Series",
and was published by the Deutsche
Kunstverlag in Berlin around 1940.
It shows the entire statue of the
Virgin Mary together with the bay
in the church elevation in which
this statue was located.
* * *
Please notice that
you can see an enlargement
of each photograph from this page, simply by clicking on
this photograph. You can also download each illustration to your
own computer, and then look at it, reduce or enlarge the size of
it, or print it, with your own graphical software.
Soon we all are going to have opportunity to watch whether this old prophecy fulfils itself again:
In 2007 a group of Polish citizens organized
in the foundation
Mater Dei
voluntarily took an unilateral decision to restore
this old Madonna of Teutonic Knights - see the
description under "Fig. #D1" above. Me personally
their actions resemble these yells of ancient
Israelites at the time of judging Jesus - when
Israelites voluntarily accepted the blood of
Jesus to fall on them and on their descendants (see the
Matthew 27:25 - "The whole crowd answered,
'Let the responsibility for his death fall on us
and on our children'.").
Of course, after the figure is restored we
all will have the opportunity to watch whether
the old prophecy linked to it again fulfils
itself - i.e. whether the German language
is again going to prevail on Slavs' lands
of ancient Pruses. Of course, it does NOT
take a prophet to foresee, that if this language
really returns over there propelled by powers
of the awaken supernatural, then this practically
is going to mean the end of peace and stability
not only for Poland, but also for the entire
Europe, and the arrival to the Earth of another
period of troubles, tormenting, fights, wars,
and everyday nightmare for ordinary people.
After all, there is no such thing as "local
problems" from the middle of Europe.
"Local European" problems always turn
out to be problems of the entire world - as
they affect inhabitants of the entire globe.
Instead of
incarnating the soul
of the hostile to Poles medieval Madonna
created by Teutonic Knights, more rational
would be to build a new Madonna which
would receive a new soul with more friendly
attitude towards Poland and Poles:
At a separate web page named
is explained, that every physical object has
intelligent so-called "soul". In turn this "soul"
has its own personality, habits, memory, history,
etc., which it tries to exercise through the
physical object in which it resides. In case
of the Madonna from Malbork her soul was hostile
towards Poles. Thus the restoration of that
Madonna is going to cause the return (or
incarnation to the statue) of the same old soul
with medieval attitude which is hostile towards
Poles. This in turn means the return of serious
troubles for the entire region - and thus also
for the rest of Europe. Therefore, much more
rational would be to design a completely new
Madonna - as this is explained in item #C5
of the web page
Such a new Madonna would also receive a new
soul -
which would already be nice and friendly
towards creators of it, means towards
Poland and Poles.
Part #E:
"The spark is to emerge from Poland":
"The spark is to come out from Poland" - means a conditional promise from God and the overenthusiastic translation of it into unconditional prophecy:
Probably the most commonly known foretelling
of the possibility that a massive transformation
of humanity can just be coming to the Earth, is
the conditional promise from
God Himself
stating, amongst others, that "the spark is to
emerge from Poland". This conditional promise
God Himself
reveal to the blessed Helena Kowalska - widely
known as the "sister Faustyna" (at present
already a Polish saint). The literal wording
of this conditional promise, and also circumstances
of revealing it, are provided in the statement
number 1732 from "Diary of that sister Faustyna",
published in Poland as a brochure [1#E1]
with the following editorial data: author - blessed
s.M. Faustyna Kowalska, title (in Polish) - "Dzienniczek.
Miłosierdzie Boże w duszy mojej", publisher -
Wydawnictwo Księży Marianów, Warszawa
1996. God expressed this conditional promise
through words - quote from that statement
number 1732 in my own translation: "I do
love Poland especially, and if it (i.e. Poland)
is obedient to my will, then I will uplift it (Poland)
in the power and holiness. It will be from it that
the spark will emerge which will prepare the world
for my final arrival."
(In original Polish langauge: "Polskę szczególnie
umiłowałem, a jeśli posłuszna będzie woli mojej,
wywyższę ją w potędze i świętości. Z niej wyjdzie
iskra, która przygotuje świat na ostateczne
przyjście moje.")
This promise from God was later published and
discussed in many written sources. For example,
amongst others it is discussed on page 160 of
the Italian Book about the pope John Paul the
Second, the Polish edition [2#E1] of
which carries the following editorial data:
Antonio Socci, "Tajemnice Jana Pawła II"
(the title of Italian original "I segreti di Karol Wojtyla"),
Dom Wydawniczy RAFAEL, Kraków 2009, ISBN
Although this promise from God was revealed shortly
before the Second World War, because in 1938,
the message of it spread fast throughout the entire
Poland. Only that in the enthusiasm of spreading
It, Poles changed it from a conditional promise
of God having the format "if ... then ...", into an
erroneously declared unconditional prophecy
that "the spark is to emerge from Poland". I heard
this erroneously announced (because unconditional)
prophecy many times already during my childhood -
means soon after the Second World War. In my
personal opinion, it is unfortunate, that the majority
of people learned it only as such unconditional
prophecy. After all, such unconditional form
discourages Poles to "earning the fulfilment of it"
through meeting the God's condition that stated
"if it (i.e. Poland) is obedient to my will". But God
expressed this clearly - if the Polish nation will NOT
deserve that "the spark emerges from Poland",
then the spark is to emerge from a different country.
Thus, fulfilment of this promise from God is conditional
and the honour of it Poles must firstly earn. Therefore,
I would recommend that in every case of mentioning
this promise from God, an information is always added
that God placed the condition on its fulfilment. This
is because only when everyone is going to be aware
of the existence of such condition, then perhaps will
contribute own effort into fulfilling it.
This conditional promise from God that "the spark
emerges from Poland" links directly incoming
transformations in people's views of the world
with something that eventuates in Poland - as
I believe with the raise of the
philosophy of totalizm.
This direct link between the conditional promise
from God and the philosophy of totalizm can be
deducted from the use of words in this promise.
Namely, the promise uses the word "spark", not
for example the word "leader", or "defender",
or "liberator", or "hurricane", or "horse",
or "ship", etc. In turn we know that a "spark"
is always to ignite and to seed a "flame"
and "light". On the other hand "flame" and "light"
are always associated with knowledge and
intellectual "enlightenment" - means with a better,
newer, more true and more correct view of the world.
This is why the expression "a spark is to emerge
from Poland" is referring to the seed of revolutionary
changes in philosophies, sciences, and religions
of the entire humanity, that are expected to come
soon to the Earth. So this conditional promise from
God perfectly fits in the role the fulfilment of which
is offered by the
philosophy of totalizm
described in volumes 1 to 3 of monograph
[8/2] entitled "Totalizm".
In addition, this conditional promise from God ideally
matches the role that is performed by the
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
and explained in volumes 4, 5 and 6 of that
monograph [8p/2].
About the fact that this "spark" supposed to be
some idea, not e.g. a "leader" or a "military offensive",
certifies also another example of old Polish folklore
believes expressed on page 29 of the book [3#E1]
by Jan Kwaśniewski, Marek Chyliński, "Dieta
Optymalna", second edition, Prasa Śląska,
Katowice, Poland, 1997. This example states,
(in my free translation to English): "for the
astonishment of all nations of the world, from
Poland is to emerge the hope of tormented
humanity" (in the original Polish wording:
"ku zdumieniu wszystkich narodów świata z
Polski wyjdzie nadzieja udręczonej ludzkości").
If one considers it thoroughly, to be simultaneously
a "spark" and a "hope", something can only be
an idea such as "totalizm" or the "Concept of
Dipolar Gravity".
The condition of God "if it (i.e. Poland) is obedient to my will" placed on the promise that the "spark will come out from Poland":
Most clearly already in times of revealing this
conditional promise that "the spark is to come
out from Poland", the wise and far-sighted
God knew perfectly well that during years
from around 1995 to around 2020 Poland
will be ruled by generations of "Midases in
reverse" described in items #I5 and #I6 from
the totaliztic web page
God also predicted already then that these
"Midases in reverse" will push Poland into
claws of highly immoral and destructive
philosophy of parasitism
described, amongst others, in items #B1
to #B7 of the web page
This probably is why His promise God expressed
in a conditional manner. Poland and Poles must
earn it with their moral behaviour and listening to
commands of conscience - as this is required by
the obedience towards the will of God.
The analysis of present attitude of Poland and
Poles towards the
philosophy of totalizm
and towards the "theory of everything" called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity -
from which totalizm emerged, reveal an extremely
strange behaviour. Namely, if really totalizm and
this "theory of everything" supposed to become
the "spark", then in my opinion Poles with the
ferocity of a pack of wolves just right now
"murder" their last chance to ever have the
spark that come out from their country. It is
enough to look in the Internet at addresses
linked in item #E2 from the web page
to notice what representatives of Poland
write about totalizm, how they attack this
philosophy (and theory), how scoff at it and
how spit over it, and how rarely any Pole
speaks good about totalizm or defends it,
to gain a certainty that such "murdering
of totalizm" and such "killing of the Concept
of Dipolar Gravity" is just taking place.
I will not elaborate here on the matter
which is explained in chapter R from monograph
[5/4] (PDF format) -
namely that Poland and Poles disowned and
turned back to the author of these ideas -
means did exactly what deplores verse 1:6-10
from the Biblical Evangel of St. John (reminded
in the introduction to the web page
(Here is the quotation of this verse:
"There came a man
who was sent from God;
his name was John.
He came as a witness
to testify concerning
that light, so that
through him all men
might believe. He
himself was not the
light; he came only
as a witness to the
light. The true light
that gives light to
every man was coming
into the world. He
was in the world,
and though the world
was made through him,
the world did not
recognize him. He came
to that which was his
own, but his own did
not receive him.")
So at the moment everything seems
to indicate that this particular "spark
is NOT going to come out from Poland".
About the fact, that God is NOT happy at all with
the behaviour of Poles, and even indicates the
increasingly greater anger towards inhabitants
of Poland, certifies also the statement number
1188, that the saint "Sister Faustyna" made in
her "Diary" [1#E1]. This statement says, quote
from [1#E1]: "I frequently pray for Poland,
but I also see the growing anger of God at
it, because it is ungrateful. I mobilise the
entire my soul to defend it. I continually remind
God His promises of forgiveness. When I see
His anger, I throw myself with the trust from the
cliff of forgiveness and with it I protect the entire
Poland, so that God is then unable to use His
arm of justice. My fatherland, how much you cost
me, there is no day that I would not pray for you."
The above quotation, in connection with explanation
of the significance of these "ten righteous"
in holding back the arrival of "God's punishment" -
as described in items #B6 and #B5 from the
totaliztic web page
explains to us exactly why, as so-far, there were
no more serious natural disasters in Poland,
of the kind of ones which recently are troubling
almost the entire rest of the world. The question,
which however should be asked, is what is going
to happen to Poland when these "ten righteous"
is to die out as the time elapses, while Poles
will NOT mobilise themselves to upbringing
successors for them.
If "the spark is to come out from Poland" then also "Poland is to spread from the sea to the sea":
The conditional promise form God described
above contains another expression "I will
uplift it (Poland) in the power and holiness".
In this way it relates to a conditional possibility
that yet another old Polish prophecy will also
be fulfilled. This another prophecy stated that
one day "Poland is to spread from the sea
to the sea". (This means that Poland is to
return to its formed power, significance, and
to its previous size when its borders used to
spread from the Baltic Sea down up to shores
of the Black Sea.) Of course,
as everything that originates from God, this
significance and power given to Poland would
come NOT from immoral activities, spill of blood,
military power, and war, but through the moral
force, knowledge, and increase of authority in
the world. As such, these would be permanent.
So if by some unexpected miracle, Poles deserved
the honour that "the spark come out from Poland",
then they would simultaneously deserve also for
the "Poland from the sea to the sea". But if due
to their immorality, viciousness, and stupidity
they murder and burry their chance for "the
spark to come out from Poland", then they will
also murder and burry their chance for the
"Poland spreading from the sea to the sea".
Part #F:
"A Polish pope, a black pope, and then the end of Christianity" (but a beginning of a new faith):
What a half of century ago old people used to tell us about future popes:
"The question that induces reflections: for what Poles loved JP2 (i.e. John Paul Second) -
for the value of his views and ideas, or for the position and power which he represented?
(I.e. for his own accomplishments, or for whatever God did for him?) In other words - would
be he loved the same if God left him to act as an ordinary priest instead of pope?"
In times of my childhood, means over a half
of century ago, there were no televisions sets.
So the favourite entertainment during long
winter evenings were then stories of old people.
In turn a significant proportion of these stories
constituted various statements about the future.
Such statements concerning the future these
old-timers called with the name "prophecies".
But otherwise to prophecies which we currently
can learn from present books, these old "folklore
prophecies" described only what is to come
in the future, but they never stated where exactly
this knowledge originates from. Thus, these
prophecies more represented the common folk
knowledge or a kind of "folkloristic intuition" of
the nation, than a typical, well documented
prophecy originating from some specific source.
I personally, however, believe more in such
"intuitive prophecies of the nation" than in
statements of individual people. After all, they
represent the outcome from the perception
of the future by a huge crowds of people.
As such, they are more certain than predictions
of individual people. Also, they usually fulfil in
exactly the same way in which they were foretold.
(In turn prophecies of individual people usually
are symbolic and require interpretation.)
In times when I wrote down these words on 3 April
2005 (means in one day after the death of 264-th
pope, Pole, John Paul Second), many amongst us wanted
to learn, what a half of century ago these stories
of old people stated about the future popes. After
all, it is obvious that a significant proportion of
these prophecies concerned popes. So here it
is written down what I still remember on this subject.
(Notice that further information on the subject of
the same old prophecy is also provided on internet
web page named
What I remember from times of my childhood
is that the most commonly repeated out of these
"folklore prophecies" about the future popes, was
stating the following (I am repeating it here in the
terminology used at that time). "Firstly a Polish
pope will come, then a black pope will come, while
after the black pope the end of Christianity is to
take place". (By the expression a "black pope"
these prophecies understood decisively a pope
with a black skin - means decisively a black pope
of an African race, not by any chance someone
with a slightly "olive" Mediterranean skin.) Interestingly,
the above "folklore prophecy" was repeated in such
form tens of years earlier before on 16 October 1978
the Polish cardinal Karol Józef Wojtyła, become
264-th pope, John Paul Second. In turn at these old times,
the situation in the world was such, that then NO-ONE
even dreamed that a Polish pope could sit in the
Apostolic Capitol in a near future. Shockingly for
me, the fulfilment of the first half of this prophecy
took place still in the duration of my life. So I am
also very curious to learn, whether the second half
of the same prophecy is going to fulfil soon as well.
What I unfortunately do not remember from these
old folklore prophecies, was whether this "black
pope" supposed to come immediately after the
"Polish pope", or there supposed to still be one
or more intermediate popes between these two.
But this my doubt appeared to clarify around 6:05
in the evening (in time of Rome), on Tuesday,
19 April 2005, when a German Cardinal Dr Joseph
Ratzinger was selected to be 265-the pope,
Benedict XVI. After all, the present pope is of
an European race. But does this really mean
that the time of fulfilling of this old prophecy about
the "black pope" (i.e. of an African race) is NOT
here yet? Means, does it mean that our planet
is NOT ready yet for ending the era of Christianity
and beginning a next era, and that the God’s plan
for the Earth is to establish a few other intermediate
popes between the "Polish pope" and the "black pope"?
During seeking the answer to the above questions,
it is worth to notice that sometimes in situations
when content of prophecies would cause changes
in human behaviours (and this way also disturbances
in the fulfilment of prophecies), for a better hiding
their content some prophecies may refer NOT
directly to people, but to symbols which represent
these people. In such a light, quite intriguing becomes
the coat of arms of the present pope, Benedict XVI.
(On 8 April 2006 this coat of arms of Benedict XVI
could be seen on the internet web page
After all, on the coat of arms
of the present pope, in the left-upper corner, visible
is a head of a black person of an African race -
this coat of arm is shown in "Fig. #F1" below. This
"black head" appears in the bishop coat of arms
for diocese of Freising since XVI century, while
the present pope, Benedict XVI, still keeps his
former bishop’s coat of arms. (I encountered
the statement, that this head appeared on the
coat of arms of the old principality of Freising
as early as 1316.) The highly intriguing is NOT
only the sole fact of the presence of a black
head in the coat of arms of the pope which
come next after the "Polish pope", but also
the name of this head. This "black head"
from the coat of arms of the present pope
is known under two different names, i.e.
under the name (1) "Moor of Freising" -
which can be easily translated into present
language as a "Black from Freising", and
under the name (2) "Caput Ethiopicum" -
which expression in fact has two meaningful
translations into present language. The first
translation of the expression "Caput Ethiopicum"
into present language means the "Head of a Black" -
thus it clearly refers to the position of the carrier
of this coat of arms as to a "black head", means
to the "black leader". But the second translation
of this name is even more strange. Namely, the
expression "Caput Ethiopicum" can also be translated
as the "Fall-down of the Primary Christianity".
The point is that the word "caput" carriers also
the meaning "fall-down" understood in the sense
of "ending", "breaking", or "ruining". In turn the
word "ethiopicum" in old times used to mean also
the "primary version of Christianity" which originally
spread in the area of present Ethiopia. In other
words, the above suggests to watch rather carefully
what in present times happens to Christianity.
Fig. #F1: Examples of web pages on which the
reader can see the Ratzinger's coat of arms - i.e.
the coat of arms of present pope Benedict XVI.
(In order to see this coat of arms, it suffices to
click on any address listed above, and then seek
the coat of arms on the web page that is to appear -
these addresses were tested in February 2009.)
This coat of arms is worth to see. The reason is
that in its upper-left corner the "head of a black
man" is visible. In turn an old Polish prophecy stated
that "firstly comes a Polish pope, then comes
a black pope, and then will be the end of Christianity"
(i.e. the end of to-date version of this religion - means
the end understood as a "beginning of new" not as
an "end of everything"). Shockingly, this prophecy
was known for many years before a Polish cardinal
was chosen to be a pope. In the light of this old
Polish prophecy we can become curious whether
the head of a person of African origin visible on
the pope's coat of arms, is actually a sign from
God that this old Polish prophecy is fulfilling right
now? After all, prophecies not always must be
literal – so is it possible that God coded it
discreetly into the coat of arms of present pope?
What is even more interesting, as this is explained
in items #F3 and #F4 below, this "end of Christianity"
in past was interpreted in the understanding of a
"beginning of something new" - means as a kind
of drastic philosophical transformation of religious
institutions, not as a disappearance of faith in God
and the fall-down of religions. It means that it supposed
to be only an end of the old era of "believing in God"
linked with a simultaneous initiation of a new era of
"knowledge about God". In turn such a "beginning
of new" would already took place if in the beliefs
of people occurred three small transformations, for
example (1) religions would adopt new scientific
foundations of the kind of these ones that are already
provided to them by the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity -
which scientifically described God in a manner that
remains consistent with the
and with other holy books, means which is NOT
contradictive to Christianity, although which provides
different interpretations of holy books than interpretations
developed by Christianity thousands of years ago and
thus not agreeable with modern knowledge concerning
the "liquid computer" - means "counter-matter", or "word" -
in meaning of "information" or a "program", etc. (for
examples of such descriptions of God see volumes 6
and 5 from the monograph
[8/2] "Totalizm"),
(2) religions would start to accept the rights of God to
differentiate His manifestations in every separate culture,
and (3) the present celibate and preference of males
would be abandoned by priests and religious institutions.
Although from the point of view of their character such
changes are purely "cosmetic in nature", from the point
of view of their consequences these changes would turn
to be revolutionary. For example, one amongst their
consequences would be that all religions would cease
to be separate religions, and would begin to be united
form of dissemination the knowledge about God and
facilitation closeness to God.
The prophecy A Polish pope, a black pope,
and then the end of Christianity, is also discussed
in subsection M2 from volume 8 in second edition of monograph
[8/2] "Totalizm".
The same prophecy (about the "end of Christianity") from other sources:
The vital attribute of truth is that in the same
form it usually emerges from a whole range
of various sources. Thus far back in 2005,
i.e. a short time after writing down and publishing
in Internet this web page with old prophecies
from times of my childhood, a reader supplemented
these with additional details. But before I am going
to quote these details here, I would like to
direct the reader's attention to the fact, that
e.g. on the web page indicated below in the
email of that reader, two last popes (i.e.
"Gloria Olivae" and "Petrus Romanus")
is considered to be one and the same person.
Furthermore, it is worth to notice also, that
the list below contains around 100 popes less
than were of them in reality (means that between
historically breakthrough popes which are listed
below, also were elected popes whom have
NOT cause any vital change in the history
of humanity or Christianity). Here are these
additional data posted to me by a reader of
internet web pages of totalizm - I quote these
"word-by-word" from the email of this reader
(in my free translation from Polish):
I am more familiar with the matter of prophecy
than with matters of UFOs. So I am taking this
liberty to remind, that the prophecy concerns
the so-called "revelation of St. Malachiash" - i.e.
medieval monk from Ireland. Here is the link
where this subject is described
St. Malachiash briefly listed all further popes and
added a "Latin pseudo-name" to each one of them.
And so, on the list of St. Malachiash there were
following popes:
medietate Lunae.
- Karol Wojtyła - De labore Solis (the labour of Sun).
The Polish pope, Karol Wojtyła, was born on the day
of Sun eclipse - 18 May 1920. He was buried on Friday,
8 April 2005 - during a solar eclipse.
- the
next supposed to be GLORIA OLIVAE - the
glory of olive tree. It can be interpreted as a pope with
black skin - as the majority of people claim, but we should
also remember that an olive tree and branch are symbols
of people originating from Mediterranean cultures, including
Israelites. So perhaps it describes a pope with Jewish
- the last
supposed to be PETRUS ROMANUS - Roman Peter
(from Rome).
Taking opportunity of this email about prophecies,
I would also like to present the revelation of abbot
Stanislav Reszka: prophecy of abbot Reszka - the
list of Polish kings (from the second half of XVI
century) "Profetia Abbatis Andreoviensis Stanislai
de regibus Poloniae et veritas conformis". Means:
the prophecy of abbot Jedrzejowski Stanislaw Reszka
about kings of Poland.
1. Flos in Vallae - Flower in the valley
2. Nominis Corona - From the name crown
3. Exul fortunatus - Happy exiled
4. Gloria succedens - Glory to come
5. Manipulus sterilis - Unfertile servant
6. Noctis breve Sidus - Star of a short night
7. Manus Congregatorum - Arm of congregated
8. Diversi Coloris - Various colours
9. Solus Princeps - Only prince
10. Ex duobus Unus - One from two
11. Sonitus Apium - Buzzing of bees
12. Custos Vigilantiae - Guard of alertness
13. Ipse Fortis - Alone brave
14. Civitatis aliquod ornamentum - An ornament of kingdom
15. Alter Cracus - Second Krak
16. Patriae Sol - Sun of the country
17. Regnorum Occasus - Fall of kingdoms
Interpretations of Prof. Bartłomiej Groch provided
in the book "Ks. Bronisław Markiewicz i jego dzieło
oraz przepowiednie o przyszłości Polski" describes:
1. Flos in Valle - Henryk Walezy, because
Latin "vallis - valley" is related to the French word Valois.
Waleziushes had in their coat of arms the "lily of valley".
2. Nominis Corona - Stefan Batory, in Greek
"stefanos" means "crown" or "garland".
3. Exul fortunatus - Zygmunt III. As a child
he was send to exile from Sweden, luckily for him becoming
a king of Poland.
4. Gloria succedens - Władysław IV, famous from victories.
5. Manipulus sterilis - Jan Kazimierz, which finally abdicated.
6. Noctis breve Sidus - Michal Korybut Wiśniowiecki,
whose ruling was short and destructive for Poland. He had stars in
his coat of arms.
7. Manus Congregatorum - Jan III Sobieski,
victorius king from the battle of Vienna with Turks.
8. Diversi Coloris - August II, whom ruled
Poland and Saxony.
9. Solus Princeps - Stanisław Leszczyński
(here is uncertainty, whether the order of this king should
be changed with the next one).
10. Ex duobus Unus - August III Mocny
(see above).
11. Sonitus Apium - Stanisław August,
under whose rules Poland resembled a busy beehive.
12. Custos Vigilantiae - Tadeusz Kościuszko,
who patronised all attempts at the rebirth of Poland.
13. Ipse Fortis - Henryk Dąbrowski, creator of Legions.
14. Civitatis aliquod ornamentum - times of Warszawa
Principality and the prince Józef Poniatowski.
15. Alter Cracus - Second Cracovian - Józef Piłsudski,
who restored the Polish country, while people make for him
a mound in Krakow like in past they did this to the legendary
16. Patriae Sol - Sun of the country - the pope
John Paul II.
17. Regnorum Occasus - ?????? means the
FALL DOWN OF KINGDOMS - times when kingdoms,
countries, and political systems will fall down. After the
death of John Paul II...
A common point for number 17? The future "ruler" -
"representative of the nation". What can cause the
fall down of countries and political systems - economic, political, etc.?
On the above
question, giving a lot of food for thoughts, finishes the quotation
from email of the reader of this web page.
The "end of Christianity" was used in this prophecy in the sense of the "beginning of something new", not as the "definitive end of everything":
In the above "folklore prophecy" very interesting
is the interpretation of this "end of Christianity".
From explanations of these old people I remember
that this end has NOT supposed to mean the
complete ceasing by people to believe in God,
nor a fall-down of religious institutions presently
represented by churches, temples, priests, etc.
It also has NOT mean that it supposed to occur
then the "end of world" - and thus that there will
be no room for any religion. Old people who used
to tell these "prophecies" clearly explained this
"end of Christianity" in a completely different manner.
Namely they claimed that the Christianity will be
then replaced by a much "better faith in God".
Means, that the present institution called "Christianity",
which is dedicated to the "service to God", and
which was shaped historically from merging together
a specific faith, knowledge, traditions, symbolism,
methods of action, people, holy places and buildings,
etc., then become replaced with a much better
institution, which is going to call itself differently.
But this new institution still will be dedicated to
"serving God for the benefit of people", also it
still will be composed of knowledge, tradition,
methods of action, people, holy places and
buildings, etc. What even more interesting,
the attributes of this new "better faith in God"
which in the future supposed to replace the
present Christianity, quite exactly correspond
to attributes of the philosophy called
(the relatively extensive description of which is
provided in monograph [8/2], and also in numerous
internet web pages about totalizm - for example in web
pages about the
philosophy of totalizm,
Bible as an "autobiography of God",
moral laws,
free will, and
God as well as
scientific evidence for the existence of God -
all disseminated via
"Menu 4"
from this web page).
Initially the changes can be "purely cosmetic":
"All things are simple - these are people who make them complicated."
When one hears the expression "the end
of Christianity" from the old Polish prophecy
about the "Polish pope, black pope, and the
end of Christianity", then in eyes of imagination
one sees this end as a kind of catastrophe.
For example, it can be seen as an "end of world"
together with a physical impossibility that any religion
could be continued, or it can be seen as a "nuclear
war" combined with the destruction of churches
and too-tough fight for everyday survival of these
sparse people that are still alive, to make them devote
time and energy for supporting the institution of church.
However, if we recall what old people used to tell
about this "end of Christianity", then it turns out
that in fact they described only the "end of an old"
which appears only to release the "beginning of a
new". Also, it turns out that actual changes by such
"end of an old and beginning of a new" initially may
have rather "purely cosmetic" character, and may
just concern more changes in philosophy and views
of the world, than a complete reformation of the
institution of church and "faith in God". For example,
if this "end of an old and beginning of a new" would
occur on the basis of findings of the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
and the
philosophy of totalizm,
then in reality changes that would take place could
limit themselves to mainly 3 "cosmetic" philosophical
improvements of Christianity, namely to:
1. Adopting by Christianity the scientific foundations
in the form of findings of the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
This small philosophical change in the form of
adopting the Concept of Dipolar Gravity for scientific
foundations, would cause revolutionary consequences.
For example, it would allow to prove scientifically the
existence of God, scientifically explain God - as this
is done in volume 6 of monograph
[8/2] "Totalizm",
and scientifically direct the coexistence of people
with God in such a manner that it would serve most
beneficially to happiness of people and to goals of
God. In other words, basing the teaching and activities
of the Christianity on scientific foundations which
stem from the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
would cause that the
to-date faith in God would be replaced by the future
knowledge and certainty of God.
2. Accepting the existence of multitudes of different
manifestations of God. Means accepting that for
subsequent cultures which attributes mutually differ,
the same God manifests His existence and actions also in a differentiated manner - i.e. in a manner which is suiting the best each given culture. This small philosophical transformation again in consequences would turn to be revolutionary. After all, due to it, all religions would rapidly become able to unify into a single institution of "service for God". This is because all religions serve the same God. Only that each one of them serves God in a manner which is agreeable with manifestations that this single God uses to appeal to the unique culture of people whom given religion serves. In the result, all priests of all religions are in fact "professional servicemen to the same God" - means all of them are professional colleagues. The only things that differentiate them between themselves are traditions and cultures of nations which they bring closer to God. So instead of present different religions, after this philosophical improvement is accepted, it would emerge a single institution of service to God, in the volume of which subsequent priests would only act in the spirit of tradition of Catholicism, or Protestantism, or Hinduism, or Buddhism, or Taoism, etc.
3. Ceasing celibate and preferences for males. This in turn would cause a whole array of consequences, in spite that the majority of laws and traditions of church and religion would still be kept (e.g. the properties of church would still belong to church, not to priests). For example, male priests could have wives and children. Masses could be conducted by female priests. Female priests could also have husbands and children. Thus priests would cease to be separated from a real life (as this is the case at present). Also would disappear the major obstacle to the profession of a priest.
A main curiosity of the above philosophical changes would be that in spite of their "cosmetic nature", their consequences would turn revolutionary. After all, these consequences would include, amongst others: "the transformation of faith in God into knowledge of God", a renewal of interest of people in God, an uplifting of the general morality of all people, an increase in happiness of individual people, an initiation of the path towards a new totaliztic era in faith and in social politics, the uniting of all religions in the world, the change of all separate religious services into a single professional service for God, the disappearance of separate religions (e.g. Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, etc.) and the establishing of a single "service to God according to Christian tradition", "service to God according to Hinduism tradition", "service to God according to Buddhism tradition", and many more massive changes. Of course, apart from entire religions and nations, these changes would affect also individual people.
The moral crisis of Catholicism from April 2010:
In April 2010 the Roman-Catholic church went
through very serious crisis, which almost
turned out to be that "last straw able to break
the camel's back", and about further consequences
of which perhaps we still are going to hear.
Everything started over a month earlier when
the world press encountered the information
that Cardinal Dr Joseph Ratzinger, in times
proceeding becoming the Pope Benedict XVI,
was responsible for cover up and protecting
from justice several immoral priests who abused
sexually children given to their care.
Examples of methods of this covering up
and protecting, together with several names
of specific priests who were subjected to
this process, describe several newspaper
articles. To these belong, e.g. an article
[1#F5] "Predators shuffled around the globe"
from page B9 of New Zealand newspaper
Weekend Herald,
issue dated on Saturday, April 17, 2010;
or the article [2#F5] "Ratzinger
refused to defrock priest", from page A15
of newspaper
The New Zealand Herald,
issue dated on Tuesday, June 1, 2010.
In the result, these priests whose immoral
activities and sexual abuse of children
qualified not only to be deprived of priesthood,
but also asked for hefty criminal punishments,
were by Vatican just delegated to less known
parts of the world, where they could continue
to carry out their immoral style of living.
The world press quite precisely documented its
accusations. For example, it provided names of
specific priests and specific places in which these
priests sexually abused children, reproduced
letters with directives signed by Cardinal Dr
Joseph Ratzinger, etc. But instead fighting these
specific accusation with equally specific defence
(e.g. by giving the description of steps taken to
prevent re-offending by these priests, or providing
statistics that would indicate the level of rehabilitation
amongst these relocated priests), Vatican started to
repeat medieval methods of its acting letting world
to know that all these re just "actions of Satan" aimed
at destruction of the church. Of course, such a
reaction of Rome just only make the situation worse.
On the entire world people started to show their
disgust. Many disgusted Catholics left the church.
For example, according to the article "German
Catholics abandon church" from page B2 of
New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Friday, April 16, 2010, only in the
month of March 2010 and only in one diocese
Freiburg, Catholicism was abandoned by 2711
former faithful.
According to my personal estimate, the largest
danger, however, that this moral crisis of church
from April 2010 may lead to the fulfilment of the
prophecy described here, introduced a humble
initiative described in the article "Pair want Pope
arrested in Britain over sex abuse cover up" from
page B1 of New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Monday, April 12, 2010. According
to this article, a famous atheist, Richard Dawkins,
established a team of lawyers whom get the goal to
mount a court case in which the Pope could be arrested
under the accusation of crimes against humanity.
Professor Dawkins is widely known in the world
that he typically carries his actions to the conclusion -
as an example see the outcomes of his campaign
of advertisements on buses that "there is NO God"
discussed in item #A2 of the web page
or in item #H4 of the web page
So if he really manages to mount a court case
on the basis of which the Pope can be arrested
and placed in court, then in reality this can spell
the end of Christianity. After all, such an accusation
causes the arrest of Pope - if just for any reasons
he leaves the Vatican. In addition the Pope is NOT
going to use a "diplomatic immunity" against the
accusation, because his country is NOT a member
of United Nations. In turn after the arrest of Pope,
the Catholic Church would simply disintegrate.
Anyway, if the Pope is sentenced for the activity
against the humanity, this would open doors for
announcing the entire Catholic church to be an
"illegal institution" and to dissolve this church. Thus
the prophecy described here could fulfil.
One amongst directions of my research is the link
between catastrophes and
immoral philosophies of people
which are affected by these catastrophes. This
research are described more comprehensively
on the web page
They reveal quite an shocking picture. Namely, that
simultaneously with the time when around 1995 the
rules over the Earth assumed a highly immoral
generation which in items #I5 and #I6 of the web page
is called "Midases in reverse",
started also on the Earth the process of "moral
cleansing of the humanity". This process boils
down to judging from the point of view of morality
every community and institution on the Earth,
and then annihilating discreetly these amongst
them which are NOT clean morally - of course
after firstly receiving the warning from God that
they need to change their behaviour. It look like,
that the Catholic church is NOT released or
excluded from going through this process of
cleansing. This is why, that moral crisis of April
2010 probably is an initial warning from God.
This warning states, that either the Catholic church
starts to change its ways by itself - thus morally
cleansing itself and adopting methods of action
which are appropriate to requirements of present
times (as this is described in item #F4 above),
or the old prophecy described here is going
to fulfil.
Part #G:
"The arrival of Second Jesus to Christchurch in 1999":
The exact content of prophecies described
in this section I learned outside of Poland.
But they have a link with very similar prophecies
which I have heard in
during my childhood soon after the Second
World War.
Divine revelation of Dayaks about a date when Second Jesus is to initiate his mission on the Earth:
At Borneo I lived at the territory, which is mainly occupied by tribes of Land Dayaks. They call themselves "Bidayuh". Dayaks are very special people. Their elders are widely known from wisdom and prophetic capabilities. In turn their women are famous from being very beautiful, and are recognised as one of the most beautiful women in the world. (I must admit, that the fame of these miniature, shapely, full of grace, and beautiful women of the exquisite lineament, is fully deserved.) Dayaks proverbs are considered to be real pearls of folk wisdom. They adopted Christianity only lately, and as this is always the case with someone who just turned into the Christian faith, near their churches a lot of miracles and extraordinary events took place lately.
Initially I was introduced to Dayaks by my students, who were Dayaks by themselves, thus who introduced me to their relatives, friends, and to people of authority in their tribes. These introductions represented the only period in my life, when I was called a "guru", and I did not object when this name was used on me. In the everyday language used by Dayaks, the word "guru" adopted from the Indian language, means "teacher". But Dayaks use it only towards these teachers, whom they like and with whom they are friendly. (The remaining lecturers they call officially "my lecturer" or "my professor".) Dayak students always introduced me to their families, friends, or authorities, as "my guru".
I was very attracted to Dayaks, because of the numerous unexplained phenomena, which were taking place amongst them. So I had a lot of Dayak friends, and kept continuous contact with them. One Dayak elder, with whom I was spending a lot of time on discussions, show me a lot of trust by disclosing a religious revelation received at that time by some Dayaks' elders. This religious revelation was stating, that Second Jesus was already on Earth, and that He is to officially start His ministry on Earth in the day when the "euro" currency is introduced in Europe. (As we know from the history of "euro", this currency was introduced in several stages. The date of the first of these introductions, although limited one, was on 4th January 1999. On 1 January 2002 the currency "euro" was introduced again, this time as the official currency of twelfth, out of 15 existing, countries of the European Common Marked. Countries which in 1/1/2 officially introduced it into the circulation were: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain. It was not introduced in: Britain, Sweden, Denmark.) The introduction of this euro currency, according to the revelation of Dayaks, was the act of a symbolic revival of the Roman Empire. Prophecies were saying, that it is also going to be the date, when Second Jesus was to begin His official ministry on Earth. The revelation also stated, that just before He starts His ministry on Earth, He is to visit Dayaks and live amongst them for a while.
Of course, I was very interested in this revelation. As a small boy I have heard a lot of prophecies about the time of arrival of Second Jesus to Earth, which is just approaching. For example, old Polish prophecies closely link the mission of Second Jesus on Earth with Poland, by stating that "the spark is going to come out from Poland" - whatever this means. This is why in old days many Poles used to believe that Poland is going to fulfil the key role in the mission of Second Jesus on Earth. (E.g. see the following words expressing the essence of one of these prophecies "for the surprise of all nations of the world, from Poland is to come the hope for the tormented humanity" - in the Polish original "ku zdumieniu wszystkich narodow swiata z Polski wyjdzie nadzieja udreczonej ludzkosci", which are repeated on page 29 of the book: Jan Kwasniewski, Marek Chylinski, "Dieta Optymalna", second edition, Prasa Slaska, Katowice 1997.) Only then, as Bible states, the Second Jesus is to strike the hordes of Satan from East to West ("For the Son of Man will come like the lightning which flashes across the whole sky from the east to the west" - Matthew 24:27). The Bible also several times proclaims and emphasizes, that Second Jesus is going to arrive humbly and without announcement, "like a thief". As an example of these proclamations see Revelation 3:3 "If you do not wake up, I will come upon you like a thief, and you will not even know the time when I will come". The same states Revelation 16:15 "Listen! I am coming like a thief!", and 2 Peter 3:10 "But the day of the Lord will come like a thief". Furthermore, the Bible warns "So then, you also must always be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you are not expecting him." (see Matthew 24:44). Thus, apart from a sparse few, whom God gifted with the ability to find His greatness hidden behind the screen of modesty and usualness, the entire humanity will learn who He really was only after he departs. Polish prophecies stated also that Second Jesus is going to be born as an ordinary man (Son of Man), not as Son of God, and that He will not do any miracles by Himself, although numerous miracles are going to occur in His vicinity. After all, He needs to be recognised by people because of the type of work He is doing on Earth, not because of miracles that can easily be fabricated by all these "false prophets" about which
is warning us. (For example, see words of the Bible: "Then, if anyone says to you, 'Look here is the Messiah!' or 'There he is!' - do not believe him. For the false Messiahs and false prophets will appear, they will perform great miracles and wonders in order to deceive even God's chosen people, if possible." - Matthew 24:23-24.) Furthermore, the mission of Second Jesus on Earth is not to take away sins that people committed, or are to commit, but to indicate and to open for people a new path to continuous self-improvement, so that each person could start to march in the correct direction of moral self-saving. This mission of Second Jesus to start self-improvement and self-saving of these people who are willing to do so, is quite clearly expressed in the Bible, where it is contained e.g. in the words (Hebrews 9:27-28): "Everyone must die once, and after that be judged by God. In the same manner Christ also was offered in sacrifice once to take away the sins of many. He will appear a second time, not to deal with sin, but to save those who are waiting for him." Prophecies state also, that Second Jesus splits Earth into two halves. Many people interpret this prophecy literally, believing that at the time of appearing on Earth, the manifestation of His godly powers will be so enormous, that Earth literally will split under His feet. But according to philosophy of totalizm, such an open manifestation of His godly power would run against "canon of ambiguity" described in subsection
B7.4 from the monograph
[8/2] "Totalizm".
In such a case people would have no other option but to do exactly what Second Jesus orders them. In turn such a lack of other option would completely deprive people of their free will. Therefore, this prophecy about the splitting of Earth should be interpreted allegorically. Second Jesus is not going to split Earth physically under the feet, but is going to philosophically split people inhabiting Earth into two opposite camps: these ones who choose the path of obeying moral laws and laborious climbing towards perfection, and these ones who choose the path of comforts, walking around moral laws, and moral decadency. According to prophecies, Second Jesus changes completely on Earth also the speed of elapse of time and the understanding of time. In the effect of His activities, the same period of time of one week which so-far encompassed the equivalent of present 7 days, because of Him will be possible to extend later technically, so that it is going to encompass equivalent of present 8 days. So-far people did not know how to interpret this strange prophecy. Thus they explained it allegorically, usually as a change of calendar and the arrival of a new era.
But subsection H9.1 and chapter M of
monograph [1/4]
clearly reveals, that this prophecy is simply an information about the use of device that changes the speed of elapse of time, only it is explained with the use of primitive ideas available for people thousands of years ago. According to it, in result of the arrival of Second Jesus humanity learns how to change the speed of elapse of time.
Thus time becomes then like a rubber - it can be stretched with the use of appropriate technical device described, for example, on the web page
Present 7-day long week will be then possible to stretch so that it will be lasting for the equivalent of present 8 days. Probably also such continuous stretching of time by around 15%, so that the present week will then occupy an equivalent of present 8 days, will be possible to accomplish without a damage to human health and without any undesirable consequences to the natural environment on Earth. Therefore one of numerous effects of the activities of Second Jesus will be that a new era will come to Earth in future, when time will be continually stretched by these 15%, so that the future week will be lasting for the duration of present 8 days.
With the prophecy about Second Jesus another prophecy about Antichrist is also connected. Second Jesus is installed by God in order to remove Satan from Earth and to initiate a new era of prosperity and happiness that is to prevail for a next thousand of years. But Satan is not going to give up so easily, and it is going to react on the arrival of Second Jesus by sending his Antichrist. The task of Antichrist is to destroy work of Second Jesus and to extend the rules of Satan on Earth. Antichrist supposed to arrive to Earth soon after the arrival of Second Jesus. With his arrival, or with his person, somehow triple digit "6" supposed to be connected, e.g. it may arrive on 6 June 2006. His words, behaviour, and also external appearance, are going to mimic original Jesus. Therefore an old Polish belief states that "Antichrist is to mimic the face of Jesus" and that "Antichrist is going to impersonate Second Jesus". After a spectacular arrival in fire and thunders, Antichrist is going to complete a lot of tricks, which to naive people will look like miracles and healings completed by original Jesus. Therefore many people are going to be deceived by these tricks, and begin to follow Antichrist, worshipping him like he is God. But the aim of Antichrist is only to gain political power. Then he starts doing evil and serve Satan. By deception and machinations he is going to build up a huge empire on Earth, which is going to span almost a half of our planet. In this empire he is going to rule cruelly and with an iron hand. For example he is going to force all his people to surgically implant a kind of identification chip (i.e. a "mark of the beast"), without which no activities can be carried out in public, e.g. even buying bread will require this chip. Citizens of his empire will NOT be happier or safer than before his arrival. He also is to instigate many wars. The last battle in these wars is going to have some connection with the place in Israel called Armageddon. According to prophecies, Antichrist is going to be defeated in there by combined forces of the rest of world, which by that time will already recognise teachings of the real Second Jesus.
The problem with similar timings of the arrival of firstly Second Jesus which does good, and then Antichrist which pretends to be Second Jesus but does evil, is distinguishing between these two. Probably for this reason times in which this happens are going to be called times of judgement. People are going to be forced to judge by whom they stand. Many is going to be deceived and they stand by Antichrist. But according to prophecies, differences between these two are huge and should be obvious at a first glance. Each one of them is an opposite of the other one. Antichrist serves Satan, Second Jesus serves God. Antichrist is to hide truth, Second Jesus is to disclose it. Antichrist does his actions spectacularly, to amaze crowds. Second Jesus does everything humbly, quietly, and without publicity, "like a thief". Antichrist takes political power over people and rules physically. Second Jesus appeals to logic and conscience of people, leading them only spiritually. Antichrist orders and demands blind obedience. Second Jesus explains and convinces, but leaves to everyone the free will and choice what to do. Antichrist only speaks of doing good, while actually spreads evil. But Second Jesus teaches how to do good, and does good by himself. Antichrist publicly shows off numerous "miracles" and "healings", but does not leave any disciple, nor teaches other people anything useful. Second Jesus does not do miracles by Himself (although these will take place in His vicinity), although leaves many followers behind and gives enough knowledge to initiate a completely new era on Earth.
After hearing about this Dayak's revelation, which indicated the date of official initiation of mission by Second Jesus, just in case I checked whether anyone from Europe is living amongst them at that time. As it turned out, there was no such an European. It was not a good time for this type of endeavours. After all, in that region of Borneo local authorities deepened their adverse to Europeans, because of the accusation from Europe that they allow the destruction of tropical forests. Moreover, area of the South-East Asia was just in the grip of a powerful financial crisis (called then the "Asian Crisis"). Thus apart from a few tourists, in the whole Sarawak there was only a handful of Europeans living semi-permanently. Unfortunately, each one of them was busy with completing some kind of an urgent contract or profession, and had no time to live amongst Dayaks.
More information about this divine revelation to
Dayaks is provided in items #73 and #74 from
chapter A4 in volume 1 of
monograph [1/4],
as well as in items #73 and #74 from subsection
L4 in volume 8 of second edition of
monograph [8/2] "Totalizm".
Supernatural revelation from Christchurch, New Zealand, about the arrival of Second Jesus to Christchurch in 1999:
On Friday, 24 September 1999 I was watching TV news on channel 1 of TV New Zealand. They were broadcasted from 6:00 to 7:00 pm. Rapidly I was shocked by one news item. It was a short, scoffing report, which was making fun of the manager from Christchurch city council. He was spending millions on beautifying his city for the arrival of Second Jesus. (In this scoffing TV news item, the city manager of Christchurch was finger-pointed by name.) This news item mainly concentrated on scoffing and ridiculing, thus almost contained no facts. But it was implying, that there was some divine event, which revealed, that in 1999 city of Christchurch is to be honoured by the visit from Second Jesus, and that the manager of city council took this divine revelation enough seriously, to invest millions of dollars into the preparation of Christchurch for this very special visit. Unfortunately I was able to remember only a few data from this brief news item. (I have not seen it again, so I had no opportunity to refresh my memory, to verify my understanding of it, or to record it.) But as I understood this news item, it mentioned several vital areas of Christchurch, which were selected for rebuilding and for beautifying for the arrival of Second Jesus. Out of what still stays in my mind, most probably in this program mentioned were, amongst others, the central square of Christchurch, named "Cathedral Square", which - according to this divine revelation, was to be the culmination point of the visit of Second Jesus; the main entry road to Christchurch from the Timaru side - as according to this divine revelation this was to be the road by which Second Jesus was to enter Christchurch (to Christchurch lead three major roads: from Timaru, from the West Coast, and from Kaikoura, plus several further small, local roads); and the covered swimming pool of Christchurch, which was to be made ready to be used if Second Jesus decides to carry out mass christening. Immediately after I heard this news item, I rushed to learn more details about where and how this divine revelation took place, what exactly it stated, etc. To my enormous disappointment, I could not find any further details to be officially provided. It appeared as if this divine revelation induced only a mass disbelieve, scoffing, and ridiculing, while no official source was prepared to carry out the duty of rational informing people what actually had happened. For me personally such reactions sounded a bit arrogant and unwelcome towards God. The only other news item, which referred to this revelation, and which I managed to find, was a very brief article [25A4] "A gay old time in the capital". On 30 September 1999, it was published on page 4 of the newspaper "The Timaru Herald" (Bank Street, Timaru, New Zealand). This article again was not providing any informative details, but limited itself to additional scoffing at the beautifying activities of the Christchurch city manager (again finger-pointing him by name, so there is no mistake who is he), and associated his case with sarcastic comments about homosexuals. Fortunately verbal rumours, which at that time started to spread throughout New Zealand, were not so laconic, although they were quite imprecise, and full of mutual contradictions. Of course, because of the complete lack of official information, what actually had happened, no-one knows which parts of these rumours were coinciding with truth, which were just speculations. According to these verbal rumours which I heard at that time, there was a divine revelation in one of fundamentalist churches in Christchurch. In a miraculous manner many people from this church got the breathtaking divine message, that Second Jesus is going to visit Christchurch in 1999, that the culmination point of His visit is to be the central Cathedral Square from Christchurch, that He arrives to that city by the main road from the Timaru side, and that the city is specially chosen for this honour for many important reasons. Because the city manager supposedly was one of those numerous people, who experienced this divine revelation in person, and had no slightest doubt about its significance, he decided to save no funds in order to prepare city for such an unique occasion. So he laid new marble-like paving of the "Cathedral Square" - so that Second Jesus had a nice area to conduct public masses, and he rebuild the main road on the Timaru side, by which Second Jesus was to enter the city. Furthermore, from his own initiative he additionally modernised the city's covered swimming pool - so that there is a facility to conduct mass christening. I actually was so much interested in this divine revelation, that in 1999 I especially drove from Timaru to Christchurch - and I did it a number of times. I wanted to check how these works are progressing, on what scale they are carried out, what are their outcomes, and also I wanted to talk to local people from Christchurch whether any new developments took place (after all, I could not count on the official information about these matters, as mass media in New Zealand refused to report objectively what was happening). And in fact, I noted that the marble-like pavements of the "Cathedral Square" in my opinion looked marvellous. From the previous typical Eastern, provincial small town appearance of this square, they transformed it into a large city centre with a very modern, European taste, which literally took breath away with its elegance, nobility, majestic, openness, and prospective. Also the main entry road to Christchurch from the Timaru side was really much improved. Unfortunately, the impressive scope of beautifying works, which I initially observed on this road during my first entrances to Christchurch, was soon narrowed down - probably because of the effects of all these scoffing attacks of the New Zealand mass media. In the result, even after it was rebuild and beautified, this read still left a lot to wish for. In turn what happened with the city's covered swimming pool, I am not able to report here, because I never went to see it. But the entire year 1999 passed quietly, and the awaited by everyone fiery spectacle of the divine entry of Second Jesus to Christchurch did not take place. From the talks, which at that time were carried out about this subject, it appears that everyone expected a rather spectacular event, full of fire, lightning flashes, and other manifestations of Godly powers. Thus, when nothing like this has happened, many people showed not only a large disappointment, but also a large anger. A typical reaction was, that many people only deepen their scepticism and readiness for scoffing. Almost no-one with whom I discussed, expressed an opinion that Second Jesus actually could arrive to Christchurch not in a spectacular manner, which everyone was expecting, but exactly as the divine revelation in Bible foretold this, means humbly and unrecognised "like a thief" (see Bible, 2 Peter 3:10 - "But the day of the Lord will come like a thief.").
The comparison of the above extraordinary revelation with the content of old prophecies seems to suggest, that in present days it is the city of Christchurch, that is selected by the universal intellect to be the "City of Second Jesus". After all, it is Christchurch where there was a divine revelation that foretold His visit. Christchurch is also the only city on Earth, which beautified and prepared itself for His arrival - in spite that its citizens later were disappointed, because they were not seeing the fiery spectacle that they expected. Furthermore, in the English language the name of this city "Christ-church" has a meaningful connotation. In addition to all this, the location of Christchurch is coinciding with old prophecies. After all, this city is located in the most Eastern country of our planet, while each new day on Earth starts in this city. Christchurch is also located in the Christian country, which as the first in the world experienced the sunrise of the new millennium. By being so special city, Christchurch undoubtedly is performing currently some symbolic role, which probably we do not realise yet. Perhaps, whatever happens in it, it expresses the symbolic essence of similar phenomena on the whole our planet. I personally believe, that Christchurch in present times is what Jerusalem used to be around 2000 years ago.
The special role that God granted to Christchurch
is emphasized in practically all features of that
city. For example, people who visit New Zealand
and see that city, will immediately notice that God
make Christchurch the only "city" in New Zealand,
which was intentionally planned and purposely
build as a city. The proof of that uniqueness
of the pre-planned design and building, is that
Christchurch is the only city in the
entire New Zealand which actually has the
structure of a city, means the plan of which
is based on the centrally located and intentionally
designed Cathedral Square. Thus, the plan
of Christchurch is characteristic for typical cities
of Europe and the world, in which the entire structure
is based on their central squares. On the other
hand, the majority of other "cities" of New Zealand
is based on a single long road along which caravans
of gold prospectors or cattle merchants travelled
in past, while on sides of which these
travellers stayed for nights constructing sheds
that with the elapse of time transformed into
houses. Only sparse cities of New Zealand
eventuated on crossings of two roads, for example
as this is the case in Invercargill or in Dunedin,
while this road-crossing with the elapse of time
was beautified and transformed into a kind of
cramped city centre. But in reality, apart from
Christchurch, NO other "city" of New Zealand
have a purposely build and spacious central
square. (I should remind here, that according
to the English definition still respected in New Zealand,
a "city is only such a human settlement which
either have over 100000 inhabitants, or have
its own cathedral". Until 2009 New Zealand had
only 6 cities, namely - listing from north to south:
Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington, Christchurch
Dunedin and Invercargill. In 2009 to this
category was included also the 7th city called Tauranga,
which population just exceeded 100000 inhabitants.)
Christchurch was also blessed by God with all
other features of a "city", such as nearby natural
sea port, beaches, picturesque river, a real city
park and museum, and flat grounds for expanding
streets and for building houses that have picturesque
mountains nearby. No wonder that it was Christchurch
which was privileged by God, probably receiving
the honour of secretive hosting of Second Jesus
in 1999 (but the question remains whether
with later reactions, citizens of Christchurch
actually endorsed the honour of this hospitality -
compare the description of events that followed
later, with item #I3 below on this web page).
However, I must add here, that after the entire year 1999 has passed, and the awaited spectacular arrival of Second Jesus to Christchurch would not happen, I also stopped to maintain my interest in this matter. Although I lived until 12 February 2001 on the same island as Christchurch, the reason for which in 1999 I was repetitively driving to Christchurch disappeared (namely these preparations for the fiery spectacle of the arrival of Second Jesus were finished). I drove later several times along the orbital highway, which runs around circumference of Christchurch's suburbs, and I also used the Christchurch's airport, which is located just by this orbital highway. But after 1999 all my rides near Christchurch did not induce in me the sufficient curiosity to actually enter this city, and to see for myself what happens with these marble-like pavements of Second Jesus from the Cathedral Square. Now I regret this my failure to visit Christchurch after 1999, because as it tuned out, the matter of the pavements would not finish in 1999, but it had a further follow up in 2001 and 2002. Thus, for a scientific exactitude I should watch closely and be able to report thoroughly also this further evolution of events.
This further fate of the marble-like pavements, was induced by some interesting phenomenon, which so-far I do not understand fully, but which I believe that I should investigate - if I have such an opportunity. It appears to me that the religious motivation behind the renovation of major areas of Christchurch, seemingly still bothered a lot of people even two years later, i.e. at the beginning of the year 2001. These people started then their public attacks on the effects of this renovation, and tried to destroy these effects with a wave of public hysteria. For example, on Tuesday, 13 February 2001, at 6:25 pm, Channel 1 of TVNZ broadcasted another sarcastic news items entitled "Redesigning Christchurch Square". This news item attacked again very sarcastically the newly paved City Square, by insinuating that after the renovation it has no character and that it makes a poor impression on tourists (it is worth to notice, that this type of claim is fully subjective, and it can be raised about every possible place on the Earth - actually I seen many times this square in 1999, and I know for sure that the renovation was done with a high taste and that the square indescribably gained on the elegance). In my opinion, behind these attacks stand people, who are not able to accept the religious motivation for the renovation of the central place of Christchurch, and thus who are trying to induce a kind of "artistic hysteria", which caused the removal of these "religiously motivated marble-like pavements". (My experience with such people is, that according to the "coefficient of deception" equal to 180 degrees, they never say openly what really bothers them, and therefore they always launch their attacks under any other excuse, which they can invent, and which they know that is difficult to defend.) Although at the surface it may appear that all these attacks have some physical motivation centred at the appearance of Christchurch, actually if one analyses the circumstances in which they were launched, their real but well hidden motive seemed to be an "anti-Jesus hysteria".
On Tuesday, 15 May 2001, at 18:25, evening news broadcasted on channel 1 of TVNZ, returned to the matter of instigating the rebuilding the Cathedral Square in Christchurch. After another series of vicious attacks on the marble-like pavements, another plan of "improving" of this square was proposed. This plan was thought so cunningly, that the marble-like pavements installed for the arrival of Second Jesus, supposed to become completely covered with soil on which flowers supposed to be planted and various structures supposed to be build. Television showed various individuals, whose appearance was saying a lot, which almost hysterically or fanatically, were criticising the appearance of this square and pavement. As it is apparent, various individual pre-programmed by some evil forces, were not prepared to let it go, until the pavement installed for honouring the arrival of Second Jesus to Christchurch, is somehow removed from the view of people, or is completely dug out from this central square of the city.
For moral mechanisms and laws entire cities are
simply "group intellects" described, amongst others,
in items #B5 to #F4 from the web page named
and items #B2 to #B4.4 from the web page named
Analyses of fates of such group intellects seem
to indicate that God treats them as separate beings,
"rewarding" or "punishing" them appropriately
to the morality, philosophy, beliefs, behaviours, etc.,
that they practice as a whole. When watching the
escalation of "anti-Jesus hysteria" in Christchurch,
I personally had the impression that this particular
"group intellect" wanders into the area of behaviours
which can be interpreted as a kind of "war with
God". So highly interesting could be to gather
from the course of further events, how God is
going to react to such behaviours of this particular
"group intellect".
More information about the divine revelation and
prophecy about the arrival of Second Jesus to
Christchurch in 1999, and also about the further
fate of these "tiles of Jesus" is provided in items #84
and #94 from chapter W4 in volume 18 of
monograph [1/5],
as well as in items #84 and #94 from subsection
L4 in volume 8 of second edition of
monograph [8/2] "Totalizm".
* * *
In 2010, 2011 and 2012 the city of Christchurch
was hit by a series of destructive earthquakes
described in items #P5 to #P7 of the web page named
and items #C5 to #C6 of the "extended version"
of the web page named
The first one out of these two destructive earthquakes
took place on Saturday, 4th September 2010 - means
(as the analysis of dates seems to indicate this)
in exactly 11th anniversary of the initiation by
inhabitants of Christchurch the public scoffing,
persecution, and removal from the job, initially
aimed at the city manager for his undertaking
the preparations of the city to welcome the arrival
of Second Jesus, and later turning into a kind
of "war with God". The other one out of these
two destructive earthquakes took place on
26th December 2010 - means in especially
emphasized date of 2x13 which God
seems to use to let to know the victims that He
does NOT approve their beliefs and philosophy.
(For more investigations, that the selection of
date 26th appears not random, see item
#D8 on the web page named
and also see items #B2 and #A2 on the web page
Actually, one amongst more powerful earthquakes
even hit this city exactly on 13 June 2011 (it was
this earthquake that, amongst others, finished
the complete destruction of the Anglican Cathedral,
the section of entrance to which is visible by the left
edge of the photograph "a" from "Fig. #G1" below -
thus clearly documenting a symbolic "message from
God"). From the point of view of development of
our methods of defence against cataclysms - such
as the method described in details in items #J1,
#P5.1 and #C1 from the web page
while briefly explained in item #C5.1 from the web page
it could turn highly beneficial to ask whether
all these correlations of dates and links between
events described here are just "series of coincidents"
(as typically these would be described by "atheistic
orthodox scientists"), or rather are replies of God to
what appears to be a "war with God" which Christchurch
started back in 1999.
Fig. #G1ab: Shown are details of the central
"Cathedral Square" in Christchurch, New Zealand
(locally called simply the "Square"). In 1999 this
square was completely renewed and paved with
elegant, beautiful, and rather expensive "tiles of Jesus"
shown here, in order to prepare it for the arrival of
Second Jesus to Christchurch. In the result of
supernatural revelation described here, it was believed
that after the arrival to Christchurch in fire and
lightning flashes, Second Jesus is going to have
a holy mass on this square for people from surrounding
areas. In addition to this central "Square", in that
year a huge roofed swimming pool was also prepared
for the arrival of Second Jesus - because it was
believed that Second Jesus will carry out numerous
christenings in this pool. Furthermore, a main
entry road from the direction of Timaru was
modernised - because it was believed that
Second Jesus is going to arrive triumphal
by this road.
(Click on the above photo to see it enlarged.)
Unfortunately, the majority of people is unaware
of the existence and action of the so-called
"canon of ambiguity" - described, amongst
others, in item #B9 of the web page
god.htm - about scientific replies of secular philosophy of totalizm to basic questions about God.
Furthermore, the majority of people do not
understand, that a typical for present times
reaction from atheistic holders of power and
authority feeling endangered by someone's
manifestation of supernatural, would be
that Second Jesus also would be crucified
soon after He would become recognised.
Therefore, these people are unable to realise,
that even if Second Jesus had to His disposal
all powers of God, still He would obey this "canon
of ambiguity" - means He would act humbly
and privately (like every other person). Thus,
even if Second Jesus really visited Christchurch
in 1999, He still arrived there exactly as the
foretold this to us - means humbly and unrecognised
"like a thief" (see Bible, 2 Peter 3:10 - "But the
day of the Lord will come like a thief" or Revelation
16:15 "I am coming like a thief"). In turn,
if in 1999 Second Jesus arrived to Christchurch
"like a thief", then through inhabitants of Christchurch
He again gave the humanity exactly the same
lesson, which 2000 years earlier Jesus gave
people via inhabitants of Israel. (As it is known,
Israelites until today await for the prophesised
Messiah, because Jesus who was sent to them
by God over 2000 years ago, and whom they
crucified instead of welcoming, still they consider
to be too humble and too "human" to be the
Messiah that was foretold for them.)
Fig. #G1a (left):
The appearance of the central "Cathedral Square"
from Christchurch in New Zealand. Visible are
"tiles of Jesus" with which this square is paved.
Also visible is "marihuana joint" which was erected
later to divert the attention of people from these
famous "tiles of Jesus". At the left edge of this
photo is visible a section of the old Cathedral from
Christchurch (in stone masonry), by the entrance
of which an altar was to be erected from which
Second Jesus would conduct His holy mass.
If you (the reader) ever arrive to Christchurch,
perhaps just in case you should take a photograph
on this "Square". After all, there is no other place
in the world which would be confirmed with a divine
revelation experienced by a crowd of people, that
it is going to be visited by Second Jesus. So
practically the above square today is of what
2000 years ago was Jerusalem. The uniqueness
of this square is emphasized by the fact, that
by the grace of God it is the only real central
square of a city that exists in the entire New
Zealand. In other words, the entire New Zealand
does NOT have another city which would also
have the central square.
Fig. #G1b (right):
Close up of elegant, beautiful, and expensive "tiles of Jesus"
with which the central square of Christchurch was paved
to be prepared for the arrival of Second Jesus to
this city. Many inhabitants of Christchurch presently
would like to get rid of these tiles from their city,
but such tiles cost too much to be simply ripped off
and thrown to rubbish. For more information about
these tiles and the noisy persecution to which they
were subjected - see items #84 and #94 from
subsection W4 in volume 18 of
monograph [1/5].
Prophecies about the arrival of Second Jesus to
Christchurch in 1999, as well as fate of tiles of Jesus
shown above, are also discussed in subsection
L4 from volume 8 of the second edition of the
monograph [8/2] "Totalizm".
Meaning of the "resurrection" in New Zealand seas of so-called "bird Jesus" - which walks on surfaces of churning water:
"It is worth to research consequences of reactions at the deprived of revenge behaviours of
Jesus, because these reveal regularities and repetitions in the work of moral mechanisms."
If we consider the matter thoroughly, then
it becomes obvious that inhabitants of
Christchurch were not very inviting for
Second Jesus to disclose himself and
to announce his arrival to their city. (In
spite that the actual sending of Second
Jesus to Christchurch in 1999 was
announced via a divine revelation - as
described in item #G2 of this web page.)
Of course, one can easily predict how
today people would react, if rapidly
appeared amongst them, and introduced
himself as Second Jesus, someone who
is so humble that he "washes feet" of other
people, but simultaneously so extraordinary
that just by his touch he would heal terminal
illnesses, while remotely would turn water into
wine and would create bread and tasty fishes
from nothing. We must also remember that
only the divine revelation that such Second
Jesus is to come to Christchurch induced
all these uninviting reactions which are
described in item #G2 above. In addition,
in the light of present human laws, almost
all exceptionally-moral activities which in the
Bible are attributed to Jesus, in present
times are already illegal and punishable
by law - as this is explained on examples
in the next paragraph. So if Second Jesus
would e.g. follow the example of Biblical
Jesus and repeated his exceptionally-moral
activities, then in a best case, for all these
activities he would at least be locked in a
prison - if not publicly lynched. In turn if
he would be lynched, then the justice-guarding
God would be forced to punish, persecute
and spread all over the world the nation which
would be responsible for this lynching (as
God for millennia does this with Jews who
took on themselves and on their descendants
the responsibility and punishment for crucifying
Biblical Jesus - see Bible, "Matthew", verse
27:25: "Let the responsibility for His death fall
on us and on our children"). We must remember,
that the peaceful and teaching mission of
Second Jesus would NOT allow him to use his
supernatural powers for silencing aggressive
enemies, for making impossible his arresting,
or for releasing himself from the prison. On the
other hand, towards someone who looks weak -
because he does NOT destroy these ones who
persecute him, but only "turns another cheek",
immoral people can be persistently aggressive
and mischievous (which attributes manifest
themselves, amongst others, by the present
raise in the culture of so-called "bullying" -
for details see the article "Bullying second
highest in world", from page A3 of New Zealand newspaper
"The Dominion Post",
issue dated on Monday, December 15, 2008.)
Thus, the only creature which in these circumstances
would have a chance to disclose its supernatural
powers and still avoid being lynched, would be
someone who could NOT be accused, arrested,
nor locked in a prison - because he would make
mute all these people who would try to accuse
him, he would kill with lightings all these who would
try to arrest him, and who would simply walked
out from any prison through walls - should he be
imprisoned. But so acting supernatural creature
would display attributes of Antichrist described
on the web page
not attributes of Second Jesus.
In the present formulation of human laws (which
with the elapse of time become almost exactly
opposite to whatever Jesus taught and did
according to the Bible), almost every action
which in the Bible is attributed to Jesus, for
present authorities and people would appear
to be illegal, punishable by law, endangering
someone's interests or privileges, etc., etc.
So if someone so extraordinary as Second
Jesus, after the arrival to the city of Christchurch
would reveal himself to local inhabitants, then
probably he at least would immediately be
accused (and sent to a prison) for a whole
array of "crimes" which he would supposedly
commit against law, authorities, someone's
interests, etc. So let us list here at least several
examples of activities of Jesus known from
the Bible, which in present times would be
considered to be illegal, punishable, sensitive,
irritating, etc. In order to be able to reveal the
truth, without offending anyone's feelings (after
all, "without learning the truth there is no progress" -
for details see item #K1 on the web page named
let us try to formulate examples provided here
in a humorous manner similarly as humorously
was formulated the entire this item, hoping that
the reader displays the required sense of humour
during reading these examples and that my
English is able to reveal the humorous side
to these examples. And so, the famous (a)
creation of bread and giving it away to crowds,
in present times would immediately be illegal and
exposing the creator to punishments for at least
several reasons. After all, the bread which would
be created would NOT have the required documentation
that it obeys governmental food standards, that
it contains ingredients prescribed by these standards -
as this is explained in item #E2 on the web page named
that people employed in producing and giving away
this bread received payments which were not less
than the established by government minimal hourly
rate, that paid were taxes required from producers
and distributors of bakery products, that its creator
can present a diploma that entitles him to produce
bread, that the creator and people who give the bread
away went through the required health checks and
have valid certificates that they are NOT carriers
of any dangerous illness, etc., etc. In turn if Second
Jesus would try to e.g. (b) create fishes and
give these to crowds, then he would get into even worse
legal problems. After all, then immediately he would
be accused, that he poached and get in possession
illegally, large number of tasty fishes, without being
able to present a governmentally issued
licence of a professional fisherman, that he have not
purchased and met governmental quotas for catching
these fishes, that his fishes are most probably of the
protected species and e.g. forbidden size, that he
sabotages the economy by bankrupting fish supply
market, etc., etc. Similarly e.g. (c) miraculous
turning water into wine would expose him to accusations
of encouraging under-aged to alcoholism, of sabotaging
wine yards and production of wines, of carrying out
production activities without required licensing, of
avoidance of taxes from goods and services by
avoiding pricing and not returning GST (VAT),
etc., etc. In turn e.g. (d) miraculous healings
would unleash accusations of illegal practicing
medicine without having a recognised diploma
of a medical doctor and without previous registration
in medical doctors register, of experimenting on
people by using scientifically untested medicines
and methods of healing, of discrimination because
choosing for healing only moral people and refusing
to heal immoral people, etc., etc. Also e.g. ordinary
(e) public teaching, masses, and christening
would attract accusations of disturbing public peace,
of organising masses without priori applying for
permits from authorities, of public spreading of
information which undermines privileges
of selected groups in society, claims of science, etc.
Furthermore, in his activities Second Jesus would
be exposed to persecution and punishments for
example because of (f) NOT paying taxes
and fees for the hiring and use of public facilities
for his gatherings, of (g) insubordination
and undermining the authority because he would
do miracles in public while would refuse to provide
written explanations why his miracles do not endanger
safety of passers by, of (h) disobedience
to guidelines for educators
by inclusion of religious (and thus "politically
incorrect") messages into his teachings, of (i)
undermining the human rights through open
and public disapproval of homosexuals, of (j)
persuading population to break "anti-smacking law"
(the one described in item #B5.1 of the web page named
through arguing that for the good of parents
and for the good of children parents should discipline
their young with rods, of (k) disobedience
of the "privacy laws" by talking publicly about God
Father, of (l) breaking "copyright laws" by
repetition in public of the Bible's content, etc., etc.
Of course, independently from the above examples
of causes, which would expose Second Jesus to
the force of law, his appearance in present times
would probably unleash numerous reasons for almost
everyone to feel towards him a strong irritation and
resentment. (In turn, this irritation
and resentment, with the elapse of time could
probably become a source of very uninviting reactions
of crowds.) For example, he could be accused of
illegal immigration, because he would NOT be able
to present a proof of legal citizenship. Local
population could be angry, that to his role and at
his position God employed an emigrant from heaven,
instead of giving this job to a local person. No
matter of what race he would belong to, all other
races probably would take it for racism and bias.
Some women would probably accuse him of
sexisms, and become angry that he did not arrive
as a woman. Males could not take the fact
that about every topic he knows and is able
incomparably more than they do themselves.
Priests could take against him that he is not from
their ranks. Scientists would not forgive him that
he contradicts their claims on non-existence of
God, and that he reveals their errors in thinking.
Wealthy and greedy people would be angry that
he condemns the greed and excessive salaries,
illustrating with personal example that poor people
have better morality. Politicians would not be able
to take that he reveals truths and teaches actual
care for other people - instead of just talking
about such care but thinking of only own interests,
etc., etc. As it is visible from the above humorous
explanations, if Second Jesus actually revealed
himself - as this was foretold by the divine revelation
described in item #G2 of this web page, then his
final fate would NOT be much different from the
final fate of Biblical Jesus.
The finding stemming from above examples (of
intentional humorous formulation) is that almost
all actions which the Bible attributes to Jesus, in
present times would be illegal and punishable by
authorities, by law, and even by the population
for the good of which these actions were undertaken.
Of course, it is sure that being a son of God,
Jesus did only these actions which in long-term
serve for the good of people and which God
requested that he shows to people as morally
correct examples for following. After all, according
to the definition provided in item #B5 of the web page named
"in the world
ruled by God, morality should be
understand as the strictness with which someone
fulfils God's commandments in the everyday life".
Thus, if the present laws forbid doing whatever is
agreeable with commandments and requirements
of God, this means that with punishments and with force
these laws push people to act "immorally". So instead
of reinforcing and supporting moral activities of people,
present laws support and reinforce immorality. This
means that in spite of considering ourselves to be more
"civilised" than people which lived on the Earth around
2000 years ago, actually we all are more immoral than
them. This our present top immorality in the history
of the Earth is easy to notice even when one just
reads headings from today newspapers. No wonder
that life on the Earth started to be so miserable
recently, if we all act so much against God's wishes.
There are numerous consequences of the shocking
fact, that in the light of content of present laws and
present human ways, almost everything that Biblical
Jesus did (and thus also everything that Second Jesus
would probably do - should He reveal His presence
to people) would be illegal, punishable by law, and
by some people considered to be highly offensive
and acting against their privileges. The most
important amongst these consequences is that
(i) in present immoral times Second Jesus
could NOT reveal to people His presence and activities
on the Earth, even if God already send Him to us
and even if He secretly acts amongst people. After
all, if He revealed to people his presence, then
probably He would be fast lynched by the disturbed
mob - again experiencing a similar fate as Biblical
Jesus did. In turn such lynching would NOT have
justification in present times. Thus God would be
forced to react on it with some severe punishment -
e.g. with a destruction of almost the entire humanity
(like in times of Biblical deluge). Another amongst
these consequences is that (ii) if God is
forced to send to the Earth a "teacher" of some kind,
then this messenger from God will be able to teach
people only through the demonstration of outcomes
of the "reversal of moral behaviours", means
demonstration of outcomes of "evilness". In other
words, as the
morality of humans decreases, a time is coming
when the Earth is to be visited by an indescribably
evil creature foretold to us under the name of
"Antichrist" - as this is explained more
comprehensively on the web page named
After all, this Antichrist would also teach people
morality with the method of "reversed logic" known
best from the institution of the "awkward fellow" in
the Polish army - as this is described in item #B7.2
on the web page named
and in item #C3.4 from the web page named
Only that instead of teaching morality through being
moral, Antichrist would teach people morality with
a much more effective method through illustrating
to all people why it is NOT permitted to be immoral
and what are long-term outcomes of immorality.
Yet another consequences of the fact, that in
present times Second Jesus would be lynched
soon after he would reveal himself to people, is
that (iii) God is forced to let somehow
people know that He does NOT approve the present
situation nor the direction in which the humanity
is moving. Of course, His disapproval God is able
to express in many different ways. One amongst
these ways is surely the treatment of people with
increasingly more powerful "cataclysms" which
always affect these most immoral communities
and individuals - as this is described the totaliztic
web page named
Other, symbolic although highly meaningful way of
God's sending to us a message that He does NOT
approve of whatever happens on the Earth, was
probably a "resurrection" of the extraordinary
"bird Jesus" which walks over continually churning
seas near New Zealand. This bird is described in
next sub-item. It seems to be a messenger
which brings to us rather a meaningful message.
There are puzzling cause-effect parallels between the present
arrival of "bird Jesus" to churning seas of New Zealand, and
previous arrival of Biblical Jesus to ancient Israel:
God works in a mysterious way. Since inhabitants
of Christchurch (and New Zealand) would not
accept Second Jesus who most probably was
sent to them in 1999, it appears that God
"resurrected" in New Zealand seas the "bird Jesus".
The official name of this bird is "storm petrel".
The phrase "bird Jesus" is just its "nickname".
Bird-Jesus also walks on the surface of sea - similarly
as in past this was done by Biblical Jesus. Slightly more
comprehensive description of this bird is provided
in item #F4.1.3 from the totaliztic web page named
But the supernatural and extraordinary features
of this bird do NOT finish on the "walking on water".
After all, apart from this (1) "walking along the
surface of sea", like Jesus (contradictory to
the claims of official science which states
that such walking is physically impossible),
this bird was officially described as "extinct"
already for the last around 150 years. So its
parallels to Jesus is also confirmed by the fact
that (2) God "recalled" this bird from
the "extinction", means that, similarly like Jesus,
this bird was also "resurrected". In addition our
eyes hits in this bird a close cause-effect link
to the fate of Christchurch. After all (3)
God "resurrected" this bird in the extremely meaningful
for Christchurch (and for New Zealand) moment
of time (i.e. soon after inhabitants of Christchurch
definitively rejected the possibility of the arrival
of Second Jesus to their city, thus probably
forcing him to visit their city secretly and
anonymously - like a thief). In addition, this
bird (4) did NOT appear in waters
of some worldly-significant country, e.g. USA,
Russia, China, or Japan, but just in insignificant
New Zealand (similarly like Jesus instead of appearing
in Rome, appeared in then insignificant Israel).
Also vital is that (5), similarly as in past
the Biblical Jesus appeared in the most eastward
country of then historically-significant world, today
the "bird-Jesus" also appeared in the most eastward
country of the present world - i.e. in New Zealand
(in which actually every day begins that comes
to our planet). In addition, (6) similarly
like Biblical Jesus walked and acted in the midst
of a churning human world, currently "bird Jesus"
symbolically walks over continually churning waves
of so-called "roaring 40s" of oceans in the vicinity
of New Zealand. It is also not an accident, that
(7) inhabitants of Christchurch behaved
uninvitingly regarding the possible arrival of Second
Jesus - similarly as inhabitants of ancient Israel
rejected the arrival of Biblical Jesus, that (8)
soon afterwards Christchurch probably started to
bear consequences of this rejection - similarly as
such consequences for millennia seem to bear
descendants of ancient Israelites, and that (9)
it is not in power of inhabitants of Christchurch
to reject and to stop the "second coming" of
this bird (as probably their behaviour stopped
the arrival of Second Jesus to their city), and thus
that everyone can now see the bird and check
whether it really was resurrected and it really walks
on the surface of sea. Of course, present scientists,
and also atheists, probably are to ignore or to
dismiss the significance of all the above parallels -
perhaps by taking stand that all these are just
purely coincidental. However, in such a case it
would be worth to ask them, whether they are
aware how astronomically improbable is that two
completely independent series of events, i.e.
one of a religious-social character (i.e. divine
revelation of the arrival of Second Jesus and
consequences of an uninviting reaction to this
revelation), while second of an ornithological
character (i.e. the "second coming of bird-Jesus"),
would display cause-effect parallels in so many
different areas!
Everything that God does, He carries out in such
a manner that it does NOT deprive anyone of so-called
"free will" - as this is explained more comprehensively
e.g. in item #C1 from the web page named
Therefore also when God sent this "bird Jesus" to
New Zealand, He did it in such a manner that with
its behaviour the bird comply to requirements of the
so-called "canon of ambiguity" - more comprehensively
described in item #C2 on the web page named
Therefore, in spite that the "bird Jesus" walks on
the surface of sea, still it does it in such a manner
that everybody can interpret this according to his
or her own view of the world. For example, it spreads
its wings to keep a balance on waving water -
similarly like people would spread their hands when
they walk along a rubble of huge movable boulders
with wavy surfaces similar to surfaces of wavy seas.
Therefore the so-called "atheistic orthodox scientists"
(i.e. representatives of this monopolistic official
science which philosophically erroneous approach
"a posteriori" to research is described more
comprehensively in item #C1 of the web page named
and in item #A2.6 of the web page named
can also claim that this bird do NOT walk on water,
but just hovers above the surface of sea with the
power of its wings. After all, ordinary people do
NOT have capabilities and means to check how
erroneous is such a claim of the official science.
(It is worth to notice, that the sole fact that the
official science already parted from truths by
so much, that it even does NOT consider the
possibility of supernatural phenomena existing in our
world, just in itself is one amongst reasons why
God is forced to support restoration of truths by
intentional generation of just such phenomena.)
Sending of "bird Jesus" in so meaningful circumstances and
times, symbolically passes to us a coded "message" from God:
Whenever God does something, he always has
a superior goal in mind. According to item #B2 from the web page named
this goal always somehow serves to the "pursue of knowledge".
In case of "bird Jesus", independently how someone
would interpret the principle on which this bird walks
on the surface of sea, still it cannot be denied that
just the sole fact of its "resurrection" in seas of New
Zealand in the described above very noticeable time
and circumstances, carries a meaningful message
from God. The existence of this message is so obvious
that one needs to be blind to meanings of symbolisms
to not notice it. However, the content of this message
for many would turn to be too sensitive and too unwanted
for even considering its existence, not mentioning the
acceptance of whatever it says. Thus, I leave to the
discretion of the reader to work out what this message
At this point it is worth to mention, that some relationships
with the bird-Jesus probably also display events
described in items #C5 to #C6 of the web page named
Part #H:
"People are going to bring on themselves such
a destructive catastrophe, that afterwards a man
is going to be so happy to see footprints of another
man that he is going to kiss these footprints":
The old Polish prophecy about the incoming self-inflicted wiping out of the majority of people:
In times of my youth, means in years 1950s
and already after the World War Two, old people
in Poland frequently used to repeat still another
prophecy. This old Polish prophecy stated that
soon people are going to bring on themselves
so devastating catastrophe, that in the result of
it the Earth become almost completely depopulated.
After this mass wiping out of people that closes
in, so few individuals supposed to survive, that
after the destruction is finished, then according
to the prophecy "when a man sees footprints
of another man, he will be so thrilled that from
the happiness he is going to kiss these footprints".
What supposed to be the reason for this murderous
catastrophe, and how it is going to manifest itself,
the old-timers were unable to explain. But they
were sure of several attributes of it, which will
characterise this man-made catastrophe that is
approaching. Let us now list most vital out of
these attributes:
(1) It is NOT going to be the catastrophe caused by
the nature nor by the so-called "will of God".
Means, old-timers were decisive in their prophecies,
that this catastrophe is NOT going to be of a natural
or Godly origins, but the reason for it will be people
themselves (i.e. it is not going to be e.g. a flood,
nor a meteorite impact, nor earthquake, nor volcano
eruptions, nor anything "natural" - but it will be caused
by people themselves).
(2) This "wiping out of people" will NOT be that
prophesised the "end of the world". Means, after
it takes place, the humanity will gradually heal the
wounds and repopulate the Earth again, although
then it is NOT going to be the same humanity as
before. I.e. people will then be different than are
now. Talking here about the "end
of world", it is NOT going to come as soon
as is prophesised by many present individuals who
desire fame or money - which fact I am trying to
explain in more details, amongst others, in item
#N1 from my web page named
(3) The catastrophe is to come soon. Means,
old-timers already were prophesised then, i.e. in
Poland of 1950s, that from this catastrophe we are
only tens of years apart, not for example hundreds
or thousands of years. This in turn would mean,
that this catastrophe supposed to arrive to the
Earth rather soon, as after 2050s it would already
elapse over 100 years since that prophesising.
(4) This catastrophe will NOT be caused by a war.
This part of the old prophecy was the most strange.
After all, the only way for a mass wiping out of humans
(apart from the disaster caused by nature or by "will
of God") which people of 1950s could imagine and
describe, was the murderous "third world war". But
this prophecy decisively claimed that it is NOT going
to be a war. For this reason many people from my
generation were then speculating about this prophecy,
that probably it is going to be a kind of "accident"
with nuclear weapon, which will destroy the humanity -
similarly as this would be done by the "third world war" -
although due being an "accident" it will NOT be a war.
(5) In some relationship with this wiping out of the
humanity, supposed to also fulfil numerous other
old Polish prophecies. For example, in connection
with this wiping out, or soon afterwards, supposed
to eventuate the "Poland
from a sea to a sea" - i.e. supposed to be
returned to Poland its old territories that extend from
the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea. Also, some relationship
with it supposed to have yet another old Polish prophecy,
stating that "the yellow race
will reign over the world". Already now it
can be foreseen, that this change of the nations that
reigns over the world, will occur just then, because
in the face of rising threats from the source of this
incoming destruction, one of the countries from the
Southeast Asia is to build the all-powerful
of my invention, so that with the help of it, either get
an access to unlimited resource of space, or to defend
itself with this swift ship from waves of starved residents
of neighbouring countries who have already succumbed
to anarchy, whereupon like locusts began to flood in
waves, ravage, and destroy areas of countries which
do NOT have the forces or means to effective defence
their interiors from this human locusts - as it is described
in the sub-item #H1.1 below. After all, from history it is
known, that the change of nation and the country
that is leading the world is always like a by-product
of the dramatic times and the fundamental changes which
these dramatic times bring about to the situation of the
whole humanity.
On the basis of growing trends for anarchy, lawlessness,
hunger and savagery that already in 2013 clearly started
to show up in a number of places on Earth, we can already
now predict, that the reason for the destruction of the greater
proportion of mankind will be famine, anarchy, barbarism,
robberies and banditry which will be diffused over the world,
and reasons and process of which are described in more
detail in item #H3 below. I mean, for certainty it is NOT
going to be a nuclear third world war, which predicts a
number of home-grown visionaries, in spite that the possibility
of its occurrence is eliminated by deductions from items
#N1 and #N2 of the web page named
quake.htm -
although it may happen that the beginning of this murderous
famine and anarchy will be, for example, a terrorist or accidental
dropping of a nuclear bomb on an economically very important
area of the world.
After the spread of Internet, I was surprised to discover,
that similar old prophecies about the diminishing of most
of the people are known also to numerous
other nations. A good example of these is the
prophecy about so-called "Third Great Shake" disseminated in Internet by American Hopi Indians.
"Why" the foretelling that it will be
that is to build
of my invention, and that is to become the next (and
last) nation which is to reign over the world, is contained
in the method of God's acting, and, amongst others,
in the old Polish prophecy which states that "the yellow
race is to reign over the world":
"God likes to surprise people by implementing of whatever almost everyone considers to be improbable or impossible."
Our world slowly approaches the year of 2036.
In turn, from regularities inherent in the so-called
"Periodic Table for Propulsion Systems"
discussed below, it stems that around the year
of 2036 the all-powerful starship of my invention, called the
is to be built on Earth.
This my starship will probably be built to carry
people to stars, and to make available unlimited
resources of space to its builders. After all, even
prophecies of Nostradamus are already describing
the Magnocrafts (of my invention) as starships
that are to be used on Earth. To discussions
(in the Polish language) regarding one amongst
such prophecies of Nostradamus - that directly
refers to my Magnocrafts, in February 2014
drew my attention one of the readers of this
web page (before that time I have NOT been aware
that the future use of my Magnocrafts is already
described in prophecies). This discussion,
together with references to Polish publications
containing translations of the prophecy of
Nostradamus on which the discussion was
based, was conducted at the internet address
Here is how the content of this prophecy
of Nostradamus describes the use of my
"Magnocraft of the third generation" - I quote:
fiery starships like tornadoes, will ascend to
heaven with the big whistle, after their start all-around
will be hot and decompressed, after a short silence
there will be a great bang before time is to return to
normal, so here is how a Scottish weapon becomes
renewed and creates a short path to reaching the heavenly
bodies as if they were at the spread of our hands!"(In the original Polish language in which this text was discussed:
"Lśniące płomienne statki jak trąby powietrzne,
Będą z wielkim świstem wznosić się do nieba,
Po ich starcie wszystko wokół będzie gorące i rorzedzone,
Po krótkiej ciszy będzie wielki huk nim czas wróci na swoje miejsce,
Tak oto szkocka broń zostanie odnowiona i stanie się krótką drogą,
Do osiągania niebieskich ciał jak gdyby były na wyciągnięcie dłoni!")
It is interesting that on that web page is also discussied
a prophecy of Nostradamus that explains how time will
stop at the moment of implementation of the "Time Vehicles"
of my invention - which vehicles allow, among others,
to stop the passage of our "reversible software time" -
i.e. the time that broadly is described, among others,
in item #C3 from this web page. Here is what in the
discussion from that other web page
has been written on the work of "Time Vehicles" of my invention - I quote:
"One of the texts
I already referenced. It states that in a tiny insignificant
country, Scotland (before that time, i.e. during World
War Three, this country is to separate from England),
a scientist is born, who finds a way to technical mastery
of stopping shortly "the elapse of time" in a small part
of the space-time. People, vehicles, aircraft, ships, clouds,
waves , etc. - will be as if hovering for a moment in space -
will NOT move (the time will not be elapsing there at all by
a short while!) - this technique (unknown in other powerful
countries) will allow to him; i.e. to "Grand Mastin", to conquer
without much effort (great army) almost the entire world -
until it is detected and neutralized by another weapons."(In the original Polish language in which this discussion
was carried out: "Jeden z tekstów o nim już podawałem.
Wynika z niego, że w malutkim nic nie znaczącym kraju;
Szkocji (przedtem w czasie III wojny światowej ten kraj
oderwie się od Anglii) urodzi się uczony, który znajdzie sposób
na techniczne opanowanie zatrzymywania na krótko "biegu czasu"
w małej części czasoprzestrzeni. Osoby, pojazdy, samoloty, statki,
chmury, fale- itd będą jak gdyby zawisały na moment w przestrzeni -
nie będą się poruszały (czas tam nie będzie w ogóle przez moment
biegł!) - ta technika (nieznana w innych również potężnych państwach)
pozwoli mu; "Wielkiemu Mastinowi" opanować bez wielkiego wysiłku
(wielkich armii) prawie cały świat - dopóki nie zostanie wykryta i
zneutralizowana przez inną broń."
Probably an additional impulse to undertake the
construction of my Magnocraft is also going to
be the need to defend the country of its owners
against waves of starved residents of neighbouring
countries, who in future will fall to anarchy as a
result of deepening processes of law and order
collapse, beginnings of which began to be clearly
visible already in 2013 as they are consequences
of the global economic crisis of 2008. After all,
the current continually worsening process of
loosing the respect for the rule of law and for
public order, must inevitably lead to anarchy,
collapse of food production, and to the creation
of waves of starved people who like locusts are to
attack neighbouring countries to also destroy their
food production and initiate anarchy. So future
countries where the rule of law is to still prevail,
will be forced to defend themselves somehow
against these waves of desperately hungry
people from countries that have already fallen
to anarchy - as in item #C2 of the web page named
I explained that for circumstances of formation of the
"chapel of skulls" from Czermna near Kudowa Zdrój,
on the territory of Lower Silesia from present Poland.
In turn, the most effective defence against these
waves of starved neighbours will be just my
swift Magnocraft capable of the formation of
impassable "belt of death" around country’s
borders. After all, in case of the collapse of many
countries and the global loss of access to raw
materials and to fuels, armies of countries which
still are to maintain the rule of law are to run out
of ammunition, petrol, and soldiers to be able to
defend themselves against these growing numbers
of bands of starved and determined people. So it
is easy to predict that when anarchy and famine
is to spread around the world, many countries
will suddenly start desperate efforts to build my
Magnocraft. Most of these countries probably
will NOT have enough time to complete the
construction and earlier are to also fall victims
to rampant anarchy and famine. After all, the
completion of the Magnocraft even with the most
vigorous efforts of a novices team, still take many
years - as determined and explained, among
others, in item #J3 from my web page named
However, one of these countries probably is to
build this starship on time - thus saving itself
in this way against the fall, and starting a new
era on Earth. After all, the "by-product" of the
Magnocraft's construction will be that my starship
will turn the country which as the first in the
world that starts to have it, into the global
superpower and the new leader of mankind -
and this is to happen no matter how small this
country would be and what is the number of
its population. This is because the military capabilities
of my starship no-one is to be able to resist -
as explained in more details in items #E1 to
#E22 from the web page named
For example, it suffices around 12 hours of
time, to turn a mid-sized European country,
such as England, France, or Germany, into a
complete desert just by a single Magnocraft.
In this sub-item #H1.1 I am going to explain how
methods of God, as well as other kinds of
premises and evidence (e.g.
the old Polish prophecy which states that "the yellow race is to reign over the world"),
allow to predict already now, that the country
which as the first in the world is to build my
Magnocraft, and then which in a completely
unintended manner is to reign over the world
because God is to promote it to become the
next leader of the Earth, is to be the tiny
I suggest the reader remembers this prediction.
After all, the year 2036 is already near. Majority
of readers of this sub-item #H1.1 thus receive the privilege
of being able to say, that they personally read
yet in 2014 this prediction of the upcoming era
of hunger, chaos, anarchy, loss of access to raw
materials and to fuels, lack of law enforcements
and fall-downs of statehoods, and induced by this
human-caused disaster a revolutionary transformation
of our world, that after the year 2036 these readers
will be able to see with their own eyes.
Deductions on which are based predictions described
here about building my Magnocraft by Korea and
about the incoming leadership of Korea over the world,
stem from the finding, that in all the activities of God
exists an amazing continuity and is strictly observed
the "principle of cause and effect". For example,
my invention of the "Magnocraft" has NOT "fell from
heaven above", but it is an outcome of my diligent
analysis on a kind of "Periodic Table for Propulsion
Systems", which I developed (or invented) yet
in 1972. This table is described more comprehensively
in item #B1 from the web page named
It is a kind of "Mendeleyev Table" - only that instead of the
characteristics of successive chemical elements, my
"Periodic Table for Propulsion Systems" describes
features of subsequent propelling devices to be invented
and built on Earth, and indicates the approximate years
when these propelling devices are to be built. It is through
the analysis of regularities imbedded in my "Periodic
Table for Propulsion Systems" that already in 1980 I
managed to invent and to work out my
which, according to this table, are to be built only around
the year 2036, while in 1983 I managed to invent and to
work out the
Oscillatory Chamber -
which is to supply power to my Magnocrafts. Also, my
"Periodic Table for Propulsion Systems" allowed me to
invent and to work out the construction and operation of
Time Vehicles -
which are to open access to immortality for people,
while building of which on Earth is quite necessary
also for God as e.g. "without
the learning of construction and operation of Time
Vehicles, people are NOT able to truly understand
God nor the Bible". The above sequence
of my inventions, each one of which was the "cause"
for the inventions that followed it, and was the "effect"
for the inventions that took place before it, quite clearly
documents how God consistently implements this "principle
of cause and effect" in all His activities.
Relying on this God's consistency in everything that
God is doing, and also knowing about the operation
of the God's software entity - which in item #C4 from
my web page named
is described under the name of "omniplan",
I am able to deduce on their base "why" in the years
that immediately followed my inventions of the "Magnocraft"
and the "Oscillatory Chamber", none of the countries
with predominantly European population has answered
my numerous appeals and pleadings to allow me to build
for them these futuristic strategic propelling devices.
After all, my letters explaining exactly what is my Magnocraft
and my Oscillatory Chamber, and informing precisely
what would be the program of my research after the
adoption and execution of which the working prototypes
of these powerful devices of my invention would be
accomplished, were sent to virtually every institution
which could allow me to build these devices, and which
was located in countries such as the USA, England, France,
Germany, Australia, and New Zealand. Job applications
I also posted to practically almost every university in Poland,
letting to know in them that I am the inventor of the Magnocraft
and the Oscillatory Chamber, and that I would undertake
the construction and testing of these devices during my
employment at their university. However, none of these
institutions from the countries to which I addressed my
pleading has expressed their consent nor gave me a
chance to built for them my Magnocraft or my
Oscillatory Chamber. In turn, all universities in which
I was taking any available job to at least be able to
make a living, not only that do NOT allowed me to
openly carry out research on the Magnocraft and
on the Oscillatory Chamber, but also actively prevented
me from carrying out such research. When, in spite
of prohibition, I too much insisted on carrying out
these research, then these institutions under any
pretext "fired" me from the job - as it has done very openly the
New Zealand's "University of Otago".
Near the end of 2007 I ceased active efforts of trying
to build for someone my Magnocraft and my Oscillatory
Chamber - although even now I am still maintaining
a passive readiness to consider possibility of helping
the nation and the country which turns to me with a
request for a moral and intellectual support of its efforts
to build the Magnocraft and the Oscillatory Chamber.
Instead of those my previous active efforts, in 2007 I
began a long-term research program into the methods
of God's action - as it is more fully described in items
#H4 and #H3 from my web page named
Till the end of 2013 this new research program has
allowed me to discover and to confirm scientifically
what the Bible states for millennia, and what I explained
in items #H1 to #H7 of that web page named
as well as in items #C1 to #C9 from the web page named
but what most people ignore because the official science
tells us misleadingly that "God does NOT exist". Namely,
this research allowed me to discover and to confirm scientifically,
that God with an "iron hand" controls virtually everything that
happens on Earth and in our part of the universe - means
God even controls the fate and history of every truth and
the amount of pain and suffering that each person must
endure and experience. This discovery explains also, that
in fact it was God who discreetly controlled the insistence
of countries with a predominantly European population to
prevent the building for them of my Magnocraft and my
Oscillatory Chamber. In turn this explaining leads to the
next conclusion, namely that the
building so powerful technical devices as my "Magnocraft"
and my "Oscillatory Chamber" in countries with a
predominantly European population, definitely does NOT
lie in God's plans. After all, if it lies in God's
plans, then even if it was too early for these devices
to be build, still God would at least let me started their
construction for a country with predominantly European
population. This is because these powerful devices are
intellectual products of entire my life, and thus are
kinds of my "intellectual children" - while it is known that
God always supports human efforts of taking care of the
future of own "children".
The finding that in plans of God does NOT lie that
devices which carry the potential to lift a
whole new country and a new nation to the
role of the new leader of the world, are to be
build in countries with a predominantly European
population, points out to something rather shocking.
Namely, it implies that in
God's plans lies the not-too-distant taking away
the leadership of the world from the hands of
nations with predominantly European race,
and giving this leadership to new hands of
the nation from a race completely different than
Europeans, while the main instrument in this
change of leadership over the world becomes
the Magnocraft of my invention.
Who in turn will be these future leaders of
the world, is quite clearly indicated by the
old Polish prophecy stating that "the yellow
race will reign over the world". However, the
"yellow race" is actually many different nations,
countries and cultures - because virtually the entire
South-East Asia. So the next question for which
it is worth to look for answers, is "which one
amongst these nations will be promoted by God
to be the next superpower and the next leader
of the world?" (It is worth to also realize,
that according to foretelling from the Bible, that
next leader of the world will also be the last leader
before the loss of usefulness to God of the present
form of our physical world, and before the creation
by God of the next world announced in the
Bible, in which people will live infinitely long -
for hints see item #J3 from the web page named
A lot of countries from the South-East Asia can already
be eliminated from consideration based on the
knowledge of goals and methods of God's actions.
For example, the goal for
which God gives leadership over the world in hands
of increasingly different nation and country, is to
test practically how a given combination of the
national characteristics of the people is doing in
governing over a collection of different nations
with different cultures and characteristics.
Because of this God's goal, every nation and country
receives the leadership over the world only once
in the entire history of the Earth, while after this test
God already knows whatever He wanted to learn,
and thus gives the leadership into different hands.
In the South-East Asia, China and Japan had already
received their chances for leadership of the world.
So they can therefore be eliminated from further
consideration. Moreover, during that God's test,
the moral behaviour of Japan was quite despicable -
this, in conjunction with the work of
explains for example the repetitive nuclear
problems of Japan (e.g. those problems described
in items #M1 to #M2 from my web page named
Other countries, e.g. Cambodia and Thailand, can
also be eliminated on the basis of the chaos that
prevails in them. After all, before one gets from
God the privilege of ruling over the entire world,
one first must prove that is capable to properly govern
in one's own country - as to the future leaders of
the world cannot relate the old Polish saying that
this country "is build on anarchy" (in Polish
"nierządem stoi"). So there remains only very
few amongst these nations of the "yellow race", the
candidacy of which should be seriously considered.
A whole range of different premises indicates which
exactly nation and which country from the South-East Asia
can be this next superpower and the leader of the
world - the last before the end of the current phase
of the existence of the Earth (and before the "end
of the world" which historically rather a close date
probably indicates item #N1 from the web page named
Each of these premises is completely independent
of the others. However, they all consistently indicate
that the next (and the last) leader of the world will become
Let us list here the most important amongst these
premises. Here they are:
That important old Polish prophecy, stating that
"the yellow race will reign
over the world". Note here that
nowadays the "yellow race" typically is associated
with China. However, in the old Poland China had
a special respect and position. Thus, in the past,
the Poles have always refereed to China under the
name of China - for an example of such referencing
see the old poem about "kuramina", cited on the web page
while described in items #H1 and #F5 from the web page named
So the use in this old Polish prophecy discussed here
of the expression "yellow race" (instead of the specific
name of the nation), adds itself to the previous explanation
that China has long ago passed the divine test for the role
as the leader of the world, and confirms further that this
old Polish prophecy refers to a nation other than China -
for example, to Korea.
The economy of Korea. If we notice what already
the small South Korea managed to achieve, and extrapolate
this to the time when the South Korea is joined by
starving people from the today's North Korea, then
it will allow us to realize what is actually happening
in the world today, and where are going the present
developments of the situation.
The seriousness and determination which lie in the nature
of Koreans. These their national characteristics are
hitting eyes in their country. For example, whatever
Koreans do, they are investing in it all their zeal and
all the energy - for examples see my web page named
How drastically different they are from lately so goalless
people of Europe, America, or even from nearby Japan.
The moral correctness of the "attitude towards truths"
in Koreans. This attitude is discussed in more
detail in items #H2 and #H7 from my web page named
For God it is the basic criterion which decides about
someone's rises or falls. According to my personal
experience, in the South Korea that "attitude to the
truths" is the closest to the one required by God,
from all the countries that I had the opportunity to
visit and get to know in my life.
Impressive level of morality in Korea. This level I
noted during my professorship in the South Korea. I
described it in item #I1 from my web page named
In turn we have to keep in mind here the finding of a
new "totaliztic science" that "morality
is the key to everything" - for examples
that prove the truth of this finding, see item #B4 from
the web page
item #A1 from the web page
item #P1 from the web page
or item #H7 from the web page
According to this finding of the new
"totaliztic science"
(i.e. this new science that is described in items #C1
to #C6 from the web page named
also the leadership over the world God always gives
into the hands of nation which in given times exhibits
the highest level of morality among its ordinary citizens.
The mechanism which governs the relationship between
the average level of morality of the nation, and the role
and fate of this nation, is described in more details on a
number of my web pages discussing the phenomena of the
so-called "curse of inventors" and the "inventive
impotency" - for an example of description of this
mechanism see item #H6 from the web page named
My repeated empirical experience, that wherever God
sends me, always He has very important reasons for
this sending. Also, always these God's reasons
for sending me to a given place turned out to have
a vital link with the morality, methods of God's acting,
and with the increase of human knowledge about God.
For example, when in 1982 God sent me to the city of
Christchurch, the reason was to give me a chance
to learn exactly the level of so-called "group morality"
in the city that in 2011 God was going to destroy with
earthquakes described here briefly in item #G2, while
discussed in detail in items #P6 and #P7 from the
separate web page named
Since God has sent me to the South Korea onto 10-month
long professorship, He allowed me to make important
discoveries out there and to complete breakthrough
formal proofs, and He gave me the opportunity to publish
in there my newest
monograph [1/5],
all of this taken together for sure means, that
in God's plans Korea has an unique role to play.
Statements of the Bible. The Bible quite clearly
emphasizes, that the future (and last) leader of the
world will be "the Beast that speaks like a dragon" -
for an example see the Biblical "Book of Revelation",
verse 13:11, discussed more comprehensively in
item #H7 of my web page named
In turn "dragon" is actually a symbol of the culture
of Korea, in which it is present in virtually every
aspect of the local tradition, history and folklore.
Already today's presence in the South Korea all the
attributes of a superpower, except for those that to
Koreans can give the building of my
Magnocraft -
that is except for the "power" over other countries.
In other words, the today's South Korea has established
a required level of morality, resourcefulness, economic
prosperity, skills of effective teamwork, correct methods
of governance and administration of their own country,
skills of peaceful dealing with aggressive and dangerous
neighbours, etc. The only thing that it still lacks to become
the superpower which governs over the world, is the "power"
over other nations and other countries. However, from the
definition of "power over others" it is known that
"power" is having something
that others desire, or that others are afraid of.
For example, it is precisely because of this definition of
"power", that wives have power over their husbands in
all the countries where the law enforces the monogamy
amongst their citizens - as this is explained in item
#J2.2.2 from my web page named
It is also for this reason that governments have power over
their citizens (after all, governments have police, courts
and prisons), and that superpowers have power over the
governments of other countries (after all, superpowers have
armies, powerful economies, and the dominance of markets).
However, although the building of the Magnocraft of my
invention will probably be initiated because of completely different
reasons explained at the beginning of this sub-item #H1.1 -
for example, defending its food production against waves
of desperately hungry people from countries that already
have fallen into anarchy, or access to unlimited resources
of the universe, the very fact of having Magnocraft will
provide Korea with something that is desired by others
and that others are afraid of. After all, my
while later also my
Time Vehicle,
is just what others will both want and be afraid of - for details
see item #E5, or items #E1 to #E22, from the web page named
or items #L3 and #L4 from the web page named
or subsections G14 to G14.2 from volume 3 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
There is, of course, much more premises similar
to these listed above, than just these 8 which I
decided to indicate here. Easily can be listed
even more than 12 of these premises. Thus,
the scientific method of proving that is based
on "matching of attributes" - i.e. the method
described, amongst others, in item #G3 from
the web page named
allows for the formulation of these premises into
a formal scientific proof. However, I do NOT
see a need to prove here the truth of whatever
soon is to be revealed to everyone. After all, the
year 2036 is not far. Afterwards everyone will be
able to visually see with own eyes which of these
predictions prove to be true. Moreover, in today's
hypocritical times, almost every truth causes that
someone feels offended and may start a harassment -
while the purpose of this sub-item #H1.1 is only
to explain scientifically of what is coming, not to
motivate someone for starting a harassment.
While reviewing the content of this sub-item #H1.1
it is worth to keep in mind the purpose and the
principle of operation of that software entity
pre-programmed by God and described under
the name "omniplan", among others,
in item #C3 of my web page named
After all, everything that is to happen in the future,
including the fulfilment of prophecies, is just like
a "by-product" of the operation of this "omniplan".
However, the goal of the use of this "omniplan"
by God, is NOT at all the fulfilment of old prophecies,
but is the upbringing of people into moral, resourceful,
efficient, and battle-hardened "soldiers of God" -
as this is explained in item #B1.1 from the web page named
But the principle of operation of this "omniplan" is
that in order to train people onto these "soldiers of
God", God is forced to repeat several times almost
the entire course of their lives, each time iteratively
improving the kinds of experiences to which God
subjects subsequent people. As a result, although
we do NOT notice it, both past and future are in the
state of ongoing improvements, changes, and "flux" -
as it is explained in more details in item #C3 above.
Thus, although this constant state of "flux" of all
events, is unable to change the "what" is
to happen - that has already been pre-programmed
by God in His "omniplan", still it continually
may change "how" it is to happen,
"when" this occurs, "whom" and
"how" it is to affect, etc. In other words, while getting
acquainted with the content of this sub-item #H1.1
one should be aware, that the purpose and the
principle of operation of this divine "omniplan"
causes, that old prophecies quite accurately
reveal "what is to happen". However, due to the
continual improvement by God of the course of
events that affect individual people, these prophecies
are unable to precisely define "when it happens",
"how it affects someone", etc.
To summarize this sub-item #H1.1, both the
premises already discussed above, as well as
a whole bunch of other premises the discussing of
which here I am abandoning, all of them indicate
quite clearly that this "yellow race" which will
soon become the next leader and a leading
country of our world, will be
Korea -
as I already tried to justify this in item #H1
from my web page named
while the moral reasons for this incoming
situation I have tried to emphasize, among
others, in item #I1 from my web page named
In turn the only mechanism that is able to elevate
the tiny Korea to the role of future leader which
is going to reign over the entire world and which
is to control everything that in this world is going
to happen, is the not-too-distant completion of my
and my
Oscillatory Chamber
in Korea.
Reviewing the above forecast of mine, it is worth
that the reader directs his attention, that the future
superpower role of Korea will be reached on completely
different principles than principles of the rules of every
other superpowers that existed on Earth. After all,
the other superpowers for achieving "power" over
other nations and countries, have used the size
of their armies, their large size, the power of their
economy, huge population, etc. I mean, the to-date
superpowers dominated other nations and countries
by threat of size and power of their army and of
size and power of their economy. On the other
hand, the superpower of Korea will be based on
the advancement of its technology. Hence, it will
be impressing other nations with the speed and
outreach of their Magnocrafts, effectiveness of
their governance and decisions, dominion over
the flow of information and energy, etc. No wonder
that under its rules will be able to fulfil the biblical
prophecies of the type that people who are NOT
going to have a "sign of the beast" or "number
of the beast" will NOT be able to even buy or sell
anything - as it is explained in item #C1 from this
web page. Indeed, these amongst readers of
above descriptions, who will still remember them
in the exciting future time when predictions
described here begin to fulfil, and when a
drastic transformation of life on Earth actually
starts to take place before their eyes, will get
a chance to experience truly "interesting times"
and really interesting changes on Earth.
As typically it happens with every logically correct
forecast for the future, taking it into account in most
cases turns out to be very beneficial for those who
have drawn right conclusions from learning of it.
Hence, the learning of scientific forecast described
here, can benefit virtually everyone and in a number
of ways. To indicate here examples of how to benefit
from this forecast, then e.g. today students, instead
of learning a secondary language, may begin to learn
the Korean language, or instead of studying in their
own country, may choose a scholarship and a study
in the South Korea. Today industrialists already now
can make connections and relations with Korea, so
that in the future they are able to benefit from them
in many ways. In turn entire countries can benefit
from this forecast, if instead of insisting on a blind
love and servitude to an already fallen superpower,
they invest their attention and effort into the development
of friendly relations and economic ties with the
today's South Korea. After all, friendship between
two nations and countries once established is to
yield fruits for centuries.
Years 2008 and 2009 already illustrated to us what the prophesised self-destruction of the humanity is going to be:
In 2008 the unexpected and rapid world's
economic crisis demonstrated to us quite
clearly why the humanity is NOT going to
be able to prevent this prophesised self-inflicted
wiping out of people, and how this catastrophe
is to look like. After all, in 2008 the situation
in the world started to illustrate to us, how the
shocking short-sightedness of many political
leaders of subsequent countries, and
how the care of typical politicians just about
their own interests, brings to the Earth
climatic changes caused by humans. It was
also in 2008 that the world's economic
depression was started - also caused by the
greed of rich people. Both these phenomena,
means (a) climatic changes caused by the
chase of profits and power, and (b) the world's economic
depression caused by the unstoppable greed
of people, illustrated to us vividly these human
characteristics, which in the final effect are
going to bring the prophesised self-destruction
onto heads of the present generation.
Of course, scientists who are researching general
trends in the development of humanity, and also
mathematicians who carry our predictions, already
a long ago noticed where this unstoppable chase
of profits is leading the humanity. Therefore already
in 1972 the so-called "Club of Rome" published
a document with forecasting entitled The Limits
to Growth. This document forecasted that the
untamed drive to growth and to increase in profits,
will lead to an overshot and to decline pattern, which
could mean that the limits of sustainability are
exceeded. In turn the exceeding the limits of
sustainability is to cause the fall down of the
human civilisation in a number of areas, including
the production of food. In the result, a huge number
of people is going to die - perhaps even over 3 to 8
billion of victims of this collapse of our civilisation.
In 2009 a similar model of catastrophe as the one
postulated by scientists from the "Club of Rome"
was also confirmed in a new report from the
Australian CSIRO. Also this report states that
the world is following the path toward a
self-destruction. Because this Australian report
is based on present data - which are more
current than the data from 1972, it was able
to determine more precisely the date of this
collapse of sustainability of the humanity.
According to this data, if no significant prevention
measures are undertaken, this catastrophe so
murderous for the humanity may only be around
20 years away.
Independently from entire organisations and
institutions, the alarm is also raised by individual
scientists. For example, I encountered an excellent
article by Dr John Robinson (applied mathematician),
entitled "World shows it's still on course for destruction",
from page B5 of the New Zealand newspaper
"The Dominion Post",
issue dated on Wednesday, March 4, 2009.
This article again appeals for waking up and
undertaking urgent actions, as in opinion of
this author the humanity soon is to pass through
the "point of no-return" and then the catastrophe
become unavoidable. The author of this article
writes, amongst others, quote:
"Business and government want the economy and
the population to go on growing forever. This has
led to a fundamental set of beliefs, that growth is
a necessary feature of capitalism, that capitalism
is a necessary feature of a free society, and that
the freedom of the market is more important than
physical reality. A propaganda war has denied
any global limits."
What scenario of the self-inflicted wiping out of the humanity
can be deduced from the analysis of to-date behaviour of
businessmen and political leaders:
If we watch carefully actions of typical present
politicians, then it turns out that they are
only able to give eloquent speeches, but
their societies never see any constructive
actions. This is best visible on the example
of reactions of politicians of 2009 to the
climate changes and to economic crisis.
In turn, if one analyses actions of businessmen,
then it is clearly visible that the only thing
that interests them, is how to escalate their
own profits. In turn what happens to the rest
of the world seems to be no their concern.
For me personally the most representative
behaviour of businessmen was the action
of the American insurance giant named
AIG. In spite that the management of this
corporation ruled so wrongly that it caused
billions of dollars of losses, and in spite that
their institution would not bankrupt only
because it received billions of dollars of
financial help from the USA government,
still these members of AIG management
took decision to pay themselves bonuses
of around 165 millions of US$ - for details
see the article "Megabuck bonuses for staff
who led America's biggest loss", from page
A1 of the newspaper
The New Zealand Herald,
issue dated on Monday, March 16, 2009.
Behaviour, mentality, and immorality of typical
present politicians and businessmen is not
giving even a slightest hope that they are ever able to come
to senses. After all typical present politicians
act according to the principle "let it collapse
and burn - if only I keep in power". In turn
typical present businessman act according
to a principle "after me even the end of the
world can come - if I only make further millions".
In the result it is just almost sure that this old
prophecy regarding the self-inflicted wiping
out of the majority of humans, is going to fulfil
itself. In turn seeing what happened with the
economic crisis of the end of 2008 and beginning
of 2009, already now we can deduce what
the scenario of this incoming self-wiping out
of people is going to look like. Let us now
summarise briefly this scenario:
The murderous avalanche of destruction will be
initiated by an unexpected wave of hunger. In
turn hunger brings desperation and madness to
everyone in the same way - means to a rich as
well as to a poor, to an influential person as well
as to an insignificant one. This wave of hunger
will hit the humanity when no-one is to expect it.
After all, in spite that the Earth's climate worsens
increasingly strong, and in spite that the natural
resources of the Earth are close to running out,
in order to stay in power politicians still keep reassuring
their nations that due to their leaderships the
future looks bright. Still they lead their countries
along the road to abyss close to which we are
already. Still, apart from China, no other country is to
curb the births explosion, while people still keep multiplying
like rabbits - although natural resources are melting away
instead of multiplying. Also politicians still keep giving eloquent
speeches about their efforts to improve the situation -
but still these are just empty words and politicians
still refry from taking any drastic or unpopular actions.
In turn businessmen still find excuses to earn billions
at the cost of nature, forests, and fertile soil.
So at a near future the humanity is to pass through
the point of no return and then everything is going to collapse.
After this point is passed, the events start to roll
with a terrifying speed - in a manner very similar
as in the second half of 2008 this happened with
the world's economical crisis. The first sign will
be that in shops of even the richest countries a
shortage of food is to appear - because a natural
disaster is to wipe out crops in the last country,
the export of food of which used to make an
impression that there is enough food in the world.
This lack of food will be exaggerated by sensation
thirsty press and television. This in turn will cause
the eruption of panics and mass looting of shops
with food and mass robbery of food storage facilities by
hysterical crowds. Authorities will react heavy-handedly,
and street fights will erupt. It will be then that guns
will fall into unauthorised hands. These ones with
guns will form bands to secure food for themselves.
Thus mass robberies will begin. The chaos will
soon prevail, while authorities will completely loose
the control over the population. Everyone will rapidly
find himself and herself left just to fend for themselves.
The hunger, robberies, and shootings will leave first
people dead. Because of the chaos, no-one is to burry
them. The plague will begin. People start to die in
large numbers. Electricity power-stations, waterworks,
and transport cease to exist. Governments and
countries will disappear while borders between
countries become non-existent. A rapid and massive
escape of people from cities will begin. Waves
of desperately hungry people are to flood villages
causing a kind of the "wild west" in there. Farmers
who will still try to grow food become soon
victims of bands of robbers and murderers. In turn without
food, without the knowledge how to produce food,
and without the possibility to find a place where
hungry crowds would allow to grow food, soon
all these who will still escape of the plague and
robberies, will also fall from hunger and exhaustion.
In addition, these countries in which initially was
maintained the order and law, are to send their
armies to own borders, while their soldiers are
to shoot to everyone who in the search for food
is trying to get onto their territories - until they
run out of ammunition and petrol. But with the
elapse of time also them will fall to hunger and
anarchy. Along the world gradually is to spread
the situation similar to circumstances from Lower
Silesia in Poland, described in item #C2 of the web page
which in medieval times led to the creation in Poland of the
"Chapel of Skulls" from Czermna near Kudowa Zdrój.
Chaos, anarchy, robberies, shootings, etc., are to spread
all over the entire world. The total effect will be almost
like after the biblical great flood. The only country
whose inhabitants are to survive in relatively unchanged
numbers, will be the one which is going to build on time my
(as explained in item #H1.1 above), and which with
the aid of these swift vehicles is going to surround
its entire borders with an impossible for crossing by
bands of hungry people belt of instant death. In the
remaining parts of the world this catastrophe will
survive only a few sparse people, who will be lucky
enough to escape to so hostile areas, that hungry
bands of robbers will not be able to find them in there,
and who simultaneously will be so knowledgeable
about principles of survival in the wilderness, that
they will resort to eating worms, insects, slugs,
roots, etc. - just in order to survive. When finally
the nature will restore a balance, there will be
so few people left that when one of them meets
footprints of another person, then from the
happiness he or she will kiss the ground -
exactly as the old Polish prophecy was
foretelling this.
Are people still able to prevent this catastrophe:
If people organise well, then they are able
to accomplish anything that they wish.
Unfortunately, the prevention of this incoming
catastrophe will turn to be very difficult. I
personally do NOT believe that the humanity
is able to mobilise itself to this task. The
reason is, that everything was already
designed and is running in the direction
of implementing it. Furthermore, God already
pe-planned how it is to look like, while His
plans He already supplied to people - e.g.
through the prophecy described before, and
also through content of the Biblical Revelation -
which almost completely is devoted to this
particular catastrophe. However, if people
managed to organise themselves somehow,
in order to fulfil several rather difficult conditions,
then perhaps this catastrophe could be avoided.
Here are these conditions:
(1) Realising by the greater proportion of the people,
that God already planned this catastrophe and that
He already is nearing the implementation of it.
As we know, in the universe nothing happens without
the knowledge and the aware action from
This also includes the incoming catastrophe. Although
this catastrophe is to be caused by people, still it is
going to occur only because God so pre-planned it,
because He foretold it in prophecies and in Biblical
verses, and because presently God so chooses
situations and conditions that this catastrophe in
fact takes place. But in His actions always a principle
hits our eyes, that God
avoids serving to people the evil about which people
already know that it originates from God and are
prepared for the arrival of it. An example
of just such a principle was the cancellation of the
arrival of "bird flu" described on the web page
But so-far people still live in blissful unawareness that
the catastrophe is coming and that their days are
already limited. Still people neither do know, nor wish
to know, what is soon to happen. In turn when the
majority of people started to expect the arrival of
the catastrophe described here, and started to
prepare itself to it, then God would cancel the
implementation of it. After all, one amongst
manifestations of the Godly superiority, is that
God always "surprises" people with His actions
and serves what people were NOT expecting and
were not prepared for - but about what God previously
warned them that it is incoming. (Such an element
of "surprise" is just one amongst attributes which
differentiate unpredictable actions of God, from
easy to predict actions of people.) In turn when
people take notice of warning signs, predict what
is to come, and prepare themselves to the incoming
disaster, then God usually rewards their wisdom
and cancels the serving of what people are
expecting to come.
(2) Stopping the multiplication like rabbits. As
so-far only China imposed limits onto the explosion
of human numbers. In many other countries people
still multiply like rabbits. This in spite that our civilisation
already have all these highly effective contraceptives,
and also in spite that neither in the
Bible authorised by God Himself,
nor in any other holy book, is any God's request to
NOT use methods of birth control or to NOT use
contraceptives. In turn resources of our planet cannot
be multiplied like people do. Therefore it is vital that
practically all countries of the world introduce laws
that every woman is restricted to giving an unconditional
birth to just one child - for which she herself is assuming
the parental responsibilities. Only in the case when this
woman is to prove that she remains in a stable and
prosperous relationship with a man who does NOT
have yet a child assigned to him, she can apply for
an additional privilege of giving birth to a second
child - for which however the parental responsibility
will legally assume her husband.
(3) Restoration of food self-sufficiency of every
country. For some time now we witness on
the Earth an increasingly faster decrease in food
production. Some countries, for example Zimbabwe
(which some time ago used to feed almost the entire
Africa), suffocate their food production through political
incompetence of their governments. Other countries,
for example Argentina (in which it stopped to be
"beneficial" to graze cattle), suffocate their food
production through the excessive taxes and bureaucratic
"red tape". Still another countries, for example China,
suffocate their food production through too strong
emphasises on the development of industry at the
cost of farming. Etc., etc. This dangerous trend
of continuous decrease in the food production,
is practically a "catastrophe awaiting to happen"
during a nearest "food panic". After all, in the event
when people initiate a "food panic" - similar to the
"panic of crude oil prices" which in 2008 initiated
the world's economic depression, then it rapidly
turns out that food is unavailable in even the richest
countries. From this is just a small step to the
initiation of the world-wide unrest, chaos and anarchy.
After all, the rebuilding of food production cannot
be accomplished in a short period of time, while
hungry people become also desperate people.
(4) Assigning personal responsibilities to managers
and governors of all institutions.
For example, currently businesses have group
management by boards of directors, councils,
committees, etc. So there is no-one who would
assume the personal responsibilities for whatever
happens to these institutions. Thus, it is necessary
to reorganise businesses so that each of them
is governed (or owned) by a single person
who is to assume the personal responsibility for
all the activities. In turn, whenever a group wisdom
is needed, other people could fulfil just only
advisory functions, while all decisions would
need to be authorised by this single governor who
is responsible for everything (although who
has the legal right to delegate sections of his
responsibilities to people whom he trusts and
whom he is going to held accountable for his trust).
(5) Refocusing the industry. Independently from
making the manager or governor of every institution
personally responsible for all actions of this institution,
factories should also change goals of production.
So far the production serves only to rip benefits
and profits. This in turn leads to wastage of the
Earth's resources, and to various deviations. So
it is necessary to change goals and principles of
production, from the generation of profits into making
people happy (i.e. into the generation of moral energy) -
see the web page
(6) Reconditioning the politicians, so they start to
solve problems instead of multiplying problems.
This in turn requires the reformation of the entire
political systems - see the web page
For example, politicians would need to be elected for
a single term only, after which they obligatorily would
be forced to leave politics - so that they would NOT
have reasons to please their electorates to be elected
again and thus would NOT be afraid to take unpopular
or hard decisions. Term in office for politicians should be
limited to 5 years - so that they have enough time to improve
something, but too little time to ruin their own countries.
Etc., etc.
(7) The change of political system into totalizm.
Reasons for this change are described on the web page
This change would cause, that a new political system
would incorporate advantages of capitalism and
advantages of socialism, while it would simultaneously
be deprived of disadvantages of these old political systems.
Part #I:
Old Polish "beliefs", about which it is
claimed that they fulfil like "prophecies":
Let us define "beliefs" which are discussed in this part:
Under the name "prophecies" we typically
understand the predictions of some events
of a high historical significance, which after
the arrival are to affect a lot of people
simultaneously. Prophecies typically work
on the principle "God planned this, and one
day God is going to make it happen, in turn
that it is just coming (or already arrived)
certify such and such signs". Everything
that was described in front of this item, is
an example of "prophecies". But folklores
of various nations knows also "small prophecies" -
which most frequently are called beliefs.
(Sometimes other names are also used for
them, for example "warnings", "curses", etc.)
These "beliefs" supposedly fulfil like prophecies,
only that their outcomes are to affect only single
people, or small groups (e.g. families, institutions,
professional groups, etc.). Beliefs work on
principle "beware, because if you do this
then you will experience that". Means their
fulfilment is described by action of so-called
moral laws.
The fulfilment of a given belief is completely
dependent on our will. It occurs only if we
firstly undertake a forbidden action defined
by a given belief. Beliefs should be clearly
distinguished from "superstitions", outcomes
of which - similarly like for "prophecies", are
also out of our influence, because they work
according to the principle "if appears such
and such sign, then this means that soon you
will experience that". An example of beliefs
can be the so-called curse of inventors
described in item #11 of the web page
or in items #H1 to #H4 of the web page
Regarding this "curse of inventors", I already
verified it and I am sure that it really does work
in real life. This part of the web page discusses
more interesting amongst such "beliefs" repeated
in old Poland of years 1950s.
"The person who wastes food in the later life is going to experience the lack of whatever he or she wasted":
For inhabitants of Poland food was considered
to be holy throughout the ages. Food was still
treated as a kind of holy product even in times
of my youth - means in Poland of years 1950s.
Until today I remember how my grandfather
kissed and asked for forgiveness a slice of
bread which accidentally slipped from
his hand and dropped to the floor. I also
remember how my parents never wasted
any kind of food. In turn to the category of
"food" then was included everything that could
be eaten, starting from bread, through all
kinds of meats, and finishing on fruits. The
respect to food was so significant, that people
of 1950s never would sit to a common meal
at the table in the same "working clothes"
which they used for work - as this is done
in present times. To every common meal
at the table people changed then into special
"dinner suits" which needed to be appropriately
clean and elegant, in order to be worthy to
commune with holy food.
During my numerous travels over the world I also
discovered that in past food was considered to be
"holy" in practically every folklore of the world.
Unfortunately, young people dazzled by prosperity
of recent times slowly forget about this (one amongst
consequences of which forgetting probably will be
the fulfilment of the prophecy described in item
#H3 of this web page). For example, in items #D1
and #D3 of the web page
I am explaining why coconuts and bananas are
considered to be "holy" in many tropical countries,
while local people claim that trees that bear these
fruits display supernatural attributes.
A direct consequence of "holiness" of all food
was the folkloristic "belief" which was commonly
repeated to young people in Poland of 1950s.
This belief stated that if you are going to
waste food in any way, in later life you are
going to experience the lack of whatever food
you were wasting. Whether this old Polish
belief actually does fulfil with an iron consequence,
so-far I had NO opportunity to check. It happens
that wasting food is rather a highly private occupation
which normally is carried out behind closed doors
of own homes and typically other people do NOT
know about it. In the result, so-far I did NOT know
anyone about whom I would be sure that he or
she intentionally wastes food. Anyway, even if
I knew such someone, in order to be sure about
his or her future fate I would need to watch this
person throughout many years. After all, the fulfilment
of beliefs usually takes many years. But some time
ago the situation got changed. I encountered an
information about two large institutions which started
to waste food intentionally (or more strictly - intentionally
dump-destroy "kiwifruit" for artificial increase of princes).
What their actions boiled down to, it is described in
item #D5 of the web page
The fate of institutions can be traced easier than
the fate of individual people. After all, if institutions
collapse - because they are cut off from the access
to the goods that they wasted in past, then various
newspapers are going to write about this, while I can
accidentally read about such cases.
Old Polish belief that food is holy and that because
of this holiness food cannot be wasted, results probably
from many causes. For example, by being positioned
on crossings of all routes through the Europe, Poland
was always tormented by aggressions and wars.
In turn the final outcome of these aggressions
and wars always turned out to be the lack of
food. Furthermore, food probably was considered
to be holy because of the amount of work and
resources which were needed to produce it.
After all, in old times food was NOT "imported"
from distant countries - where completely
without our effort it was yield by some anonymous
creatures. Food in old times was produced
locally with of own hands, effort, and sweat.
The holiness of food is also confirmed by
religions, and even indirectly emphasized in the
After all, "bread" symbolises the "body of Christ".
"Fruits" symbolise everything that requires
contribution of our work and attention.
In turn meat is available for consumption only
if some creatures loose their lives - while life
is holy and without an absolute need it should
NOT be taken. Finally the holiness of food can
also be deduced logically from the existence
and action of so-called
moral laws
and from the fact that
every living organism, including organisms which produce food, have a soul.
In my research I encountered the action of the
moral law
which principle suggests that this old Polish belief
about the fate of people who waste food should
in fact fulfil itself. This law is called the "Law of
Partnership Ladder". The description of it is
provided in
subsections I4.1.1 (see item #6C in there) from volumes 5 of monographs
[1/5], or
The principle of work of this moral law in relation
to the belief that is discussed here about food,
results from facts described on the web page
Namely, as this is described on the web page
all objects of the universe, including every
fruit, and also every tree that bears fruit, has
an intelligent "soul". This intelligent soul
prevails over matter from our physical world.
For details of this prevalence of soul over
matter, and also for scientific proofs that
souls really do exist - see items #E7 and
#E7.1 on that web page
So if someone "offends" souls of e.g. fruits,
through wasting "bodies" of these fruits, then
for a "revenge" these intelligent souls are to
make sure that such someone gradually
slides down in the "partnership ladder" with
fruits, until one day this someone becomes
completely deprived of whatever he earlier
"He who mistreats his visitors is to be
punished by God while the privilege of
hosting will be taken away from him":
"If you live in 1930s, would you risk visiting Hitler's Germany?"
During times of Poland 1950s described here,
a special attention was placed by Poles to visitors
and to the privilege of hosting. Visitors, as well
as the privilege of hosting them, were then
considered to be a kind of gift from God and
a special privilege and honour. (Of course,
similarly as this is in present times, the exception
was the treatment of "unwanted guests", e.g.
enemies, aggressors, bandits, pirates, etc. -
the defence against those entering our "home"
was classified then as our basic human duty.)
This special significance of hosting of other
people is expressed in old Polish proverbs
and sayings, of the kind "whatever our home
have, happily offers it to visitors" (in the
original Polish language "czym chata bogata,
tym rada"). Also one amongst the beliefs which
in past were cultivated regarding visitors and
hosting, stated that "He who mistreats his
visitors is to be punished by God while the
privilege of hosting will be taken away from
him". What more interesting, a
similar belief about a holy duty of taking
good care of our guests, apart from Poland
was also cultivated in a significant number of
other nations of the world. There are various
premises which suggest that this duty is even
written permanently into human organs of
"conscience", and that there are
moral laws
in operation, which control the fulfilment of it.
The folklore is NOT the only source, which
emphasizes the special significance of
hospitality. The disobedience of the holy duty
of a hospitable treatment for visitors and for guests,
is severely punished even by God. The significance
of good treatment of visitors is emphasized by the
Bible authorized by God Himself.
In fact, the refusal to provide a hospitability to a
stranger, the Bible includes to the list of activities
for which people are sent to hell (in the Biblical
understanding of the "hell" which is explained
in item #J2.2 of the web page
soul_proof.htm) -
for an example see "Matthew" 25:42-43, quote:
"For I became hungry, but you gave me
nothing to eat, and I got thirsty, but you
gave me nothing to drink. I was a stranger,
but you did not receive me hospitably;
naked, but you did not clothe me, sick and
in prison, but you did not look after me."
The obvious fact, that these ones who mistreat their
innocent guests will be later avoided by other
potential visitors, is also indicated by the logic
and by a common sense. After all, if potential visitors
learn that in a given place someone commits
on them systematic murders, rapes, discriminations,
persecutions, bullying, etc., then these visitors cease to
go to such a place - for an example of such a
reaction see the article "Rape sparks warning to
tourists", from page A10 of New Zealand newspaper
Weekend Herald,
issue dated on Saturday, January 24, 2009.
In turn, during present times - when the income
of many countries depend on tourism, such a
cease to visit means a beginning of economic
Illustrations of undesirable consequences of bad
treatments of guests can also be found in history.
After all, history of many lands reveals, that in
areas which were populated by inhospitable
tribes or nations, with the elapse of time barbarism
and savagery kept escalating. This eventually
could even lead to
(As it is illustrated in item #F1 of the web page
the path from savagery to cannibalism is NOT
so distant.) Furthermore, if such inhospitable
tribes would NOT eat each other completely
just by themselves, then other nations that
needed to co-exist with them usually got
so sick of them eventually, that at
various historically convenient opportunities
these inhospitable tribes were annihilated. So
history teaches us that the lack of hospitality
may lead to barbarism and to savagery, in
turn barbarism and savagery may lead to
cannibalism and to fall-down of a given
civilisation, while cannibalism may lead
to a complete annihilation of a given tribe
or nation.
In spite of such multiple warnings about
catastrophic consequences of failing to maintain
the holy duty of being hospitable, the present
world becomes increasingly inhospitable. And
this is NOT just towards the "unwanted guests" -
means towards enemies, aggressors, occupying
armies, pirates, abductors, etc. (whose, by the
way, the increasingly frequent appearance
in recent times is also an expression of
extremism in the lack of hospitability). Such an
escalating fall-down in hospitability towards
innocent visitors we can see at present in
practically every area. It begins from apparently
small things, for example from an escalation
of invitations type "potluck" in private functions -
when the invited person is ordered to bring
food which he or she is to consume, or
from a pre-election campaign in which
a nationalistic political party promises to
disallow immigrants to enter "our country".
Such a creeping of local "culture of easiness
and convenience" is visibly one amongst
contributing factors which later gradually leads
to even more serious acts of the type: bullying,
picking on, tormenting, raping, and sometimes
even murdering visitors - see the article
"Tragic story behind NZ visit", from page
A7 of New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Thursday, February 5, 2009.
If these behaviours are NOT eliminated, then
the advanced stage may begin which we know
so well from Hitler's Germany - namely when
citizens of a given country start to call openly
for the removal from jobs and for throwing out
from "their country" of emigrants who earlier were
invited to come - see the article "Sloppy thinking
on jobs unfair to immigrants", from page C2
of New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Tuesday, April 21, 2009. In
turn, as Hitler meaningfully show this to us,
from throwing out emigrants is NOT so far
to the formation of nicely named concentration
camps for "undesired strangers" and to
stepping on a path to savagery.
For me personally the most dangerous seems
to be the decrease of hospitality towards scientists,
inventors, and other creators. If one looks through
the history of new discoveries and inventions,
then it turns out that these in majority were
accomplished by creators who stayed in a
given place after arriving in there as guests or
as visitors - for examples consider Maria
Curie-Skłodowska, Ernst Rutherford, or
Aleksander Możajski.
Thus, such increasingly common at present
practices of "anti-hospitality", as removal of
scientists-emigrants from jobs (e.g. see the
article "Lecturer fails to get his job back", from
page A4 of New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Friday, March 28, 2008), as ceasing
to invite for visits or for guest lectures, etc., is
to lead initially to freezing, and then to gradual
fall-down, of science and technology.
To summarise the old truth (point) which
I am trying to remind here, everything may begin
from supposedly non-significant failures to be
hospitable, while it may finish with the return of
"medieval times" of even concentration camps.
God instantly punishes these ones who refuse to be hospitable:
In typical matters "God's mill grinds slow
but sure". Therefore, if an individual person
causes troubles, then a
"God's punishment" (or "karma")
for these troubles sometimes arrives only after
around 10 or even more years. In turn when
a whole country or nation does something nasty, then
"God's punishment" (or "karma")
for this nastiness may arrive sometimes after
more than 100 years. For example, former
colonial countries only recently started to
pay back the "karma" which they accumulated
for themselves during their colonial times.
Therefore, it is a kind of shock when we notice
that these ones who fail to meet their duty of
being hospitable to innocent strangers are
punished by God almost immediately. Evidence
of this instant serving the punishment by God
can be noticed by everyone - if only one carefully
looks around.
In case of individual people the reliable noticing
of evidence for such immediate punishment from
God is quite difficult. After all, individual people
have NO many opportunities to host strangers.
In turn when they host someone, then external
observers do NOT have good opportunities to
notice this nor to judge them. However, in case
of entire nations and countries, in present times
is NOT difficult to notice the level of their hospitability
towards innocent strangers. After all, it is enough
to check how easily one can receive a "working
visa" from them, or check how they treat so-called
"emigrants", or read whether they surround their
borders with walls and fences or place strangers
in "camps for internees".
If one checks consequences of hospitability and treatment
of innocent strangers by subsequent countries, then
the outcome is shocking. It turns out that countries
which treat inhospitably and nasty their innocent
strangers, are immediately troubled with so-called
acts of God. (By "acts of God" are understood
all disasters, which do NOT have a systematic or
a global character, but which randomly destroy
selected areas of the Earth. Examples of "acts
of God" are fires, droughts, floods, earthquakes,
volcano eruptions, plagues, epidemics, local
wars, etc.) What is even more interesting, such
"acts of God" appear in such countries almost
immediately after these countries undertake next steps
which decrease their hospitability towards innocent
strangers - e.g. immediately after erecting a new
wall or fence along the border, after taking a resolution
about creation of "camps for internees", etc.
Simultaneously countries which hospitably and
with open arms accept innocent strangers, are
immediately rewarded with the growth in their
prosperity and with ceasing "acts of God"
which would trouble their territory.
In this item I do not intend to elaborate the matter,
but just try to signal the regularity which readers
can later verify by themselves. This regularity
states that according to the warning contained in the
God does NOT tolerate anyone who refuses
hospitability for innocent strangers. Every
country and nation which with some its actions
decreases own hospitability towards innocent
strangers, is immediately punished with so-called
"acts of God". Evidence of this punishing can
be seen clearly if one looks carefully around
the present world.
"The aggressor finally is always defeated":
Another old belief stated that "in case of
someone's aggression, in the final effect
the aggressor always is defeated". By an
aggressor is understood a country or an
individual who with the aggressive intentions
enters the living space of someone else.
The fulfilment of the rule that "the aggressor always
finally is defeated", is illustrated in the best way
on examples of aggressive wars. Several such
aggressive wars, which all in the final effect were
lost by the aggressor, is discussed on the web page
bitwa_o_milicz_uk.htm -
with item #I2 in there presenting their final summary.
All aggressive wars were always carried out in
a less or more open way until the time when the
aggressor finally was defeated.
Part #J:
General regularities:
"Riders of Apocalypse" - why old-timers called with such a name the present situation on the Earth:
We live in breakthrough times. In our sight
old prophecies are fulfilling. Someone
secretly is dismantling our civilisation to-date
piece-by-piece. One does NOT need eyes
of an eagle to notice that strange things are
happening. For example, only when one
considers the first half of October 2005
(when the first formulation of this item was
done), then would notice: (1) the bomb
in tropical island of Bali on Saturday, 1st
October 2005 (around 30 people killed),
(2) hurricane "Stan" in Mexico and Guatemala
on Monday, 3rd October 2005 with several
thousands of victims, (3) murderous earthquake
in Pakistan on Sunday 9 October 2005 of the
force 7.6 in the Richter scale, with around
60 000 killed people (see the article "Quake
toll more than 54 000" from page B2 of the
New Zealand newspaper
"The Dominion Post",
issue dated on Tuesday, 18 October 2005),
(4) hail of the tennis balls that massacred
Australians from tropical Queensland on
13 October 2005, (5) the scare of approaching
"pandemic" of the bird flue, and a whole
range of smaller disasters. In turn several
days earlier, (i.e. on 24 September 2005)
the hurricane "Rita" devastated Texas in
the USA killing tens of people. Simultaneously
with it also the typhoon "Damrey" appeared
in China and Vietnam killing several hundreds
of people. Such a stream of disasters is
continued on the Earth for all time that elapsed
since the examples indicated above.
In the Bible such a pilling of artificially created
cataclysms is called the "Raiders of Apocalypse".
Many sceptics still considers that these Raiders
do NOT have anything to do with the present
situation on the Earth, but they describe some
undefined abstract situation. But, let us consider
how we ourselves would name the present situation
on the Earth, if we live in antiquity and with the
use of some divine revelation we would be shown
all what happens today on the Earth. After all, the
only means of locomotion in times of antiquity
would be riding a horse. We would NOT know
machines, nor vehicles, thus e.g. a car or a
tank would be a kind of "horse" for us. Similarly
an airplane or space station would be a flying
"horse". So when we would see such present
"horses" carrying various destructive activities -
as this happens today, the only way to describe
what we see would be the term "Riders of
The link between a prophecy, and the characteristics of the place on the Earth in which this prophecy is cultivated:
It appears that there is a special relationship
between specific areas of the Earth, and kinds
of prophecies that are cultivated in these
areas, and that later fulfil with the involvement
of these areas.
Part #K:
Summary, and the final information of this web page:
Summary of this web page:
For hundreds of years the national folklore
of Poland was repeating various prophecies.
People deeply believed in these prophecies -
although in their times these prophecies refused
to fulfil. However, today, when we live in times
when these old prophecies started to fulfil,
we rapidly stopped to believe in them! Is this
just another confirmation for an old saying
that "when God wishes to punish someone,
He firstly makes him deaf to rational opinions"?
How with the web page named
one can find totaliztic descriptions
of topics in which he is interested:
A whole array of topics equally interesting
as these from the above web page, is also
discussed from the angle that is unique to
the philosophy of totalizm. All these related
topics can be found and identified with the use of
content index
prepared especially to make easier finding
these web pages and topics. The name "index"
means a list of "key words" usually provided
at the end of textbooks, which allows to find
fast the description or the topic in which we
are interested. My web pages also has such
a content "index" - only that it is additionally
supplied in green
which after "clicking" at them with a mouse
immediately open the web page with the topic
that interest the reader. This content "index"
is provided on the web page named
It can be called from the "organising" part of
"Menu 1" of every totaliztic web page. I would
recommend to look at it and to begin using it
systematically - after all it brings closer hundreds
of totaliztic topics which can be of interest to
Blogs of totalizm:
It is also worth to check periodically the blog
of totalizm, available at following addresses:
(Notice that all these addresses hold the same
blog with the same content of messages.)
On this blog many matters discussed here
are also explained with additional details
written as new events unveil before our eyes.
Current email addresses to the author of
this web page, i.e. officially to
Dr Eng. Jan Pajak
while courteously to Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak,
at which readers can post possible comments,
opinions, descriptions, or information which in
their opinion I should learn, are provided on the web page named
(for its version in the HTML language), or the web page named
(for the version of the web page "pajak_jan_uk.pdf"
in safe PDF format - which safe PDF versions
of further web pages by the author can also be
downloaded via links from item #B1 of the web page named
The author's right for the use of courteous
title of "Professor" stems from the custom that
"with professors is like with generals", namely
when someone is
once a professor, than he or she courteously
remains a professor forever. In
turn the author of this web page was a professor
on 4 different universities, i.e. on 3 of them,
from 1 September 1992 till 31 October 1998,
as an "Associate Professor" from English-based
educational system, while on one university as
a (Full) "Professor" (since 1 March 2007 till
31 December 2007 - means at the last place
of employment in my professional life).
This web page is also available in the form
of a brochure marked [11], which
is prepared in "PDF" ("Portable Document
Format") - currently considered to be the
most safe amongst all internet formats, as
normally viruses cannot cling to PDF. This
clear brochure is ready both, for printing,
as well as for reading from a computer
screen. It also has all its
green links
still active. Thus, if it is read from the computer
screen connected to internet, then after clicking
onto these green links, the linked web pages
and illustrations will open. Unfortunately, because
the volume of it is around a double of the volume
of web page which this brochure publishes,
the memory limitations on a significant number
of free servers which I use, do NOT allow to
offer it from them (so if it does NOT download
from this address, because it is NOT available
on this server, then you should click onto any
other address from
Menu 3,
and then check whether in there it is available).
In order to open this brochure (and/or download
it to own computer), it suffices to either click on
the following green link
or to open from any totaliztic web site the
PDF file named as in the above green link.
If the reader wishes to check, whether some other
totaliztic web page which he or she just is studying,
is also available in the form of such PDF brochure,
then should check whether it is listed amongst links
from "part #B" of the web page named
This is because links from there indicate all totaliztic
web pages, which are already published as such
brochures from series [11] in PDF format.
I wish you a fruitful reading!
If you prefer to read in Polish
click on the Polish flag below
(Jeśli preferujesz czytanie w języku polskim
kliknij na poniższą flagę)
Date of starting Polish version of this page: 5 January 2005
Date of starting English version of this page: 17 February 2009
Date of the latest updating of this web page: 5 March 2014
(Check in "Menu 3" whether there is even a more recent update!)