Uses of "simulations" of UFOs as teaching illustrations of the use of Magnocrafts as weapons of mass destruction
(bilingual: in English
and Polish )
17 September 2013
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Every device which is constructed for a
peaceful use, by morally immature people
can also be abused to spread death and
destruction. For example, consider an
airplane, which in peaceful applications
serves the bringing of people together
and mutual getting to know each other.
But it simultaneously can drop nuclear
bombs, ignite WTC buildings, or shoot
people on the ground. There is one
kind of immensely advanced space
vehicle (of my invention), the version
of which awaiting not-too-distant
completion on the Earth is called the
In peaceful applications this vehicle
can carry people to stars and can
allow contacts of our civilisation with
other regions of the universe. But if
it falls in hands of morally degenerated
creatures, such as present imperfect
people placed in the situation described
on the web page named
then this starship is able to carry
out an indescribable destruction. So in
order to illustrate and to let people know,
to what kinds of evil may lead the completion
of my "Magnocraft" while the humanity still
does NOT reached the required level of
realistically "simulates" on the Earth a situation,
that supposedly "Magnocrafts" are already
completed by civilisations of our cosmic
relatives which look identically to people,
but which practice an extremely
evil philosophy.
Immensely important reasons for which this
"simulation" is created for us, are explained
more comprehensively in items #L1 to #L5
from the web page named
These hostile to us civilisations of our cosmic
relatives are so "simulated" as if they have
the ambition to secretly destroy the present
technical advancement of humanity.
For this secretive destruction of the
technical advancement of people, these
supposed our cosmic relatives use the
still unknown to our official science,
murderous capabilities of their versions
of Magnocrafts (i.e. UFOs). In fact,
these are their Magnocrafts (i.e. UFOs),
and their evil owners, that are so
"simulated" as if they threaten right
now with a complete extermination of the
present human civilisation on the Earth.
The versions of their Magnocrafts, which
secretly exterminate and exploit people,
are known under the popular name of
UFOs, or UFO vehicles.
It is about time we become aware, that this realistic
"simulation" of UFOs and UFOnauts by God, are to
mobilise us for seeking methods of effective self-defence.
In turn, through seeking such methods of self-defence,
the humanity becomes aware of the level of own
"immorality" and, let us hope, lifts itself onto a higher
level of moral awareness. In order to facilitate such
searches for an effective methods of self-defence,
this web page attempts to explain hidden manners
of technical extermination of the humanity
by UFOs (Magnocrafts), and tries to indicate how
to distinguish such technical extermination from
natural disasters, to which UFOs (Magnocrafts)
try to make similar their destructive activities.
This web page was written in 2006 - means still
before the time when in 2007 I discovered that
UFOs and UFOnauts are in fact sich "simulations"
temporary created by God.
Thus, the formulation of it still treats UFOs and
UFOnauts as if they really are physical and really
are deadly enemies of the humanity. But I decided
to keep this old formulation even at present, as the
knowledge about "simulation" of UFOs and UFOnauts
does NOT eliminate the urgency of finding an
effective method of defence from them, nor
eases the devilishness with which UFOnauts
exterminate and exploit humans. Therefore, in
spite that they are just "simulated aggressors", we
still in our "moral duty of self-defence" must research
and treat them as if they are completely physical
aggressors and deadly enemies of the humanity.
(I.e. in present times we have a duty to fight with
UFOs and UFOnauts in the same way as the Bible
commands people to fight the "devils" and "Satan" -
although the same Bible in a number of places
explains that God created "Lucifer" and the "devils",
thus letting us know, that Lucifer and the devils
practically are also God's "simulations", similarly
like God's "simulations" are present UFOs and
UFOnauts. For references to the relevant
verses from the Bible which acknowledge that
it is God who created the devils and Lucifer -
see (11) item #B1.1 from the web page named
Part #A:
Introductory information of this web page:
Goals of this web page:
The main goal of this web page is an illustrative
demonstration, that the development of humanity
is governed by the superior intelligence, which,
amongst others, prevents that to the hands of
immoral people get technologies whose destructive
capabilities exceed the level of morality of these
Part #B:
Why in the universe ruled intelligently the human
civilization cannot receive the technology whose
power exceeds the current level of morality in the humanity:
Only in a universe devoid of God's, the human development would be governed by accidental inventions and discoveries:
It is worth noting, that only in the universe
ruled by God has the right to exist some
superior intelligence, which in an intentional
way controls the development of humanity -
as this has been demonstrated os an empirical
evidence in items #B1 to #B3 from my page named
The so-called "curse of inventors", which so controls the development of technology,
that new devices have always been appropriate to the moral level of their administrators or owners:
The system of moral laws which cause that
into the hands of immoral people do not get
too powerful technologies, I named in the
past the "curse of inventors". That
"curse of inventors", together with other
accompanying phenomenon, which I named
the "inventive impotency", is described
more thoroughly in my publications indicated
in item #H1 below on this web page (i.e. they
are described e.g. in item #G1 from the web page named
Part #C:
Every new technology NOT only makes life easier, but it also kills in
more new ways - so the human civilization cannot receive a technology
whose destructive power exceeds the moral level of the humanity:
The proportionality of variety of ways to kill, to the technical level of a given device:
The more sophisticated is any technical device,
the on the more ways it can kill people. In order
to visualize this, it suffices to compare a rifle with
a modern jet airplane.
Vehicles called "Magnocrafts" are capable of killing on dozens of different
ways - thus mankind has NOT grown morally yet for having them:
On a number of different web page, e.g. on the web page named
I described a starship of my invention
called the "Magnocraft". This starship
is so advanced technologically, that it
can kill scores of of people on dozens
of different ways - described in next
sections #E and #F of this web page.
What this Magnocraft of the first generation is going to be. Let us imagine a space vehicle that is propelled by a pulsating magnetic field. The shape of it resembles a saucer that is reversed upside down. It is constructed from a transparent material with the regulated level of transparency and light reflection. Therefore in the presence of the solar light, it is going to reflect the rays of sun like a mirror that shines a metallic, silver colour of new pewter. In turn, during flights at nights it will be completely transparent. It will be able to thrust silently in space with unimaginable speed, and also when necessary it will be able to hover motionlessly in a single spot like a present balloon. It will be capable to fly in the vacuum of free space, in air, in water, in hot gases and magma, and even in solid matter such as rocks or buildings, in which it will evaporate glossy tunnels. It will lift people to stars. It will advance our civilisation to the interstellar status. Because of it our planet stops to be for us our prison and remains to be only our provider.
The Magnocraft is going to be build in several technical versions. The most basic version of it will have this shape of a silver disc that was described above. Independently from this one, Magnocraft is also going to be build in so-called four-propulsor version, that takes the shape of cubical or rectangular hut with a pyramidal roof and with four barrel-shaped propulsors (placed one such a propulsor on each corner of the hut). Furthermore, a personal version of Magnocraft will be build also. It will take a form of an appropriately constructed suit that includes, amongst others a belt and shoes which both contain magnetic propulsors. People equipped in such personal propulsion systems will be able to fly in the air, to walk on water, and to jump at tallest buildings, without a vehicle or equipment that would be noticeable to outside observers.
Discoidal (and also four-propulsor) Magnocraft are going to be build in eight types that mutually differ in sizes. Each next type will be twice as large as the previous type. The identification with what type we deal in a given moment of time will be possible in several different manners - the most simply manner is to depend on measuring the ratio of their outer dimensions (e.g. in case of discoidal Magnocraft - the ratio of their D/H=K).
The heart of the Magnocraft will be a propelling
device named the
"oscillatory chamber",
described in chapter F from volume 2 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
This device will be performing the function similar
as the jet propulsor is performing in present
Independently from the Magnocraft of the first
generation, in future Magnocraft of the second
and third generations will also be build. Their
descriptions are contained on separate web
pages, e.g. see the web page about
time vehicles or about
and also on especially devoted for them volumes
of monograph [1/4] (see there volumes 10 and 14).
Although many readers may have a subjective
impression, that the problems and the advanced
devices that are described on this web page,
are extending far into the future, actually our
civilisation already right now has all the required
conditions and knowledge to complete them
practically. Furthermore, in a hidden manner
these vehicles for a long time secretly operate
on Earth. People know them under a popular
name of UFOs.
The completion of the Magnocraft and devices
similar to it, will advance our civilisation to the
era of interstellar flights. The arrival of this era
will also be connected with the change in our
philosophy, altitudes, way of seeing the universe
that surrounds us, responsibility, type of problems
that we encounter, threats, military capabilities, etc.
This web page is going to explain the most important
aspects of this total change.
Fig. #D1: Here is how the smallest of discoidal
crew-carrying Magnocraft looks like. The above
illustration shows the Magnocraft type K3.
(The above illustration originally comes from
monograph [1/4],
where is shown and explained as "Fig. F1".)
In the side view the Magnocraft resembles an inverted saucer. Its propelling devices take the form of spherical "propulsors" which in Magnocraft of the first generation host cubical twin-chamber capsules. The Magnocraft type K3 has a single lifting propulsor located in its centre, and eight stabilizing propulsors placed in its side flange, all nine of them loaded with magnetic energy. These propulsors are arranged like a parabolic mirror in a torch. Therefore an explosion of these propulsors would create a directional impact, similar to that formed by anti-tank cumulative charges. Because this vehicle always flies with its central axis parallel to the local course of Earth's magnetic field, its explosion must create a characteristic "butterfly" area of destruction, existing both in Tapanui and Tunguska.
* * *
Notice that you can see the
enlargement of each illustration from this web site.
For this it suffices to click on this illustration. Furthermore,
most of the internet browsers that you may use, including the
popular "Internet Explorer", allow also to
download each illustration to your own computer,
where it can be looked at, reduced or enlarged to the size that
you may want, or printed with your own graphical software.
When it comes to ways of spreading evil, nothing can replace practical demonstration -
that is why God uses the "simulation" of
UFO vehicles
to demonstrate to people the destructive capabilities of the
People somehow are unable to mobilize themselves
in order to learn effects of the work of "evil" in a purely
theoretical manner - for example, by only analyzing the
fate of the other persons that this evil had affected already.
Therefore, evil must be practically demonstrated to people -
so that they could have experienced it the hard way and
learn consequences of it. So in times when people are
nearing the building of
of my invention, God gives to selected people a taste
as to what will be the future effects of the use of these
Magnocrafts for spreading evils - for example, through
their military use. For this purpose, almost since the
end of World War II, God sends to Earth temporary
"simulations" of the so-called UFOs and UFOnauts,
to experience unpleasantly some chosen for this
purpose people. What exactly are these temporary
"simulations" of UFOs and UFOnauts, I explained
this in details on a number of my web pages - for
example, very briefly discusses them item #G2 from
this web page, in greater detail it is explained in item
#J1 from the web page named
reasons for their appearance on the Earth are presented
in item #L2 from the web page named
and also devoted to them are sections from yet other
web pages that report research results of a new so-called
"totaliztic science" (i.e. the science defined in item
#C4 from the web page named
"The same technical device can not only be invented independently
by a whole range of different people who do not know each other, but
it can also be used by these people in completely opposite ways."
The Magnocraft is entirely an Earth vehicle,
i.e. it has been invented, developed, and it
is proposed to be build on Earth. But if one
remembers unique attributes of this vehicle,
it is enough to see headings of present
newspapers, or glance at titles of various
books, to realise, that vehicles identical to
the Magnocraft are observed operational
on Earth from the beginning of time. These
already existing vehicles identical to the
Magnocraft, are described in there under
the name of
I had the honour of inventing and developing
the Magnocraft solely on the basis of my
professional interests in propulsion systems,
i.e. without any influence or inspiration from
extraterrestrial UFOs. At the beginning of my
developmental work I accepted, that the
Magnocraft is just going to be a flying successor
for an electric motor. This is what suggested
to me the analogies and symmetries expressed
in the so-called Cyclic Table (shown in monograph
[1/4] as Table B1, and in other application - as
Table K1). In this initial stage of the development
of the Magnocraft, I was completely unaware of
the similarities that exist between Magnocraft and
UFOs. This similarity become obvious only when
the complete design and attributes of Magnocraft
become deduced. Actually this similarities were
pointed out to me only by readers of my articles,
who claimed that they have actually seen the
Magnocraft in operation with their own eyes - only
they called it differently, i.e. "UFOs". Although at
that stage I did not envisage any connection of
my Magnocraft and UFOs, just in case there
was one, I followed these claims of my readers
and tried to identify the differences or similarities
existing between both these vehicles. Soon
afterwards, with the weight of the evidence that
I collected, I realized that in fact there are unknown
vehicles popularly called UFOs already operational
on Earth, which display all the attributes that have
been theoretically predicted for the Magnocraft.
Subsequently the formal scientific proof that
"UFOs are already operational Magnocraft"
has been worked out and published (see also
item #I3 from below this web page). The first
version of this proof appeared in the article
[1P] "Konstrukcja prosto z nieba"
("The design straight from heaven") published
in the Polish Journal "Przeglad Techniczny Innowacje",
no 12/1981, pp.43 5. Unfortunately, in this first
presentation of the discussed proof, for reasons
which are clear only after reading subsection
A3 and VB2 of monograph [1/4], the editor of
the "Przeglad Techniczny Innowacje" would not
publish drawings and photographs that were
included to this article (similar to drawings and
photographs that illustrate the subsection P1 in
[1/4]). Because of the lack of space, these
photographs and drawings could not be also
presented when the publication [1P] was then
discussed in the article [2P]
"Jak dowiedziono istnienia UFO" (i.e. "How
the existence of UFOs was proven"), published
in the magazine "Kurier Polski", no 119/1981,
page 5. Thus the complete version of this proof
(together with a complete photographic and
descriptive evidence) could be published only
in New Zealand in the old
monograph [1e]
and in several other monographs that proceeded
[1e] (see the list of these monographs provided
in subsection C10 from [1/4]). The final proof
presented in chapter P2 of
monograph [1/4]
is only an updated extension, with additional
evidence, of this original proof firstly published
in New Zealand in the old monograph [1e].
The formal proof that "UFOs are already operational
Magnocraft" is a vital segment in the logical chain
that forms the content of monograph [1/4] and this
web page. (This is also the reason why in the next
paragraph of this item the methodology of this
proof is summarised, while the rest of this web
page is based on findings which result from it).
This is because in connection with the discovery
described in subsections P3.1 and P6.5 of
monograph [1/4], that the planet Earth from the
very beginning of settling human race on it, is
under a secretive occupation of an
parasitic civilisation which uses UFO vehicles,
this proof realises to us our bitter reality. In turn
this reality is, that our planet from the beginning
of time is continually exploited, robbed, abused
and tormented by morally degenerated, although
technically developed relatives of people that
already have operational Magnocraft (UFOs)
in their disposal. This in turn in the illustrative
manner proves, that the idea of the Magnocraft
can be completed technically (if it could be completed
by other civilisations that parasite on us, when
we decide so, we should also be able to complete
it). Furthermore, it also realises that the construction
of our own Magnocraft is going to be the best defence
against these parasitic relatives of humanity from
UFO vehicles.
The formal proof that "UFOs are already
operational Magnocraft", presented in subsection
P2 of the newest monograph [1/4], is based
on a very old and countless times proven in
action methodology adopted by present science
and called the methodology of "matching the
attributes". In this methodology two sets of
independent attributes, which describe two
different objects, are compared (matched)
with each other, in order to prove that both
these objects are identical. An oldest example
of the use of this methodology would be an
ancient hunter, who matches the attributes
of a trail with attributes of an animal known
to him, in order to determine as to whether
this animal made the trail. This methodology
is one of the most reliable, successful, and
frequently used ways of identifying unknown
objects. It is used in the majority of identification
procedures, including criminal investigations
(matching the evidence present in a site of
crime with a suspect), medicine (matching
symptoms with a disease), military
reconnaissance, etc. In order to prove with
this methodology that the Magnocraft and
UFOs are identical vehicles, a total match
between the theoretically deduced attributes
of the Magnocraft and the observed attributes
of UFOs has been documented and conclusively
The methodology of "matching attributes"
applied here to prove formally that "UFOs
are Magnocraft which are already operational"
also provides an additional benefit which
should be explained here. It introduces the
extremely important "postulate of
interchangeability between UFOs and
the Magnocraft". According to this
postulate every correct equation, principle
and fact established for the Magnocraft
must also apply to UFOs; as well, every
fact observed on UFOs must apply to
the Magnocraft. The practical utilization
of this postulate on one hand allows for
faster progress in the building of our
Magnocraft, through utilizing technical
solutions that have already been observed
on UFOs. On the other hand it allows for
the more rapid unveiling of the UFOs'
secrets by applying to them all the findings
concerning the Magnocraft.
For this web page the "postulate of
interchangeability between UFOs
and the Magnocraft" has this consequence
that everything that here is written about
Magnocraft applies also to UFOs, and
everything that here is explained about UFOs
applies also to the Magnocraft.
Fot. #D2: A photograph of discoidal UFO vehicle type K3.
If one considers the fact, that this UFO vehicle is slanted
slightly differently, and also that its external shell is switched
from the complete transparency into a complete deflection
of light like a silvery mirror, then the shape of it and the
external appearance are identical to the shape and
appearance of the Magnocraft type K3 shown above on
"Fig. #D1". In turn the comprehensive analysis of attributes
and phenomena induced both, by UFO vehicles and by
Magnocrafts, published in subsections P2 from volume
13 of monograph [1/4], reveals that also the internal design
and principles of operation of Magnocrafts and UFOs are
identical to each other. This in turn means, that the
destructive and military capabilities of Magnocraft,
described on this web page, do exists also in UFO
vehicles. On the other hand, the recent events on
Earth document, that these destructive capabilities
of UFOs are actually unleashed on Earth for the
destruction of humanity - for details see the web page
bandits amongst us.
(The above photograph originally comes from
monograph [1/4],
where is shown and thoroughly described as "Fig. P1".)
Notice not far from this UFO, on its left side,
another UFO type K3 visible as it flies away.
Only that this lef UFO was taken in a side view,
and already from a much greater distance.
A moment earlier before this photograph was
taken, this other (left) UFO separated from the
right one in the result of decoupling of the sperical
flying complex. This complex previously was
flying as a single object, in spite that it was composed
of two separate discoidal UFO vehicles only
magnetically coupled with each other floor-to-floor.
The resolution which officially declares and recommends to recognise
Magnocraft as a technical explnation for UFO vehicles:
(i.e. the resolution by the internet list, on
"exploitation of Earth by UFOnauts".)
A historic resolution was accepted on 24 March 2003.
Because it directly relates to the parasitic creatures
currently called UFOnauts, which by religions are
called "devils", "fallen angels", or "hordes of Satan",
I am going to present it here.
The painful and prolonged fate of this resolution is
described more comprehensively in subsection A4 of
monograph [1/4]. The voting on this resolution was
carried out in very dramatic circumstances, under a
significant external pressures, and with intensive
sabotage of UFOnauts. During this voting UFOnauts
demonstrated to the participants of the internet
list the power of their occupational forces, and
their control over the development of situation.
However, although this resolution turned out to
be a painful and expensive victory of totalizm,
still it is a victory, and this is what matters
the most. Here is the content of this resolution.
The exploitation of Earth by UFOnauts: the
collective resolution of the internet list
regarding official recognition of formal proof on
the existence of UFO, recognition of the formal
proof on the occupation of Earth by UFOs, and
recognition of the Magnocraft as a technical
explanation for UFOs
We, 161 participants of the
internet list, representing
almost every area of life and almost every region
of Poland, with a great concern observe the
development of present situation regarding
parasitic activities of UFOs on Earth. From
one side we see the passivity of authorities
and adverse of scientists towards increasingly
larger problems that are induced by parasitic
activities of UFOs on Earth, and we also see
the growing tendency to ignore the prevailing
collective opinions of majority of people and
to base UFO-related decisions on claims just
a few non-constructive individuals. On the
other hand we notice the overwhelming accumulation
of evidence on the continuous presence of UFOs
on Earth, evidence of immoral interference of
UFOnauts in our public life, and evidence of
abductions of people to UFOs combined with
biological exploitation of people in UFOs.
We are also aware, that in 1981, in the Polish
Journal Przeglad Techniczny Innowacje (no 13/1981,
pages 21-23) for the first time a formal
scientific proof was published, which stated
that "UFOs are Magnocraft". Starting from that
moment, a growing number of scientific monographs
is widely available for all interested, which
formally prove the physical nature of UFOs,
the parasitic interests of UFOnauts in Earth,
the magnetic character of UFO propulsion systems,
etc. Until present day these formal proofs transformed
the knowledge on UFOs that is available so-far
into a single consistent logical structure,
proving via this structure that (1) UFOs do
exist and they are material space vehicles
piloted by morally degenerated relatives of
people that originate from space, (2) that
morally decadent owners of UFO vehicles
occupy and exploit humanity in a hidden
manner, and (3) that the design and
operation of the space vehicle with
magnetic propulsion called the "Magnocraft"
provides a complete and correct explanation
for all technical aspects of UFOs. We are
also aware, that very detailed descriptions
of the Magnocraft, as well as all scientific
proofs that originate from Magnocraft,
are available in a number of scientific
publications. Amongst these publications
the most up-to-date is the scientific
monograph [1/4] by Prof. dr Jan Pajak,
entitled "Advanced magnetic devices"
(4th edition, Wellington, New Zealand,
2003, ISBN 0-9583727-5-6). This monograph
is distributed free of charge from numerous
web sites listed in "Menu 2", for example
from sites named
text_1_4.htm or
and several others indicated by links from
these sites. While being aware of all
the above, and simultaneously knowing
about responsibility that lies on our
shoulders because of our representation
of the cross-section of the entire society
and all regions of our country, herewith
we resolve the following. #1. We resolve that we officially recognise
the formal proof that states that "UFO vehicles
do exist". We know that this proof, carried
out according to the scientific methodology
of "matching attributes", is published and
distributed constantly starting since 1981,
and that no-one managed to undermine the
merit of it. By recognising the significance
and validity of this scientific proof, we
simultaneously declare and remind, that it
has the binding power and that its conclusions,
and awareness consequences, should be considered
in action of every person on Earth. Especially
binding this formal proof is for scientists
and for UFO investigators, who on the basis
of it have the obligation to undertake the
constructive research of goals and manifestations
of UFO activities on Earth. #2. We resolve also, that we officially recognise
merit of the formal scientific proof stating that
"UFOs are Magnocraft, which are constructed by
technically highly advanced, although morally
decadent, civilizations of evil parasites from
space". We oblige everyone to respect the
conclusions and significant consequences
of this proof. #3. Furthermore we resolve, that we officially
recognise the formal scientific proof, that
"morally decadent owners of UFO vehicles occupy
our planet in a hidden manner, and secretly
carry out a large scale exploitation of humanity".
We oblige every citizen of our planet to encompass
the seriousness of consequences of this scientific
proof, and to initiate actions that gradually
neutralise this occupation and exploitation
of people by UFOnauts.
While resolving all the above, we simultaneously
strongly encourage all interested, to urgently
learn about scientific proofs contained in
the monograph [1/4] indicated above, the
official and popular recognition of which
this resolution declares and also the multitude
of consequences of which we are trying to realise
with the assistance of this resolution. We also
encourage to learn the design, operation, and
propulsion system of the Magnocraft, which is
the space vehicle that represents an Earth's
version of UFOs (means which displays all
attributes of UFOs, carries the same operational
capabilities as UFOs, and induces the same
phenomena which are known from UFO observations).
While issuing this resolution, and granting
to it the character of a true representation
of our collective views and wishes, we
simultaneously hope, that the resolution
finally is going to initiate constructive
actions and initiatives regarding UFOs,
so long-awaited by the society. For example
we hope, that it is going to inspire the
undertaking of systematic research on UFOs
by scientists and by people responsible
for our security and our level of informing.
We hope, that in all matters regarding
UFOs the society starts to draw from
collective wisdom and stops following
the claims of wrong but noisy individuals,
who probably are manipulated by these
parasitic UFOs. We hope, that this
resolution breaks through the impasse
to-date which surrounded the progress
of people's rational understanding
of the reasons, multitude, and
technology of morally degenerated
aggressors from UFOs. We hope,
that it is to make people sensitive
about immoral, parasitic, and hidden
character of all activities of
UFOs on Earth. We hope that it
points the attention of authorities
at burning issues of the defence
of society from evil exploitation
by UFOs. We hope, that it makes
everyone interested in the scar
from identification implant of UFOs,
which (the scar) the majority of
us is having on a leg. We hope,
that it is going to initiate more
intensive observations of UFO activity
in our living space, and that it
realises that with appropriate methods
and devices which are sensitive at
fast telekinetic motion, literally
tens of visually invisible, telekinetic
UFO vehicles can be registered in our
sky in every moment of time (these
telekinetic UFO vehicles are usually
referred to, as "rods"). We hope also,
that this resolution inspires all people
to undertake an active self-defence
against cosmic aggressors from UFOs.
This resolution was taken on 24 March 2003,
in the result of anonymous voting (which
was based on pseudo-names) that was open
for participants of debates on the internet
list The results of
this voting was unanimous - the entire
100% of voting participants gave their
votes for accepting this resolution.
The participants confirm that the voting
had anonymous character, thus the results
represent an exact reflection of actual
views and wishes of people that voted.
In turn because voters represented
the cross-section through the entire
society and through all regions of Poland,
and also because the text of what was
resolved represents the collective
opinion of voters, this resolution is
representative for the stand, wishes,
and feelings of significant proportion
of citizens of Poland aware of the
seriousness of current situation.
* * *
The above should be complemented with the
information, that soon after the above resolution
was voted and accepted, UFOnauts sabotaged
(until the destruction) of the internet discussion
list of totalizm, at which it was developed and
accepted. Then UFOnauts sabotaged also
another internet discussion list of totalizm
formed in its place. From the first half of
2005 totalizm acts without discussion list.
So the only communication with followers
of this philosophy are presently emails and
the blog totalizm available at the internet
addresses provided in item #I5 from this
web page.
Let us recall what
Magnocrafts and
are capable of, means what are their capabilities
in a military or destructive use:
Earthly Magnocraft and extraterrestrial UFOs
are extremely advanced vehicles. In order
to realise how incomparably superior they
are over everything that human technology
managed to create so-far, it is enough to
understand, that they can fly in a complete
silence, reaching speeds up to 70 000 km/h
during flights in our atmosphere, and also
speeds close to the speed of light during
flights in cosmic vacuum of space. So they
can arrive to us in a silence,
while we do not have a clue that they already
sit on our backs. In addition to this, they are
able to make themselves completely invisible
to human eyes. In turn in the so-called
state of telekinetic flickering
they are able to fly through solid matter without
damaging neither themselves nor this matter.
Therefore on the Earth UFO vehicles are
secretly parked in underground caves to
which they enter by flying through the soil
and rocks. (Such caves and undergrounds
in which these vehicles are parked, UFOlogy
calls "underground UFO bases". Descriptions
of such bases, and even photographs of
UFOnauts captured during flying into them,
are shown on web pages
aliens, and
New Zealand.)
Whenever they wish so, UFOs can fly directly
into our flats, penetrating through furniture
and walls. They are also able to use electrical
induction to change on any wish from crews all
surrounding metals into explosives. On any wish
they are also able to evaporate underground
glossy tunnels with their huge plasma saws.
Our missiles do not harm them. We still do
not know any weapon, nor defence methods,
which would be able to oppose these vehicles -
apart from constructing our own Magnocrafts,
which, so far, no one on Earth seems to
More information about capabilities of our Earthly
Magnocraft, and extraterrestrial UFOs, is provided
in volume 3 of monograph [1/4] - for example
see there subsections F10.1 or F10.3.
Why it is extremely vital for us to be
aware of all attributes and capabilities of Earthly
and extraterrestrial
in their military and destructive applications:
There is one serious problem with the abuse
of such immensely advanced space vehicles
as Earthly Magnocraft and extraterrestrial
UFO vehicles for military and destructive
purposes. Namely, the problem depends
on the fact, that for primitive civilisations,
such as presently is our Earthly one,
secretive military and destructive
applications of these space vehicles
are indistinguishable from natural
cataclysms and from behaviours
of the nature. Therefore, the technologically
highly advanced cosmic civilisations which
uses Magnocrafts or UFOs for destructive
purposes on some other primitive civilisations,
can do this in an almost unpunished manner.
After all, the people who are tormented by it
will not be able to realise, that someone uses
against them various attributes of space vehicles
so advanced as the Magnocrafts or UFOs.
This possibility of secretive use against humanity
the destructive capabilities of Magnocrafts and
UFOs, causes that the for all people extremely
urgent becomes to learn all attributes and applications
of these space vehicles. This web page serves
for just such a purpose.
Part #E:
The most vital manners on which
Magnocrafts and
may be used for destruction of people and for military purposes:
It must be emphasized that building our
Magnocrafts on Earth will promote peace.
After all, this vehicle provides facilities for
interstellar expansion of humanity, it
allows utilization of unlimited cosmic
resources, facilitates contacts with other
cosmic civilisations, and makes people
really free inhabitants of the universe.
People who have Magnocrafts are
not going to put up with regimes and
with political systems which are imposed
onto them by some external aggressors
and which are not accepted voluntarily.
Furthermore, the Earthly Magnocraft
will finally be able to oppose to these
cosmic aggressors and occupying forces,
which previously tormented us and
destroyed with their UFO vehicles.
Unfortunately, apart from these constructive
capabilities, as everything in this world,
our Magnocrafts, as well as extraterrestrial
UFO vehicles have also potentials for causing
destruction. For example, these vehicles can
have accidents, or can fall (actually, already
have fallen) into hands of various irresponsible
individuals and civilisations. Also, in our highly
militarized world, it is almost impossible to
create a new kind of vehicle which potentially
would not be used for military purposes. Past
experiences teach us, that the destructive part
of human nature tries to utilise for harmful
purposes practically everything that is available,
thus probably also this vehicle. Thus, to complete
the picture of this vehicle, for our own good,
and also for a scientific accuracy, the basic
military capabilities of Magnocraft, as well as
their extraterrestrial equivalents called UFOs,
must also be highlighted here. This web page
provides a review of their destructive and
military potentials. However, I hope, that this
potential and capabilities of our Earthly Magnocrafts
are never utilised practically against people
from Earth, nor against any other intelligent
inhabitants of the space, and that our Magnocrafts
always will remain exclusively for what myself (i.e.
the inventor of these space vehicles) created them
for, namely to be messengers of peace, and
tools of helping others. However, our voluntary,
intentional unuse of destructive abilities of the
Earthly Magnocraft does not mean that
the full potentials of this vehicle should remain
unknown to us. Actually, for our own good, they
should be made known to everyone. Especially,
that cosmic equivalents of the Magnocraft, means
UFO vehicles, are actually used in all destructive
applications explained on this web page.
More information on the subject of military use
of Magnocrafts and UFOs is provided in subsections
F14, F14.1, and F14.2 from volume 3 of
monograph [1/4].
The most dangerous destructive potential
of UFOs (and also Magnocrafts build by
people) lies in the use of these vehicles
as flying bombs. The exploding of such
bombs would cause a rapid release
of the huge amount of magnetic energy
accumulated in propulsors of UFO vehicles.
After all, UFO propulsors contain extraordinary
devices called
Oscillatory Chambers
assembled inside of them. These chambers
are simply accumulators of magnetic energy
of the capacitance which for present people
is unimaginably large. For example, as this
is explained below in item #E16 of this web page,
even in UFO vehicles of average sizes, the
amount of magnetic energy accumulated
in their Oscillatory Chambers exceeds yearly
consumption of all forms of energy by
the largest industrial superpowers on Earth.
Of course, the detonation of such propulsors
would cause the destruction of unimaginable
extend. What would be approximate consequences
of just such an explosion, it can be presently
investigated in the vicinity of a small New
Zealand township
where on 19 June 1178 a cigar-shaped
UFO vehicle has exploded. Or can be
realised from the effects of
tsunami on 26 December 2004.
The above means, that even the explosion
of a middle-sized UFO vehicle, in effects
and in the range would only be comparable
to the famous Tunguska blast (from the
Central Siberia), which on 30 June 1908
devastated over a thousand square kilometres
of taiga forests in the Tunguska region of
Central Siberia – for details see either
a summary of the Tunguska explosion
provided in subsection O5.2 from volume
12 of monograph [1/4], or see the entire
monograph [5/3]
devoted to the presentation of the Tapanui
explosion. As it was also the case with this
Tunguska catastrophe, the exploding of
a UFO vehicle (or our Magnocraft) would
not pollute the environment radioactively.
Therefore the affected area would immediately
be available for occupation and colonization.
However, the complete devastation would
annihilate everything contained in the radius
of destruction. So if such an explosion took
place above a densely populated city, no
even a single citizen would survive, no even
a single building would be left intact, and also
no cultural treasure would be saved. Special
worries induces the fact, that UFO vehicles
(and thus also our Magnocrafts) are relatively
easy to explode. For example, they are
prone to accidents – e.g. they can collide
in midair during flights, they can be easily
crushed by suicidal pilots, also they can
be detonated by terrorist organisations,
countries, or civilisations.
Although we are able to undertake appropriate
prevention measures against exploding
Magnocraft constructed on Earth, we are still
unable to do this for equivalents of this vehicle,
i.e. UFOs, constructed by other civilisations which are
technically highly advanced but morally decadent.
Therefore, these vehicles of other civilisations,
popularly called UFOs, are secretly exploded
on Earth for destructive purposes practically
every year. Only that, as so-far, people have
not learned to distinguish these UFO explosions
from natural cataclysms. A relatively recent
explosion which was definitely identified as
that of blasting of a UFO vehicle, is described
on the web page
26th day
available from "Menu 1".
Consequences of this manner of destructive
exploding of UFO vehicles (and our Magnocrafts)
were demonstrated to people already many
times. In recent history of Earth and humanity
two such powerful UFO explosions were
already detected and well researched.
These took place in 1908 in Tunguska,
Central Siberia, and in 1178 near the small
township of Tapanui in New Zealand. Both
these explosions are described on the web
page named
and also in
monograph [5/3]
entirely devoted to their descriptions.
A shocking fact about practically every explosion
of a UFO vehicle on the surface of Earth, is that
- as I explained this in item #D6 above, each such
an explosion is taken by people for a "natural"
cataclysm. For example, whatever description
of a UFO explosion in Tunguska, Central Siberia,
would someone take to hands, almost as a rule
this description is going to insist that it was a huge
meteorite that fall over there to Earth. (But no
publication spreading such a false claim actually
shows evidence for this meteorite, e.g. meteorite
debris spread over the ground.) In turn the
UFO explosion in
New Zealand, even local scientists do not
wish to confirm, in spite that consequences
of this explosion keep tormenting New
Zealand until today. In turn by denying the
fact of continuous exploding of UFO vehicles
on Earth, we deprive ourselves the capability
of developing methods of defending ourselves
against consequences of these explosions.
Therefore I again prompt here everyone - it is
really worth to learn characteristic attributes from
which UFO explosions could be distinguished
from natural catastrophes. For the near-ground
(surface) UFO explosions, such as these in
Tunguska or in Tapanui, these characteristic
attributes are described in subsection F12 from
volume 3 of
monograph [1/4],
and also in
monograph [5/4].
In order to mention at this point at least some
most vital amongst these attributes, they include,
amongst others:
(i) Permanent
of the natural environment. In turn this telekinetisation
causes that e.g. trees grow there many times faster
than in other places. For example, near the area
of UFO explosion in Tapanui, New Zealand, even
today, means after over 800 years since that UFO
explosion, trees still grow around 5 times faster
than e.g. in Europe.
(ii) The appearance of a "golden fleece"
(i.e. gold dust) on the surface of Earth near
the explosion site.
The disintegrating of propulsors from UFO
vehicles release the technical version
of telekinetic effect, which in turn causes the
spontaneous synthesis of gold and some other
element (e.g. sulphur), from silicon and some
additional element (e.g. iron). Thus, the synthesis
of gold from silicon is a visible product of explosion
of UFO vehicles - for details of the post-explosive
fallouts of "golden fleece" in former sites of UFO
explosions see subsection C10 in
monograph [5/3].
In turn the information about telekinetic
synthesis of gold from silicon, is provided
in subsections NB3 and S5 from volumes,
respectively, 11 and 14 of
monograph [1/4].
The use of Earthly
and unearthly
for technological induction of destructive earthquakes and tsunami waves:
The mechanism of technical induction of
highly destructive earthquakes and tsunami
waves by UFO vehicles is very simple.
It is enough that a UFO vehicles is
exploded in a suitable place under
the surface of Earth. In turn, the energy
yield of this explosion destroys everything
that exists on the surface of Earth in
the vicinity of the epicentre of explosion.
If a UFO vehicles is exploded under
the surface of sea, then additionally
murderous tsunami waves are induced.
This manner of destructive use of UFOs and
Magnocraft for inducing deadly earthquakes
and tsunami waves was already demonstrated
to humanity a number of times. The most
spectacular demonstration of it took place on
26 December 2004. On this day UFO vehicles
secretly induced a cataclysmic tsunami wave
on the Indian Ocean. This tsunami killed over
300 000 people. It was described on a separate
web page named
26th day.
In turn several destructive earthquakes, which
also displayed all signs of being induced
technically by UFO vehicles, is described in
introduction to a web page about the
Zhang Heng seismograph.
There is a whole range of attributes from which
it is possible to distinguish such earthquakes
and tsunami waves induced technologically by
UFO vehicles, from similar cataclysms initiated
by the nature. For tsunamis numerous such
attributes are described on the web page
26th day.
Let us summarise here at least examples of the
most important such distinguishable attributes:
(i) The appearance on the predefined day.
For example, until 26 December 2004, all such
cataclysms induced technologically by UFO
vehicles were always induced on 26th day of
a given month (i.e. in the day 13 + 13). Unfortunately,
when on the web page
26th day
(published soon after this murderous tsunami
from the Indian Ocean) was pointing out to the
public knowledge that UFOnauts favour causing
this kind of cataclysm always on 26th, UFOnauts
shifted the implementation of their earthquakes
into other days.
(ii) The lack of warnings.
If the nature prepares any cataclysm, then
telepathic warning are being send that such
a cataclysm is approaching a long time before
it takes place. These warnings are intercepted
by animals. Thus, a long time before a natural
earthquake or tsunami appears, dogs haul,
birds stop singing, horses get frighten, fish get
crazy, etc., etc. In turn earthquakes and
tsunami waves induced technologically through
exploding UFO vehicles, never send any such
proceeding telepathic warnings, until the last
moment when a UFO vehicle is actually detonated.
The use of
Magnocrafts and
for evaporation of solid objects (i.e. rocks, buildings, bunkers, etc.):
The mechanism of this evaporation of rocks,
buildings, bunkers, etc., by UFO vehicles,
utilises the phenomenon of so-called "plasma
saw". This saw is simply a spinning cloud of
plasma which surrounds the surface of a UFO
vehicle, and which is formed on the command
from the crew due to the introduction of 90-degree
phase shifts in pulsations of magnetic field
yield from subsequent side propulsors of a given UFO.
As we all probably know, plasma is highly
destructive. If something cannot be cut in
any other way, then plasma lancets are used.
UFO vehicles surrounded by such "plasma
saw" are able to cut glossy tunnels in rocks,
WTC buildings,
The destructive use of UFO vehicles for the evaporation
of large solid objects was best illustrated to humanity
on 11th September 2001. It was then that UFO
vehicles secretly evaporated
skyscrapers in New York. Attributes unique
for this evaporation of buildings by UFOs, by
which one can distinguish the destruction caused
by evaporation with UFO field, from the destruction
caused in any other manner, e.g. through a
collapsing, are described comprehensively
on the web page about
A whole array of such attributes is also explained
in subsection O5.3.1 from volume 12 of monograph
[1/4] - which describes attributes of underground
tunnels evaporated by UFOs. Practically these
attributes can also be visually inspected on
numerous underground tunnels which were
evaporated by UFO vehicles in just such a manner -
e.g. on the tunnel called "Deer Cave", which is
accessible for tourists near Miri in the Malaysian
Province of Sarawak on the Island of Borneo.
The use of
Magnocrafts and
for a selective cooking living organisms with the use of their magnetic field,
in a manner similar as this is done by microwave ovens:
Another dangerous destructive potential
of UFOs results from the ability of the powerful
field of these vehicles to cook organic matter.
There is a mode of operation of UFO vehicles,
in which these spacecraft are transformed into
kinds of huge flying microwave ovens, capable
to cook almost immediately all living organisms
found in the range of their destructive field.
Although I decided to skip through detailed
description of this dangerous mode of their
operation, the consequences of it still can be
imagined quite easily on the basis of descriptions
from subsection F14.2 in [1/4].
The UFO literature is overfilled with examples
when people exposed to the action of
the UFOs' magnetic field died soon afterwards
on a cancer. Although these deaths can probably
be qualified as "accidents", still they demonstrate
a deadly potential of magnetic field from UFO
The use of
Magnocrafts and
for destructive "ploughing" of entire countries with their burning magnetic field:
In order to use UFOs and Magnocrafts
as a weapon of mass destruction, which
systematically "plough" the selected area
of the enemy territory, and which concentrates
its impact mainly on the metallic (conductive)
objects of the opposite side, the destructive
properties of its "inductive shield" are utilized.
Simultaneously the "plasma whirl", which
always appears together with the inductive
shield, is either intentionally added to the
destruction, or is prevented from acting
on people and on organic substances so
that these stay uninjured. The method by
which UFOs (and Magnocrafts) can be
used for military operations, aimed at the
destruction of the enemy's equipment only,
is as follows:
Step 1. Switching to maximum power
the spinning magnetic field that forms the
magnetic whirl circulating around this vehicle.
The force lines of that field passing through
nearby conductive objects induce in them
powerful electric currents that explosively
evaporate their material.
Step 2. Forming from this spinning
field a broad inductive shield with a range of
evaporation to about 100 metres from the
vehicle's surface (when the destructive plasma
whirl has a range of only about 5 metres).
Step 3. Flying at an altitude of around
10 to 30 metres above an enemy's territory.
As a result of such a flight, every object which
is constructed from electrically conducting material
will explode. This effect has a radius of about
100 metres from the craft. The disintegration
of these materials will cause in turn:
(a) Complete destruction of every object made
of metal, such as: weapons, machinery, factories
and their equipment, iron bridges, electric power
connections, underground installations made of
metal, storage facilities, etc.
(b) Destruction or damage of objects containing
some parts made of metal, such as: buildings,
concrete bridges, bunkers, roads, airfields, ports,
Step 4. Undertaking a systematic flight
covering every part of the target area, similar
to the way a farmer ploughs a field.
It should be noted that the very high speed and
manoeuvrability of UFOs and Magnocrafts
would allow operation in such a manner as
to render ("plough") totally powerless a middle
sized European country, size of England, France,
or Germany, with only one Magnocraft, in about
12 hours. After the vehicle completes its operation,
inside of so neutralised country even a single object
made of metal would be left intact, including into
this not only all weapon systems, but also spoons,
metal buttons, buckles in trousers and bra, and
even metal teeth of all citizens of that country.
So the destruction of a given country would be
As the above indicates, the military properties
of UFOs and Magnocrafts used as a weapon
have no equivalent in any other fighting facility
made by man to date. There are neither weapons
nor defence methods that can oppose this vehicle.
However, there is a major difference between
the action of Magnocraft and the effects of other
weapon of mass destruction developed so-far
by people. The Magnocraft – if it is used properly,
can act selectively against the weapons, equipment,
and technology of the other side, but not against
people. Excluding victims of accidents, it can mainly
disarm the military forces, technology, industry,
and economy of the opposite side, but can leave
the enemy population alive. (Although, at the
command from the crew, it can also kill people.)
So even when the Earthly owners of the Magnocraft
are forced to use it as weapon of necessary self-defence,
it can be used in such a manner that it will promote
peace and serve humanity.
An example when UFO vehicles demonstrated
to people this described above their capability
to systematically "plough" the selected arrea,
was the damage inflicted to the small village
of Saladare in Ethiopia, at 11:30 on the morning
of 7 August 1970. The event lasted only about
ten minutes, but during this time a red glowing
ball swept over the village, destroying houses,
knocking down the stone walls of a bridge,
uprooting trees, and melting asphalt and metal
cooking utensils. That the destruction caused by
a UFO vehicle had its origin in the magnetic whirl,
is confirmed by the fact that no fire was started in
the environment which was filled with flammable
materials, and also that all metals were molten
(see description from the book [4P2.7], "Into the Unknown",
Reader's Digest, Sydney, 1982, ISBN 0 909486 92 1, page 313).
The use of
Magnocrafts and
for collapsing of roofs of buildings, bridges, sections of highways, etc.:
UFO vehicles, and thus also Magnocraft,
have the capability to switch on a special
kind of magnetic interactions, which either
act as a "field of attraction", or "field of
repulsion", that affect forcefully selected
objects from the vicinity of these vehicles.
In turn this magnetic interactions are capable
of intercepting and neutralizing or rejecting
and crushing of any nearby objects that
are constructed of ferromagnetic materials,
or that contain any metals which are conductive
to electric currents. This applies to not only
structures completely constructed of metals,
such as cars, large guns, tanks, and even
aeroplanes, space shuttles, or rockets, but
also to the concrete structures which are
armed with metal skeleton, or that only
contain conductive metals, e.g. to buildings,
bridges, concrete bypasses, sections of
highways, etc. The attraction force that interact
with these objects is created by the constant
component of the magnetic field yield from
the vehicle's propulsors. In turn the repulsion
force that pushes away or crushes these
objects is formed by the pulsating component
of the magnetic field yield from UFOs' propulsors.
The attraction effect can be controlled by balancing
with the repulsion force which is produced by the
pulsating component of the vehicle's magnetic field.
The principle of formation of such force interactions,
which is later used by UFO vehicles for secretive
crushing and collapsing of selected buildings or
other man-made objects, is illustrated in Figure
C12 from volume 2 of monograph [1/4], while
comprehensively described in subsection C7
(also) from volume 2 of
monograph [1/4].
This principle is also summarised briefly in item
#3 of the web page about the
Oscillatory Chamber,
and illustrated on Figure C12 which is repeated
on that web page. The range and the kind of total
interactions between a given object and a UFO
vehicle can be controlled precisely the crew
of a given UFO vehicle.
This particular manner of destructive use of UFO
vehicles for crushing, collapsing, sinking, or
downing to the Earth various human structures,
buildings, or vehicles, was demonstrated on Earth
already many times. The historically best investigated
by me such case was the secretive collapsing
by a UFO vehicle of the roof of exhibition hall in
In turn previous historic uses of UFO vehicles for
such destructive purposes include, amongst others,
the American space shuttle
which was teared apart with magnetic forces of
two UFO vehicles and subsequently downed to
the ground.
To other known "accomplishments" of UFO
vehicles in this area includes also the sinking
of transatlantic "Titanic" described in item #E8
of this web page.
A rather dangerous use of such crushing forces
generated by the propulsion of UFO vehicles takes
place when these vehicle crush bridges, viaducts,
or sections of highways. A good example of just
such secretive collapsing of the overpass on the
crossing of two highways, was the case that took
place near Montreal in Canada, which was
described in two following articles, namely in
the article entitled "Cars plunge off collapsing
overpass" from page B2 of the New Zealand
The New Zealand Herald,
issue dated on Monday, October 2, 2006; and
also article "Cars crushed as road crumbles"
published on page B1 of the New Zealand
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Monday, October 2, 2006. In
both these articles is emphasized, that shortly
before the collapsing of this overpass, it was
just investigated by engineers who declared
that it is in a perfect technical condition.
There are various attributes by which we can
distinguish such collapses of man-made
structures secretly crushed by UFO vehicles,
from natural collapsing of these structures. Here
are most important out of these attributes:
(i) Powerful bang at the moment of collapsing.
The collapsing by UFO vehicles can only occur,
if forces exerted by these vehicles brutally break
the strength of a carrying structure. In turn this
breaking through always causes a powerful bang
similar to a large canon shot.
(ii) Simultaneous collapsing of ceilings and
floors. Normally floors can collapse only
after heavy ceilings fall onto them. However,
forces of magnetic interactions formed by UFO
propulsion push simultaneously and with the
same force on both ceilings and on floors.
Therefore UFOs collapse simultaneously both,
ceilings and floors.
The use of
Magnocrafts and
for downing airplanes and airships in manners which people are
unable to distinguish from acts of God or from actions of forces of nature:
UFO vehicles are able to destroy human
airplanes and airships on hundreds of
different ways, none of which present
experts of aviation are able to distinguish
from the action of forces of nature, from
acts of Gods, from accidents, from random
fires, from getting lost, etc. Let us indicate
here examples of at least methods used
by UFOs most frequently for downing our
1. Whirls of clear air.
The most commonly used manner of purposeful
destruction of human airplanes by UFO vehicles,
which is undetectable to people, are the so-called
"whirls of clear air". These whirls are formed in the
result of whirling of clear air by spinning magnetic
circuits of UFO vehicles of large types (most frequently
K6 to K10 type) that remain invisible to human sight.
These whirls become extremely dangerous, if they
are formed high in our atmosphere, while their
power is significant. They are responsible for a
huge number of problems and accidents in civil
aviation. If a passenger aeroplane enters the range
of their spinning, then this aeroplane is hit by a
powerful blow that throws it with an enormous force.
This in turn causes shaking of the passengers,
sometimes even causing deaths. For example,
on Monday, 29 December 1997, around 23:00
of local time, died in this manner 32-years old
female passenger, Konomi Kataura, while further
83 passengers were hurt in the flight number
826 of "United Airlines" from Tokyo to Honolulu.
According to article [1O7] "'Clear air' pocket
undetectable", published in the Malaysian daily
Sun (Sun Media Group Bhd, Lot 6,
Jalan 51/217, Section 51, 46050 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia), issue dated on Tuesday,
30 December 1997, page 41, only in 1997,
independently from the above massive accident
with one death, three further airliners seriously
wounded their passengers because of hitting
such invisible whirling of clear air. These were:
(a) on 9 June 1997 the jet from "Japan Airlines"
hit such a whirl around 25 minutes before arrival
to Nagoya from Hong Kong - 11 passengers
were wounded, (b) on 6 July 1997 an aeroplane
from "Qantas Airways" hit such a whirl on the way
from Brisbane to Tokyo - 23 passengers were
wounded, in this 3 very seriously, (c) on 13
September 1997 a jet liner "Alitalia" hit such
a whirl shortly before landing in Caracas -
19 passengers were wounded. In turn the
article [2O7] "Probe indicates UA flight was
pushed up first" published in the same daily
Sun, issue dated on Thursday,
1 January 1998, page 41, writes that the
so-called "black box" from this jet liner
(i.e. flight 826 of "United Airlines") indicated
that during this accident the aeroplane was
moved by less than 30.4 meters, while it was
firstly thrown rapidly upward with the force
almost twice higher than the gravitational force.
What kind of undetectable by radar natural
phenomena (apart from a UFO vehicle)
is able to release such a powerful force
on such a short distance. After all, this force
is almost an equivalent of hitting this aeroplane
with a huge hammer, not just a natural blow
of the air.
The above is worth complementing with the
information, that after we discovered that these
"whirls of clear air" which throw around our airplanes
are formed by invisible UFO vehicles, we can
practically utilise this knowledge. For example,
so far no-one was able to develop any warning
device that would inform pilots about approaching
such a whirl. After all, so far no principle of operation
was known, that would enable a remote detection
of these whirls of clear air. But if these whirls are
formed by invisible UFOs, then such systems can
be effectively working on the same principle as
these described for the so-called "revealing devices"
that allow to detect invisible UFOs - for details see
descriptions of these devices provided in subsection
L1, and in appendix Z from monograph [1/4].
2. Exploding of metals via induction. This depend
on changing into explosives of all metals present
in the airplane's structure. The change takes
place due to the action of whirling magnetic field
of a UFO vehicle at metals of the airplane, which
(the field) induces so powerful eddy currents
in metals from the airplane, that these metals
are evaporated explosively. Debris of airplanes
destroyed in this manner have bubbles and
holes, and thus sometimes look like lumps
of coke. Historically first airplane which was
destroyed in such a manner, and thus also
was researched more thoroughly than others,
was in past the famous case of the fighter type
F 51 Mustang, piloted by Captain Thomas
Mantell, Jr, near Fort Knox, Kentucky,
USA, on 7 January 1948 - for details see
descriptions from subsection P2.7 from
volume 13 of
monograph [1/4].
Another case of the airliner TU154 with 76
people on board, which belonged to the
"Sibir Air", and was completing Flight No
1812 from Tel Aviv to Novosibirsk on 4
October 2001, and was just in this inductive
manner exploded by a UFO vehicle over
the Black Sea, is described in subsection
O8.1 from volume 12 of
monograph [1/4].
3. Slowing down the state of telekinetic flickering.
On a separate web page about the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
an extraordinary state is described, which on wish
of the crews can be switched on by UFO vehicles,
and which is called the "state of telekinetic flickering".
To describe it briefly, this state depends on putting
the entire matter of a UFO vehicle into a fast flickering
from the form of matter into energy and then back
from energy into matter.
In this extraordinary state the physical structure
of UFO vehicles can penetrate in fast impulses
through the structure of any physical objects.
Furthermore, UFO vehicles become also
invisible to the human eyes. Due to this, UFO
vehicles are able to fly into our flats, passing
through walls, furniture, etc. They also are able
to fly inside of our airplanes. When such a
UFO vehicle penetrates in this state through
the fuselage of an airplane, then - if only wishes
so, it can slow down the flickering and rapidly
fly away. In such a case this part of the fuselage
of the airplane, which is penetrated by the
structure of a UFO vehicle, is torn apart from the
rest of the airplane, and taken with the UFO into
space. If it turns out that this was an important part
of the airplane, then, of course, the remainder of
the airplane falls down to Earth.
From the information which reached me, it
appears that the airplane Boeing 737 which
belonged to the Hawaiian airlines "Aloha"
was destroyed with just such a method of
slowing down the state of telekinetic flickering.
On 28 April 1988 this airplane was on the
flight number 243 from Maui to Honolulu.
A whole array of attributes of this tragedy
points out at the fact that this airliner was
destroyed in such a manner by a UFO
vehicle. For example, a section of the
fuselage was torn apart from this airplane
with a huge bang. The shape
and size of this section was corresponding
to a UFO vehicle type K3. This fuselage
never was found - in spite of intense
searches. This additionally indicates that
a UFO vehicle carried it out with itself and
disposed only in space. In addition to this,
at times of this catastrophe the crew experienced
interruptions in their radio communication -
this also is typical of a nearby presence of
an invisible UFO vehicle. Finally the stewardess
from this airplane was seen a few seconds
before the explosion as she was lifted into
the air and disappeared somewhere at the
ceiling. Then in this place a fuselage of the
airplane was having a bloody stain of a
human-size. So visibly this destruction if the
airplane was a consequence of an abduction
attempt of the stewardess by UFOnauts, which
went wrong.
* * *
Slightly more information on the subject of use
of UFO vehicles for destruction of human vehicles
in a manner that it looks like the action of forces of
nature, is contained in subsection O7 from volume 12 of
monograph [1/4].
The use of
Magnocrafts and
for sinking ships and other floating structures
simulated onto accidents or actions of forces of nature:
In a manner which is very similar to
downing of airplanes described in previous
item #E7, UFO vehicles are able to sink
boats and ships. In order to sink them,
they also can unleash hundreds of different
phenomena. None of these phenomena
present experts are able to distinguish
from the action of forces of nature, from
acts of Gods, from whirlpools of water,
from collisions with icebergs, from accidents,
from random fires, from getting lost and
hitting rocks, etc.
Whirlpools of water, similarly destructive to "whirls
of clear air" described in item #E7 above, are
also created by UFOs in sea water. Only that,
otherwise than with the swirling of air, on the
boats that fall into these whirlpools no-one
survives to tell later what happened. A
former fisherman from New Zealand,
and a good acquaintance of mine, Bill
Sinclair, told me one day that his own fishing
boat only due to a good luck avoided being
sucked into a huge such whirlpool of water,
that unexpectedly appeared in the area of
sea which he knows very well. His extraordinary
case is described in more details in item #4
of the separate web page about
The most famous case of sinking a ship,
which displays numerous mysterious attributes
which all suggest that most probably this
ship was secretly although intentionally sunk
by a UFO vehicle, was the sinking of the
transatlantic Titanic. All data indicate
that the true reason for sinking of Titanic was
the collision with glossy looking UFO, not
a collision with actual iceberg - as people
commonly believe. For example, it is almost
sure, that because of the glossy appearance,
in darkness of the night the UFO vehicle was
taken for an iceberg. After all, the date of this
accident was not coinciding with the time, when
icebergs are common in that area. Furthermore,
e.g. visual noticing iceberg was not confirmed
by saved eye witnesses. (I.e. it is claimed that
there was an iceberg, but no eye witnesses saw
this iceberg after the sinking.) So, it appears,
that after the accident a UFO vehicle simply
disappeared from the area of this crime.
In turn, what was considered to be rare cases
of observing an iceberg, was actually unverified
interpretations which at a close analysis turn
out to be contradictive to known attributes of
such icebergs. What is even more interesting,
after shifting away from the area of the accident,
the same UFO vehicle remained nearby, all
the time observing and filming what happens,
but not saving people, and also that nearby
lights of this UFO vehicle were noticed by almost
all saved people. Furthermore, in the course
of this event numerous mysteries took place,
which cannot be explained by an iceberg,
but which perfectly fit into phenomena that
accompany a UFO. Their example include
e.g. an unexplained shifting of the Titanic
from its designated course (which could
be well explained by a nearby presence
of a magnetically propelled UFO vehicle
which would alter indications of magnetic
compasses), the impossible for rational
explanation, mutual distancing of two huge
and heavy parts of the Titanic after sinking,
which at the bottom of the ocean should lie
one next to the other, the unexplained huge
speed with which Titanic went down as if on
purpose pushed under water by propulsion
of a UFO vehicle, and also the fact that heads
of rivets from the hulk were strangely torn
towards the outside and that large sections
of the hulk panels were torn towards the outside
of the ship (notice that an iceberg would
push these heads and panels towards
the interior of the boat, however forces of
magnetic tension caused by a nearby UFO
vehicle would pull these heads towards the
outside). All these facts suggest that the original
explanations for the reasons of sinking of Titanic
needs to be verified. Especially that the recent crime of
evaporation of WTC skyscrapers
by UFO vehicles have a historic equivalent in
sinking of Titanic by a UFO vehicle.
Slightly more information on the subject of use
of UFO vehicles for destruction of human structures
and vehicles is contained in subsection O6 from
volume 12 of
monograph [1/4].
The use of
Magnocrafts and
for technological inducing murderous hurricanes:
A hurricane is simply a so-called "low
pressure whirl of counter-matter" that is
narrowed down to a small diameter. In
turn what are these whirls is explained
on a separate web page about
UFO vehicles have the ability to intercept
with their magnetic propulsors such whirls
of counter-matter, and to narrow them down
in order to create hurricanes. Then they
also are able to pull this hurricane at the
area which they intend to destroy.
The destructive use of UFO vehicles for the formation
of hurricanes is already demonstrated frequently
to people. The more comprehensive descriptions
of such demonstrations are provided on web pages
hurricanes and cyclones,
and also about the outcomes of the hurricane named
which on 29 August 2005 completely destroyed
the American city New Orleans.
There is several attributes by which we can
distinguishing between natural hurricanes and
hurricanes induced technically by UFO vehicles.
Here are most important amongst such attributes:
(i) Natural hurricanes always appear in twin
pairs. After all, the whirl of counter-matter
which forms hurricanes always penetrates through
the entire Earth. Thus, when one natural hurricane
rages on some area, approximately on the opposite
side of the Earth rages a twin brother of it (although
not exactly opposite to the first one - because whirls
of counter-matter have shapes of rings, not straight
(ii) Natural hurricanes always move along
approximately the same trajectories.
This is because their trajectories result from
the consistency of the Earth's nucleus and
from the location of the Moon and other
heavenly bodies from the vicinity of Earth.
These two factors are the most decisive in
defining the trajectory of low-pressure whirls
of counter-matter, which (whirls) are source
of hurricanes. In turn hurricanes pulled by
UFO vehicles are going to move along
trajectories which are selected for them by
crews of UFO vehicles.
The use of
Magnocrafts and
for technological inducing murderous tornados:
The name "tornado" is assigned to a low-pressure
whirl of counter-matter that was narrowed
down to a diameter of just several meters,
or not much more than a hundred meters.
So tornados are further narrowed down
hurricanes. In tornados the air is whirled
so fast, that objects intercepted by this air
rush with speeds and forces of missiles.
As such, the tornados are very murderous
for people and for man-made structures.
The destructive use of UFO vehicles for the
formation of tornados is presently demonstrated
to humanity shockingly frequent. The more
comprehensive descriptions of such demonstrations
are presented on a separate web page about
A brief information on this subject is also
provided on the web page about
clouds UFOs.
In the light of my research practically all tornados
that appear on Earth are formed exclusively by
UFO vehicles. In fact tornados cannot be formed
by the nature, similarly like the nature is unable
to form e.g. a laser beam. But if someone would
like to confirm with his or her own eyes that all
tornados are formed technically by UFO vehicles,
then it suffices that he or she notices the following:
(i) Every tornado emerges from a UFO-shaped
cloud. In this cloud hides a UFO vehicle which
forms a given tornado. Furthermore, funnels of
tornados always emerge from these areas of the
cloud, in which outlets from propulsors of a given
UFO vehicle are located.
(ii) Attributes of funnels in tornados always
coincide with attributes of outlets from UFO
propulsors from which these funnels emerge.
For example, these funnels have two different
appearances and behaviours, depending on
whether they emerge from the "N" or from the
"S" pole of the UFO propulsor pointed towards
the Earth.
The use of
Magnocrafts and
for the formation of long droughts and a dry, desert climate:
The principle on which such long periods
of droughts are formed, boils down to a
skilful control over winds. Namely a whole
line of UFO vehicles, positions several
low-pressure and high-pressure whirls
towards each other in such a manner
that these whirls form a kind of "wind
tunnel" which propels exclusively dry air
above a given area of the Earth, and does
not allow access of wet air to this area.
Through maintaining such a situation for
long periods of time, UFO vehicles dry
up a given area and turn it into a parched
desert. A next move after this, is to induce
then on this area numerous intense fires -
as it is described in item #E15 of this web
Specific examples of formation by UFO vehicles
of just such droughts and desert climate provide
events from Australia in 2006. For example,
the drought which UFO vehicles brought technically
over the larger part of the area of Australia and
Tasmania, reached the peak around a half of
October 2006. At that time a large number of
farmers of Australia was forced to sell their
animals, because there was lack of food and
water for them. This in turn caused a wave of suicides
amongst Australia farmers. In November 2006
Australian authorities started to call it the biggest
drought in last 1000 years - see the article entitled
"Australia's dry horrors 'worst for 1000 years'"
published on page A1 of the New Zealand newspaper
"The New Zealand Herald",
issue dated on Wednesday, November 8, 2006,
and also see the message "1000-year drought",
which appeared on page B1 of the New Zealand
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Wednesday, November 8, 2006.
Many Australian cities were forced ten to ration
water. In turn almost on the entire Australia
continually local wild fires kept erupting.
There is several attributes by which we can
distinguish between such droughts formed
technically by UFO vehicles and natural droughts.
Here are most important amongst such attributes:
(i) Repetitive appearance of similar configurations
of atmospheric low-pressures and high-pressures
around a given area. These configurations
are formed secretly by UFO vehicles in order to
create just such "wind tunnels" which bring exclusively
dry air above a given area.
(ii) Rapid jerky changes of weather situations.
The so-called "whirls of counter-matter" described
on the web page about
which are utilised by UFO vehicles for the formation
of these "wind tunnels", in normal cases move
continually along the surface of Earth. Therefore,
UFO vehicles must release these whirls from time
to time to allow them to follow their natural paths -
in spite that are able to hold them in one place for
slightly longer than normal periods of time. But in
order this "release of whirls from leash" does not
jeopardise for UFOnauts their intention to create
a drought on a given area, immediately after UFOs
release from the leash one group of such whirls,
they catch with their magnetic circuits another group
such whirls and form them into a similar configuration.
Thus the change is fast, jerky and the same weather
situation is soon restored. In the result of these
manipulations carried out by UFO vehicles that
remain invisible to human sight, the weather situation
changes in short jumps. Means, firstly for a long
time there is a system of atmospheric low-pressures
and high-pressures, which forms such drying
"wind tunnel". Then everything rapidly changes
only to form soon another similar system which
also creates almost identical drying "wind tunnel".
(iii) Long term existence of a drying "wind
tunnel". Such a wind tunnel is maintained in
a jumpy manner of months above a given area.
The maintenance of the tunnel is carried out with
the aid of manipulation on whirls of counter-mater
by UFO vehicles invisible to people, as this is
described above.
The use of
Magnocrafts and
for inducing long periods of rains and a highly humid climate:
The principle on which are formed such
long periods of intense rains, boils down
to skillful control over winds and over
low-pressure whirls of counter-matter.
Namely, a whole line of UFO vehicles,
also positions several low-pressure and
high-pressure whirls of counter-matter
towards each other in such a manner,
that these whirls form a kind of a "wind
tunnel" which propels exclusively wet air
above a given area of the Earth, and does
not allow the access of dry air to this area.
Then above this area UFO vehicles
position a system of atmospheric low-pressure,
which causes powerful rains. By maintaining
such a situation for a longer period of time,
UFO vehicles cause long-lasting rains and
turn a given location into a kind of lake.
Then usually they induce on this area
a number of mudslides - as it is described
in item #E18 of this web page.
Specific examples of the formation by UFOs of
such continuous rains and highly humid climate
provide fate of New Zealand during the winter of
2006 in that country.
Similarly as this was the case with the formation
of a dry climate described in previous item,
there is also several attributes by which we can
distinguishing between such persistent rains
formed technically by UFO vehicles, and natural
rainfalls. These attributes are identical to these
ones described in previous item for the formation
of droughts by UFO vehicles. Only that this time
they cause persistent rainfalls. For example,
most important amongst such attributes include,
amongst others:
(i) Stubborn hovering similar configurations
of low atmospheric pressures above a given
area for long periods of time. (ii) Rapid and jerky changes in the weather
situation which always return similar systems of
atmospheric low and high pressures. (iii) Long lasting existence of the "wind tunnel"
which propels rains onto a given area. (iv) Long lasting of unpleasant, rainy and
windy weather for the duration of every weekend
and every holiday period.
The main reason for which UFOnauts organise
long lasting periods of rainfalls, winds, and bad
weather over a given area, is to erode the
"morale" of people who live on this area.
In turn nothing is so good for the undermining
of this morale, as a bad, rainy, and windy
weather which prevails in every weekend
and in every day free from work. Therefore,
a striking attribute of a bad weather
which is brought somewhere by UFOnauts,
is that UFOnauts so control this bad weather
that especially nasty manifestations of it
appear during holidays and during days
free from work. In fact the longer a given
holiday or period free from work is in such
areas where weather is controlled by UFOnauts,
the more is sure that UFOnauts will induce
a period of very nasty weather during this
holiday. Of course, weather is a dynamic
phenomenon which needs to change
continually. Thus every rainy period must
be broken after around a week of time, so that
UFOnauts could shift over this area a next
system of low atmospheric pressures, next
whirls of counter-matters, and next systems
that generate rainy weather. In turn these
changes of low pressure systems mean,
that above a given area must prevail a
relatively decent weather. So if UFOnauts
control the weather above this area, then
they so carry out such changes, that short
periods of good weather which these changes
bring, always happen during the most unsuitable
for local residents times, for example happen
in a middle of working weeks, and if possible
also in a middle of nights.
The use of
Magnocrafts and
for the formation of dense fogs which disorganise transport and public life:
UFO vehicles form fogs through synchronisation
of the frequency of pulsations of their magnetic
field with the resonance frequency of particles
of water. In turn this synchronisation causes
emerging of water droplets from the air and
the formation of dense fog.
Specific examples of the formation of dense
fogs by UFO vehicles are described on the
web page
cloud UFOs.
There is several attributes by which we can
distinguish such fogs formed technically by UFO
vehicles from fogs formed naturally. Here are
most vital amongst such attributes:
(i) The shape which reflects the course of
magnetic circuits of UFO vehicles (i.e. the
shape resembling a disc). In fact, clouds of such
fogs formed technically by UFO vehicles have
very smooth and even surfaces on their
circumferences, which look almost like
consistent structures made of fog.
(ii) The motionless hovering above the same
area in spite of the existence of blows of winds.
In fact wind moves clouds over these forms made
of fog, while the fog itself is almost motionless.
The use of
UFOs and
for technological induction of destructive lightning bolts:
UFO vehicles are able to induce lightning
bolts at any wish of their crews. What even
more interesting, lightning bolts induced
by UFO vehicles can appear even when
the rain does not fall. In times when
such lightning bolts ignited powerful forest
fires in Australia described in item #E15.1
below, inhabitants of areas persecuted by them
formed even a new expression to describe
such lightning. Namely they called these
"dry lightning bolts".
In turn this their "dryness means, that
the generation of these lightning bolts is
NOT utilising the frictional separation of
electrical charges (as this takes place
in case of natural lightning bolts). It is
based on different phenomena. I personally
deduced, although I am still in the process
of gathering the observations to confirm this
definitely, that UFO vehicles use for this
purpose two phenomena. Namely use the
magnetic induction - to initially ionise the air,
and the Lorenz force - to later separate opposite
electric charges. In this way lightning bolts
generated technically by UFOs, in the literal
sense can be "lightning that strike from a
blue sky". After all, they do not require neither
clouds, nor a rain, to be generated. Although
UFOnauts typically are going to still induce them
during cloudy weather, and even possible during
a rain, to NOT let people know that these are them
who hide behind these lightning bolts.)
An example of the use of UFO vehicles for technical
creation of a destructive lightning is the photograph
which under the title "Shock in the dark" was published
on page A20 in the New Zealand newspaper
"The New Zealand Herald",
issue dated on Thursday, September 28, 2006.
(Unfortunately, I am unable to reproduce here
this photograph because it has "copyright" imposed
onto it.) This photograph managed to catch quite
an extraordinary lightning. It appeared without
a rain. It also travelled from the ground to clouds.
(Or more strictly, it hit clouds, while it emerged
from a radio antenna-tower that existed at the top
of the Mt. Maude located to the east from the New
Zealand town of Wanaka.) One amongst several main
bolts of this lightning, formed on its way something
like several curled threads of a short screw, which
on the photograph wounded around - shockingly,
a cigar shaped UFO vehicle which hovered above
the place from which this lightning emerged to hit
clouds. In New Zealand lightning bolts almost do not
appear. Especially such a lightning bolt which hits from
the ground to clouds when the rain does not fall,
and which curls around a cigar-shaped UFO vehicle.
So it is sure, that this extraordinary lightning bolts was
somehow induced technically by that UFO vehicle -
around which the lightning bolt was winding.
I personally believe that during my life I once was
directly under the "shooting" of a whole series
of just such lightning bolts generated technically
by UFO vehicle. These lightning bolts were hitting
then almost continually, while hits of all of them
were concentrating on a relatively small area of
a radius of just several hundred meters from the
point in which me, and my friend, were camping.
A more comprehensive description of this highly
meaningful event in my past is contained in item
#2 from subsection A4 of volume 1 of
monograph [1/4].
Lightning bolts induced technically by UFOs
are utilised by UFOnauts for various purposes.
An example of one of these purposes can be
this event of a probable secretive assassination
attempt from my past - as described above.
But my newest analyses indicate that most
frequently UFOnauts use these lightning bolts
for ignition of fires in a manner which does NOT
induce anyone's suspicions. After all, this technically
generated lightning bolts can be created by UFOs
when there is no rain, or when rains only
symbolically. Thus fires started by such lightning
bolts may spread extremely fast without any
natural obstacles. During my watching of
gigantic forest fires which in November and
December of 2006 raged in the south-eastern
Australia and nearby Tasmania, I noted that
almost all these fires were ignited by UFOnauts
just with the use of such technically generated
lightning bolts. (These gigantic fires of forests
from Australia are described below in item #E15.1.)
For example, on 12 December 2006 such "dry
lightning" bolts ignited a whole explosion of fires
in the East Tasmania. Eye witnesses described
this ignition that fires burst over there rapidly
on a huge area as if someone exploded an
atomic bomb over there. Immediately everything
started to burn in there. People had no even
time to save the possessions or even to dress,
but were forced to flee just as they stood.
Furthermore, a pilot of a helicopter reported
a very strange phenomenon, namely that the
entire "air was burning" until the height of around
1000 feet (i.e. around 330 metres). So pity that
people do not wish to know that these lightning bolts
and fires in fact are induced technically by UFO
vehicles. Then they would understand much
better what really happens around them.
The most vital attributes of lightning bolts induced
technically by UFOs are as follows:
1. They can be "dry", i.e. appear without a
rain. Although UFO vehicles are able to
generate lightning bolts also during rains, when
they intend to use these lightning bolts for ignition
of fires - as this is described in item #E15.1 below,
then they induce them as "dry lightning", i.e.
completely without any rain. Knowing that the friction
is absolutely necessary for the formation of natural
lightning, I personally suspect that absolutely all
so-called "dry lightning" are formed by invisible
UFO vehicles - similarly as absolutely all
are of technical origin (i.e. also generated
technically exclusively by invisible UFO vehicles).
2. Technical lightning bolts seem to accompany
very powerful magnetic induction of the environment.
Eye witnesses describe strange phenomena
which accompany the appearance of such
"dry lightning". A part of these phenomena I
describe in item #E15.1 below when discussing
fires in Australia. My analyses of this phenomena
suggests, that they are induced by the spinning
of a powerful magnetic field from UFO propulsion.
The use of
UFOs and
for ignition of destructive fires and for control over their spread:
In recent times our planet experiences epidemics
of destructive fires. Researchers who investigate
reasons of these fires usually discover, that they
were ignited intentionally by someone.
Unfortunately, almost never true culprits can
be caught, and never is possible to determine
who, or what, and why, was the cause
of these fires. (Although sometimes authorities
are able to catch and to sentence some
"scapegoats", who probably were completely
innocent, only that either someone "framed"
them into a given fire, or by pure accident they
found themselves in a wrong place at a wrong
time, and thus later were unable to defend
themselves from accusations that these
were them who initiated given fires.)
A bit of light on this strange matter shines
from the fire initiated by UFOnauts in the
house of the co-author of the Polish
treatise [3b],
which (the fire) is described in subsection B4
of that treatise - see over these the paragraph
{6200}. As it turns out, UFO vehicles are able
to ignite remotely with their advanced devices
a fire which from the very beginning is so intense,
and covers so large area, that they become
impossible for extinguishing. Almost a classical
example of a fire, which displayed all attributes
which are characteristic to fires initiated by UFOnauts,
is the fire of a Norwegian sea ferry named
"Scandinavian Star". This ferry burned on
Easter 1990, on its way from Oslo in Norway
to a Danish port, killing 158 passengers. The
fire on this ferry was initiated by arson, but the
arsonist was never found - although the responsibility
for it was pushed onto one of passengers who
died in the fire (arsonists almost never die in
fires which they initiated). Furthermore, this fire spread extremely
fast. Also almost every decision made about it
turned out later to be wrong (i.e. was like telepathically
imposed by UFOnauts to minds of decision
makers in order to cause the maximum damage).
Similarly all data suggest, that also the murderous
fire in the tunnel under the mountain Mont Blanc,
from the French-Italian border, which on 24 March
1999 killed in this tunnel 38+1 people, was caused
by UFOs. An intentional induction of this fire by UFOs
is indicated by a whole array of attributes of it - although
because UFOs supposedly do not exist, experts try
to explain "naturally" each of these attributes. For
example, the extremely fast spread of it - which is
the attribute of all fires controlled by UFO vehicles.
Also the concentration of all destruction and deaths
exclusively to the French side of the tunnel - which
suggests that UFOnauts initiated this fire in order
to kill someone specific who entered the tunnel
just on that side. The initiation was also very
mysterious - no true cause was ever established.
Furthermore, at the moment of erupting, near
the area where it was initiated rapidly in all
cars engines stopped - what is also typical
for nearby presence of the invisible UFO.
In addition, at the time of spreading this fire
various evidence appeared of such control
of minds of people responsible for decision
making, that these decisions have possibly
most tragic consequences.
In the initiation of all these fires UFOnauts usually
try to accomplish one and always the same goal -
namely to terrorise the local population. Therefore
frequently UFOnauts send their own arsonists,
so that these in almost an open manner can
initiate these fires. (Although equally effectively
these fires can be initiated remotely and in a
hidden manner by UFO vehicles themselves.)
In turn after these fires are initiated, invisible for
human eyes UFO vehicles control the course
of the fire. In this way UFO vehicles cause
the fast spread of these wild fires, and make sure
that the fires carry out the possibly highest destruction
which lifts the terror amongst local population to the
highest level possible.
A perfect example of just such fires initiated and
spread by UFOnauts, is the fire which raged in
last days of October 2006 in the vicinity of Palm
Springs, California, USA. This particular fire
caused the death of 4 firemen, thus becoming
one amongst more tragic in the latest history of the
USA. The apparent initiation of this fire was done
almost openly by two mysterious individuals.
For the catching these arsonists later a reward
in the total amount of around a half of million US dollars
was granted. (Of course, how to catch UFOnauts
who are able to disappear from the view like
David Copperfield.) About this fire writes, amongst
others, the article "Wildfire turns on firemen", which
appeared on page B1 in New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Saturday, October 28, 2006.
In turn some attributes of this fires explains the
article "Arson and wind fan fire season",
which appeared on page B2 of the same New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Wednesday, November 8, 2006.
This article stresses, amongst others, that it was the
second worst fire in the recent history of the USA.
(The worst fire in the USA was the one from October
2003. It killed 24 people, destroyed 3000 homes,
and burned 300 000 hectares of forests.)
Here is several attributes of these fires initiated
secretly by UFOnauts and then controlled by
UFO vehicles to inflict the highest damage possible:
The initiation of these fires in a manner which
immediately indicates a "scapegoat" which later
is charged with the responsibility for them.
In each case when UFOnauts commit some
atrocities on people, they always do it in such
a manner, that people have immediately a
"scapegoat" which later can be blamed for
whatever happens. The initiation of destructive
fires is also carried out by UFOnauts in such
a manner. Therefore, typically for their methods
of action, UFOnauts try to initiate a given fire
in such a manner, that all these affected know
immediately whom to blame, and that no-one
is suspecting UFOnauts. So far UFOnauts
documented repetitive use of two methods
of such secretive initiation of fires. Here these
Generation of so-called "dry lightning".
In order to ignite gigantic fires in Australia from
the last quarter of 2006, UFOnauts commonly
used technically generated lightning bolts
which were hitting very densely but which
appeared without a rainfall. Australian coined
for these lightning bolts a new name "dry
lightning" - most clearly they do not know
that in the natural way only "wet lightning"
can be formed. Thus such "dry lightning"
must be induced technically by UFOs with
magnetic field of these vehicles. Through
the use of these technically induced lightning
in Australia, UFOnauts successfully carried
out igniting of massive areas of forests,
without inducing any suspicion amongst
The manifest igniting of these fires by a team of two
In many cases, e.g. in the fires from California
described above, UFOnauts use a manifest
arson. In such cases UFOnauts always send
a team - always comprising of two arsonists.
These arsonists act later in such a manner,
that they induce possibly the highest suspicion,
and are noticed by possibly the highest number
of locals. However, it is worth to emphasize, that
only UFOnauts act in two-person teams of arsonists.
Human arsonists, as a principle, almost always
act alone.
Intelligent control over the spread of a given fire.
After a given fire is initiated, it is skilfully controlled
by invisible to human sight UFO vehicles, so that
it is able to inflict the possibly greatest damage.
Extraordinary phenomena. Because these fires
are controlled by invisible UFO vehicles, an inquisitive
observer can notice in their course a number of
extraordinary phenomena. An example of these can
be the "jumping through barriers" - which (the barriers)
in fact were impossible to be jumped by a given fire.
(I.e. UFO vehicles simply ignite secretly the fire behind a given
barrier.) Examples of other such non-typical phenomena
include, amongst others, the whirling of flames caused
by the propulsion of UFO vehicles which hover above
the burning area, the action of magnetic lens which
sometimes is visible on films from these fires and which
is reported by locals, the disturbances in communication
in the area of fire, the stoppage of car engines and
combustion engines in the vicinity of approaching
fires, frequent visibility of outlines of UFO vehicles,
unnatural speed of the spread of these fires, the
fast ionisation of the air above the area of initiation
of these fires, and many more.
The appearance of "fire tornadoes". Whatever
people call with the name of
in fact is a technical narrowing down a whirl of
counter-matter by the propulsion system of a
UFO vehicle. In fact, tornadoes as such are
NOT natural phenomena, but are exclusively
phenomena induced and controlled technically
by UFO vehicles which remain invisible for
the human sight. More information about
the mechanism of formation of tornadoes
by UFO vehicles, is explained in item #E10
above, and much wider also on a separate
web page about these
So if UFOnauts believe that a fire supposed
to carry out especially intense destruction,
then in addition to igniting it, UFOnauts
form also a technical tornado over it when
it develops appropriately. But because people
do not recognise the existence of UFOs,
these tornadoes formed technically by
UFOnauts above large fires are called
"fire tornadoes" by experts. About cases
of such "fire tornadoes" writes the article
"'Mega fires' cannot be stopped, say experts",
published on page B3 from a New Zealand
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Saturday, January 20, 2007.
Here is what this newspaper writes about them, quote:
"Once you get to a certain size the fire takes
on a life of its own, and, for example in Canberra
in 2003, you get fire tornadoes."
Australia is burned on the stake by
UFOnauts -
at the time of writing this item UFOnauts burned already an area of the size of Poland:
On Sunday, 11 December 2005, UFOnauts
tested inhabitants of Australia. As I described
this more comprehensively in item #4 of web page
changelings from UFOs,
that particular day UFOnauts used "self-deleting"
SMS in order to organise on the beach in Cronulla
near Sydney massive racial unrest. When it happened
I was warning all, that for our defence we should loudly
and widely disclose this provocation of UFOnauts,
otherwise UFOnauts are soon going to repeat their
attack. I wrote about his, amongst others, on the
blog of totalizm
(in Polish - see there the note #50), and also on
web pages of totalizm - e.g. see the web page about
changelings from UFOs.
But almost no-one believed me.
encouraged by this lack of reaction from people
that the Cronulla unrest is their work,
repeated the attack on Australia in the last quarter
of 2006. They decided to burn then Australia
on the stake. At the time when I wrote this information
on 15 December 2006, forests ignited by UFOnauts
burned in Australia a huge area approximately
equal to the size of Poland. In turn the reason
for which these thousands of people affected by
such gigantic fires were suffering, was just that
these people avoided learning the truth about
UFOs. After all, if these people started to question
openly the origin of these strange fires, then
they would gradually discover that the gigantic
fires in Australia were ignited by UFOnauts.
In turn, according to what I explained in item
#E11 of this web page, UFOnauts would then
be forced to stop these arsons. After all, UFOnauts
are very afraid that people may discover
their secretive occupation of the Earth. But
Australians behaved completely opposite. The
changelings from UFOs
who act amongst them, imposed a ban on
publishing anything on the subject of these
fires for the first two months. In the result,
until 8 December 2006, in New
Zealand newspapers I managed to find
only two very short articles on this subject.
In turn, when finally newspapers began to
publish about these fires, published was
mainly trivial which was stripped of all vital
information which could suggest the participation
of UFOs in the igniting and spread of these fires.
Subsequently, as from around 20 January 2007,
newspapers again ceased almost completely
to publish anything about these fires, in spite
that fires still raged in Australia, and in spite
that firemen from 4 countries, namely from
Australia, New Zealand, USA, and Canada,
hopelessly worked towards extinguishing them.
For example, in spite that in these fires again
appeared "fire tornadoes" described in previous
item #E15, practically nothing about effects
of the action of these tornadoes was written
in newspapers.
On the other hand, even for a blind person
it could then become increasingly clear, that
this burning of Australia on a stake was carried
out by UFOnauts. Here are the most vital
premises, that indicate the direct involvement
of UFOnauts in secretive igniting and control
of these fires:
1. The ban imposed on publishing the written
information about these fires.
UFOnauts started to persecute Australia from causing
draughts which were estimated to be worst ones in the
last 1000 years. In order to cause these draughts they
used methods which are described in item #E11 above.
Then in such dried like a pepper Australia UFOnauts
ignited gigantic fires. These fires in fact burned for the
duration of almost an entire last quarter of 2006, starting
from October. Since the first moment it become
obvious, that these destructive fires are
ignited by UFOnauts. But in spite that
they raged for the duration of couple of
months, no-one even mention officially
a word UFO in connection with them.
Until around 22 November 2006 these fires
already spread along a huge area of Australia,
and already then there was one loss of a human
life. The matter which intrigued me most
in these fires, was that during these first two
months of burning, means almost until the
December 2006, no New Zealand newspaper
to which I had then access, mentioned them
with even a single word. Simultaneously,
sometimes almost a half of television news
was devoted every day to the presentation
of these fires. Such silence in newspapers
about the most vital event of a given time
is rather extraordinary. Most clearly
who control these newspapers were afraid
that the world one day may learn about the
"contribution" of UFOnauts to the igniting of
these fires. So just in case they blocked all
written information on this subject. After all,
television news disappear immediately after
they are broadcasted. In turn written words
from newspapers may survive for even thousands
of years. A first written information that I managed
to find about these cataclysmic fires in Australia,
was a miniature item entitled "Fire fighters
hope to contain bushfires", which appeared
on page B2 of the newspaper
"The New Zealand Herald",
issue dated on Monday, November 27, 2006.
This item appeared only after Australian fires
continually raged already for several weeks.
It informed that only in the Australian national park
named the "Blue Mountains National Park", until
that time fire-fighters managed to extinguish
around 30 fires, and that already then burned
over there was 14000 hectares of the bush.
I searched articles about these Australian fires
continually in a whole range of New Zealand
newspapers - but all these newspapers were
absolutely silent about this subject. For example,
I searched not only in "The New Zealand Herald"
and in "The Dominion Post" (which I read usually),
but also in "The Press" from Christchurch, and in the
"Otago Daily Times" - shockingly non of them wrote
anything on this subject. A next (after the above
miniature item) very short article about Australian
fires, entitled "Brutal summer without end" appeared
on page B1 of the newspaper
"The New Zealand Herald",
issue dated on Wednesday, December 6, 2006.
But by then these Australian fires raged for almost
two months and burned already huge areas.
Also by then Australia already asked for help
fire-fighters from New Zealand, Canada, and the
USA. Even before this second brief article was
written already New Zealand send the first
group of 50 fire-fighters to Australia, while a next
group of further 50 fire-fighters was planned to
be send after the Christmas 2006. Only starting
from around 8 December 2006, means only after
I started an easy to be verified by everyone alarm
on this web page, that newspapers intentionally
avoid reporting these fires ignited by UFOs, that
New Zealand newspapers very reluctantly started
to publish finally sparse information on this
subject. But at the time when this reporting was
finally initiated, only a single fire from the south-east
corner of Australia was already burning continually
along a gigantic area of over 250 kilometres
across. In total by then UFOnauts managed to
burn in Australia the area which approximately
amounted to the size of Poland in Europe.
2. The ignition of these fires in a manner which
immediately indicates a "scapegoat" for blaming.
This strange lack of reliable written information in
newspapers about these Australian fires of the
last quarter of 2006, was not the only their
extraordinary attribute. There was
a whole range of other strange attributes which
should make wonder every careful observer.
These attributes indicated that the Australian
fires for certain were ignited and controlled
technically by UFO vehicles. For example,
in order to not induce suspicion that these
were UFOnauts who hide behind the fires,
this time UFO vehicles ignited them with
extraordinary "dry lightning bolts" -
similar to the ones described in item #E14
of this web page. The strange thing that a careful
observer could notice in these lightning bolts
(shown in television), but which was NOT
even mentioned in newspapers nor commented
in television, was that these lightning bolts
were hitting like crazy, while there was NO rain.
I personally could not believe what I am hearing,
when instead of researching how it is possible
that so dense lightning bolts are hitting from
almost a "blue sky" completely without a rain,
Australians rather ignored them. They just invented
a new name "dry lightning" and accepted the existence
of these bolts as if these were the most normal thing in the world.
"Where to hell are Australian scientists", that they
do not begin an alarm when near them such
"dry lightning" bolts are hitting from a "blue sky".
Is it possible that these scientists do not know
about the mechanism of natural lightning and
that for this mechanism a rain is absolutely
necessary? Just before a middle of December
2006 UFOnauts most clearly come to a conclusion,
that over two months of burning Australia with these
"dry lightning" bolts may become suspicious.
Therefore, on 14 December 2006, in the place
called "Coopers Creek" (to southeast from Erica)
UFOnauts used their old trick of a manifest
arson by team of two
(Notice that human arsonists, as a rule, almost
always act alone.) For this purpose, they send two
human-looking UFOnauts, to firstly manifest themselves
to locals by riding around on a loud motorbike
and carrying a huge canister of petrol. To make
this canister even better visible, they painted it in red.
Then these two arsonists from UFOs ignited the fire
and typically for UFOnauts simply disappeared.
3. "Jumping" through all barriers and obstacles.
Destructive fires from Australia showed one
extraordinary, almost "supernatural", attribute.
Namely, no matter what barrier or containment
line fire brigade would make on their paths, these
fires in some extraordinary manner always
jumped through this barrier. (I.e. UFOnauts
ignited fires again behind the barriers.) But
we must remember that in Australia huge
crowds of firemen, army, and citizens, did
nothing else apart of building such barriers
and containment lines on paths of these fires.
But to no avail. These "supernatural" fires
actually jumped through thousands
of such barriers and containment lines.
4. Visual sightings of UFO vehicles which
jumped from fires and crossed containment lines.
In the article entitled "Firestorm races to doomed
homes" published on page A1 in the newspaper
"The New Zealand Herald",
issue dated on Friday, December 19, 2006,
a meaningful information is provided. Namely,
here is what over there was written about
Tasmania, quote: "At a nearby seaside
community of Four Mile Creek, residents
fled to the beach after what some described
as "a fireball" jumped containment lines
and raced towards them.") This ball of fire
then razed four houses and other property
on its path. In old times just such flying balls
of fire were called "UFO vehicles". It is
strange that in New Zealand and Australia
these again are considered to be natural
phenomena which should NOT induce any
questions nor suspicions.
After this first public revealing of the existence
of such flying "fireballs", it rapidly turned out
that such strange fireballs of ionised or fiery glowing
air in fact appear almost everywhere at the
fronts of these Australian fires, and that these
flying fireballs are the ones which cause the most
damage. Also these are them that initiate
new fires behind barriers and containment
lines formed by firemen on paths of fires.
For example, on Saturday, 16 December
2006, eleven out of these group of around
50 New Zealand fire fighters send to help in
extinguishing these Australian fires, were
busy with burning a containment line in the
vicinity of Mt Terrible in the Victoria state.
Rapidly from the beyond the line of fire
which these fire fighters formed in a controlled
manner, just such a flying "fireball" emerged
and moved at these firemen. Fortunately for
them, a large ditch was nearby into which
all firemen jumped. However, still three of
them this flying "fireball" burned so badly, that
they landed in a Melbourne hospital. One of them
got gloves melted into the skin of his hands.
Unfortunately, what are these "fireballs" and
how exactly they look like, none source of
information explains directly. Probably
who control newspaper publications again
imposed a ban on writing about them. For
example, in the article "Probe into burns
of fire fighters" published on page A3 of newspaper
"The New Zealand Herald",
issue dated on Tuesday, December 19,
2006, a description of the fate of these 3
fire fighters who landed in a hospital is
provided. But when there was a turn to
describe this flying "fireball" which send
them to the hospital, the description says
only the following, quote:
"Next thing this fireball come up from below us.
I don't think everyone saw. It happened so quick
we just made a run for it." This strange flying
"fireball" become mentioned enigmatically
in ever increasing number of articles from
the Australian fire. The information indirectly
conveyed on it suggests, that this flying
"fireball" is something completely separate
from the rest of the fire, that it frequently
emerges from the front of the fire, that it has
a spherical shape and that it is surrounded
with strongly ionised, extremely hot air which
glows like a fire, that it jumps through the
barriers and containment lines created by
fire fighters, that it can move with huge speed,
that it ignites everything on its path, that when it
enters a fire which is already burning, it is able
to rapidly intensify it in an almost explosive manner,
that it can overturn or even explode buildings standing
on its path, and that it is this "fireball" that causes
the most of destruction. But all these newspaper
descriptions are interrupted, or change the subject,
when comes to a direct description of this flying
"fireball". Even articles which have it in the title,
such as the article "Fireball 'like Vietnam War'"
from page B1 of newspaper
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Saturday, December 16, 2006,
apart from indirect revealing how this "fireball"
behaved and what it did, contains no direct
description of it.
5. Optical blackout of the sky with magnetic
lens of UFOs. In several areas of Australia,
for example in Glengarry and in Sale, locals
reported the appearance shortly before the fire
this unique for UFOs phenomenon of causing
the optical blackout of the sky through the formation
of so-called "magnetic lens". According to descriptions
of locals, in the middle of day rapidly become
over there as dark as at nights.
6. Frequent whirling of flames together with
whirling magnetic field of UFOs. Several
times in reports from these fires, TV cameras
captured "circularly whirling flames" - means
flames which behaved exactly as they must when
over them an invisible UFO vehicle is hovering
in the magnetic whirl mode of operation.
7. Igniting of fires around a circumference of
discoidal UFO, exactly in spots where UFO propulsors
were located. Another time television picture
illustrated effects of these supposed "lightning bolts"
how they ignited fires around peripherals of a
huge circle similar to a shadow from a UFO type
K10. Interesting was that every "lightning bolt"
must hit in the place where this UFO had its
side propulsor. In the result the burned forest
clearly indicated the location of subsequent
side propulsors of this invisible UFO around
peripherals of a circle and in equal distances
from each other.
8. Formation of a "ionic picture of a UFO".
Another unusual picture was, that on one footage
recorded by TV cameras, smoke from these fires
was captured by the magnetic field of a UFO and
formed a clear image of so-called "ionic picture of
a UFO whirl", which frequently is registered on
photographs of UFO vehicles.
9. Exploding of buildings in a manner unique
for the UFO "inductive shield". In turn witnesses
of burning of houses in Scamander from Tasmania
on 12 December 2006 claimed, that these buildings
"exploded" at the moment if igniting. A brief mentioning
of these explosions appeared even in newspapers -
see the article entitled "Bushfires' triple threat" from
page B1 of the New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Wednesday, November
13, 2006. This is an extraordinary phenomenon -
I personally never heard about a case that a building
exploded at the first moment of being ignited (in
Tasmania over ten of them have exploded). But I know
that invisible UFO vehicles have several different
ways of causing that buildings do explode. For
example, UFO vehicles can crush these buildings
with their magnetic field - this would be perceived
by witnesses as if the buildings did explode. In just
such a way UFOs crushed the
hall in Katowice,
Poland. UFO vehicles can also whirl their
magnetic field, thus causing an inductive explosion
of metals. This in turn causes, that all conductive
metals contained in such buildings explode like
explosives - as this is described in items #E7 and
#E22 of this web page. In fact, on 12 December
2006 in Tasmania television cameras documented
that all metal objects contained in these exploded
buildings were torn apart and broken into small
pieces. Simultaneously, all objects made of non-conductive
for electricity plastics survived completely undamaged.
Therefore, I personally believe that explosions of
Tasmanian buildings described here were caused
by UFOs through just such inductive exploding of metals.
10. The presence of phenomena which document
the "magnetic induction" originating from UFO
Other eye witnesses complained that just before
the eruption of these fires an intense heat started
to prevail, which they felt as penetrating into their
bone marrow. It is interesting, that identical feeling
of penetrating heat reported also people who got
under the influence of powerful spinning magnetic
field from UFO propulsion system. It would be interesting
to investigate in the future, whether this "penetrating
heat" caused that people who experienced it soon
are going to get cancer - this is explained on web pages
bandits amongst us and
that such cancer seems to always appear in people
who were exposed to the action of a whirling magnetic
field from UFO propulsion system.
11. Probable "neutralisation" of an
inconvenient witness by UFOnauts.
Facts may appear to look banal. On
Monday, 11 December 2006, 16-year-old
David Iredale
from Sydney went with two colleagues for a
training march through the bush in the vicinity
of Mount Solitary in Blue Mountains - to the
west from Sydney. He was well prepared
for this march. He also had experience and
required equipment. Yet, when he left his
colleagues for a moment, he simply vanished.
Some time later he rang with his hand-phone
a couple of times to emergency services to
inform them that he got lost. A huge rescue
operation was undertaken, where tens of
rescuers searched for him. But to no avail.
Nine days later his body was spotted by a
helicopter - well visible from the above as
being jammed between two huge boulders.
In spite of these banal facts, his disappearance
and fate are surrounded by a series of very
strange circumstances. When someone knows
methods of acting of UFOnauts, just such strange
circumstances usually suggest, that there was
much more to it than just an ordinary getting lost.
It rather appears, that instead of getting lost, he
become an inconvenient witness that was "neutralised"
by UFOnauts. Perhaps, when he parted from
his colleagues, by a chance he caught UFOnauts
as they were just preparing a next bush fire.
So in order he does not inform others what he
saw, UFOnauts simply "neutralised" him -
as they are used to do with all witnesses who
are inconvenient for them. (Descriptions of such
permanent disappearances of other witnesses
inconvenient for UFOnauts are provided in item
#D4 from the web page named
12. Intelligent behaviour. I should not even
explain here, that fires from Australia were ignited
by technically induced "dry lightning bolts", and then
controlled by winds, in a highly intelligent manner -
so that they caused the maximal damages. Even
more intelligently these Australian fires behaved
in first days of 2007. Namely, at that time in a part
of Australia - e.g. in Queensland, enormous floods
took place. But simultaneously only several hundred
kilometres from the flooded area still raged these
deadly fires.
* * *
From what I know about UFOnauts, to defend
themselves Australian should point out,
discuss, and make a lot of noise, about
each single puzzle which suggests the
participation of UFOnauts in these fires.
After all, as I explained it in item #I3 of this web page,
only a fear of being detected and disclosed is able to
stop UFOnauts from repeating their attacks.
So if Australians are going to keep silent again -
as they did it in the matter of provocation of
UFOnauts on the beach Cronulla near Sydney,
then we can guarantee that soon Australia is
going to be attacked again by UFOnauts with
even a greater fury.
The use of huge amounts of energy transported in
Oscillatory Chambers of
Magnocrafts and
for a rapid warming up the climate of Earth:
There is several methods with the use of
which UFO vehicles are able to cool down
fast, or to warm up unnoticeably the climate
of Earth on the commend from their crews.
The first of these methods results from the
use of "wind tunnels" described in items
#E11 and #E12 above for causing local
changes of climate on Earth. Such tunnels
form faster than normal and better controlled
circulation of the air between poles of Earth
and the equator. In turn this faster and
better controlled circulation influences the
more effective "evening of the heat balance
of Earth". In the result glaciers on poles are
melting, while the weather by the equator
and the sea water become increasingly
cooler. Furthermore, the local blows with
these wind tunnels exclusively dry air
from continents, or exclusively wet air
from above oceans, is able to turn e.g.
green Australia into a desert, while the
dry south-east Asia into a sea of vegetation
- in spite that climates of both these areas
supposed to be opposite.
But there is also much more devilish manner
on which UFO vehicles are able to cool down
on to warm up faster, more effectively, and more
drastically the climate of Earth on any wish from
the crew. This manner results from the huge
energy capacitance of the propelling devices
used in UFO vehicles, which are called
Oscillatory Chambers.
(This huge energy capacitance of Oscillatory
Chambers from UFOs was already mentioned
in item #E1 above.) Furthermore, this satanic
manner of a fast and drastic change of climate
of Earth results also from the technical mastery
by UFOnauts of the
telekinetic methods of extraction or release of thermal energy.
The energy capacitance of Oscillatory Chambers
from UFOs is so enormous, that the energy carried
out to Earth inside of
Oscillatory Chambers from UFO vehicles
in fact exceeds the amount of energy send to
Earth by Sun. (E.g. according to page 1163
of [1#Ex15] "The Macmillan Encyclopedia",
2000 edition, ISBN 0-333-72594, every year
falls to the Earth about Es=3x10E24 [joules]
of solar energy, where 1 [joule] = 1 [watt second].)
In turn subsection F5.5 from volume 3 of
monograph [1/4]
calculates the so-called "energy of inflation"
accumulated by the smallest UFO vehicle,
namely by a UFO type K3. This "energy
of inflation" is the minimal amount of magnetic
energy required by a given UFO vehicle to
motionlessly hover in the air. Of course,
the energy required by this vehicle to be able
to accelerate and to fly far from planets is even
thousand times higher from this energy of
inflation. However, the knowledge of this energy
of inflation gives us some understanding about
the amounts of magnetic energy accumulated
and transported in propulsors of UFO vehicles.
For a smallest UFO vehicle of K3 type, this
minimal energy of inflation amounts to around
En = 1.5 [TWh], i.e.1.5 [Tera-watt-hours].
(Tera = a milion milion = 10E12.)
For comparison, this is an equivalent of around
two months of entire energy production and
consumption by a whole country such as New
Zealand. (Means it represents two months of
consumption by New Zealand of not only
electrical energy, but also petrol and liquid fuels,
coal, oils, etc. - means everything that provides
this country with energy.) And we need to
remember that for large vehicles this energy
of inflation grows exponentially - for
example in UFOs K10 type it is at least 1 000 000
(i.e. 10E6) times higher than in UFOs of K3 type.
So in practical terms, large UFO vehicles
carry in their propulsors magnetic energy which
exceeds the entire yearly production and consumption
of energy by all countries of our planet. (E.g. the same
encyclopaedia [1#E16] states on page 1162, that the
total world energy consumption is some Ec=4x10E20
Joules per year.) If crews of UFO vehicles wish so,
this huge energy from their vehicles can be released
on the Earth in form of heat. Because there are
numerous UFO vehicles continually arriving to
the Earth, the entire magnetic energy that these
vehicles transport to our planet can even exceed
the total amount of heat "Es" radiated to the Earth
by the Sun. (The total number of UFO vehicles that
arrive to the Earth is estimated in subsection U3.1.1
from volume 15 of
monograph [1/4].
Data for this estimation of the number of UFO vehicles
originate from the number of people who are repetitively
abducted to UFO decks, and thus who have this
unique mark on their leg, which is shown in on the
first photograph from the web page about
Therefore UFO vehicles, if only their crews wish so,
in fact are kinds of highly efficient "transporters of heat",
which in addition to the action of the Sun, are able to
bring to the Earth huge amounts of heat from the
cosmic space. The mechanism of this transportation
of heat to the Earth is very simple. Namely UFO
vehicles charge their Oscillatory Chambers with
magnetic energy far from the Earth, using for this
purpose the ability of their Oscillatory Chambers to
work as
telekinetic generators of free energy.
(Such generators convert heat contained in their
environment into any required form of energy,
using for this conversion the reversal of friction.)
During this charging of their charging they consume
thermal energy present on the planet on which
this charging takes place. In turn after the arrival
to the Earth these vehicles simply release the
energy accumulated in their oscillatory chambers
in the form of heat. This release is technically very
easy. After all, there are physical phenomena
which allow the magnetic energy to be transformed
directly into heat. The induction of oscillations and
friction of ions contained in the air and water is one
example of such phenomena. In turn devices for
so-called "magnetic heating", and also microwave
ovens, are examples of technical utilisation of
such phenomena. In addition, all these activities
of massive heating up of the Earth's atmosphere
and water with the magnetic energy brought to the
Earth in Oscillatory Chambers from UFO vehicles
can be carried out in a completely hidden manner.
So no-one amongst people has a clue that such
activities are actually carried out on a huge scale.
In the result of these activities of UFOnauts,
climate of the Earth begins to heat quite fast.
Simultaneously these amongst Earthly scientists,
who are able to make thermal balances and who
for their data use only the solar radiation, still
may have serious doubts whether such a heating
truly takes place.
Of course, if UFOnauts wish so then UFO vehicles
are also able to carry out the reversed process.
Namely they can charge their Oscillatory Chambers
on the Earth, and discharge them somewhere in
the space. In such a case on their wish they are
able to cause long-term glacier periods on the
Earth. All data seems to indicate that these large
glacier periods in the past of our planet, as well as
these periods of the hot climate, were caused
just by such intentional activities of UFO vehicles
which transported either to, or from, the Earth
these significant amounts of the heat which
decided about the thermal balance of our planet.
In a similar manner UFOnauts decided to include
this present heating of the Earth's climate into the
versatile arsenal of means with the use of which
UFOnauts destroy currently our civilisation in a
hidden manner. It is about time that people
begin to watch their hands and notice what these
UFOnauts do secretly on the Earth.
The above explanation for the true reason of
the fast change of the climate on Earth which
we see at present, does not mean at all that
people are not to blame for this change. After
all destructions that the human economy
currently spread in the nature are perfectly
visible. As such, these destructions provide
UFOnauts a kind of "smoke screen" behind
which UFOnauts can secretly carry out their
multiplication of these destructions. So people
are also guilty - at least because they provide
UFOnauts with the pretext to release the massive
change of climate which we see at present.
If not the pollution of the Earth's atmosphere
cause by the unclean methods of human activities,
UFOnauts would NOT have an excuse to secretly
intensify the climate changes through bringing to
the Earth additional thermal energy in Oscillatory
Chambers of their UFO vehicles. So humanity
must clean its act, at least to stop providing
UFOnauts with a pretext under which they can
destroy us climatically.
The reader probably is interested whether there
are any characteristic attributes which allow us
to distinguish such heating of the climate of
Earth caused by the "transportation of heat"
to the Earth in Oscillatory Chambers of UFO
vehicles, from natural heating of the Earth's
climate. Well, it turns out that in fact there are
numerous such attributes. Here are most
significant out of these:
(i) The even warming up of the climate
both on the equator, as well as on poles.
Means, in case of this transporting of huge
amounts of heat to the Earth in UFO vehicles,
the temperature of water and air from our
planet must increase both on the equator
as well as on poles. In fact just such a situation
we have at the moment on the Earth. Notice
that because of the amount of heat emitted to
the Earth in solar radiation practically does
not change, in reality such simultaneous
increase of the temperature of water and
air both on poles and on the equator should
NOT take place. Means, if the change of
Earth's climate has natural causes, then
when one of these temperatures grows,
the second would need to drop down,
or vice versa.
(ii) The even increase of temperature of
water in oceans. If glaciers melt for
natural reasons, then their melting would
cause the absorption of huge amounts of
heat. (After all, the melting of any ice requires
putting thermal energy into it.) This in turn
would cause that the water temperature in
oceans should slowly decrease. But in
reality is opposite. Namely the water in
oceans also increases its temperature.
This in turn means, that someone (i.e.
UFO vehicles) brings huge amounts of
heat to the Earth, and that this brought
heat, not the environmental heat radiated
to the Earth by the Sun, is used, amongst
others, to melt these glaciers on the Earth.
The use of
Magnocrafts and
for the formation of stationary clouds of sticky air which intercepts pollutants and suffocate people:
The field of UFO vehicles is able to form
a phenomenon called the
permanent telekinetisation.
In turn the air telekinetised permanently in
such a manner achieves a whole range of
attributes which it does not have in a normal
state. For example, it becomes sticky and
dense. This it intercepts and stores all
pollutions. For people it becomes suffocating,
irritating, and stagnant. In addition, it forms
a cloud which is so compact that winds are
unable to blow it apart. UFOnauts utilise such
telekinetised clouds of the air spread over
cities to suffocate and to kill large number
of inhabitants of these cities.
Permanent telekinetisation of pollutants, which
typically hover in the air, increases additionally
the viscosity and the adherence of these pollutants,
thus also their ability to hover in the telekinetised
air practically almost infinitively long. So one
amongst effects of such telekinetisation of the
environment is, that in such a telekinetised air
also vary heavy particles hover for very long
periods of time, which normally would drop to
earth very fast. I have a continuous opportunity
to observe in person effects of such a telekinetisation
of the air. Namely in my flat almost continually
hovers a spying UFO vehicle, which hides from
human sight through maintaining the so-called
state of telekinetic flickering.
This vehicle continually telekinetises almost
everything in my flat, causing a whole range
of manifestations that accompany telekinetisation.
(A majority of these manifestations is described
more exactly in subsection U3.6 from volume 15 of
monograph [1/4].)
One hugely irritating out of these manifestations
of continuous telekinetisation of my flat, is that
all particles of pollutants which hover in the air
continually stick to clothes. Their sticking is so
permanent, that cannot be combed nor washed
out. In the result, all dark clothing which I have,
is continually covered with a huge number of
white fluffs. For their reason this clothing looks
as if it never is washed, or as if together with it
someone put into the washing machine also a
handful of downs, or a disintegrating paper
handkerchief. This effect also cannot be removed
in any way. (In order to remove it I would need
to get rid from my flat this UFO vehicle which
continually spies me - in turn this so-far I am
not able to accomplish.)
An example of just such a cloud of strongly
telekinetised air, which in 2000 was spread
over the New Zealand township of Timaru,
is described in subsection A4 from volume 1 of
monograph [1/4]
- see item #82 in there. It is also described in
subsection A4 from
treatise [7/2].
Attributes by which it is possible to distinguish
such clouds of the air purposely telekinetised
by UFO vehicles, from the air only polluted due
to human activities, include:
(i) The resistance to blow apart by winds.
The telekinetised air forms a very compact cloud
which holds together like a lump of jelly. No wind
is able to blow it apart.
(ii) The level of pollution of the air exceeds
may times the local abilities to generate pollutions.
In such telekinetised air the pollutants hover for
many weeks. Thus the density of these pollutants
increases to the level that is unattainable in the
normal air. (E.g. for the case of Timaru described
above, the density of pollution of the air reached
the level that was the highest in the entire New
Zealand, although the miniature township of Timaru almost
does NOT have own sources of the pollution of the air.)
The use of
Magnocrafts and
for technological induction of landslides, mudslides, and snow avalanches:
The mechanism of technical initiation of
avalanches by UFO vehicles is based on
the fact, that the majority of loose
materials is held on steep slopes only
because it is somehow bind permanently
with the underlying bedrock. So if in some
manner this material is cut from the
underlying bedrock, then it immediately
begins to slide down the hill, thus initiating
an avalanche. UFO vehicles secretly
make the use of this fact. Namely they
cut off such loose material from the
bedrock with their magnetic circuits,
and this way they initiate a given avalanche
of soil, mud, or snow.
The destructive use of UFO vehicles for the
initiation of murderous avalanches is lately
demonstrated to humanity almost everyday.
Especially in mountainous countries, such
as Switzerland or New Zealand. The most
known cases of it are described on a separate
web page about
landslips and mudslides.
On that web page also most vital attributes
are explained, which allow to distinguish such
avalanches induced technically by UFOs, from
avalanches of a natural origin. In order to
indicate here at least the most vital amongst
such attributes, these include amongst others:
(i) Circular initial area of the avalanche.
The initiation of these avalanches with magnetic
circuits of discoidal UFO vehicles causes that
the initial point of these avalanches always has
the circular shape. In turn natural avalanches
always are initiated from a "sharp" beginning -
means they have like a pointed beginning.
(ii) The loud bang at the moment of initiation
of a given avalanche. Magnetic circuits of
UFO vehicles frequently are forced to crack a
large lump of bedrock in order to initiate a given
avalanche. Therefore these avalanches initiated
by UFOs almost as a norm begin with an extremely
loud, sharp, and dry bang, like from a canon
shot. In turn natural avalanches are initiated in
silence. Note however, that both these kinds of
avalanches later create a rumbling noise when
they develop significantly.
The use of propulsors of
Magnocrafts and
as "machines for inducing cancers":
This is an enormously criminal manner
of utilisation of UFO vehicles. Unfortunately,
UFOnauts apply it on purpose against
people practically almost all the time.
From my own analyses it appears, that
a significant proportion of people who die
from cancers of internal organs, most
probably was killed on purpose by
UFOnauts with the use of this criminal
"machine for inducing cancers". Examples
when UFOnauts were caught on the use
of this horrifying machine are described
on a separate web page about
bandits amongst us.
On that page explained also are attributes
by which one can distinguish a natural cancer
from a cancer induced technically by UFO
The use of flickering matter of
UFOs and
for purposeful suffocating of people:
If UFO vehicles operate in so-called
state of telekinetic flickering
then the entire their matter behaves almost
as if it is made of liquid, and additionally
becomes invisible to human eyes.
Thus crews of these vehicles are
then able to fly with the corpse of their
vehicle onto a given person, so that
inlets to nose and mouth of this person
submerges into the material from which
these vehicles are constructed. The
outcome is such, as if a given person
is placed inside of a wall or a rock -
means is unable to breathe from the
lack of access to the air. So such
a person is just suffocated. In fact such
an invisible UFO vehicle flying onto
someone is equally deadly as the
throwing of a plastic bag over someone's
head used by gangsters. Only that such
a bag the victim is seeing, while if an
invisible UFO vehicle is suffocating
someone then the dying person do not
know what happens to him or her.
From the UFO literature it seems that
this manner of suffocating of selected
people is used relatively frequent by
evil UFOnauts.
The use of
UFOs and
for exploding cells in human bodies via resonance:
"The present world allows things in a full sight of governments and societies,
which would be unimaginable if the humanity is NOT secretly occupied by
In years 1970s I frequently heard whispered
information about a new Russian weapon
which kills enemies with the use of sounds.
This weapon supposed to have the form
of large metal dishes like in radio speakers,
which were carried around in special cars.
These supposedly looked like large present
satellite antennas. The dishes generated
powerful sound waves. The waves had this
attribute, that they caused the sonar resonance
of selected cells in human body. In the result
of this resonance, cells in bodies of victims
exposed to the action of this horrifying weapon
simply exploded. This their exploding was
on the same principle as the collapses of
bridges or planks caused by inducing their
increasingly large wobbling by a column
of soldiers who marched over then with a
rhythmic, synchronised step. Of course, after
these cells exploded, the victim experienced
a massive bleeding and died.
On Thursday, 2 October 1997, information
come to my hand which indicated that exactly
the same type of weapon which kills people
with the sonic resonance, is also in the use by
UFOnauts. This is because on that particular
day UFOnauts murdered with just such a weapon
the New Zealand inventor named Bruce DePalma.
This inventor was then very close to building the
telekinetic generator of free energy
which is known in the world quite widely under
the name of "N-Machine". In turn, it is a public
secret, that UFOnauts and their Earthly agents called
literally jump out of their skin in order to make
impossible for humanity the building of these
telekinetic free energy devices. Symptoms
which appeared at the moment of death of
DePalma, such as the disintegration of cells
in his body, massive internal bleeding, coma
which arrived at night, etc., coincide with attributes
that characterise the use of this horrifying
weapon which works on the sonar resonance.
More information about this mysterious and
highly suspicious death of the inventor
Bruce DePalma is provided in item #2 from
the web page about
New Zealand,
and also in item #77 from subsection A4 in
volume 1 of
monograph [1/4].
Of course, knowing
principle of operation of UFO vehicles,
and knowing that these vehicles are used by
UFOnauts for murdering people with the use
of the sonar resonance, we do not have difficulties
with explaining principles on which this murdering
takes place. Namely it is known, that all parameters
of UFO magnetic field are precisely controlled.
Thus UFOnauts are able to create in propulsors of
their vehicles the field which throbs with the
resonance frequency of either all cells of human
body, or just cells from selected internal organs.
In turn this throbbing of the magnetic field causes
the vibration of ions of the air near the surface of
the UFO vehicle. (These ions are intentionally
excited at the surface of the UFO.) The vibration
of ions in turn forms a powerful sound wave,
similarly as this is done by membranes of
these metallic speaker dishes in the Russian
sonic weapon. The dome-shaped concavity
in the floor of the UFO vehicle serves as a
lens which concentrates the sound vibrations
on a selected victim. Furthermore, it allows
that this kind of death could be inflicted by UFOnauts
even through the thick walls. In the result of
pointing this lens at a selected person,
UFOnauts murder this person secretly in a
manner that appears to be just a massive
internal bleeding. In this way UFOnauts
accomplish another manner of murdering
people who are inconvenient for them,
without allowing other people to notice
what actually hits and destroys humanity.
In October and November 2006 I noticed on
myself symptoms of a systematic use of
this weapon of UFOnauts which works on
the sonic resonance. Only that on me this
weapon was used with a small power -
probably so that it could cause a damage
but would not leave marks. To be honest,
it was just because I noted the use of this
weapon on myself, that I decided to report
here this manner of murdering people by
UFOnauts. At that time almost every subsequent
night I felt through sleep the burning sensation
and pain which spread from both my collarbones.
But each time when this burning and pain
make me awaken, immediately everything
stopped. During days I felt no pain
in my collarbones. From my personal
battles with UFOnauts I know perfectly
well, that if any harm or illness is inflicted
upon us in the middle of night when we
sleep, then the responsibility for this always
lies on UFOnauts. (For more details on
this topic, see introduction to "part B" from
the web site
bandits amongst us.)
In my own case UFOnauts have a very
clear motive to secretly destroy my
collarbones, so that no-one's suspicion is
raised. After all, I fight with UFOnauts by
writing. In turn to write I need my hands.
So if UFOnauts manage to secretly destroy
my collarbones, they would also destroy
my hands. Then would be much more
difficult for me to write my numerous web
pages and blogs which disclose to other
people these murderous activities which
UFOnauts secretly carry out on Earth.
The reader probably would like to learn attributes
by which we could recognise the murdering
of people by UFOnauts with use of the sonic
resonance induced by UFO vehicles, from
natural deaths. Here are the most vital out
of such attributes:
(i) Massive bleeding which appears usually
in the middle of night. For many reasons
inflicting the death in the manner described here
in typical cases must take place in the middle of
night. After all, if UFOnauts would murder during
the daylight, then they would risk that other people
notice their murderous activities - unless the victim
is far from other people.
(ii) Unique marks on the victim's body, which
document the disintegration of cells and the cracking
of blood vessels. In fact the use of this murderous
capability of UFO vehicles, leaves in victims unique
kinds of marks. Unfortunately, present medicine
firstly does not know, and does not want to know,
that these marks are caused by UFOs - similarly
like present climatologists do not know and do not
want to know that present worming of the Earth's
climate is caused on purpose by UFO vehicles.
Secondly, our medicine assumes that murderous
UFOnauts do NOT exist at all. In turn someone
who officially does not exist cannot cause deaths
which could be reported to the knowledge of other
The use of
UFOs and
for inductive exploding of all conductive metals:
UFO vehicles
are able to create "magnetic whirls"
with their super-powerful magnetic field.
In turn such a magnetic whirl is inducing
powerful "eddy currents" in all conductive
materials from the vicinity of these vehicles.
Such currents have such an attribute that
they emit huge amounts of heat. The heat
is so intense, that it explosively evaporates
the material of given metals. In the result,
around UFO vehicles a sizable area is created
called an "inductive shield". Inside of
this area all metal objects turn into kinds of
explosives which blasts and disintegrates
onto small pieces. On the base of data which
TV cameras registered on 12 December of
2006 in a fire induced by UFOs on the area
of Tasmania (described in item #E15.1 above)
I am certain, that the explosive blasting of over
10 entire buildings which was observed over there
was carried out by a UFO vehicle in just such
a manner.
An intriguing use of such an inductive shield is
repeated by UFOs in New Zealand. Namely,
in just such a manner UFOnauts blasted with
an inductive shield of their UFO vehicles at least
two foundry located somewhere near Auckland
on the North Island. The second such explosion
occurred around 1 December 2006. Unfortunately
it was kept in a strict secrecy, so that local newspapers
not television did not mention a word about it.
I learned about this explosion only by a coincident.
In turn the first such an explosion of a foundry that
I heard of took place in 1966. A photograph of
consequences of it was published near page 64
in the book by B.L. Cathie i P.N. Temm "Harmonic 695",
A.W. Reed, Auckland 1977, ISBN 0-589-01054-9.
During this historic explosion of 1966, witnesses
saw a UFO vehicle as it hovered above the foundry
at the moment of explosion. In turn what happened
around 1 December 2006 so far is impossible to
determine. Scared that I may publish evidence
which documents the involvement of UFOs also
in this explosion, just in case
surrounded everything with a strict secrecy.
Metal objects which are destroyed with such a
inductive shield display a whole range of unique
attributes. Many out of these attributes is described
in more details in subsection P2.7 from volume 13
of monograph [1/4], and also in subsection O8.1
from volume 12 of
monograph [1/4].
In order to give here some examples of the most
striking such attributes, these include, amongst others:
(i) The appearance of bubbles and pores in
thick splinters of metals destroyed with such an
inductive shield of a UFO. In the result the
surface of such thicker splinters of metal may
look almost like pieces of coke. In turn thinner
splinters may have holes in themselves looking
like holes from bullets.
(ii) Inductive destruction of all objects made
of metals conductive for electricity, with simultaneous
leaving untouched the objects which do not
conduct electricity. For example, such an
inductive shield of a UFO can completely destroy
metal sinks, pots, fridges, and roofs of buildings,
but leaves completely untouched e.g. plastic buckets,
or completely wooden chairs (i.e. chairs which do
not contain inside any nails, screws, nor other
components made of metals).
Part #F:
Military applications of
Magnocrafts and
which indirectly generate numerous destructive consequences:
To this group of indirect manners of destructive
application of
which are described in the part of the web page
that follows, belong all these uses, which allow
the spread the death and destruction as a
secondary consequence of a given use of
these vehicles.
In spite of extreme immorality of such
applications of
vehicles, in real life this manner of their use
is surprisingly frequent. In reality the majority
of mass murders and assassinations of
important people are carried out with the
use of this manner. Most probably it was
because of just such use of UFO vehicles,
that died John F. Kennedy. Also for sure
I have heard that the persisting "whispers" -
which are characteristic for such a use of
UFO vehicles, had murderers of Martin
Luther King and John Lennon. Also this
Turkish assassin of the 264-th Pope, Pole,
Jan Paul II, admitted that in his head appeared
such characteristic persisting whispers that
ordered him to commit his crime. It is
because of just such criminal use of UFO
vehicles that victims of the majority of serial
killers must die as well.
In general, this manner of destructive use of
UFO vehicles boils down to the use of propulsors
of this vehicle as so-called
"telepathic projectors".
Principle of operation, consequences, areas
of application, and outcomes of the use of these
projectors, are described comprehensively in
subsection N5.2 from volume 11 of
monograph [1/4].
The operation of these projectors causes the
sending directly to minds of selected people
any thoughts or pictures, which owners of
such projectors wish to impose on someone.
So these projectors are like kinds of "television emitters",
only that pictures and words which this "television system"
broadcasts, appear directly in minds of the recipients,
not on the screen of a TV set. UFOnauts use on
people these telepathic projectors since a long
time. For example, all religious visions,
revelations, "whispers of Satan", messages
of the so-called "contactees", as well as just
someone's persistent thoughts, in reality frequently
are manifestations of the use of these projectors.
Cases of destructive use of such telepathic
projectors by UFOnauts boil down to the
repetitive putting directly to minds of mentally
unbalanced people who have weak wills, the
commands to commit an indicated kind of
crimes. These commands are repeated by
UFOnauts so intrusively and for such long
periods of time, that a person who is subjected
to them gives up with the elapse of time, and
commits the requested kinds of the crime.
Later, when this person is investigated by
police, it is going to claim that God (or Satan)
ordered him or her to commit a given crime.
(While ordering a crime, depending on the views
of a given person, UFOnauts introduce
themselves either as God, or as Satan.)
An example of this kind of crime committed due
to an intrusive persuasion to a mentally imbalanced
person with the use of a telepathic projector,
was the tragedy in the New Zealand settlement
"Ara Moana". This tragedy is described in item
#E2 from the web page
bandits amongst us,
and also in subsection A4 from volume 1 of
monograph [1/4]
- see there item #77. (I supposed to die in it.)
There are various attributes due to which such
use of telepathic projectors by UFOnauts in order
to persuade to given people to commit selected
kinds of crimes, can be distinguished from crimes
committed due to own initiative of criminals. Here
are most vital out of these attributes:
(i) Persisting attempts to kill later a given criminal,
before his confessions are registered by the police.
As everything that UFOnauts commit on Earth,
they do not wish any information on this subject
reaches the general population. Therefore, for
every case when they organise a crime in the
manner described here, then they also develop
a manner in which a given criminal is killed
immediately after he or she commits a given
crime. Only in cases when UFOnauts fail to kill the
criminal, this criminal is caught and he reports
about these "voices" which he hears in his
head, and which convinced him to commit
a given crime.
(i) Persistent "voices in the head" which
order a given crime and which appear in the
head of a given person for long periods of time.
If by accident a given criminal is surviving the
attempt of UFOnauts to kill him, then he always
reports, that he committed this crime because
God (or Satan) ordered him to do so.
The use of magnetic field of
Magnocrafts and
for causing power blackouts and for cutting power
supplies to cities, hospitals, lifts, incubators, etc.:
The interruptions of power supplies during
approaches of UFO vehicles, are one
amongst the most frequent experiences
reported in UFO literature. Of course,
if these are carried out on large scales,
enveloping many hospitals, lifts,
incubators, heating devices during frosts,
etc., then these are causes for huge
amounts of destruction. In newspapers
we read quite frequently that blackouts
caused by some impossible to determine
reasons, enveloped entire cities, and
sometimes even several countries,
or even a majority of Europe or even
the majority of USA and Canada.
The use of magnetic field generated by propulsors of
Magnocrafts and
for blocking of human systems of communication:
The effect of blocking radio reception and
all other systems of human radio-communication
is perfectly known to UFO researchers.
The descriptions of it can practically be found in
almost every book which reports on numerous
cases of UFO encounters. Of course, this
effect is not always caused just by an accident.
UFOnauts know about it perfectly well and are
able to induce it on every wish. An example
of just such purposeful causing of this effect,
which only multiplied already huge number
of human victims, was the use of it by UFOnauts
during the evaporation of
skyscrapers in New York. The descriptions of this
case can be found in item #B4 (sub-item #15) of
the web page about
evaporation of WTC by UFOs.
The use of magnetic field generated by propulsors of
Magnocrafts and
for blocking of work of combustion engines:
The effect of blocking operation of combustion
engines by the field of UFOs, is also known
perfectly well to UFO researchers. Descriptions
of it can be found practically in almost every
book which reports numerous cases of
encounters with UFOs. Of course, this effect
is induced by UFO vehicles not only due to
accidents, but frequently also on purpose
for causing intended deaths. For example,
it is with this effect that UFOnauts cause a
large proportion of airlines and helicopter
crashes, and a lot of sinking of ships during
storms. In newspapers we frequently read about
this effect, only that no-one have the courage
to highlight that it was caused by an invisible
UFO vehicle, which decided do crash a given
airplane, or to sink a given boat.
The use of magnetic field generated by propulsors of
UFOs and
for purposeful causing crumps and paralyses of human muscles:
We frequently read, that someone drowns
because at the time of danger he got a
muscle crump, or that someone was unable
to save himself because in the vital moment
his muscles refused to work. Simultaneously,
from military research completed in past in
East Germany, we know that magnetic
field of a strictly controlled frequency causes
just such crumps and paralyses of muscles.
All the above together provides strong premises
to suspect, that probably a significant proportion
of good swimmers who drown unexpectedly,
is actually secretly murdered due to just such
an use of magnetic field from UFO vehicles
which remain invisible to human sight.
The use of
UFOs and
for secretive abduction of people:
UFO vehicles have this capability, that they
are able to abduct selected people secretively.
In turn, after abducting them, UFOnauts can
subject these people to all sorts of procedures,
starting from just ordinary robbing their biological
resources, and finishing on even killing them
or taking them forever to different planets.
The problem of secretive abductions of
people onto decks of UFO vehicles is
discussed in a whole chapter U from
volume 15 of
monograph [1/4].
Some aspects of these abductions are also
discussed on a separate web page about
bandits in our midst.
The use of capability of
vehicles of the second and third generations
to fly though walls, buildings, and other solid
objects, for secretive spread amongst people
viruses of
deadly illnesses:
As this is explained on a separate web page about
bandits in our midst,
for thousands of years UFOnauts utilise ability
of their UFO vehicles to fly though walls, buildings,
and other solid objects, for spreading viruses
of deadly illnesses amongst people. One
amongst infinitive numbers of examples of
such spreading was the outburst in of the virus of
avian flue
first days of February 2007 inside of hermetically
locked buildings of turkey farmers in England.
Some information on this case are contained
in the article "Britain: Experts are left wondering
how a strain of bird flu fatal to humans
found its way into a sealed shed" from
page B1 of newspaper
"The New Zealand Herald",
issue dated on Monday, February 5, 2007.
The use of ability of
vehicles of the third generation to travel in time
and to block events that work against interests
of UFOnauts, or to reverse outcomes of events
which already happen:
On a separate web page about
time vehicles
the ability of UFOs of the third generation for
travel in time is described. I provided over
there even examples of evidences the
encountering of which in our lives is just a
proof that in our vicinity is used this ability
of UFO vehicles for travelling in time. As
everything that morally degenerated do
on Earth, also these travels in time are
utilised by UFOnauts for spreading death
and destruction. Most frequent destructive
uses of time vehicles include, amongst
Blocking of events from past which turned out to
work against occupational interests of UFOnauts
on Earth. As an example of just such blocking,
on this separate web page about
time vehicles
fate of clear pictures of UFOs is explained. Namely,
if someone takes a good picture of a UFO vehicle,
and publishes this picture together with details of
"who, where, and when", then UFOnauts shift
back in time to the moment and place of taking
this picture, and then make impossible taking it
in a new passage of time. In the result, in a new
passage of time this picture already does NOT
exist. So people have no chance to see from it
how a UFO vehicle looks like. In the result of such
a systematic activity, practically all clear pictures
of UFOs which presently do exist on Earth, were
taken by anonymous photographs - because only
in this case UFOnauts are unable to find the authors
and in the second passage of time stop them from
taking a given picture. (I thoroughly researched this
matter and make sure that really it is impossible to
find any author of a clear picture of UFO. Also, I myself
fall a victim of just such a strange "paralyse" when
I had opportunity of taking a clear picture of a UFO,
which most probably I took in the original passage
of time and published with all disclosing data
- for details see item #D5 on the web page about
Blocking of events from the present time, which
after shifting to the future turn out to be damaging
for interests of UFOnauts. On this separate web
page about
time vehicles
described is a case when UFOnauts erased a
job advertisement only because from the research
on the future they most probably detected that
I received this job.
* * *
Through continuous use against humanity
this ability of UFOs for operating as
time vehicles,
UFOnauts are able to sabotage and stop
almost every initiative on Earth, which works
against their occupational interests. This is
the easy for UFOnauts, as the majority of
people is unaware that behind every matter
that progresses as if the entire hell acts against
it, actually such invisible sabotages of UFOnauts
are hiding. This is why all our realistic enterprises,
which for some unknown reasons are continually
blocked by something, in fact are for us (and for
the entire humanity) extremely vital. Therefore
whenever such a matter reveals to us, then we
should do everything that is in our power to
finish it and to turn it into a success.
Part #G:
What the humanity would do, if on its current (very primitive) moral level it would receive the access to the Magnocraft:
We have a wealth of evidence, e.g. continuous wars, that if humanity
received access to Magnocrafts, then it would use them for destructive
purposes in all ways described on this web page:
You do not have to look far for evidence that
immoral politicians and leaders, use every new
technology for murdering of their "neighbors".
It is for this very reason, that e.g. military applications
of aircraft were earlier than their civilian applications.
It is also for this reason, atomic bombs were built
earlier than nuclear power plants. It is also why
in item #L3 of my web page named
I try to warn people, that if my Magnocrafts are built
before the new "totaliztic science" will be
officially established while its findings are to be
formally taken into account, then there is NO
doubt whatsoever that some countries and some
nations will try to use immorally the powerful
Magnocrafts for destructive purposes.
It is very fortunate, that the secretive occupation of the Earth
by alleged relatives of people that have advanced Magnocrafts
(UFOs) in their disposal, is only "simulated" - as it is revealed by the web page
In 2007, means already some time after writing
this web page, I discovered that UFOs and
UFOnauts are only temporarily "simulated"
by God, means that they are NOT permanent
creations - as permanent are e.g. our cars or
ourselves. In other words,
knowing that the time of building of the
of my invention is nearing, God began sending
to Earth objects and creatures which expecially
for this purpose He temporarily created and so
controlled, that they highly realisticly "simulate"
the consequences of the action and the use of
the Magnocrafts, thus painfully demonstrating
these consequences to many people carefully
selected for this purpose. In turn,
after the discreet confrontation of these temporary
"simulated" UFOs and UFOnauts with carefully
selected people, and after generation via these
UFOs the evil required to intrigue these people,
these "simulations" are dematerialized by God.
That's why the old so-called "atheistic orthodox
science" (i.e. this science which is currently
holding the absolute monopoly on human knowledge,
and the morally deviated views of which people
still must learn in schools and at universities),
having long been accustomed to easiness in research
and to the official endorsement of all the scribbles
that it reveals publicly in its "official scientific publications",
is NOT able to catch up "what really is going on
with these UFOs and UFOnauts". So rather than
carefully research these God's "simulations", the
official science stubbornly denies their existence
and appearances on the Earth.
Slightly more information about these God's "simulations"
of UFOs and UFOnauts is presented on the web pages
indicated in item #D2 above, as well as on a number of
other web pages and publications that I authorise - for
example in the entire chapter OD from volume 13 of my newest
monograph [1/5],
or, for example, in items #K1 and #K2 from the web page named
Notice, that this my discovery of 2007, highlighted
amongst the others in the introduction to this web
page, and stating that UFOs and UFOnauts in fact
are only "simulated" temporarily by God in order to
achieve a number of superior God's goals, although
caused a drastic changes in the philosophical meaning
of this web page, but it does NOT change the facts that
originally I described and documented on this web page.
Part #H:
So how God prevents the humanity from coming into possession of Magnocrafts' technology:
The unleashing of the "curse of inventors" and the "inventive impotency":
In order to protect the humanity from access
to technologies the destructive capabilities of
which exceed the moral level of humanity, God
unleashed the moral phenomena that prevent
people from completing new technical devices
which represent the "real progress", and only
allows them to complete devices which represent
the "false progress" (what is the difference between
the "real progress" and the "false progress", it is
explained in item #G4 from my web page named
The two most important amongst these phenomena
are called the "curse of inventors" and
the resulting from action of this curse the so-called
"inventive impotency" - both of which are
described in more detail on a number of my web
page, e.g. in item #F2 from the web page named
or in item #G3 from the web page named
I must admit here that I personally was significantly
battered by consequences of the work of these
phenomena - thus I got to know them probably
better than anyone else amongst now living
researchers or inventors. In fact, I believe that
I am unintentional "discoverer" of both of these
phenomena - that is, the inventor who first identified
and described them.
However, the evidence that I analysed so-far,
indicates that this blocking of Magnocrafts'
research development by God through the use
of these moral phenomena is temporary. I mean,
sooner or later, but unfortunately beyond the
reach of the length of my life, God will allow
people to build these interstellar vehicles of
my invention for several different reasons. The
first of these reasons is that the path of humanity
to even more advanced
time vehicles
goes through the prior completion of the Magnocraft -
as it is explained in my web page named
In turn God needs people who know how time
vehicles are constructed and operated, for the
"fling city" of Jesus described in the Bible and
in item #J3 from my web page named
and in item #I1 from my web page named
under the name "New Jerusalem" is just such
a time vehicle. So before God is to open for people
this 1000-years long "Kingdom of Heaven" promised
in the Bible to morally living persons (i.e. to those
who respect the laws and commandments of God),
firstly God probably allows people to built their "time
vehicles" and thus learn the skills required for productive
lives in these time vehicles.
Another important reason why God is to allows
people to build Magnocrafts eventually, is to
emphasize the new leadership of the humanity
and the Earth. As now we can see, the former
leader of mankind, which has ruled mankind
for the past 50 years, slowly loses its "moral
fiber". Therefore, God is forced to give the leadership
of the world and the humanity to different hands,
with a higher moral status. Who will be that next
leader, for a long time is telling us an old Polish
prophecy -
often repeated by my father, that soon "yellow
race is to dominate the world" (on the basis of
my watching the world, I am willing to bet that
they are to be Koreans). Thus, to emphasize
the new leadership, God is to allow the nation
which becomes the leaders to build a technical
device, which is to "take a breath away from
other nations in ecstasy" - means God is to
allow them to just build the Magnocraft featured
on this web page. It should be noted, that for
reasons described on this web page, the first
nation to possess Magnocrafts is to immediately
gain the leadership over the humanity and over
the world, irrespectively of its population size and
the size of its country - hence this nation can be
someone as small as e.g. Korea.
Part #I:
The ending and conclusions, plus organisational
and legal matters of this web page:
Conclusions from the above presentation of evidence:
Magnocraft is a wonderful space vehicle,
created for a peaceful use. It is going to
carry people to stars. It is going to open
for the use and colonisation by people
the unlimited resources of cosmos.
It is also going to bring closer our cosmic
relatives which live on distant star systems.
Unfortunately, this vehicle got into hands
of bandit creatures with decadent morality,
popularly called
It is secretly used by these creatures for
destruction of humanity. Thus, it become
highly dangerous for us. These creatures
use the Magnocraft against us in the highly
secretive manner. So people are unable to
distinguish cases of purposeful use of this
spacecraft from destructive acts of nature
and from natural cataclysms. It is just
because of this, that it is vital for people to
learn information about this vehicle, of
the type presented on this web page,
and also on pages related to this one.
It is vital to implement already developed
methods of our defence against secretive
attacks of these vehicles (called UFOs).
It is also vital that people undertake the
development of further methods of such
defence against secretive attacks of UFO
vehicles camouflaged for the acts of forces
of nature.
How we can defend ourselves against attacks on our civilisation by
Secretive attacks on our civilisation carried
out with hostile
vehicles, are so well hidden from the public eyes,
that the majority of common people is unable
to distinguish them from natural cataclysms.
But in spite of this we still are able, and have
a duty, to defend ourselves from these attacks.
In turn the first step in such a defence is to
learn how to distinguish when we are dealing
with just such a secretive attack on humanity
carried out by
UFOnauts, from natural cataclysms. In this
distinguishing useful is also the knowledge
provided, amongst others, on this web page,
and on pages related to it.
In turn, after we learn how to distinguish such
secretive attacks of UFO vehicles, we can use
various means of our defence, the majority of
which are summarised in part I of the web page
bandits amongst us.
Of course, I am aware that not every reader
may have an access and possibility to read
also the web page
bandits amongst us.
Therefore in the next item #I3 of this web page
I am going to summarise an example of one
method of defence against secretive attacks
of UFOnauts on humanity. For presenting here
I have chosen the method which according to
my analyses turned out to be the most effective
in preventing of the use by UFOnauts the
destructive capabilities of their UFO vehicles
which are described on this web page.
Let us disclose every case of a hidden attack of
on our nation, country, or civilisation - and thus
we prevent next such attacks:
"UFOnauts are not afraid of people, nor weapons which people have.
They are not afraid of God, nor punishment which God sends to them.
The only thing which UFOnauts really are afraid, is that they are caught
and disclosed to secretly occupy and exploit our civilisation."
In order to be able to effectively defend
ourselves against someone's aggressive
attacks, it is necessary that we use for our
defence something that our aggressor is
either afraid of, or desires. Only when we use
such something as a tool of our defence,
we are able to stop further attacks of this
aggressor. The above applies also to the
UFOnauts, who since the beginning of time
occupy, exploit, and torment the humanity.
In order to stop these secretive attacks
of UFOnauts against humanity (the numerous
examples of which I indicated on this web page),
it is necessary that we use as our weapon
thing which they really are afraid of, and things that they
desire. Unfortunately, we have a little choice
in matter of the means of our defence.
The majority of things that we, people, are afraid of,
or that we desire, does not act on UFOnauts at all.
For example, UFOnauts are not afraid of our weapons,
our army, nor our prisons. After all, their
state of telekinetic flickering
protects them completely against whatever
our weapon could do to them. They also
can escape from every our prison. Also
UFOnauts are not afraid of punishments of
nor karma, hell, nor other things which
sometimes are effective against human
criminals. After all, due to the use of so-called
"imprisoned immortality" - described on
web pages about
time vehicles,
and simultaneous abandoning the
accomplishing of
totaliztic nirvana
before every shifting back in time to years
of their youth, in fact UFOnauts live in a hell
throughout the eternity. So neither the hell,
nor God's punishments, scare them at all.
Fortunately for us, humanity still is having
something, that UFOnauts desire, and that
they are scared of. For example, UFOnauts
desire these biological resources which
their civilisation robs from the humanity, and
without which their civilisation would collapse.
In turn UFOnauts are afraid of very
much that their secretive occupation of the
Earth is detected and disclosed by people.
After all, at the moment when people disclose
this secretive occupation of the Earth, UFOnauts
loose their access to these countless biological
resources without which their civilisation is
unable to exist. Therefore in our defence
against evilness and aggression of UFOnauts
we are able to effectively use as our weapon
the fear of UFOnauts that they become detected
and disclosed in their secretive occupation of
the Earth, and also their fear to loose the access
to biological resources which they secretly rob
from people.
In order to make sure that their secretive occupation
of the Earth is not detected and disclosed by people,
UFOnauts always use the method of action which
has embedded a so-called "feedback". Means,
whatever harm they cause amongst people, they
always check back through their
whether people become aware that this harm is
caused just by UFOnauts. When they detect
that people begin to suspect the involvement of
UFOnauts in this harm, then UFOnauts immediately
stop further repeating this particular harm in
relationship to the group of people who begins
to realise it. Therefore, the major method of
our defence against aggression of UFOnauts
should boil down to the disclosure in public and for as
much people as possible, every fact that indicates
the participation of UFOnauts in a given manner
of harming the humanity. About every case
when UFOnauts do something harmful to humanity,
we must write openly, we must tell this to others, we must
indicate to others evidence of the UFO involvement
in this case of tormenting humanity, etc., etc. Only
such persistent disclosure of the participation of
UFOnauts is going to stop further repetitions of the
same harm being inflicted onto the same group of people.
How with the web page named
one can find totaliztic descriptions
of topics in which he is interested:
A whole array of topics equally interesting
as these from the above web page, is also
discussed from the angle that is unique to
the philosophy of totalizm. All these related
topics can be found and identified with the use of
content index
prepared especially to make easier finding
these web pages and topics. The name "index"
means a list of "key words" usually provided
at the end of textbooks, which allows to find
fast the description or the topic in which we
are interested. My web pages also has such
a content "index" - only that it is additionally
supplied in green
which after "clicking" at them with a mouse
immediately open the web page with the topic
that interest the reader. This content "index"
is provided on the web page named
It can be called from the "organising" part of
"Menu 1" of every totaliztic web page. I would
recommend to look at it and to begin using it
systematically - after all it brings closer hundreds
of totaliztic topics which can be of interest to
I would suggest to return periodically to this web page in order to check further updates
of the descriptions of hidden destruction and tormenting of humanity by UFOnauts:
In order to see how the updates of this web
page on evidence of murderous activities
of UFOs and UFOnauts on Earth is
going to eventuate and progress further,
it is worth to revisit it from time to time. From
the definition this web page is going to be
subjected to further improvements and extensions,
as soon as possible new information come
to my hands, or some events take place
which will inspire me for carrying out the
update. So if in the future you wish to learn
these news, then perhaps you should revisit
this web page. This is because I am going
to update it periodically, as soon as the
further developments give reasons for
reporting any further details.
It is also worth to check periodically the blog of
totalizm, currently available at addresses
On this blog many events discussed here are also
explained with additional details written as these
events unveil before our eyes.
Current email addresses to the author of
this web page, i.e. officially to
Dr Eng. Jan Pajak
while courteously to Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak,
at which readers can post possible comments,
opinions, descriptions, or information which in
their opinion I should learn, are provided on the web page named
(for its version in the HTML language), or the web page named
(for the version of the web page "pajak_jan_uk.pdf"
in safe PDF format - which safe PDF versions
of further web pages by the author can also be
downloaded via links from item #B1 of the web page named
The author's right for the use of courteous
title of "Professor" stems from the custom that
"with professors is like with generals", namely
when someone is
once a professor, than he or she courteously
remains a professor forever. In
turn the author of this web page was a professor
at 4 different universities, i.e. at 3 of them,
from 1 September 1992 untill 31 October 1998,
as an "Associate Professor" from English-based
educational system, while on one university as
a (Full) "Professor" (since 1 March 2007 till
31 December 2007 - means at the last place
of employment in his professional life).
However, please notice that because of my
rather chronic lack of time, I reluctantly
reply to emails which contain JUST time
consuming requests, while simultaneously
they document a complete ignorance of their
author in the topic area which I am researching.
This web page is also available in the form
of a brochure marked
which is prepared in "PDF" ("Portable Document
Format") - currently considered to be the
most safe amongst all internet formats, as
normally viruses cannot cling to PDF. This
clear brochure is ready both, for printing,
as well as for reading from a computer
screen. It also has all its
green links
still active. Thus, if it is read from the computer
screen connected to internet, then after clicking
onto these green links, the linked web pages
and illustrations will open. Unfortunately, because
the volume of it is around a double of the volume
of web page which this brochure publishes,
the memory limitations on a significant number
of free servers which I use, do NOT allow to
offer it from them (so if it does NOT download
from this address, because it is NOT available
on this server, then you should click onto any
other address from
Menu 3,
and then check whether in there it is available).
In order to open this brochure (and/or download
it to own computer), it suffices to either click on
the following green link
or to open from any totaliztic web site the
PDF file named as in the above green link.
If the reader wishes to check, whether some other
totaliztic web page which he or she just is studying,
is also available in the form of such PDF brochure,
then should check whether it is listed amongst links
from "part #B" of the web page named
This is because links from there indicate all totaliztic
web pages, which are already published as such
brochures from series [11] in PDF format.
I wish you a fruitful reading!
If you prefer to read in Polish
click on the Polish flag below
(Jeśli preferujesz czytanie w języku polskim
kliknij na poniższą flagę)
Date of starting this page: 27 September 2006
Date of the latest updating of this page: 17 September 2013
(Check in "Menu 3" whether there is even a more recent update!)