Advanced Magnetic Propulsion Systems for Flying Vehicles
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7 October 2013

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It is enough to venture at a street of any city to realise that our present propulsion systems are NOT going to take us far. After all, they stink out our natural environment, persecute us with their noise, consume the remains of natural resources that our mother Earth offered to us, and it is increasingly difficult to park them, to store them, and to dispose them. So there must be a better way to solve our transportation problems. This better way is called the Magnocraft. Soon such Magnocrafts are going to replace NOT only our present cars, but also all our space vehicles. This web page explains how exactly we learned that Magnocrafts for sure are to arrive soon, what evidence confirms that Magnocrafts are technically feasible, what attributes these Magnocrafts are to display, and what other vehicles that are even more advanced are to come after these Magnocrafts.

Part #A: Introductory information of this web page:


#A1. What are goals of this web page:

       The main goal of this web page and the body of evidence which I present here, is to document and to explain to the reader entirely new propulsion systems that soon are to be completed on our planet.

Part #B: The incoming era of designing new propulsion systems instead of inventing them:


#B1. The "Periodic Table" for Propulsion Systems:

       Do you remember how subsequent chemical elements were discovered. Well, initially chemists kept discovering them by chances. Then a great Russian scientist and thinker was born, named Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev (1834 - 1907). He discovered that subsequent elements fit nicely into a tidy table, which we call the Periodic Table of the Elements or the "Mendeleyev's Table". When this table was created, further discoveries of chemical elements become intentional. This is because the "Mendeleyev's Table" was telling people which chemical elements still remain undiscovered, and what their properties are. So by following hints that result from this table, remaining chemical elements could be discovered and described quite quickly and effectively.
       As it turns out exactly the same happens with inventions of new propulsion systems and new propelling devices. Initially these were invented by chances. And so in this manner James Watt (1736 - 1819) invented a steam engine, while Rudolf Diesel (1858 - 1913) invented a diesel engine. But in 1972 an equivalent of the Mendeleyev's Table was discovered also for propulsion systems. This equivalent takes a shape of the Periodic Table for Propulsion Systems - shown and explained comprehensively in chapters B and LA (volumes 2 and 10) of the newest scientific monograph [1/5], as well as on the Figure below. The general principle on which this table was designed is called the "Cyclic Principle" (thus the "Periodic Table for Propulsion Systems" can also be called the "Cyclic Table"). In exactly the same way as the "Periodic Table of the Elements" allows to discover intentionally all subsequent chemical elements, also the "Periodic Table of Propulsion Systems" allows to invent intentionally new propelling devices and new vehicles. This is because it puts all possible propelling devices into a tidy order, thus allowing to reason about their future design, principles of operation, and displayed properties. So this new table opens for us the doors for an easy and effective inventing of all propelling devices that humanity is going to build in the future. Here is how this unique table looks like:
       The "Cyclic Table" as well as the "Mendeleyev's Table" are consequences of a high symmetricity with which God created our physical world, and which the French researcher named Louis De Broglie formulated into his "Principle of the Symmetry of Nature" - described, amongst others, in subsection H6.1 from volume 4 of my newest monograph [1/5], and briefly summarised, amongst others, in item #B1 of the totaliztic web page named antichrist.htm. According to this principle, in our universe everything is strikingly symmetrical in many ways. DeBroglie's symmetry principle provided philosophical and scientific foundations, which allow us to understand a number of natural phenomena, thus opening them for explorations, discoveries, formulation of new theories, completion of new devices, etc. For example: the Periodic Table of the Elements (also called the Mendeleyev Table), the existence of a mirror duplicate for each elementary particle (e.g. electrons and positrons, protons and antiprotons), and the similarities between atoms and solar systems - all these document the symmetry existing in the structure of matter. The similarities between equations that describe different physical phenomena (e.g. Navier-Stock's equation describing flow of fluids and Laplace's equation describing heat transfer) express symmetry in the laws of nature. In turn the technological correspondence between e.g. pumps and hydraulic motors, or electricity generators and electric motors, reflect the symmetry in the operation of technical devices.
       Further information about how the "Periodic Table of Propulsion Systems" (or "Cyclic Table") converts the previous "inventing" of new propelling devices into a process of scientific synthesizing of these inventions, provides subsection LA1 from volume 10 of the newest monograph [1/5]. The theoretical explanations are supported in there with examples of scientific synthesizing of inventions of a telekinetic vehicle and a time vehicle (i.e. Magnocrafts of the second and third generation).

Fig. #1: The Periodic Table for Propulsion Systems

Fig. #1 (Tab. B1 in [1/5]): The "Periodic Table for Propulsion Systems". It is like an equivalent of the "Mendeleyev's Table" (also called the "Periodic Table of the Elements"). Only that instead of chemical elements, the above "Cyclic Table" reveals symmetries and similarities that exist in the principles of operation, designs, and dates of discoveries of subsequent propelling devices. This is why the "Cyclic Table" allows us to predict the operation, design, and properties of all future propulsion systems still awaiting to be invented and build on the Earth. Actually, it allows to even develop a computer program that is going to tell future inventors which propulsion systems are still awaiting for someone's creative interest. The effect of formulation of the above "Cyclic Table" was, that the author of this web page with the aid of this table was able to develop a principle of operation and design of initially a starship called the Magnocraft, and later also the principle of operation and design of a time vehicle. This unique table is described thoroughly in chapter B (volume 2) of the newest monograph [1/5], as well as in older monographs [1/4], [1e], and [2e]. It is also published and explained in monographs [5/4], [5/3], [6], and [6/2].
       An intriguing phenomenon which was revealed to me during my testing of the dissemination of the above "Cyclic Table" through the internet, was that someone highly influential seems to block and sabotage the viewing this table by readers - as this explained e.g. in item #J2 of the web page named faq.htm. For example, in order the reader could analyse this table thoroughly, in the internet is disseminated an enlargement of it prepared in the safe format PDF - about which format it is known that it was intentionally so designed that computer viruses were unable to attach themselves to it. For example, just such an enlargement of this table in the safe format PDF is available, amongst others, on this web site (click on this link to call it up), as well as it is also available on other totaliztic web sites - for example see the address However (as I noted this during testing my web pages), when one tries to download and view this enlargement of the "Cyclic Table", unexpectedly appears a message with some mysterious warning - which I am unable to get rid of in any way. There is also no way to explain this message - taking under consideration that texts in PDF format are NOT carriers of any computer viruses, and also that apart from the above table I never met in internet any other text in the PDF format that would generate just such, or a similar, mysterious message. Thus, e.g. apart from an intentionally-discouraging action of someone sufficiently influential to be able to spread this messages onto the entire internet, and specifically attach it to my table, I do NOT have any explanation regarding where this mysterious message comes from. Perhaps the reader could help me to find out what causes this message and how I can get rid of it!
       I should add here, that in order to view the enlargement of the above table disseminated in the safe format PDF, one needs to either (1) open this enlargement from a commonly accessible internet address which clearly indicates that the table is available in the safe format PDF - e.g. from the address (for the increase of safety and peace of mind, this opening can be carried out e.g. through a "firewall" that exists in a majority of Cyber Cafes, or through some software system which checks and filters for computer viruses everything that passes through it - such as is e.g. almost every email system), or (2) click on the following button which also allows to download it in the safe format PDF from this web site, or (3) to click on the above "Cyclic Table" and then follow instructions that are to appear - as this would also download it in the safe format PDF.

#B2. "Motors" versus "propulsors":

       Before I explain how works the "Periodic Table for Propulsion Systems", firstly I need to explain scientific foundations behind two most basic terms used in research on propelling devices. These two terms describe two basic kinds of propelling devices, namely the so-called "motors" and the so-called "propulsors".
       Motors produce only a relative motion of one group of parts of a given machine, in relationship to other group of parts of the same machine. This means that motors are practically unable to produce the absolute motion of entire objects in relationship to the environment of these object, although they frequently provide mechanical motion that is later used to create such an absolute motion. As an example consider a car, in which the engine is a typical "motor". Everyone knows that the engine from a car DOES NOT produce the motion of the entire car along a road - but these are wheels which produce this motion. The engine from a car supplies only the mechanical energy to wheels. So a car is a machine which contains both, a single motor (i.e. the car's engine) which causes the relative rotation of wheels in relationship to the car's body, and four propulsors (i.e. four wheels) which produce absolute motion of the car along the road. Similarly is with a boat. A "motor" in a boat only reassures the relative rotation of propeller, while the absolute motion of the entire boat is formed by this propeller, not by the motor.
       Devices which produce an absolute motion of entire vehicles in the surrounding environment are called propulsors. Examples of propulsors include: a propeller in an aeroplane, helicopter blades, jet engine, rocket engine, hovercraft outlets, wheels, propeller in a boat, and many more. Notice that propulsors must be distinguished from so-called linear motors. For example railway locomotive is just simply a linear motor, not a propulsor. This is because propulsors produce an absolute motion in the natural environment. In turn linear motors produce only a relative motion in relationship to one of their part (e.g. a "rail") that is extended at large distance.

#B3. How the Periodic Table for propulsion systems is constructed:

       The general principle on which the Periodic Table for Propulsion Systems is constructed, is based on my discovery that there is a number of very strict relationships between inventions of motors and inventions of propulsors. There is several such relationships, which are described comprehensively in chapters B and LA of monograph [1/5]. These relationships decide about each invention of a new propelling device. Because of them it is possible to predict exactly (a) which next propulsion system is going to be invented on Earth, (b) when the invention of this next propulsion system is going to occur, (c) how this new propulsion is going to operate, and (d) what phenomena and principles of operation this new propulsion system is going to utilise for the operation. In order o keep this web page brief, I am going to explain here only the first and the most important one, out of these numerous relationships expressed in the Periodic Table. This relationship states that each motor must have a corresponding propulsor. In order to explain here the technical interpretation of this statement, it practically means that propulsion systems are always invented in pairs. Firstly a motor is invented, and then this motor is followed by a corresponding propulsor. For example, if someone invents a "motor" such as let say an "internal combustion engine" used to propel our cars, soon afterwards someone else invents also an almost identical propulsor such as an engine for "space rockets". (Notice that the basic part of a space rocket, namely the thrust outlet, is almost like a cylinder used in internal combustion engines, only that the piston is removed from this cylinder and replaced by the rocket's outlet.) If we review all "motors" invented on Earth so-far, it turns out that each one of them has a corresponding propulsor already working - for details see the Periodic Table shown above. This means that practically for almost all of them the inventions of mutually corresponding pairs were completed. And so, for example a motor which we know as a "windmill", has a corresponding propulsor in the form of a "sail". A motor in the form of an "internal combustion engine", has a corresponding propulsor in the form of a "space rocket". A motor in the form of "gas turbine" has a propulsor in the form of a "jet engine". Etc., etc.

#B4. Why the Periodic Table for propulsion systems indicates that the next most important new propulsion system build on the Earth will be the space vehicle named the Magnocraft:

       The Periodic Table indicates that, except for one, almost all motors systems completed on the Earth already have the corresponding pair in the form of a propulsor that works on the same principles of operation like a given motor. This single motor which is already invented, but which does not has a corresponding propulsor, as yet, is a common "electric motor". (More strictly we should call it a "magnetic motor", because the working medium utilised in it is the magnetic field.) So according to the Cyclic Principle soon we must expect a propulsor to be build on Earth, that represents a pair for electric motors. This new propulsor is to be utilised for propelling a space vehicle named the "Magnocraft". The Periodic Table indicates that the Magnocraft is going to be build on Earth not later than by the year 2036.

#B5. According to the Cyclic Principle three different generations of Magnocraft are to be completed at the Earth in the not-too-distant future:

       The Periodic Table for propulsion systems indicates, that after people build the first magnetically propelled Magnocraft, still even more advanced vehicles are to come to Earth later. These more advanced vehicles include a "telekinetic Magnocraft" and also a "Time vehicle". Because both these more advanced vehicles are to use a very similar propulsion system as the Magnocraft does, and also because they are to keep the Magnocraft's general shape and design, they are called the Magnocraft of higher generations. Telekinetic Magnocraft represent Magnocraft of the second generation, while time vehicles represent Magnocraft of the third generation. Telekinetic Magnocraft is going to fly through space instantly, means with infinitively high speed. In turn the time vehicle is going to be able to shift itself and its crew forth and back in time. Thus it will move people either to the future or to the past. Principles of instant telekinesis, on which the telekinetic Magnocraft is going to operate, are summarised briefly on separate web sites devoted to telekinesis. An example of such web site is telekinesis.htm. In turn the operation of time vehicles is summarised on the web site timevehicle.htm. But the most comprehensive description of both these futuristic vehicles is provided in chapters LC and M of the newest monograph [1/5] available free of charge via menus from this web page.
       Magnocraft of the first, second, and third generation display an interesting property, which in chapter B of monograph [1/5] is described under the name of "omnibus trend". The omnibus trend is simply an ability of more advanced vehicles to use the mode of flight characteristic for less advanced vehicles. This trend is already being implemented on Earth, as for example a space shuttle typically can fly in as many as three different modes, namely as (a) a space rocket, (b) a glider, and (c) an inertial satellite. This particular trend is going to even deepen for the Magnocraft. Therefore for example the Magnocraft of the second generation will be able to fly in two different modes of operation, as (a) a magnetic vehicle identical to the Magnocraft of the first generation, and as (b) a telekinetic vehicle. In turn Magnocraft of the third generation will be able to fly in three different modes of operation, namely as (a) magnetic vehicles identical to Magnocraft of the first generation, as (b) telekinetic vehicles, and as (c) time vehicles.
       The extremely interesting are telekinetic vehicles or Magnocraft of the second generation. The analysis of the Periodic Table reveals that they will be able to fly through space with infinitive velocities. So practically they can reach destinations located in other galaxies in exactly the same moment when they leave Earth. This is the reason why they are going to allow humans for intergalactic travel. They also are going to allow flights through solid matter, as well as they may become invisible to human sight. For this reasons telekinetic UFO vehicles can fly directly to our houses and we even do not notice them. More information about principles used by telekinetic vehicles is provided on web pages on telekinesis, e.g. on: telekinesis.htm.

Part #C: Future propelling devices indicated by the "Periodic Table" for propulsion systems:


#C1. The discoidal Magnocraft of the first generation:

       The most important vehicle of our future, that according to the Periodic Table is soon going to be build on Earth, is the interstellar flying vehicle named the "Magnocraft". The name "Magnocraft" is simply assigned to a human-made advanced space vehicle, which utilises magnetic propulsors for thrusting through the space. Because soon after this first Magnocraft, even more advanced magnetic vehicles are going to be build on Earth, this most basic magnetic vehicle is also called the Magnocraft of the first generation. What is most interesting about this magnetic space vehicle of the first generation, that it is already able to accomplish speeds close to the speed of light. So it will make the interstellar travel possible for people. Here is how this Magnocraft is going to look like:

Fig. #2: Appearance of the Magnocraft

Fig. #2 (C1(b) in [1/5]): Appearance of the K3 type Magnocraft of the first generation (click on it to see it enlarged). The Magnocraft is a discoidal space vehicle which flies silently with speeds of light. It is propelled magnetically by so-called Oscillatory Chambers,
* * *
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#C1.1. Design and main components of discoidal Magnocrafts:

       The Periodic Table hints to us, that the propulsors utilised in the Magnocraft are to represent a "pair" for a common electric motor. So the same as in electric motor the propelling forces are produced due to magnetic attraction and repulsion, also in the Magnocraft these forces of magnetic attraction and repulsion are going to allow to fly through the space. So how the Magnocraft is going to work. Well, we know that every heavenly body, including our Earth, Sun, and Galaxy, generates its own magnetic field. Thus each planet and each star is simply a huge natural magnet. Therefore, if we build also another powerful magnet (lets us call this our own technical magnet with the term "magnetic propulsor" or "Oscillatory Chamber") than this our own magnet can repel itself from Earth, Sun, or Galaxy. Thus, if it is powerful enough, it is able to produce forces of repulsion that are able to lift an entire flying vehicle into space. Therefore, if we build an appropriate configuration of such magnetic propulsors, we can obtain a spaceship, or a flying vehicle, that is going to fly through space, just on simple principles of magnetic repulsion and attraction. Here is how such a Magnocraft needs to be designed:

Fig. #3: Design and operation of the Magnocraft

Fig. #3 (C1(a) in [1/5]): Design and main components of discoidal Magnocrafts of the first generation. You can notice that in order to fly through the space, the Magnocraft needs to have a single powerful cubical "magnet" located in the centre of this spaceship - lets call this cubical magnet the main propulsor or the "main Oscillatory Chamber" (see "M" on the Figure above). By repulsive interaction of this cubical propulsor M with the field of Earth, Sun, or Galaxy, the lifting force is formed, which propels the Magnocraft upwards. In turn on the peripherals of the Magnocraft, a ring of at least 8 side propulsors is assembled - on the Figure above shown as cubical "magnets" located inside of spherical casings and marked as "U" and "V". These side propulsors attract themselves to sources of the environmental magnetic field (i.e. to sources of Earth's, Sun's, or Galaxy's magnetic field), thus producing the stabilisation forces. These stabilisation forces hold the rim of bell-shaped Magnocraft in stable position, thus fixing the orientation of the Magnocraft in space. They also allow Magnocraft to descend whenever it is necessary.

#C1.2. Propelling unit and principles of flights of discoidal Magnocrafts:

       One magnetic propulsor alone is not able to provide adequate flight and manoeuvrability for the Magnocraft, just as a single wheel is not sufficient to construct a motor car. Therefore in the spaceship described here, a number of such propulsors strictly cooperating with one another must be utilized. The optimal configuration of propulsors which is able to fulfil all the requirements of flight and manoeuvrability is called here the "magnetic propelling unit". Such a propulsion unit used in the Magnocraft is shown in "Fig. #4" below (to simplify the explanations that follow, it is illustrated as flying above of the Earth's north magnetic pole). The main attribute of this unit is that it employs a minimal number of magnetic propulsors, providing at the same time the maximum range of operational possibilities. Therefore this unit, after only a slight modification, is also utilized in the "Four-Propulsor Spacecraft" (refer to chapter D in [1/5]) and also in "Personal Propulsion System" (refer to chapter E in [1/5]).
       The configuration of this unit is based on the shape of a bell. In turn a bell is the most self-stabilising form out of all simple shapes known to physic. The basing of this configuration on the shape of a bell results from the fact, that in such propulsion unit the distribution of lifting and stabilizing forces resemble a bell shape, with a single holding point located at the centre, and a ring of stabilizing weights suspended below this point at even distances. (It is well known from mechanics, that bells represent the physical form that is considered able to provide optimal self-stability in space, while after being put out of balance it always returns on its own to the previous position of stability.)
       Let us now analyze the main components and operation of the magnetic propulsion unit. It consists of two different kinds of propulsors, i.e. a single main propulsor (marked "M" in "Fig. #4") located in the centre, and a number of side propulsors (marked "U, V, W, X" in "Fig. #4") distributed evenly around a lowered ring. According to the condition explained in subsection G4.2 of [1/5], the total number "n" of side propulsors must always be a multiple of four. The main propulsor is usually oriented so as to be repelled by the Earth's magnetic field. (The introductory part to subsection G1 in [1/5] explains that on the north magnetic pole of Earth, such a repulsive orientation of propulsors can be obtained when their north "N" pole is pointed downwards.) The side propulsors are usually oriented so that they are attracted by the field of the Earth.
       By increasing the flux produced by the main propulsor (M) oriented in such a repulsive manner, an increase in the repulsion force "R" is achieved. At the moment when the repulsion force overcomes the gravitational pull, the propulsor (M) begins to ascend, lifting up the entire propulsion unit. If the main propulsor would operate alone, then its flight would be disturbed by the magnetic torque which would tend to turn around the propulsor's magnetic orientation so that attraction would replace repulsion. Thus, to compensate for the effects of the environmental magnetic torque trying to turn the main propulsor around, additional stabilizing side propulsors "U, V, W, X" are necessary. Their magnetic orientation opposes that of the main propulsor (M), i.e. when the main propulsor is to be repelled, side propulsors are to be attracted by the environmental magnetic field. A possible configuration of such side propulsors is illustrated in "Fig. #4". These side propulsors give flight stability to the whole propulsion unit. By appropriate adjustment of the produced fluxes, the side propulsors can enforce the balanced orientation of a craft in whatever attitude and position the crew requires.
       There is a bit more to the complete operation and design of the Magnocraft. After all, this vehicle can form many more interactions and phenomena, than these basic ones described above. Fortunately, these further principles of the starship, can be learned from chapter G of monograph [1/5], and also from other publications that are downloadable free of charge from this web site. Some of these further details are summarised on web pages named magnocraft.htm and military_magnocraft.htm which are entirely devoted to the description of this space vehicle.

Fig. #4: Propelling unit of the Magnocraft

Fig. #4 (G3 in [1/5]): The propelling unit utilised in the Magnocraft of the first generation. (Click on this drawing in order to see it enlarged.)
       This unit is illustrated as hovering above the northern (N) magnetic pole of Earth. Shown are: "M" - the single main propulsor involved in a repulsive force interaction "R" with the Earth's magnetic field (marked "M" from the word "main" propulsor); "R" - forces of magnetic repulsion (marked "R" from the word "repulsive" interaction); "U, V, W, X" - eight side propulsors oriented so as to attract "A" the environmental magnetic field (marked "U, V, W, X" for emphasizing their mutual phase shifts by 90 degrees); "A" - forces of magnetic attraction. Note that in subsequent types of Magnocraft the number "n" of side propulsors is described by the equation: n = 4(K-1). Thus the number n = 8 side propulsors has only the Magnocraft type K3. Each of these propulsors consists of a twin chamber capsule (formed from one inner and one outer Oscillatory Chamber - as illustrated in Figure F5 of [1/5]) assembled inside a spherical casing. Through an appropriate synchronization of the field pulsations in the side propulsors, a whirling magnetic field can be produced by this unit. Symbols: N - north magnetic pole (i.e. the "inlet" pole "I" as explained in subsection G5.2 of [1/5]), S - south magnetic pole(i.e. the "outlet" pole "O" - as explained in subsection G5.2 of [1/5]), 1 - frame which joins the propulsors together; d - the maximal distance between the centres of any two side propulsors located diagonally opposite from each other in the unit (this vital distance "d" represents also the "nominal diameter" of rings burned by side propulsors during landings of the Magnocraft; it can be measured on landing sites of these vehicles - for details see Figure G33 in [1/5]); h - the height of the centre of the main propulsor above the bases of the side propulsors; R - the force of magnetic repulsion; A - the force of magnetic attraction.

#C2. Flying configurations coupled together during flights from discoidal Magnocrafts:

       One of the most important attributes of the Magnocraft's propulsors is that they allow for easy and complete control over the produced output and over the orientation of their magnetic poles. Therefore, independently of their propelling functions, these propulsors can also be used as coupling devices, allowing for an attachment of one vehicle to another without disturbing the flight possibilities of either of them. The forces that join together the coupled Magnocraft are provided by the magnetic interaction of the vehicles' propulsors brought close to one another. Such an easy manner of joining several Magnocraft into a flying arrangement, combined with the numerous advantages that it provides, ensure that the coupling of these vehicles is a very common practice. Therefore observers of these spacecraft may on one occasion witness them as a single vehicle of an inverted saucer shape, whereas on another occasion they may see them as spheres, cigars, platforms, crosses, or hundreds of other possible shapes that can be arranged from several Magnocraft coupled together.
       The main advantage of coupling Magnocraft together is the ability to pilot the whole resultant arrangement by a single crew on duty, while other crews can rest, investigate, consult each other, or socialize. Additional advantages include: setting up an inductive shield of greater width that makes travel much safer; an increase in propulsive power which subsequently enables the attainment of speeds higher and more uniform in heavier mediums than those of solo flights; an increase in the total number of compartments and the range of crew specializations. During long distance interstellar voyages, the coupling increases security and comfort of flight, allows for the socializing of crews from different vehicles, and also makes it possible to transport damaged Magnocraft.

Fig. #5a Fig. #5b Fig. #5c
Fig. #5d Fig. #5e Fig. #5f

Fig. #5abcdef (G6 in [1/5]): Six separate classes of flying arrangements coupled for durations of flights from single discoidal Magnocrafts. Notice that in each one amongst these classes several different flying configurations can be formed by such Magnocraft. (Click on a given drawing in order to see it enlarged.) Each class is obtained through coupling in a different manner several discoidal vehicles (illustrated above are arrangements of mainly K3 type Magnocraft). Within each class a number of further specific arrangements (not shown in this illustration) can be distinguished. For example, flying complexes (class #1) can be subdivided into: (a) spherical flying complexes (shown in Figure F1(b)), (b) cigar shaped complexes (shown above) and (c) fir tree complexes (Figure F8(b)). Also vehicles arranged in any of the above classes can further cluster or couple with other arrangements, forming in this way an almost unlimited variety of shapes. Illustrated are examples of:
       Fig. #5a (high-left): #1. Physical flying complexes. These are obtained when coupled vehicles are fixed in a steady physical contact. Illustrated above is a cigar shaped stack consisting of six Magnocraft type K3. Apart from cigars, to the class of physical flying complexes belong also so-called "spherical complexes" and "fir-tree formations".
       Fig. #5b (high-centre): #2. Semi attached configurations. These are obtained when in spite of labile (point) contact, vehicles are steadily bond together with magnetic circuits visible as black bars.
       Fig. #5c (high-right): #3. Detached configurations. These are obtained when coupled vehicles do not physically touch each other, but are bond with repulsive and attractive magnetic interactions in equilibrium. The black bars mark the columns of magnetic field that join the side propulsors oriented as to attract one another (the main propulsors of both vehicles repel each other).
       Fig. #5d (low-left): #4. Carrier platforms. These are obtained when smaller Magnocrafts are suspended under side propulsors of a bigger mother ship (shown above is a K5 type mother ship carrying four K3 type vehicles).
       Fig. #5e (low-centre): #5. Flying systems. These are formed when several flying cigars are physically coupled together by their side propulsors.
       Fig. #5f (low-right): #6. Flying clusters. These are formed through the magnetic bonding (without physical contact) of any other arrangements listed before. In this way huge "flying cities" can be formed from discoidal Magnocraft for durations of interstellar flights. A two dimensional "flying cross" is illustrated here. Its repelling magnetic circuits that separate subsequent vehicles are shown with broken lines (these are always accompanied by numerous holding circuits which, for the clarity of illustration, are omitted here but are discussed in subsection G3.1.6 of monograph [1/5], and shown over there in Figure G13).

#C3. Magnetic personal propulsion system:

       The basic design of discoidal Magnocraft described above can then be modified to obtain other propelling devices and vehicles. Two most useful out of such modifications are "personal propulsion" and "four-propulsor Magnocraft". The detailed description of their designs, principles of operation, and attributes, together with appropriate illustrations, is provided in chapters D and E of monograph [1/5], and also in chapters H and I of English monographs [2e] and [1e]. Personal propulsion system is a kind of Magnocraft that is build into a form of suit that is wear by the user. In this suit two miniaturised main propulsors are assembled into soles of shoes, while eight miniaturised side propulsors are assembled in a special eight-segment belt. The propelling system received in this manner allows the user to fly in the air, to walk on water or on ceiling, or to jump on huge heights or lengths without the use of any visible vehicle.

Fig. #6a Fig. #6b Fig. #6c

Fig. #6 (E1(low), E2 and E3(left) in [1/5]): The propulsion system, as well as main components, appearance, and principles of operation used in the so-called "Magnetic Personal Propulsion System". (Click on a given drawing in order to see it enlarged.)
       Fig. #6a (left): #1. Propelling unit in magnetic personal propulsion. This magnetic propelling unit is composed into a human shaped structure. This unit provides the principle for the formation of a magnetic personal propulsion system. Human figures supported with such a propulsion unit will be able to fly in the air without using any apparent vehicle. This propelling unit contains eight side propulsors (labelled U, V, W, X) assembled inside the belt. These produce the lifting forces (R). Moreover, the unit contains also two miniaturized main propulsors (labelled MR, ML) assembled in the right and left soles of the shoes. These produce stabilizing forces (A). The body (1) of the propulsion's user provides a "carrying structure" that combines all these propulsors together. Compare the above propelling unit which works in the "hanging position" with the propelling unit of the Magnocraft shown in "Fig. #4" which works in the "standing position".
       Fig. #6b (centre): #2. Components and general appearance of the standard personal propulsion garment. Wearers of such propulsion will be able to fly noiselessly in the air, walk on the surface of water, become resistant to gunfire, be invisible, etc. This garment contains: (1) shoes, whose soles contain the main propulsors; (2) the eight segment belt carrying the side propulsors; (3) the one piece garment made of magnetoreflective material, which includes a hood (5) or a helmet; (4) the gloves with web like connectors between the fingers. All of this is complemented with the graphite based cream that coats the uncovered parts of the skin to protect them from the strong magnetic field, and the controlling computer fastened to the back of the neck, which reads the bio signals and converts them into propelling actions. When a heavy job needs to be done, additional bracelets containing enhancement propulsors can be worn on the wrist joints (shown as (3) in Figure E4 "a" from [1/5]). These propulsors will cooperate with those from the belt and shoes, thus giving the user almost supernatural strength, e.g. enabling him/her to tear trees up by the roots, carry huge boulders, knock down buildings, etc.
       Fig. #6c (right): #3. External magnetic forces formed within the personal propulsion. This set of external forces is formed because the propulsors of personal propulsion interact with the environmental magnetic field. This set of forces includes: R - lifting forces produced as the result of repulsive interactions; A - stabilization forces produced as the result of attractive interactions (indexes: R - right, L- left). Notice that apart of these extrernal forces shown above, magnetic personal propulsion system generates also a set of internal forces (which are NOT shown here, but which the reader can see in "Fig. E3 (right)" from volume 2 of monograph [1/5]. Both these sets of forces neutralize each other. The set of internal forces is formed because all propulsors also interact magnetically between themselves. These internal forces include: B - the forces of relative repulsion of both of the main propulsors from each other (these cause a permanent separation {straddle} of the legs); E - the forces of mutual repulsion of the side propulsors from each other (these cause the outward tensing of the belt); Q - the forces of mutual attraction between each main and each side propulsor (if put off balance by bending the legs these "Q" forces cause the user to fly in a cross-legged squat position). While forces "R" and "A" acting in opposite directions tense the user's body, forces (Q) simultaneously compress his/her body. Only forces "B" remain unbalanced, thus causing the user to keep his/her legs apart (these legs kept apart allow for easier identification of the use of this propulsion system).

#C4. Four-propulsor Magnocraft:

       Four-propulsor Magnocraft is received through attaching appropriate propulsors to four corners of a portable cabin. The propulsors of this vehicle use "spider configurations" of oscillatory chambers. As this was explained before, such spider configurations are simple combinations of oscillatory chambers, that work as alternatives to twin-chamber capsules. In them, a single central oscillatory chamber is surrounded with four side chambers. Thus, the resultant configuration slightly resembles a barrel, while its operation imitates a miniature Magnocraft that has no crew cabin. When four such spider configurations are propelling a portable cabin attached to them, the effect resembles a "log cabin" that is lifted by corners with four miniature Magnocraft. The famous UFO abduction of the late Jan Wolski of Poland, that is described in chapter Q of monograph [1/5] (and also in chapter O of older monograph [1e]), was carried out by such four-propulsor UFO.

Fig. #7

Fig. #7 (D1 in [1/5]): Appearance, design, and principles of operation of the "Four-Propulsor Magnocraft". (Click on this drawing in order to see it enlarged.) After two subsequent implementations of the "Discoidal Magnocraft" - described in subsection M10 in [1/5], the above vehicle represents the third basic application of magnetic propulsors (the fourth basic application of these propulsors is "Magnetic Personal Propulsion System" described in chapter E of monograph [1/5]).
       Illustrated are: the appearance, components, and basic dimensions of this vehicle. Symbols: 1 - a gable roof; 2 - a cubical living compartment containing crew cabin; 3 - one of the four propulsors; 4 - a core of high density spinning magnetic field yield from the M chamber of the vehicle's propulsors (see "M" in Figure D2 of [1/5]), 5 - a crust of spinning segments of magnetic field yield from the U, V, W and X chambers of each vehicle's propulsor; 6 - one of the four scorch marks left on the ground by a low hovering vehicle. Dimensions: H, Z, G, W - describe the size of a cubical like crew cabin (i.e. total height, roof height, wall height, width); d, lw=lb=l - describe the span of the vehicle's magnetic axes; h - describe height of propulsors.

Part #D: Powers sources and propelling devices in magnetic vehicles of the future:


#D1. The Oscillatory Chamber:

       The name "Oscillatory Chamber" is assigned to a super powerful "magnet" that can be used as a magnetic propulsor for flying vehicles of the Magnocraft type.
       The Magnocraft is not going to eventuate for as long, until people learn how to build an "engine" (propulsor) for it. Such an "engine" (propulsor) is the most important device for this vehicle. After all, it is to constitute a magnetic propulsor which is to lift this space vehicle to stars. From the operational point of view, "Oscillatory Chambers" are simply extremely powerful magnets, which are so strong that they produce the output in excess of the so-called "starting flux". The value of this starting flux is around F=3.45 [Wb/kg] - if calculated for the area of Poland. Every controllable source of a powerful magnetic field, the output from which exceeds the value of this "starting flux", is able to lift into the space both itself and also the hulk of a heavy spaceship attached to it. It just simply repels itself from the Earth's magnetic field and ascends to stars. Oscillatory chambers are the first modern devices on our planet, which actually produce the output in excess of this starting flux. (Only in antiquity there was a device on Earth, called the "Ark of the Covenant", which also was producing the powerful magnetic field in excess of starting flux, therefore which was able to levitate in the air together with ancient priests called "Levites" who used to take care of it.) Therefore the Oscillatory Chambers can be used as major components of magnetic propulsors for the Magnocraft. More details about Oscillatory Chambers, including their principle of operation, design, and the advancement of research on their completion, is provided in chapter F of monograph [1/5], in chapters F of older English monographs [1e] and [2e], and also in several other publications that are downloadable free of charge from this web site. Some of these further details are summarised on the web page oscillatory_chamber.htm which is entirely devoted to the description of the oscillatory chamber. At the internet address is also available video which illustrates progress of Italian hobby group in completion of this device.
       It is worth to explain here that Oscillatory Chambers will be build in three different generations. The cubical Oscillatory Chambers of the first generation will produce only forces of magnetic attraction and repulsion. The octagonal Oscillatory Chambers of the second generation will produce also the so-called Telekinetic Effect. In turn the sixteen-gonal Oscillatory Chambers of the third generation will additionally be able to alter the natural elapse of time (means that they will deform the continuum of timespace).

#D2. Arrangements formed from Oscillatory Chambers:

       The output from a single oscillatory chamber would be quite difficult to control. Therefore, for the purpose of better controllability, the Magnocraft uses special arrangements of oscillatory chambers, combined together into appropriate configuration. Magnocrafts can use two kinds of such arrangements. The first kind is called "twin-chamber capsules", while the second one - "spider configurations".
       A twin-chamber capsule is composed of a larger outer (O) oscillatory chamber, inside of which a smaller inner (I) oscillatory chamber is freely floating. Magnetic poles N/S of the inner chamber (I) are reversed in relation to magnetic poles of the outer chamber (O), so that outputs from both these chambers mutually subtract from each other. In the result, the part of the output (C) from the chamber with the larger output, is bend back and circulated as input directly to the smaller chamber, thus forming the so-called "circulating flux" (C) that never leaves the interior of the twin-chamber capsule. Only the excess of the output from the chamber with larger yield is forwarded to the environment, thus forming the so-called "resultant flux" (R) that represents the useful output from this capsule. The division of the magnetic energy contained in such a capsule into the "resultant flux" (R), and the "circulating flux" (C), allows the extremely fast and effective control over the output from such a capsule, without the need to change the amount of energy contained in such a capsule. This control depends on the simple change of mutual proportions between the flux (C) that is circulated inside of such a capsule, and the flux (R) that is directed to the environment from this capsule. Thus, there is a possibility to control the operation of this capsule, so that to the outside is directed no output at all (this happens when the entire magnetic field produced by both chambers of such a capsule is trapped in the circulating flux), or to cause that the entire magnetic energy of the capsule is directed outside. It is also possible to accomplish fluently any state between these two extremes. In turn this effective control over the output from such a capsule, allows to precisely control the flight of the vehicle that is propelled by the resultant magnetic flux (R) directed by this capsule to the environment.
       Unfortunately, the twin-chamber capsule is rather resistant to accept control signals. After all, such control signals must be forwarded without any wire to the smaller oscillatory chamber that freely floats inside of a very powerful stream of magnetic energy. Therefore, the construction of this capsule requires rather advanced technology. Thus, in the first stage of constructing of Magnocraft, instead of this capsule, much simpler propelling device is going to be used, which also allows the effective control over magnetic output that is yield to the environment. This simpler device is called the spider configuration. The description of it is contained in subsection F7.2 of monograph [1/5] (also in chapter F of older monographs [2e] and [1e]). In the first period of production of Magnocraft, that is more exactly described in subsection M10 from monograph [1/5], these vehicles are going to use such much simpler for control prototype spider configuration (instead of the difficult to control, and technically very advanced twin-chamber capsule).
       In the "spider configurations" the chambers are arranged so that one of them, called the main chamber (M), is surrounded by the a multiple of four side chambers indicated by the letters U, V, W, and X. Each of these side chambers possesses the same cross-section, but the volume (thus also the length) of the main one is equal to the sum of the sum of volumes of all four side ones. The magnetic poles in the main Oscillatory Chamber (M) are directed in opposition to the orientation of the poles in the side chambers (U, V, W, X).
       In the design of the Magnocraft, all "twin-chamber capsules" (or "spider configurations") are assembled into spherical casings, and furnished with appropriate control devices that allow to manipulate the direction and the amount of the magnetic output (and thus also the magnetic thrust force). Such individual propelling modules of the Magnocraft, which include a twin-chamber capsule (or a spider configuration), together with the control devices and with the spherical casing that hosts them, are called magnetic propulsors.

Fig. #8a Fig. #8b

Fig. #8ab (F8(2s) and F11(2s) in [1/5]): Two basic configurations in which for the improvement of controllability are coupled Oscillatory Chambers, namely the so-called (a) "twin-chamber capsule", and (b) "spider configuration". Because at the majority of illustrations from this web page were shown cubical Oscillatory Chambers of the first generation, the above configurations are illustrated on the example of coupling together octagonal Oscillatory Chambers of the second generation.
       Fig. #8a (left): Twin-chamber capsule formed from two octagonal Oscillatory Chambers of the second generation. Twin-chamber capsule is the basic configuration of Oscillatory Chambers, combined together in order to increase their controllability. It is formed from two oppositely oriented chambers placed one inside the other. Because of the need for free floating of the inner (I) chamber suspended inside of the outer (O) one, the side edges "a" of both Oscillatory Chambers must meet the equation: ao=ai(sqrt(3)). The resultant magnetic flux (R) yield to the environment from these arrangements is obtained as a difference between outputs from chambers having opposite orientation of poles. The principles of forming this resultant flux are illustrated in Figure F7 of [1/5]. The twin chamber capsule allows full control over all the attributes of the produced magnetic field. The subjects of control are the following properties of the resultant flux (R): (1) strength of the field (fluently controlled from zero to maximum), (2) Period (T) or frequency (f) of pulsations, (3) ratio of the amplitude of the field's pulsations to its constant component (dF/Fo - see Figure F12 in [1/5]), (4) character of the field (i.e. constant, pulsating, alternating), (5) variation in time (i.e. linear, sinusoidal, beat type curves), (6) polarity (i.e. from whichever side of the arrangement the N and S poles prevail).
       Fig. #8b (right): Standard spider configuration of the second generation. This configuration is mainly used as a propulsor for the four propulsor spacecraft - see "Fig. #7". It is formed from 1 main and 8 side Oscillatory Chambers. The eight cubical side chambers (marked U, V, W and X) surround the oppositely oriented main chamber (marked M) which is four times longer. The total volume of all eight side chambers must be equal to the volume of the main one. This arrangement is the simplified model of the Magnocraft's propulsion system. The resultant magnetic flux (R) yield to the environment from the spider configuration is obtained as a difference between outputs from the main chamber and the oppositely oriented side chambers. The principles of forming this resultant flux are similar to those illustrated in "Fig. #7". The spider configuration, similar to the twin chamber capsule, also allows full control over all the attributes of the produced magnetic field. But in addition, the spider configuration can spin the produced field around its magnetic axis "m" thus producing its own magnetic whirl. Its main drawback in comparison to the twin-chamber capsule is the lack of ability to complete "extinguish" the magnetic field yield to the environment (even if the entire output of this configuration is bound into the circulating flux (C), still this flux will circulate via the environment).

Part #E: Evidence which confirms that magnetically propelled flying vehicles are technically feasible and are going to be constructed:


#E1. In fact Magnocrafts are already flying:

       As it turns out, the Magnocraft is not just a product of imagination. Actually it turns out that this vehicle is already flying above Earth. People describe it under the name of UFOs. In order to realise how close is the appearance of and thus also the operation of a UFO and the Magnocraft, have a look at the following two illustrations. The upper one of them presents a photographs of a UFO type K3. In turn the lower one presents a drawing of the Magnocraft shown from the same angle us this UFO. Here are they:

Fig. #9a: photograph of a UFO type K3 Fig. #9b: appearance of the Magnocraft type K3

Fig. #9ab (P1 in [1/5]): The comparison of shape of a discoidal UFO type K3 with discoidal Magnocraft type K3 of the first generation. In order to facilitate this comparison, the Magnocraft shown before in Fig. #2 is here slanted to obtain approximately the same orientation as the UFO vehicle has.
       Fig. #9a (left): A K3 type of the flying vehicle popularly known as a UFO. (The photographs shown above is also shown and explained in Figure P1 from volume 14 of the newest monograph [1/5], as well as in Figure J1 from older monograph [1e], and in Figure K1 from older monograph [2e].) Such UFO vehicles use exactly the same type of magnetic propulsion system as the one utilised by the Magnocraft.
       Fig. #9b (right): The appearance of the smallest Magnocraft type K3 illustrated in the position as the UFO from Fig. #4a. (The drawing shown above is also shown and explained in Figure P1 (framed) from monograph [1/5], in Figure G4 from monographs [1e], and also in Figure G4 from monograph [2e] - all three monographs are downloadable free of charge from this web site). The Magnocraft type K3 is the one for which the ratio K of the outer diameter "D" to the total height "H" is equal to K=D/H=3 (hence the name K3).
       Please notice that the above illustration is also discussed on "Fig. #11ab" and "Fig. #12" from the totaliztic web page tapanui.htm - where the reader can learn further details about both vehicles illustrated here.

#E2. The formal scientific proof, that "UFOs do exist and they are already operational Magnocrafts":

       There is a formal scientific proof already developed and published, stating that "UFOs do exist and they are already operational Magnocrafts". This proof is published in subsection P2 from volume 14 of my newest monograph [1/5] (and also in chapter J from older monograph [1e]). A brief summary of this formal proof is published on the totaliztic web page named ufo_proof.htm. This proof discloses why UFOs and Magnocraft must have identical propulsion system, shape, capabilities, and attributes. Furthermore, it provides a powerful tool for the understanding attributes and operation of UFOs. It is so because everything that we know about the Magnocraft we can at present apply also to UFOs. It is because of this knowledge of the Magnocraft that e.g. the details of the UFO explosion near Tapanui could be researched and identified so thoroughly. Also because of this proof, in 2003 the Magnocraft was voted by members of the internet discussion forum as the explanation for technical aspects of UFOs - for details see the resolution discussed in item #J2 from the web page named explain.htm. and in item #D2 from the web page named timevehicle.htm.
       This formal proof was accomplished with the use of extremely reliable formal scientific methodology called the "method of matching attributes". This method is described in subsection P1 of the abovementioned my monograph [1/5]. It later becomes the methodological basis for the completion for the first time in the world of several further formal proofs by the author of this web page. All these proofs are listed in item #G3 from the web page named god_proof.htm. Together all these proofs try to repair negligence and deviations which with the elapse of time grew up around our official science.
       Since no-one managed to abolish this formal proof for the existence of UFOs, this proof remains in power all the time, and it should terminate the previous period of arguing about the existence, or non-existence, of UFOs. Now we should start the period of time when we thoroughly research these extraterrestrial vehicles and their evil crew members. After all, such researching of UFO technology may accelerate on Earth the completion of technical devices which UFOnauts already use, but which still remain unknown for our civilisation. Examples of such devices include: magnetic propulsors, telepathic communication devices, time vehicles, moral energy extractors, and many more - for details see subsection D10 in monograph [8] downloadable from this web site. In turn researching evil crew members of UFO vehicles will accelerate our understanding reasons why UFOnauts exploit people, and help humanity to free itself from claws of these cosmic parasites.

#E3. Oscillatory Chambers are already used in UFOs:

       As it turns out the Oscillatory Chamber invented in order to propel the Magnocraft, are already used by UFOs. There are even photographs of these devices taken on UFOs. Here are two photographs of the square outlets from the cubical Oscillatory Chambers of UFOs, published in Figure S5 from chapter S of monograph [1/5]. Notice that because of the right one of these two photographs is taken during the night, the black square in the centre of the outlet blends with the black background of the sky. Below these two photographs, the predicted appearance of outlets from Magnocraft's oscillatory chambers is also illustrated.

Fig. #10a: Oscillatory Chamber with inner flux prevalence Fig. #10b: Oscillatory Chamber with outer flux prevalence

Fig. #10cd: Appearance of outlets from Oscillatory Chambers

Fig. #10abcd (S5ab and F6 in [1/5]): Two photographs which captured the appearance of outlets from Oscillatory Chambers of UFOs of the first generation. In order to illustrate what each photograph represents, the lower row shows Oscillatory Chambers of the Magnocraft operating in the same modes.
       Fig. #10a (Top - left): A day-time photograph of the outlet from the main Oscillatory Chamber of a UFO vehicle which operated with the inner flux prevalence.
       Fig. #10b (Top - right): A night-time photograph of the outlet from the main Oscillatory Chamber of a UFO vehicle which operated with the outer flux prevalence.
       Fig. #10cd (Bottom left and right): Drawings of outlets from Oscillatory Chambers used in Magnocraft of the first generation, which operated in the same modes as these captured on photographs shown above them.
       By realising that the Oscillatory Chamber is already build and used by UFOnauts, we accomplish a reassurance that our completion of this device is feasible and that it bears a potential for a certain success - if we decide to construct it. Therefore we should roll our sleeves up, and start to complete this revolutionary device. After all, it not only is able to lift us to the stars, but also allows to free ourselves from the occupation by evil UFOnauts.
       Please notice that the above illustration is also discussed on "Fig. #13abcd" from the totaliztic web page tapanui.htm where the reader can learn further details about the appearances of the Oscillatory Chambers illustrated here.

#E4. Because of the amount of energy that UFOs accumulate in their Oscillatory Chamber, UFOs are actually flying bombs:

       Of course, the fact that UFOs utilise Oscillatory Chamber for their propulsion, combined with the fact that Oscillatory Chambers can accumulate in themselves enormous amounts of magnetic energy, introduces certain dangers for our civilisation. Namely, each UFO vehicle is actually a flying bomb, which only awaits to explode. In subsection G5.5 of monograph [1/5] the amount of magnetic energy carried out in a smallest K3 type UFO is calculated. It turns out that just in order to lift itself from the surface of Earth, such a smallest UFO must have accumulated in its Oscillatory Chambers the magnetic equivalent of 1 megaton of TNT. But this 1 megaton of TNT does not account for acceleration and for flights in free space. In reality such a smallest UFO may have accumulated even 1000 times more magnetic energy, amounting to an equivalent of around 1000 megaton of TNT. This practically means that if there is any accident involving such a UFO vehicle, and if Oscillatory Chambers of this vehicle are accidentally damaged, then we must expect a catastrophic explosion of the magnitude of at least 1 megaton TNT. Practically this indicates, that if there actually was a UFO accident of 1947 in Roswell, USA, as American UFOlogists claim this, then almost the entire America would be wiped out in the result. So there wouldn't be any American UFOlogist left in there to claim the actual occurrence of such a UFO accident.
       More information about the use of UFOs as flying bombs is provided in item #B1 of the web page named military_magnocraft.htm.

#E5. UFO explosions:

       Since UFOs are flying bombs loaded with magnetic energy and only awaiting to explode, we should expect that there were already various UFO explosions on Earth. As it turns out, YES. Actually there were numerous UFO explosions on Earth. About several of them I wrote my monographs from the series [5] - which can be downloaded free of charge via this web page. I also prepared a separate web page tapanui.htm, which presents evidence and consequences of a UFO explosion that occurred near a small New Zealand township named Tapanui. This Tapanui explosion of UFOs turned out to be especially tragic to humanity. As research indicate, it probably wiped a significant proportion of population of Earth of that time. It also practically destroyed flourishing human civilisations of antiquity, turning the beauty and prosperity of ancient empires into darkness, sickness, and death of medieval period of Earth's history. Out of specific changes on our planet that this UFO explosion from Tapanui caused and that can be noticed by everyone, the most important include: the shifting of Earth's poles by around 7 degrees, the freezing of previously green Greenland together with the Viking colony in there, the melting of ice bridge in the Bering Straights - which before 1178 allowed Eskimo people freely travel on dry ice between Siberia and Alaska, flooding Schlezwig-Holstain in Germany, destruction of ancient Salamis, leaning the famous "Leaning Tower" from Pisa in Italy, and many more - for further details see tapanui.htm.
       The most recent, however, underground explosion of a UFO vehicle took place on 26th December 2004. It occurred near the island of Sumatra on the Indian Ocean. It caused one of the most powerful tsunamis in recent history. Many people took it for a natural disaster. But the analysis of attributes of it, provided on the separate web page entitled "day26.htm", proves that it had a technological origin from a UFO explosion. For more details about this most recent UFO explosion - see the web page "day26.htm", available through "Menu 4" or/and "Menu 2".

#E6. If UFOs are Magnocraft, then why UFOnauts do not give us their technology:

       It turns out that UFOnauts are actually our enemies. They exploit us and draw countless benefits from our planet. But at the time when we accomplish their level of technology, UFOnauts loose all these benefits. Therefore they not only do not allow us to have their technology, but actually they hide from us practically everything, including their continuous presence on Earth. Furthermore, as all oppressors do, UFOnauts hold back our development, e.g. by hidden murdering our best brains. Therefore practically we need to bit UFOnauts militarily, in order to free our civilisation from their hidden occupation. But in order to start fighting with UFOnauts, we firstly need to build our Magnocraft. Only then our technical level become equal to theirs, so that we start having a chance with fighting them out from our planet. If we believe in ancient prediction, e.g. ones which are described in the Bible, the time is coming now, when we start to defend ourselves successfully from UFOnauts. Only when we remove these oppressors from our planet, on Earth these promised 1000 years of prosperity and happiness is going to prevail. For more details on UFOnauts see the web site ufo.htm.

Part #F: Further generations of magnetically propelled flying vehicles which are even more advanced than Magnocraft of the first generation described earlier:


#F1. Three generations of Magnocraft which according to the Cyclic Principle are to be completed at the Earth in the future:

       Two most advanced flying vehicles that are predicted by the "Cyclic Principle" as being build right after the Magnocraft of the first generation, will represent just slightly more advanced versions of that Magnocraft already described and illustrated in item #C1 of this web page, while fully explained in chapter G from volume 3 of monograph [1/5] (briefly summarized also in subsection C1 of that monograph [1/5]). Only that, according to the "Cyclic Principle", their propulsors will be able to generate these two additional phenomena, i.e. technically induced telekinesis, and changes in the elapse of time. For this reason these two vehicles are called the Magnocraft of the second generation, and the Magnocraft of the third generation. So together with the Magnocraft of the first generation described in item #C1 above, our civilization is going to build three generations of this vehicle, in each subsequent generation utilizing increasingly more complex attributes of magnetic fields. Let us briefly summarize now characteristics of these vehicles.

#F1.1. The Magnocraft of the first generation with the propulsion system which operates on principles of magnetic repulsion and attraction:

       The Magnocraft of the first generation is already described briefly in item #C1 of this web page, as well as in subsection C1 from volume 1 of monograph [1/5]. That "Magnocraft of the first generation", called also the "Discoidal Magnocraft", or simply "Magnocraft", will be build firstly on our planet amongst all three these highly advanced flying vehicles of our future. For purposes of propelling it is going to use just only the repulsive and attractive interactions of magnetic fields. These interactions represent the equivalent of mechanical force interactions utilized in the car’s wheel, or the buoyancy of gases utilized in operation of balloons.
       Describing the Magnocraft of the first generation with the use of technical terminology from subsection #B5 of monograph [1/5], this vehicle can fly in just one convention, namely in (1) the "magnetic convention".

#F1.2. The Magnocraft of the second generation with the propulsion system which operates on principles of telekinesis:

       The "Magnocraft of the second generation" (telekinetic vehicle) is described in subsection LC2 from volume 10 of monograph [1/5]. After the completion of the Magnocraft of the first generation, the humanity is going to build also that Magnocraft of the second generation - sometimes called the "telekinetic vehicle". The Magnocraft of the second generation was not discussed yet in this web page, so for details of it the reading of chapter LC from volume 10 of monograph [1/5] is recommended, while examples of the use of it are provided in chapter T from monograph [1/5]. In flights it will be utilizing additionally the magnetic equivalent of inertia, means the phenomenon called "telekinesis" which manifests itself in the manner as this would be done by the reversal of friction. Because the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity" states that on just such a magnetic inertia is based the so-called "Telekinetic Effect", thus the Magnocraft of the second generation will fly utilizing exactly the same principle which causes the telekinetic motion. In this way the operation of it becomes similar to other known propulsion systems, the principles of which were based on the utilization of inertia, e.g. to hovercraft or to the aircraft propeller.
       Describing the Magnocrafts of the second generation with the use of technical terminology from subsection #B5 of monograph [1/5], these vehicles can fly in two different conventions, namely in (1) the "magnetic convention", and in (2) the "telekinetic convention". In (1) the "magnetic convention" their propulsors generate only the phenomena of magnetic attraction and repulsion. Thus in the sense of principles of operation they use for flights, they become almost identical to the Magnocrafts of the first generation (described in chapter G of [1/5]). Also all other phenomena that they then induce will be identical to these induced by Magnocrafts of the first generation. In turn in (2) the "telekinetic convention" their propulsors generate additionally the phenomenon of "technical telekinesis". Thus, then they fly in the result of the "Telekinetic Effect" action. After this convention of flight is switch on, these vehicles and their crews are getting into the state which the Concept of Dipolar Gravity calls the "state of telekinetic flickering". In this state the material objects subjected to it switch on (flicker) very fast between two forms of their existence, namely between the material form and the form of energy pattern. (More comprehensively this state is is explained in subsection LC3 from volume 10 of monograph [1/5].) It is this "state of telekinetic flickering" that allows these vehicles to become completely invisible to human sight and cameras, and also allows them to penetrate through solid objects as if these solid objects are made of an easily penetrable liquid instead of a stiff matter.

#F1.3. Magnocrafts of the third generation (i.e. time vehicles) with the propulsion system which operates on principles of introducing changes to the natural elapse of time:

       "Magnocrafts of the third generation" (i.e. time vehicles) are described in chapter M from volume 11 of monograph [1/5], and also on several web pages indicated here. At the very end the Magnocrafts' development, Magnocrafts of the third generation are to be build on the Earth. These starship are also to be called the "time vehicles". These kinds of Magnocrafts also were not discussed on this web page, thus readers wishing to learn more details about them should look at their presentation contained in chapter M from volume 11 of monograph [1/5], or in web pages indicated here. In turn examples of the use of these spaceship are presented in chapter T of monograph [1/5]. Magnocrafts of the third generation will utilize three attributes of magnetic fields, namely (1) forces of magnetic interactions, (2) inertia, and (3) internal energy. Because the mastery of internal energy of magnetic fields allows for the manipulation on time, the Magnocrafts of the third generation will have the ability to travel through time (in addition to travel through space).
       Let us try to describe the Magnocrafts of the third generation with the use of technical terminology from subsection #B5 of monograph [1/5]. These vehicles can fly in three different conventions, namely in (1) the "magnetic convention", and (2) "telekinetic convention", and additionally also in (3) the "convention of time vehicles". So independently of the ability to fly in the magnetic and telekinetic conventions, they are also able to fly in the "convention of time travel". In this convention their propulsors generate changes in the speed of the elapse of time or phenomena of shifting someone to another point in time. For example, they will be able to shift time back, change time to any selected point in past or future, slow time down or accelerate time, etc. Time vehicles will generate a whole range of unique phenomena related to time, the most important of which are discussed in subsection M5 from volume 11 of monograph [1/5].
       A more comprehensive presentation of work and capabilities of time vehicles is provided on the totaliztic web pages named immortality.htm and timevehicle.htm.

#F1.4. Identification of the generation of a Magnocraft (or a UFO) that one sees, from the appearance or from principles of operation of a given space vehicle:

       At this point it should be emphasized, that for a person unfamiliar with appropriate theoretical foundations, the appearance of Telekinetic Vehicles and Time Vehicles will be identical to the appearance of an ordinary Magnocraft of the first generation. Therefore such a person will not be able to distinguish between these vehicles of different generations, and thus also to prepare himself or herself to a type of phenomena that he or she may face in their presence. All three generations of these vehicles will have exactly the same shapes, dimensions, range of types, and will also be constructed from materials displaying almost the same visual characteristics. For the duration of flights all these vehicles will also couple into the same flying arrangements - see Figure G6 from [1/5]. Furthermore, their mutual similarity will be reinforced additionally by the fact that the Magnocraft of the second and third generation will be able to switch their operation onto the magnetic convention of flights, thus displaying the same range of phenomena that an ordinary Magnocraft does. The differences existing between them become apparent only when they switch on their most advanced convention of the flight, inducing in that way the phenomena characteristic for just the second or the third generation of magnetic propulsion systems. For an expert this difference will become also visible from some technical details (e.g. from the shape of their Oscillatory Chambers - see subsection F3 of [1/5]).

Fig. #11a Fig. #11b Fig. #11c

Fig. #11abc (LC1 in [1/5]): Identification of the generation of Four-Propulsor Magnocraft (or four-propulsor UFO) that one sees, on the basis of the appearance of the entire vehicle or the appearance (and thus also the generation) of its magnetic propulsors. This illustration is oriented towards allowing one to distinguish between quite similar four-propulsor vehicles of the first, second, and third generation. These vehicles most frequently takes a shape of a cubicle, on the top of which a pyramidal roof is placed. But notice that these vehicles can also be build in shapes different from cubicles, e.g. looking like rectangular huts. The mutual ratio of subsequent dimensions, e.g. the height of the entire vehicle to the height of its pyramidal roof, is defining the type of this vehicle - in this case T3. (This ratio is also illustrated in "Fig. #7".) The span of magnetic axis of four propulsors mounted in the mid-height of four corners of this vehicle must be identical to the span of side propulsors in the equivalent type of Discoidal Magnocraft (in this case - in the type K3). Shown are:
       Fig. #11a (left): #1. Four-propulsor vehicle of the first generation (magnetic). (see also "Fig. #7"). Propulsors of this vehicle take the shape of vertically prolonged barrel or amphora, in which the ratio of height "h" to width "g" is equal to h/g=4/3 (see also Figures D1 and F9 of [1/5]). Also this is the only four-propulsor vehicle, which has square "doors" in the floor.
       Fig. #11b (centre): #2. Telekinetic four-propulsor vehicle of the second generation. It can be distinguished relatively easy from similar vehicles of other generations by the "pumpkin" shape of the four propulsors. In vehicles of the second generation these propulsors take very characteristic shape of the sphere flattened vertically (or a "pumpkin") with the mutual ratio of the height "h" to width "g" equal to h/g=2/3 (see subsection F7.2.2 and part 2s from Figure F11 of [1/5]). This shape results from the design conditions prevailing for spider configurations constructed from octagonal oscillatory chambers of the second generation described in subsection F7.2.2 of [1/5]. In addition to the difference in the general appearance, the vehicle of the second generation is also going to have absolutely smooth hulk, deprived of any portholes or doors. So it is NOT going to have neither a doorway shown in part (1) and in "Fig. #7", nor the floor doors visible in Figure Q1 of [1/5]. The entering of crew, passengers, and visitors on the board of vehicle of the second generation is going to be carried out in a telekinetic manner, through the material of the walls and floors. So no doors or portholes will be needed neither in walls nor in the floor.
       Fig. #11c (right): #3. Four-propulsor vehicle of the third generation, called also "four-propulsor time vehicle". It also does not have doors nor portholes. The propulsors of it take the striking appearance of a vertical cylinder with the ring of 16 holes around peripherals of it, looking like a kind of "round launcher of rocket missiles" - see also Figures LC1 and F11 (3s) from monograph [1/5].

Part #G: Summary, and the final information of this web page:


#G1. Summary of this web page:

       Our civilisation develops continually. To this development are also subjected propelling devices which the humanity uses. This web page described the most important amongst such propelling devices, which should appear on our planet in not-too-distant future.

#G2. Read also about free energy:

       Since you are interested in new technical developments, you should also have a look at the web page describing the design and operation of devices for generating the so-called free energy. The most promising amongst these free energy devices are so-called telekinetic cells which are to be also utilised for energy supply of space vehicles described on this web page. Addresses of pages on free energy are provided in "Menu 2" or "Menu 4".

#G3. Emails to the author of this web page:

       Current email addresses to the author of this web page, i.e. officially to Dr Eng. Jan Pajak while courteously to Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak, at which readers can post possible comments, opinions, descriptions, or information which in their opinion I should learn, are provided on the web page named pajak_jan_uk.htm (for its version in the HTML language), or the web page named pajak_jan_uk.pdf (for the version of the web page "pajak_jan_uk.pdf" in safe PDF format - which safe PDF versions of further web pages by the author can also be downloaded via links from item #B1 of the web page named text_11.htm).
       The author's right for the use of courteous title of "Professor" stems from the custom that "with professors is like with generals", namely when someone is once a professor, than he or she courteously remains a professor forever. In turn the author of this web page was a professor at 4 different universities, i.e. at 3 of them, from 1 September 1992 untill 31 October 1998, as an "Associate Professor" from English-based educational system, while on one university as a (Full) "Professor" (since 1 March 2007 till 31 December 2007 - means at the last place of employment in his professional life).
       However, please notice that because of my rather chronic lack of time, I reluctantly reply to emails which contain JUST time consuming requests, while simultaneously they document a complete ignorance of their author in the topic area which I am researching.

#G4. How with the web page named "skorowidz_links.htm" one can find totaliztic descriptions of topics in which he is interested:

       A whole array of topics equally interesting as these from the above web page, is also discussed from the angle that is unique to the philosophy of totalizm. All these related topics can be found and identified with the use of content index prepared especially to make easier finding these web pages and topics. The name "index" means a list of "key words" usually provided at the end of textbooks, which allows to find fast the description or the topic in which we are interested. My web pages also has such a content "index" - only that it is additionally supplied in green links which after "clicking" at them with a mouse immediately open the web page with the topic that interest the reader. This content "index" is provided on the web page named skorowidz_links.htm. It can be called from the "organising" part of "Menu 1" of every totaliztic web page. I would recommend to look at it and to begin using it systematically - after all it brings closer hundreds of totaliztic topics which can be of interest to everyone.

#G5. A copy of this web page is also disseminated as a brochure from series [11] in the safe format "PDF":

       This web page is also available in the form of a brochure marked [11], which is prepared in "PDF" ("Portable Document Format") - currently considered to be the most safe amongst all internet formats, as normally viruses cannot cling to PDF. This clear brochure is ready both, for printing, as well as for reading from a computer screen. It also has all its green links still active. Thus, if it is read from the computer screen connected to internet, then after clicking onto these green links, the linked web pages and illustrations will open. Unfortunately, because the volume of it is around a double of the volume of web page which this brochure publishes, the memory limitations on a significant number of free servers which I use, do NOT allow to offer it from them (so if it does NOT download from this address, because it is NOT available on this server, then you should click onto any other address from Menu 3, and then check whether in there it is available). In order to open this brochure (and/or download it to own computer), it suffices to either click on the following green link or to open from any totaliztic web site the PDF file named as in the above green link.
       If the reader wishes to check, whether some other totaliztic web page which he or she just is studying, is also available in the form of such PDF brochure, then should check whether it is listed amongst links from "part #B" of the web page named text_11.htm. This is because links from there indicate all totaliztic web pages, which are already published as such brochures from series [11] in PDF format. I wish you a fruitful reading!

#G6. Copyrights © 2013 by Dr Jan Pajak:

       Copyrights © 2013 by Dr Jan Pajak. All rights reserved. This web page is a report from outcomes of research of the author - only that is written in a popular language (so that it can be understood by readers with non-scientific orientation). Ideas presented on this web page (and also in other publications by the author) are unique for the author’s research, and thus from the same angle these ideas were NOT presented by any other researcher. As such, this web page presents ideas which are the intellectual property of the author. Therefore, the content of this web page is the subject to the same laws of intellectual ownership as every other scientific publication. Especially the author reserves for himself the credit-rights for the scientific discoveries and inventions described on this web page. Therefore, the author reserves that during repeating any idea presented on this web page (i.e. any theory, principle, deduction, interpretation, device, evidence, proof, etc.), the repeating person gives a full credit to the author of this web page, through clearly explaining that the author of a given idea and/or research is Dr Jan Pajak, through indicating the internet address of this web page under which this idea was published, and through mentioning the date of most recent update of this web page (i.e. the date indicated below).
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Date of the latest updating of this page: 7 October 2013
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