Evidence of continuous activities of UFOnauts on Earth
(bilingual: in English
and Polish )
25 June 2013
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Let us imagine for a while, that we are the only
living, thinking, and self-aware being in the entire
universe - means that we are in the situation of
described in volume 1 of my newest
monograph [1/5],
before He created humans. Let us also imagine
that we already learned the entire knowledge about
ourselves and about the empty universe that surrounded
us - and that thus we started to be bored for the lack
of anything else to learn or to do. In such a situation
we arrived to an idea that in order to assist us in our
further "pursue of knowledge"
we should create "humans" who are very similar
to us - i.e. who also are living, thinking
and self-aware. After all, the appearance of
such people opens for us a huge ocean of
new knowledge to learn - so that we stopped
to be bored. In addition, this created for us many
companions - so that we ceased to be lonely.
The amount of new knowledge to learn we
additionally increased by creating highly
imperfect people (i.e. people such as these
described in item #B2 from the web page named
After all, such maximally imperfect people
constantly committed many more errors
than would commit perfect people, and thus
confronted us with many more intellectual
challenges and problems to solve.
Unfortunately, the "pursue of knowledge" by people
turns out to be possible only when fulfilled are
numerous conditions described in items #L1 to
#L5 from the web page named
magnocraft.htm -
for example, when these people lead their lives
according to a set of principles known generally
as "morality". Therefore,
the biggest intellectual challenge turned out to
be the management of these imperfect people.
Such people were very undisciplined and chronically
refused to do what lied in our goals and plans.
So initially we tried to force them by showing
our power and authority. But this caused that
many of them escaped from cities which we
build for them. Others become just our thoughtless
servants. Finally we dropped into an idea of
controlling them from a hiding, like one can do
it with a donkey, using a "carrot and a stick"
for directing them where they should go. In the
role of a "carrot" we used numerous "rewards"
that we served to them for a correct behaviour.
In turn for the role of one amongst various our
"sticks" we started to temporally create
(or more strictly - to "simulate") the existence
of evil creatures which these people were scared
enormously, and which initially we called "devils"
while later we renamed into "UFOnauts". These
creatures harmed people on hundreds of different
ways. The web page that follows describes forms
assumed by the management of people with this
"stick" in form of evil UFOnauts after many
centuries have passed.
Part #A:
The characteristics of evidence in support of continuous presence of "simulations" of
UFOnauts on the Earth:
The objective existence of UFOnauts and their continuous activities
on the Earth were already proven scientifically with use of the reliable
proving methodology called the "method of matching attributes":
What consequences bears the fact, that UFOnauts and UFO vehicles
are temporary "simulations" carried out by God, instead of creatures
and machines that exist permanently (as permanently exist e.g. people and our machines):
The justification "whether" UFOnauts and UFO
vehicles are really temporary "simulations"
carried out by God, instead of e.g. creatures
and devices that exist permanently (similarly
like permanently exist e.g. humans and their
machines), in my opinion is determined to
the sufficient level of certainty in my newest
monograph [1/5]
(for example, you can have a look at the content
of subsection "OD5" from volume 13 of [1/5],
or at subsection "QB1" from its volume 15).
Similarly exhaustingly and from various points
of view was also explained "why" God "simulates"
UFOnauts and UFO vehicles - for appropriate
explanations see e.g. subsection "QB2" from
the abovementioned monograph [1/5], or see
totaliztic web pages devoted to UFOs, e.g.
item #K1 from the web page named
or items #A5, #J1 and #K1 from the web page named
Therefore, the discussion of questions "whether"
and "why" I will NOT repeat on this web page.
However, since this web page presents various
categories of evidence for the objective existence
of UFOs and UFOnauts, it is worth to explain in it
"what are consequences" of the fact that UFOs
and UFOnauts are temporary "simulations"
carried out by God. After all, neither ordinary
people, nor even long-term researchers of UFOs,
are unaware of these consequences. So let
us discuss here briefly at least most vital
amongst these consequences. Here they are:
1. UFO vehicles are "simulated" extremely precisely.
This means, that if people got somehow blueprints of
design of a UFO vehicle, and constructed such a vehicle
accordingly to this design, then our earthly copy of that
UFO vehicle would also fly exactly the same perfectly
as fly God's "simulations" of UFOs. Furthermore, such
our copy would also display all attributes and capabilities
of real UFO vehicles, and also would induce all these
phenomena which are induced by real UFO vehicles.
It is just because of the precision of these God's
"simulations" of UFOs, that to our research relates
(and applies) the so-called "postulate of interchangeability
of UFOs and Magnocrafts" described on many totaliztic
web pages, e.g. in item #J4 of the web page
or in subsection P2.15 from volume 14 of
monograph [1/5].
2. UFOnauts are "simulated" extremely realistically
and well. It means, that the practiced by UFOnauts
philosophy of so-called "evil parasitism" described
in volume 13 of
monograph [1/5]
is exactly the same as the one that would be practiced
by beings that originate from a civilisation that is overwhelmed
by this philosophy. Also UFOnauts behave on the Earth
exactly the way that would behave creatures which secretly
occupy and exploit the humanity. So in spite that UFOnauts
are just faithful and realistic "simulations" by God, in
fact they are the same dangerous for people and the
same ruthless in their activities on the Earth, as would
be actual occupants and exploiters of the humanity.
3. UFOnauts are absolutely obedient to will and to plans
of God. For example, they destroy and attack only
these communities, which deserve a "punishment from
God" due to practicing the persecuted and eliminated
by God
philosophy of parasitism.
We can also defend effectively against their attacks
and persecution with the use of methods described
in item #A2.3 of the web page
item #B4.4 of the web page
item #C5.1 of the web page
or item #I3 of the web page
4. Bodies of UFOnauts do NOT need to correspond
to our understanding of the structure and work of bodies.
In other words, bodies of UFOnauts can e.g. be formed
from substances with "inanimate" attributes (similar
to our rubber, plastics, metals, stones, etc.), and
still these bodies will behave and work like human
bodies. These bodies of UFOnauts can also have
completely different temperatures from human bodies,
e.g. be fully frosted, or highly hot, and still will work
well. They may also have completely different size,
configuration, and anatomy than human bodies.
Many people are unaware that after mastering the
capabilities of so-called "counter-world", whatever
we consider to be an "inanimate" matter, in fact
can behave like living creatures. Known are cases
when even selected people mastered the ability
to give to inanimate objects attributes of living
creatures. For example, Chinese practice the
centuries long tradition that their dead are buried
in family graves from the area where their clan
originates. So even when some amongst them
died far from the home, his or her body was still
brought back to his family cemetery and buried only
in there. Of course, in old times there were no
fridges. Thus bodies of dead people decayed
very fast. Therefore, in times that proceeded
the existence of fridges and fast transport, in
China existed the magical profession of the
"death walkers". On page 94 of the book [1#G3]
by Frena Bloomfield, "The Book of Chinese Beliefs"
(Arrow Books Ltd. (17-21 Cornway Street,
London W1P 6JD, Great Britain), London 1983,
ISBN 0-0993190-0-4, 213 pages), is provided a
description of that ancient Chinese capability of
causing that bodies of dead people marched by
themselves. Individuals who had this skills were
called in cases when someone died far from the
home, while present fridges and fast transport
were NOT invented yet. In such a case the
"death walker" cast appropriate "spells", while
the dead body was standing on its legs and
started to rhythmically walk just on its own
to wherever it was directed by such a "death walker".
A report from the march of such bodies, quoted
after the witness from Hong Kong (see [1#G3]
page 94) who in person experienced and remembered
such an event, is provided in item #H2 of the web page
and also in subsection I5.7.1 from volume 5 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
(Notice that further items #H3 to #H5 of the abovementioned
web page "sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm" discuss more
examples of well known in past cases when to inanimate
objects were given by selected people attributes of living
creatures. Other examples of these cases include so-called
"Zombies", "walking monuments" from India, or "rope climbers"
from India.)
At this point I should emphasize, that if some people
were in past able to force inanimate objects to
behave like living creatures, then such a capability
is "normal" for God. So no-one should be surprised,
that "bodies" of UFOnauts can be cold and display
attributes of e.g. rubber or plastics, and still behave
like human bodies. Actually there are reports of
eye-witnesses of UFOnauts, who describe their
bodies as similar to rubber. (As an example see
description of that man who bite out a "nipple of
female UFOnaut" and stated that it tasted like
if made of rubber - provided in subsections
JG9.4 and JG9.5 from volume 8 of my newest
monograph [1/5]).
No-one should also be surprised, that the described
below in item #B8 on this web page "faeces" with
which UFOnauts jocosely "bombard New Zealand",
are identified in our laboratories as forms of some
minerals instead of "human faeces" - although they
smell, look, and behave like human faeces.
I personally was once fascinated by eyes of an
UFOnaut. They were completely "deprived of life".
On me they make an impression as if they were
either dead spheres made from black asphalt, or
were plastic buttons painted on black (such as
black buttons placed in toys for eyes). After all,
if one looks into eyes of a human, then always
one can see in them life, depth, transparency,
and almost sparks of thoughts oozing from them.
But eyes of that UFOnaut were fuzzy, non-transparent,
and completely "dead". I remember that looking in
them I was thinking how he can see anything
at all with such eyes. Some time later a reader
of my monographs wrote to me. He also noted
and described for me such shocking attributes
of like "deprived of life" eyes of an UFOnaut.
5. UFO vehicles and UFOnauts are "simulated" for
accomplishing specific (superior) God's goals.
For example, they are to realistically illustrate to people
where leads the practicing of highly immoral
philosophy of parasitism,
they are to inspire people to research and to
creative searches, they are to test the intelligence
and philosophies of people, they are to demonstrate
how inadequate and inefficient is the present official
human science, they are to induce the need to
change and to improve various human institutions,
they are to "punish" these "group intellects" which
already slide into claws of the "parasitism", etc., etc.
Thus the "simulation" of UFO and UFOnauts by God
will cease only at the moment when these goals are
to be accomplished. Therefore, our defence against
UFO and UFOnauts should depend on researching
goals and intentions of God, and on voluntary meeting
these goals and intentions - so that God is NOT forced
to impose these on us e.g. by sending such "simulations"
which are to trouble people with series of highly
unpleasant phenomena, events, cataclysms, etc.
(For an example of one amongst many possible
methods of our effective defence - see item #C5.1
on the web page
or item #I3 on the web page
The enormity of the material evidence on the "simulation" of
on the Earth who pretend that for centuries they secretly
occupied and exploited the humanity:
Inhabitants of the planet
Earth are exposed to the "heavy artillery" of enormously advanced
technology of UFOnauts. This technology tries to make impossible
for people the understanding of the difficult situation in which humanity
finds itself. Therefore UFOnauts systematically hide from people,
abduct us from our bedrooms only during nights and only after
arriving in the so-called
state of telekinetic flickering,
order every person under hypnosis to negate any statement
which would reveal the fact of existence of UFOs, telepathically
bombard Earth with the subconscious order to NOT take any
notice of the evidence which confirms the existence of UFOs,
countless agents of UFOnauts systematically sabotage on
Earth all evidence certifying the existence of UFOs, scoff, persecute,
and murder rational UFO researchers,
pretending to be our superiors or leaders continually take destructive
decisions which push our civilisation down, etc., etc. In the result,
all mentally weak people on Earth do not allow even a smallest
thought to come to their heads that UFOs do exist, while our
planet could be under an invisible occupation of these immoral cosmic
bandits and robbers. On the other hand, none fact in which we
commonly believe, is as widely and as extensively documented,
as the existence of UFOs and the secretive occupation of Earth
by morally decadent UFOnauts.
So let us now review the most
commonly known evidence, which documents the existence of
UFOs and the secretive occupation of Earth by these evil creatures
from space. (Notice that extensive descriptions of the entire this
evidence are contained in monograph [1/4].) Here is the list
of the most vital categories of this evidence:
Part #B:
Material evidence for the continuous presence and activities of UFOnauts on Earth:
To the category of such material evidence
belongs everything that can be seen, touched,
photographed, and that is relatively permanent,
means that it does NOT fly away but one can
find it and repetitively examine and research.
Here are subsequent examples of such
"UFO landing sites" are areas above which
UFO vehicles hovered for the period of time
sufficiently long to cause some sort of permanent
marks. Most frequently such permanent marks
have the character of magnetic burning of
vegetation, caused by a powerful magnetic
field from the UFO propulsion system.
An example of just such a freshly burned
UFO landing site from a discoidal UFO
vehicle type K3, with the grass burned
to the red colour, is shown below on
"Fig. #B1 (a)". In turn the appearance of a
UFO vehicle type K3, which landed in that
place, is shown in "Fig. #B1 (b)".
* * *
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Fig. #B1ab:
The appearance of UFO landing site in grass
and the principle of formation of these landings.
Fresh UFO landing sites in grass typically can
be noticed as rings of red, magnetically scorched
grass - visible on the left photograph (a). This
ring is formed by spinning magnetic circuits
formed from a super-powerful magnetic field
yield to the environment from spherical propulsors
visible on the drawing (b) on the right part of
the above Figure. (Click on this photograph
or drawing to see it enlarged.)
Fig. #B1a (left):
A typical landing site of a discoidal UFO vehicle type K3.
Notice however, that the red colour of magnetically scorched grass
visible above, is maintained in such a UFO landing site only for
the duration of up to several hours after a UFO has landed on it.
Later this red grass gradually becomes yellow and dark, as
time elapses, in order to finally transform the colour into a
typical greyish-yellow colour of dry and weathered old grass.
Originally the above illustration was published as a
Figure O1 (b) in chapter O from volume 12 of monograph
It was the first UFO landing site investigated by
the author in New Zealand. The site was found
in the morning, on 6 December 1978, in a paddock
belonging to Barry Badman (Wrights Bush, No 8 RD,
Invercargill, New Zealand). It was only about 70
metres distant from the home of this farmer.
When the above photo was taken a few hours
after the vehicle departed, the grass scorched
by the spinning magnetic field of the UFO was
still reddish in colour. This particular landing site
represents the situation illustrated in Figure F38 (b)
from volume 3 of monograph [1/4]. Note the
central patch scorched by the column of the
magnetic field from the main propulsor displaced
to the right of the site (in reality towards the magnetic
south direction). It touches (from inside) the ring
scorched by the spinning field of side propulsors.
The side view of the UFO vehicle type K3 which
propulsors scorched the above landing site is
shown on the next "Fig. #B1 (b)". On that other
illustration clearly marked are spherical side
propulsors of that UFO, which yield the spinning
magnetic field that scorched the grass into a shape
of a red ring. Notice that in UFOs type K3 the centres
of the n=8 spherical side propulsors are placed
in equal distances from each other on the circumference
of a circle of the diameter d=3.10 meter. This
means that when a UFO type K3 hovers just above
the ground then the diameter of the ring scorched
by it is maximum d=3.10 m. But if this UFO hovers
a bit higher then this diameter must be smaller,
because the spinning magnetic circuits of discoidal
UFOs always bend towards the centre of these vehicles
in which their single main propulsor is located. Notice
that a UFO of each bigger type scorches a ring twice
as big as that from a previous type. For example
a UFO type K4 scorches a ring of the maximal diameter
d=6.20 m, UFO type K5 - a ring of the maximal
diameter d=12.41 m, ... , while the biggest UFO
type K10 scorches a ring of the maximal diameter
d=397.22 metres (notice that landing sites of UFOs
type K10 are so big, that they become visible only
when viewed from an aeroplane).
Fig. #B1b (right):The external
appearance of discoidal UFO vehicle type K3,
which formed the UFO landing site shown in
"Fig. #B1a".
Originally the above illustration was published
as the Figure F1 (a) in chapter F from volume
3 of monograph [1/4].
The general shape and outlines of this vehicle are strictly defined by the set of mathematical equations derived from the design and operational conditions (these equations are listed in Figure F18). Its dimensions are also defined by these equations. The vehicle's shell is made of a mirror like material whose degree of transparency and light reflectiveness can be strictly controlled. Thus, when the crew makes this shell transparent, elements of the internal structure (e.g. propulsors, compartments, separatory walls, etc.) can be seen by an outside observer. In the above illustration seven spherical propulsors (out of a total number of n=8) placed in the horizontal flange are visible. Each of these propulsors contains inside a twin chamber capsule composed of two Oscillatory Chambers. The eight vertical partitions divide the vehicle's flange into eight separate chambers, each housing one side propulsor. The horizontal separatory ring placed at the top half of the flange separates both magnetic poles (N and S) in each of these side propulsors, thus forcing the magnetic field which is produced to circulate through the environment. On the upper part of the flange three lamps of the SUB system (i.e. equivalent to the position lamps in aeroplanes) are indicated see also Figure F30. In the centre of the vehicle the single main propulsor and its twin chamber capsule are shown. Within the ring shaped crew cabin a pilot's seat is visible.
UFOs are dropping a gelatinous substance
called "angel chairs". Descriptions of this
substance is provided in subsection O5.4
from volume 12 of monograph [1/4].
Just such a substance, similar to the jelly formed from stock left after boiling pig trotters, is well known to UFOlogists. Most frequently they call it "angel's hair", although other folklore names can also be used, such as "star jelly", "star slough", "star shot", in Welsh "pwdre ser" meaning "the rot of the stars", and more - for further descriptions see the book [1O5.4] "Mysteries of the Unexplained", Reader's Digest, 1982, ISBN 0-949819-35-2, page 188. (Note that the book [1O5.4] describes, amongst others, "angel's hair" found on 21 January 1803 near Swiebodzice on Lower Silesia, Poland, and reported in the English publication called "Report of the thirteenth meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 30:62-63, 1860, page 203.) A collection of cases of actual finding "angel's hair" in this monograph is reported in subsection P2.2.
The Theory of the Magnocraft explains that the "angel's hair" is used in spherical flying complexes of UFOs, as a hydraulic neutraliser of the pressure between two main propulsors mutually attracting each other. Such application of angel's hair is illustrated in part "b" of Figure P9, and explained in subsection F3.1.1. Spherical complexes of UFOs are formed through coupling together two saucer-shaped vehicles of the same type with their bases - as this is illustrated in part #1 of Figure P9 in [1/4]. After such coupling, concave areas in floors of both vehicles joined together, form a significant empty space that appears in the centre of such a spherical complex. On both ends of this space main propulsors of vehicles are placed, which are oriented towards each other with opposite magnetic poles, e.g. with (N) pole pointing towards (S). Because these propulsors must attract each other, they form significant forces which compress concave floors of these vehicles. In order to neutralise these forces, in the empty space between concave floors of both vehicles coupled together, this jelly substance "angel's hair" is packed - on Figure P9 (b) it is marked with the symbol "A". Due to filling up of the entire empty space between both concave floors, the non-compressible angel's hair act like white in eggs, which makes impossible to crush a thin shell of eggs with the uniform pressure of even the strongest athlete. (Readers probably know the experiment which illustrates the enormous difficulty of crushing an egg between two hands locked together.) Of course, after both UFOs which form a given spherical complex, separate from each other, their angel's hair falls down to the ground, covering grass, trees, fences, etc. The jelly and gluey consistence of this substance gives to trees that are covered with it, an appearance of Christmas trees decorated with long hair of some unearthly creatures. This is because of the strange appearance of such trees, that the name "angel's hair" most probably was coined for this jelly from UFOs. Then perhaps the same name was also given to a similar decoration of Christmas trees.
"Angel hairs" are described more comprehensively
in subsection O5.4 from volume 12 of
monograph [1/4].
The name "onion-shaped charcoal" is assigned
to a very unique substance which is formed
only by UFO vehicles on the outlets from
the N poles of their magnetic propulsors.
The consistency of this onion charcoal
resembles a fragment of an onion. This
charcoal is formed during horizontal flights
of UFOs at low heights. During such flights,
the magnetic field of the vehicle is intercepting
fragments of dry organic matter that are
present in the air, such as pieces of dry
grass, leafs, pieces of paper and old newspapers,
etc. The mechanism of this intercepting of
dry organic mass is explained in item #2H5.2
from subsection H5.2 in volume 4 of monograph
[1/4]. Such fragments of organic matter mixed
with dust stick then to the shell of UFO vehicles
at the outlets from "N" poles of their propulsors.
The most of them is glued to the outlet "N" from
the most powerful main propulsor, shown as
(M) in part (b) of Figure A1 in [1/4]. After sticking
to these outlets, the organic matter is subjected
to the action of a very powerful pulsating magnetic
field produced by a given propulsor. This field,
like a huge microwave oven, fast dries out and
turns the organic matter into layered carbon,
that sticks to the outlet from a given propulsor.
Simultaneously, it compresses this matter into
cracked layers, the curvature of which reflects
the shape of the UFO shell. Thus e.g. the organic
matter that sticks to the dome-shaped area of
upper dome of a UFO, obtains a shape of a
spherical bowl. So when a UFO during a subsequent
landing touches earth with these charcoal layers,
especially with these thicker ones that are accumulated
on concave area of the dome near the main
propulsor, fragments of charred organic matter
may fall down from the UFO shell. People who
examine former UFO landing sites can find these
spherical and layered like an onion fragments
of the charcoal near the centre of selected UFO
landings. After being found, this charcoal looks
like a fragment that fell off from a charred onion.
Typically it is composed of bowl-shaped layers,
that can be mutually separated from each other.
After being touched, these bowls usually tend to
disintegrate into individual flakes.
At this point it should be clearly emphasized, that
because the "onion-shaped charcoal" is in fact
formed due to sucking of external organic matter
by magnetic field of UFO vehicles, this charcoal
is simultaneously a vital scientific evidence
in support of the correctness of the scientific theory
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
Furthermore, it is also a vital evidence in support
of the correctness of the explanation of magnetic
fields as streams of circulating counter-matter,
provided by this scientific theory. This scientific
value as the evidence in support of the correctness of the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
is equal for this charcoal of its evidential value in
support of the fact that
UFO vehicles
continually operate on our planet and continually
occupy and rob the humanity.
Before such a layer of black "onion-shaped charcoal"
falls off from a UFO shell, it gives to this vehicle
a very unique appearance. After all, it sticks around propulsors of the vehicle, which by themselves emit a fiery glow that rhythmically intensifies and then darkens with the frequency slightly slower than the rhythm of human breathing. Thus such black layer that rhythmically glows from the inside, resembles an appearance of irregularly cracked snake skin, or dried mud. Only that in UFOs it is additionally lightened from inside, with the fiery glow of sparks from oscillatory chambers of the vehicle, while the intensity of this lighting is waving slowly. For observers that are not familiar with such a mechanism of forming and cracking of these natural carbon residues, this black skin that glows on cracks, similar to a "snake skin", makes an impression of looking at a skin of some sort of living creature that has fire inside. No wonder that probably just because of this appearance, in old days UFOs were called "dragons", and qualified to the same category as snakes - their descriptions are contained in subsection O1 from [1/4]. In turn various present UFO observers, perhaps also because of this appearance, suggest that UFO vehicles are raised and bred like animals, not build in factories like machines.
The most correct illustration of the appearance of this black surface of a UFO, covered with cracked black residue of the onion-shaped charcoal that glows on cracks, was shown in American film [2O6.1] of 1993 entitled "Fire in the sky". This highly documentary film shows a UFO of a large type, most probably K6, allowing rather accurate observation both the interior and exterior of it. It is based on an actual UFO abduction of someone named Travis Walton. He was a wood cutter from White Mountains, Arizona, USA. The abduction took place in 1975. In the sequence of this film, when a UFO approaches Travis Walton in the hanging position to abduct him onto the deck, the convex shell of the upper dome under the main propulsor of this UFO is well visible, as it points towards the ground. The cracked residue of the onion-shaped charcoal that covers this shell, is lightened cyclically from the inside with sparks from the main propulsor glowing blood-red. In the result, this charcoal gives to the UFO vehicle an appearance of like a belly of a monster, that is filled with blood and that is bursting with fire.
Although the above description of the layer of
an onion-shaped charcoal may seem to be
simple, the explanation for the mechanism of
formation of it, is rather complex. It originates from the
"Concept of Dipolar Gravity",
described in chapters H and I of monograph [1/4],
and also on a separate web page called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
According to this concept, our universe is composed
of two parallel words, that coexist in the same space.
These are called "our world" and "counter-world".
The first of these, our world of matter, is well known
to human senses and described by present orthodox
science. However, senses and orthodox science
ignore the existence of another out of these two worlds.
Thus, religions remained previously the only source
of our information about the counter-world. But this
counter-world is tangible to the same extend as
our material world. Only that physical laws that
govern it, are reversals of our laws. Similarly to
our world, it is filled up with appropriate substances.
Also every material object keep an exact duplicate
in it - means has there like a kind of "spirit". For
example on Kirlian photographs we can see
duplicates of objects from that other counter-world.
In turn a phenomenon of telekinesis depends on
just ordinary grabbing such a duplicate, and shifting
it to another place. This shifting of the duplicate
existing in the counter-world, subsequently forces
the dislocation of the material part from our world
as well. The
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
indicates even how to build devices, which allow to
induce telekinetic dislocations in a technical manner.
Already working prototypes of such devices are
described in separate
treatise [6],
in chapter K of monograph [1/4], and on a separate
web page about
telekinetic free energy generators.
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
explains that all
magnets, including also propulsors of UFO vehicles,
are simply equivalents to vacuum cleaners, fans,
or pumps. They pump loose particles of invisible
and weightless substance that fills up this other
counter-world. More exactly the pumping is described
in subsection H5.2 of monograph [1/4]. This substance is sucked in at the "N" pole, means at the "Inlet" pole of every magnet, while it is blown out at the "S" pole, means at the "Outlet" pole of this magnet. The circulation of this substance in the counter-world is even reflected in visual effects produced by polar lights. For example, polar lights observed near the southern pole of Earth, sometimes make an impression that streams of light like burst upwards from Earth and ascend into the space. In turn northern polar lights appear as if waves of light are arriving from the space and fall down onto Earth. In case of powerful magnetic fields, this flow of the substance from the counter-world may cause the intercepting and carrying of particles of matter. For example, the circulation around Earth of this invisible substance, dislocates particles of ozone in the upper atmosphere. This causes an increase in density of ozone near the northern pole of Earth. Thus e.g. an "ozone hole" in the Earth's atmosphere always firstly appears near the southern pole. Also the gathering of land masses and continents at the northern hemisphere, that is not understood by the present orthodox science, can be explained by the long-term action of this circulating substance making pressure on land masses. The thrust of this substance, that acted for millions of years, caused a gradual drifting towards north of almost all land masses. In turn the extraordinary symmetry of shapes of Arctic and Antarctic, can be explained by the modelling of the configuration of continents' masses in the crust of our planet by the distribution of dynamic pressure of this substance.
In magnetic fields involving huge energies, such
as fields created by UFO propulsors, the circulation
of this invisible substance from the counter-world
discussed here, is very intense. It can lift and carry
straws of grass, pieces of newspapers, and other
similar small organic objects. According to the
direction of this circulation, such objects are only
going to stick to the "N" pole of a given propulsor.
After sticking, they form residues of an "onion-shaped
charcoal" on this pole.
* * *
In spite that the onion-shaped charcoal still
is known only to a small number of UFO
researchers, since the time when I identified
the existence and the origin from UFOs of
this substance, only in New Zealand took
place three relatively famous cases of finding
it. Let us review these cases.
Cromwell (February 1991).
In February 1991 one of the citizens of Cromwell - i.e.
a small town in New Zealand, namely Mr Ross Ritchie,
then living at 2 Syndic Street, Cromwell, New Zealand,
informed me about finding on his garden a scorched
mark that had pieces of such a charcoal. Miniature
pieces of mica were shining in his charcoal.
A natural conclusion of this finding was, that a given
UFO vehicle arrived to Cromwell from the area of these
mica deposits. It is known that on a ridge of mountain
range located approximately to the north from Cromwell
there are near-surface deposits of mica. So most clearly
this particular UFO vehicle arrived to Cromwell from
a northerly direction. The sample of onion-shaped
charcoal from Cromwell was given to authorities for
research. Unfortunately, noting about outcomes of
this research ever returned to the finder. Most
probably authorities ignored this case of UFO landing.
Alford Forest (around 1 February 1992).
A significant amount of onion-shaped charcoal
was found on the farm of Rex & Janet Milne,
Alford Forest, R.D. 1, Ashburton, New Zealand.
This crop circle appeared around 1 February 1992,
simultaneously with the crop circle shown in part
(b) of Figure O3 from volume 12 of monograph
[1/4]. In this particular case the finding of this onion-shaped
charcoal had a huge evidential value. The reason
was that two attention seekers from Ashburton
at that time approached television and claimed
that it was them who fabricated all two crop circles
found at that time near Asburton. The history of
these crop circles, as well as claims of these
attention seeking boys, is described in several
subsections of monograph [1/4], namely in
subsections VB4.3.1 from volume 17, O5.4
from volume 12, and H5.2 from volume 4.
Because the fact of the existence of this charcoal
was not known widely at that time, the finding
of it in the crop circle reassured that this UFO
landing was NOT fabricated by both attention
seeking boys. Unfortunately, the entire New
Zealand already set their minds that these
boys fabricated the crop circles, and no-one
was prepared to recognise the condemnation
of their truthfulness documented by the presence
of this onion-shaped charcoal.
Dunsandel (12 September 2006).
A sample of onion-shaped charcoal was also
found in the place of landing of a famous in
entire New Zealand case of 12 September 2006 -
described in detail in item #B3.1 below. The
newspaper article [4-DP] from page A5 of the
New Zealand newspaper
"The Dominion Post",
issue dated on Thursday, September 14, 2006,
states that this substance was found on the paddock
of Miss Tanya Haigh located in Dunsandel from
the South Canterbury (i.e. around 40 km south
from Christchurch). Another article, entitled
"Odd rock checked after meteor", which was
published on page A3 of the newspaper
"The Press",
from Christchurch, New Zealand, issue dated
on Thursday, September 14, 2006, suggests
that this substance found on her paddock Miss
Tania Haigh living in Lincoln near Christchurch.
Independently from relatively famous and widely
known in New Zealand cases described above,
I personally found onion charcoal on quite a
number of UFO landing sites. Example of flakes
of this substance which I found on a UFO landing
site from the park in Timaru (New Zealand) is
shown below in "Fig. #B3.1(a)".
"Onion-shaped charcoal" is described more comprehensively
in subsection O5.4 from volume 12 of
monograph [1/4].
The case of dropping of a lump of "onion-shaped charcoal"
from the four-propulsor UFO, the spectacular flight of which
above New Zealand on Tuesday, 12 September 2006,
was witnessed by hundreds of people:
On Tuesday, 12 September 2006, four-propulsor
UFO lost in a spectacular manner a lump
of the "onion-shaped charcoal" described
here. It was dropped on the paddock near
a New Zealand settlement of Dunsandel in
South Canterbury. The general appearance
of "onion-shaped charcoal" is shown below
on photograph from "Fig. #B3.1 (a)", while
the photograph of that particular lump from
Dunsandel was published in the newspaper
indicated under that Figure. Because this
particular case of dropping of such substance
by a UFO vehicle was very meaningful, and
also because it induced a high interest in
press and television of New Zealand, I
decided to describe it here in a comprehensive
manner. So here is the course of events
which accompanied this dropping of a lump
of onion-shaped charcoal by a four-propulsor
Just before 3 pm on Tuesday, 12 September
2006, inhabitants of middle part of the South
Island of New Zealand were shocked by a
powerful bang. The bang was so intensive that
eye witnesses described it as "the daddy of all
booms". In fact it caused the vibrations of not
only buildings, but even the ground, so that it
was registered by two seismograph stations to
which it firstly arrived in the form of vibrations
of the ground, and a moment later in the form
of vibrations of air. Simultaneously with this
powerful bang the shocked eye witnesses of this
event spotted on the sky a fast flying silvery object
surrounded with red spinning light. This object
flew on the sky from north-west towards south-east.
The object descended under the angle of around
30 degrees. It reached the surface of the ground
near the settlement of Hinds in Southern
Canterbury, or more strictly near the village
A colour illustration showing the trajectory of the
flight of this object, together with descriptions of
this flight, was published in the article [1-NZH]
entitled "'Daddy of all booms' rattles south",
which appeared on page A3 from the edition
of New Zealand newspaper
The New Zealand Herald
dated on Wednesday, September 13, 2006.
The description of this flight, but this time without
any illustration, appeared also in the article
[2-DP] "Booming meteor startles the south"
which was published on page A3 of New Zealand
"The Dominion Post",
issue dated on Wednesday, September 13, 2006.
The flight of this object induced a huge sensation
in the entire New Zealand. For next two days it
was reported in practically all newspapers and
all television news. A whole range of New Zealand
experts speculated in television about how big
this meteor must be, what happened to it later,
etc. But NOT even a single person mentioned
in television, or in newspapers, that in fact it could
be a landing of a UFO vehicle, not a meteor.
In the result of this fame, all farmers in the vicinity
of the area where this object reached the ground
began to seek the "debris of a meteorite". "Debris"
were found by a farmer from a small settlement of
Dunsandel - as it laid on her paddock. In evening
of the same Tuesday she gave her finding
to local police. The next day (on Wednesday) the
substance which she found (see Fig. #B3.1(a)")
was shown in all television news. A photograph
and a description of it appeared later in the article
[3-NZH] "'Meteor fragment' could be space junk"
which was published on page A7 of New Zealand
The New Zealand Herald
dated on Thursday, September 14, 2006.
A description of the same lump of onion-shaped
charcoal, but this time without a photograph, was
also published in another article [4-DP]
entitled "Mystery paddock rock no meteorite"
which appeared on page A5 of New Zealand
"The Dominion Post",
issue dated on Thursday, September 14, 2006.
Since the first moment I saw this event commended
in TV, for me personally the sonic boom, the
flight, the red glow, the silver surface, and the
spinning lights of this strange object induced
a suspicion that it was a four-propulsor UFO
that prepared itself for landing in New Zealand.
After all, this object arrived approximately from
the north, while meteorites do NOT come to Earth
from this particular direction. In turn this lump of
the substance which was found in Dunsandel,
since the very beginning reminded me a piece
of the onion-shaped charcoal dropped by this
four-propulsor UFO in the place where the vehicle
landed. Therefore I began to carefully watch the
unfolding of events in this matter since
the beginning of it. Soon it turned out that I was
right - it was a flight of four-propulsor UFO vehicle,
not a meteorite. In turn the substance that this vehicle
dropped was really a lump of the onion-shaped
charcoal. Here is the evidence which documents
that it was a UFO vehicle, not a meteorite:
Flight of this object in the direction from north-west
to south-east. Our solar system has practically
all cosmic objects moving in the same plane. This
plane cuts through the Earth around equator. Therefore
if any meteor falls to Earth, then the direction of flight
of it lies approximately in the plane east-vertical-west.
Never meteorites arrive to Earth from northerly direction.
However, they can curve their trajectory into such a
direction after they reach the Earth's atmosphere.
But in such case their trajectory keeps the same
tendency and continue curving - what was NOT
the case in the flight discussed here. But the object
described here arrived to New Zealand from a
northerly direction, flying along a straight path,
what is clearly shown on the illustration published
in [1-ZNH], and also what reported numerous eye witnesses.
So it could NOT be a meteorite. It was either a piece
of satellite, or a UFO vehicle.
Leaving a lump of onion-shaped charcoal in the area of landing.
Only UFO vehicles form onion-shaped charcoal on
outlets from their propulsors. This charcoal sometimes
splits from their shell and falls to Earth. This is
especially frequent during landings of a given
UFO vehicle. Because for the object described
here, such an onion-shaped charcoal was found
in the area of landing of this object, for sure it was
a UFO vehicle, not e.g. debris from a satellite.
Witnessing a whirling lights during the flight.
In two articles from New Zealand newspapers, namely
in [3-NZH] and [4-DP] was reported that eye witnesses
noticed that the object was silver but surrounded with
red glow, and that this glow was spinning. The existence
of such a spinning motion is characteristic to UFO
sightings. Descriptions of such spinning lights overflow
UFO literature. So for sure it was a UFO vehicle.
(For a meteorite the spinning motion would surely
cause the deviation of the flight path into a curvilinear
trajectory. But this object flew along a straight path.)
The manifestation of all characteristics of a four-propulsor
UFO. In fact everything that characterised this
particular objects is unique to four-propulsor UFOs
of the appearance shown in "Fig. #B3.1 (b)". Just such
four-propulsor UFOs frequently land near Dunedin,
and they always do it in similar manner, namely with
a sonic bang, whirling lights, silvery shiny surface, etc.
(Local folklore states that just such four-propulsor
UFOs have a hidden underground basis located inside
of the "Saddle Hill" between Dunedin and Mosgiel -
see item #G1 of this web page. This is probably a reason why
there is a lot of sightings of just this type of UFOs
near Dunedin. One of these sightings is described
in subsection Q1 from volume 14 of monograph [1/4].)
Two bangs - one magnetic and one sonic.
Four-propulsor UFO vehicles form very loud bangs
when they cross the sound barrier. The reason is
that their magnetic whirl is not as much effective as
in discoidal UFOs. So this whirl is unable to neutralise
the cone of frontal pressure that is formed in front of
flying UFO vehicle. But what is even more interesting
in the UFO vehicle described here, that this UFO formed
two bangs. These two bangs were reported in articles
[1-NZH] and [2-DP]. Furthermore, printouts from seismographs
with curves which registered two separate bangs
were shown in television news. The first weaker bang
seismologists described as spreading through the
ground, while the second stronger - as spreading
through the air. Such two bangs are typically formed
by UFO vehicles. The point is that UFO vehicles form
both, a magnetic wave, and a sonic wave. The first
weaker bang, which always propagates with the speed
of light, is formed by a magnetic wave induced due
to the flight of this UFO. Only the second, lauder
bang, propagating with the speed of sound, is induced
by the acoustic wave induced by this UFO vehicle.
At this point it is worth to notice, that also such two
bangs were noticed during the UFO explosion
of 1908 in Tunguska, Central Siberia - as this is
described in
monograph [5].
Furthermore such two bangs were also registered
by seismographs when a UFO vehicle induced
technically the famous
tsunami of 26th December 2004.
* * *
To summarise the above, the object described
here for sure was a four-propulsor UFO vehicle,
which on Tuesday, 12 September 2006, landed
in New Zealand, loosing during this landing a
significant lump of onion-shaped charcoal.
But something difficult to understand happens
with our society. After all, in spite of the obviousness
of this UFO landing, no-one in New Zealand had
a courage to officially admit that it was a UFO
vehicle. As this can be seen, our civilisation
already reached a state in which people are
too scared to even mention a UFO in their public
appearances. Just only this situation is also a
proof, that the planet Earth is secretly occupied by
UFOnauts of the appearance identical to people,
and that these UFOnauts with their advanced
devices and cunning methods scared and terrorised
people so much, that now everyone is terrified
to discuss the truth regarding UFOs.
Fig. #B3.1 (a): Several flakes of the "onion-shaped
charcoal" which was found on the UFO landing site
from the Timaru park, New Zealand. The colour
and consistency of this substance depends on the
kind of impurities and organic matter that are
sucked by propulsors of the UFO vehicle during
a given flight. Most frequently this charcoal falls
to earth at the first touch of the UFO shell and the
ground. Therefore UFOs rarely manage to accumulate
a thick layer of this substance. So the flakes
similar to these shown above are found most
frequently. But sometimes large lumps of this
extraordinary substance can be found, as this
took place with the famous in entire New Zealand
case from Dunsandel. Unfortunately, the photograph
of this large piece of the onion charcoal has
copyrights imposed on it, while I have not managed
to gain the agreement of the owner to publish this
photograph here. It is worth to add that these ones
who officially investigated this substance would not
admit that it originates from UFOs. Thus in newspapers
and in TV news this substance was declared to be
a "space junk". The big lump of it found in Dunsandel
had approximate dimensions 15x7x3.5 cm.
In onion charcoal it is worth to notice the
characteristic organic matter charred and scorched
that is visible in the body of this substance.
A photograph of this large piece of the "onion charcoal",
which I cannot show here for copyright reasons,
was published on the occasion of a famous
in entire New Zealand case, when a four-propulsor UFO
flew with a huge bang around 500 kilometres in sight
of numerous eye witnesses around 3 pm, on Tuesday,
12 September 2006. When this UFO finally landed
on a paddock near a farm from Dunsandel, Southern
Canterbury, the above piece of "onion-shaped charcoal"
dropped from it. This piece was passed by the owner
of the paddock to local police. Subsequently a photograph
of it appeared as an illustration to the article [3-NZH] from
page A7 of the New Zealand newspaper
"The New Zealand Herald",
issue dated on Thursday, September 14, 2006.
After researching this large piece of the charcoal from Dunsandel,
it turned out that the density of it amounts to around
1/10 (10%) of the density expected for a typical meteorite. So
this density was very similar to the density of the
onion-shaped charcoal. Furthermore, on the fact that it
was a piece of onion-shaped charcoal which fell from
UFO shell also certifies the presence of charred
organic matter visible on the above photograph.
Finally the descriptions of the appearance of
this piece provided by eye witnesses also confirm
that it was a piece of onion-shaped charcoal. Articles
[2-ZNH] and [4-DP] describe it as "glazed and
subjected to high temperatures", and also as
"a cross between volcanic foam and a chunk
of West-Coast coal". So there is no doubt that
it was the onion-shaped charcoal splinted from
a UFO vehicle.
If someone wishes to see a photograph of this
large piece of the charcoal famous in New Zealand
(declared to be "space junk"), then should
vist page A7 from the newspaper
The New Zealand Herald
issue dated on Thursday, September 14, 2006.
Fig. #B3.1 (b): The appearance of a four-propulsor
UFO of the first generation. It was just such a UFO
vehicle that flown on 12 September 2006 above
New Zealand in a highly spectacular manner
with a huge bang. Such a UFO vehicle resembles
a kind of cubical hut, with pitch roof and four barrel-shaped
propulsors attached to each corner. Pillars of
highly concentrated, black magnetic field extend
from these four propulsors down to the ground.
It is this magnetic field that has the ability to suck
from the ground dust and organic matter, forming
from these the layer of "onion-shaped charcoal"
on inlets to the "N" poles of each propulsor of this
vehicle. With the elapse of time the onion-shaped
charcoal fall from these propulsors in thin plates
or thick chunks of the appearance similar to the
one shown on the photograph from "Fig. #B3.1 (a)".
Originally the above illustration was published as a
Figure D1 (b) in chapter D from volume 2 of
monograph [1/4].
A cubical crew cabin in the above UFO vehicle
is constructed of the material resembling a
typical silver mirror. This material does NOT
allow magnetic field to penetrate through it,
while the degree of transparency and reflection
of light is regulated in it by the crew. Therefore,
for an outside observer such a cubical crew
cabin of this UFO sometimes looks like a
metallic, shiny mirror. At other times (especially
at nights) it looks like a hut made of completely
transparent glass. Around the surface of this
like a hut spins a single wave of magnetic
whirl. This wave ionises the air causing that
the air glows in a red or blue colour (depending
on the direction of vehicle's flight). Therefore
such a silver vehicle surrounded with a spinning
glowing air from a distance can be confused
with a meteorite. But attributes of it still then
must be different from attributes of a meteorite.
During fast flights above four-propulsor UFO
in fact forms a loud sonic bang of the crossing
through a sound barrier. The reason is that
the magnetic whirl of this vehicle is too weak
and too ineffective to prevent the formation of
such a sonic bang. The bang, though, allows
us to distinguish such four-propulsor UFOs
from discoidal UFOs shown previously in
"Fig. #B1 (b)". Discoidal UFOs fly in complete
New Zealand is shockingly frequent raided by four-propulsor
UFO vehicles the sonic bangs of which and fiery glowing
plasma clouds are repetitively reported by numerous eye
Let us consider the following case, a description
of which I encountered in a brief article entitled
"Search for plane crash called off", which
was published on page A9 of the New Zealand
"The Dominion Post",
issue dated on Tuesday, January 30, 2007.
In this article was written, amongst others, quote:
"... two golfers at Te Kauwhata reported hearing
an explosion and seeing a ball of flame going
down over the lake." ... "at Lake Waikare, northern
Waikato" ... "No aircraft has been reported overdue."
Means, reliable witnesses reported a descending
ball of fire and a sonic bang, but it was not an aircraft.
So what was it? Why no-one from authorities tries
to establish what such events really mean and what
kind of threats to citizens of the country hides behind
these events?
Until the time of the case of a highly public
dropping in New Zealand a large piece of the
"onion charcoal" described previously in item
#B3.1, I encountered in New Zealand press
literally tens of reports of people who saw
landings, or flights, of four-propulsor UFOs.
But previously after each encountering such
reports, and after a brief reflection about the
close-mindedness of local people, I kept forgetting
fast all these reports. In the result, tens of
these reports remain undocumented. But after the
case described above in item #B3.1 I decided
that each next such a case that I encounter,
I am going to describe briefly on this web page.
The case described in the first paragraph
above, was the first out of these documented
new reports concerning raids of four-propulsor
UFOs at the territory of New Zealand.
Descriptions of the formation, as well as
photographs of such landslips and mudslides
formed technically by UFO vehicles are shown
on a separate web page about murderous
avalanches of soil and mud.
evaporated during underground flights of UFOs:
Tunnels evaporated during underground
flights of UFOs are illustrated and described
on several web pages. For examples see
a web page about the evaporation of
by UFOs. In Poland such tunnels do exist
under the mountains called "Babia Góra",
"Łysa Góra", and "Sobótka". In
New Zealand
such tunnels are hidden in several hills,
e.g. in the "Saddle Hill" located between
Dunedin and Mosgiel.
There is several such sites. The best known
one lies in the Central Siberia, in the area
called Tunguska. The description of this
Tunguska explosion, and also some photographs
of this site are presented in
monograph [5]
the free copies of which are available via this
web page.
Less known site of a UFO explosion lies in
the vicinity of the New Zealand town
The description of this UFO explosion site
near Tapanui in New Zealand is provided
in a separate web page named
UFO explosion near Tapanui.
Also this explosion is described in scientific
monograph [5].
Splinters from UFO vehicles and sections of UFO shells:
These are found on Earth extremely rarely.
However, sometimes people are lucky to
find them. The most famous such a splinter
was found in Central Siberia on the side
of a small river called "Ważka". This splinter
is described in subsection O5.4 from volume
12 of monograph
[1/4] - "Advanced Magnetric Devices".
Another UFO splinter, unfortunately originating
from a UFO explosion - and thus mixed with
sand and then melted by the heat of explosion
and aerodynamically shaped during the flight
in the scorching air, is in my private collection.
Itys photograph and description is provided in
"Fig. #G5" of the web page
newzealand.htm - about mysteries and curiosities of New Zealand,
and also in "Fig. #7" of the web page
tapanui.htm - about the UFO explosion near Tapanui in New Zealand.
Consequences of emptying toilets from "simulations" of UFO-vehicles onto roofs of New Zealand buildings:
UFOnauts show a significant "sense of humour"
towards New-Zealanders who refuse to
acknowledge the objective existence of UFOs.
Namely, all available data indicate that UFO
vehicles empty sewage tanks from under
their toilets in the air high above New Zealand.
Since 2003 the most favourite country over
which this emptying of UFO toilets frequently
takes place seems to be just New Zealand.
In the result, roofs of a number of New Zealand
houses, as well as roofs of cars, are frequently
covered by fresh muck of a well known brown
colour and not very pleasant smell. For example,
the article [1#B8] "More mystery showers
of unidentified muck" from page A2 of the New
Zealand newspaper
"The Dominion Post",
issue dated on Thursday, September 25,
2003, indicates as many as 7 such cases
from that time, plus one case dated 11 years
earlier. It also shows a photograph of a new
roof covered with such "bombardment" which
took place in Te Awamutu.
The problem with this emptying of UFO toilets
over roofs of New Zealand houses is such,
that local scientists - quite afraid to use the
word "UFO", are unable to explain what
actually this muck is. Although it appears
familiar and smells in a known manner -
described as the smell from a "long drop",
laboratory research cannot confirm it to be
"human faeces". Most clearly local laboratories
either do not have idea, or do NOT wish
to have an idea, how really "faeces of UFOnauts"
look like and with which properties these faeces
differ from the human ones. It is pity,
because it would be enough to read
for this subsection JG9.4 from volume
8 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
Highly interesting from the point of view of confirmation
that "UFO and UFOnauts are temporary 'simulations'
of God", are series of bombardments of houses in
New Zealand with simulations of "faeces of UFOnauts"
which took place in January 2011, and which are
described in articles: [2#B8] "Another
family pelted with poo" from page A5 of the newspaper
The New Zealand Herald,
issue dated on Wednesday, January 19, 2011;
[3#B8] "Splat! Mystery gunk strikes again"
from page A7 of the newspaper
The New Zealand Herald,
issue dated on Thursday, January 20, 2011;
and [4#B8] "Plane poo leak '99% unlikely' "
from page A5 of the newspaper
Weekend Herald,
issue dated on Saturday, January 22, 2011. According
to these articles, samples of the "poo" that bombarded
then New Zealand houses were subjected to investigations
in various New Zealand laboratories. But each one
of these laboratories stated that this substance is
something different - although victims of the bombardment
claimed that it looks and smells exactly the same as
human poo. Explaining these facts from a different
prospective, only God has the required knowledge,
capabilities, motivations and needs to force people
into active searches for truths, and the "sense of humour",
to so "simulate" these "bombardments" of New Zealand's
houses with "simulations of poo", that no-one was able
to find out so-far with what was really bombarded.
Pity that New-Zealanders do NOT read my publications!
Of course, this highly scoffing in nature "bombardment
of New Zealand with 'simulations' of UFOnauts’ poo"
did NOT finish in January 2011. For example, in
May 2011 I encountered another article [5#B8]
entitled "Flying poo has locals ducking for cover",
published on page A5 of newspaper
The New Zealand Herald,
issue dated on Thursday, May 26, 2011. The content
of this article repeats previous stories with such poo -
i.e. on the roof of a shop and a nearby car from Tutira
near Napier, at 8:45 a.m. from the sky fell yellow muck
which looked-like human poo (the article presents a
photo of a "sample" of it), which smelled like a human
poo, and even contained pulp from "toilet paper" in it,
but "experts" again denied that it is a human poo while
simultaneously were unable to state what this muck actually is.
I am starting to get overwhelmed by the curiosity "for how
long the matter of these bombardments of New Zealand
with 'simulations' of UFOnauts' poo must be repeated, before
experts and decision makers of that country do or explain
something constructive in this matter?"
Part #C:
Photographic evidence for the continuous presence of UFOs and UFOnauts on Earth:
Photographs of UFO vehicles taken during their patrolling flights above the Earth:
Fig. #C1abc: Examples of three authentic
photographs of a UFO vehicle of the same
type K7. According to the evidence described
in subsection P6.1 from volume 13 of monograph
[1/4] - "Advanced magnetic devices"
(disseminated free of charge via this web page),
it was just such a UFO vehicle type K7 named
"Eden" that was used by UFOnauts for bringing
to the Earth the first pair of humans, namely
Adam and Eve. But it should be emphasized that
(secretly acting on the Earth) announced to be
"hoaxes" each one from the above photographs.
Originally the above photographs are shown in
"Fig. P26" and "Fig. S1" from volumes respectively
13 and 14 of monograph
[1/4] - "Advanced magnetic devices".
(Click on above photographs to see these enlarged.)
Fot. #C1a (left):
A frame from a large set of daylight photographs
of a UFO vehicle type K7 taken by an anonymous
photographer who used the pseudonyms "N.N."
over San Jose de Valderas (Spain) about 8:30 p.m.
on June 1, 1966 - see page 159 of the book referred
in the monograph [1/4] under the number [1P2]
(by Adolf Schneider, Hubert Malthaner: "Das
Geheimnis der unbeakannten Flugobjekte",
means "The secret of the unidentified flying objects",
znaczy "Sekret niezidentyfikowanych obiektów
latających", Hermann Bauer Verlag KG -
Freiburg im Breisgau, West Germany,
1976, ISBN 3 7626 0197 6). This photograph
(a), as well as the photograph from part (b), both
show a spherical complex of two K7 type UFOs
coupled together by their floors. Both series of
photographs (shown above in parts "a" and "b")
were taken when a UFOlogy research organisation
from Spain received a strange anonymous
telephone call which informed them that in that
particular day and place a UFO vehicle is
to appear. Two members of this research
organisation, namely this "N.N." and someone
named "Antonio Pardo", took their photo-cameras
in that place and have taken photographs shown
above. Unfortunately the crew of this UFO vehicle
expected to be photographed, so it flew over there
in the so-called "state of magnetic lens" - when
the UFO vehicle is almost invisible and strongly
deformed. This is why the outlines of both vehicles
are distorted by the strong action of the "magnetic
lens". The areas affected by this lens are concentrated
around the propulsors of the UFOs. Thus the
flanges containing the side propulsors are only
partially visible, whereas the spherical bowls that
cover the ceilings of the crews' cabins are completely
diminished. The UFO photographed here has
also a kind of "landing undercarriage" (visible
on the photograph), which looks similarly to
the ski undercarriage of present helicopters.
On high quality copies of this photograph a
faint outline of the spherical bowl at the top of
the upper vehicle is slightly distinguishable
(this bowl protects the sperical main propulsor).
Another photograph from the same long series
shown above on "Fig. #C1a" that was taken
anonymously by someone marked as "N.N.",
is also discussed comprehensively in item #L1
of this web page. In that item #L1 it is explained how
used the authority of the official science in order
to declare the photographs shown here to be
"hoaxes". In fact it looks that UFOnauts on purpose
allowed to photograph their vehicle in Spain in
order to be later able to scoff at UFO researchers
and to be able to spread around the world a
false claim supported by scientific authorities,
that photographs of this UFO vehicle are
fabricated "hoaxes".
Fot. #C1b (middle):
A single frame from another series of photographs
of the same Spanish UFO vehicle type K7,
photographed over San Jose de Valderas (Spain)
around 8:30 pm on 1 June 1966. Photos from
this series were taken by someone named
Antonio Pardo. Because these were taken from
a different point than photographs from part (a),
the background (bushes) on which this UFO is
captured look slightly different.
THe documentary value of photographs from
parts (a) and (b) is increased even more just
by the fact that the same UFO vehicle was photographed
from two separate places by two independent
photographers. Furthermore, each out of both
photographs shown above belongs to a whole
series, so that in fact the existence in this UFO
features of the hulk, that are NOT visible clearly
because of the action of "magnetic lens", can be
confirmed by the analysis of other photographs
from the same series.
Fot. #C1c (right):
A frame from the long series of colour photographs
of a low flying UFO taken by Paul Villa of Alberquerque,
New Mexico, USA, on 16 June 1963. The best
reproduction of this series is published in one
of the earlier issues of OMNI magazine (probably
1979 issue). Selected photographs are also
reproduced in [1S1.1] "The Unexplained",
Vol 1, No 1, 1980, page 10 (in colour). The
UFO illustrated above represents a "detached
configuration" formed from two K7 type vehicles,
whose manner of coupling is explained in Figures
F10 and S1 of [1/4]. The outlines of a lower
vehicle, flying in the inverted position, are
warped by the action of a "magnetic lens"
and therefore only partially visible. In high
quality copies of these photographs, eleven
"black bars" running between the side propulsors
of the lower and upper vehicle are clearly
distinguishable. The shape of these black
bars is unfortunately impossible to determine
here. But in similar cases, eye witnesses
have firmly reported them as square in cross
section. For more information on the "detached
configuration", and also about an exact appearance
of UFO vehicles of K7 type, see volume 3 of
[1/4] - "Advanced magnetic devices".
(disseminated free of charge via this web page).
The above photograph from "Fig. #C1c" is
discussed comprehensively on the web page
memorial.htm - about the history of "tricks" of UFOnauts with pillars of light beamed from UFO vehicles.
It was explained in there how
used a cunning "trick" in order to declare a "hoax"
also this authentic photographs of a UFO vehicle.
Photographs of UFOnauts invisible for human sight, which were
accidentally captured in our homes and on our family photographs:
It is shocking, how many invisible for human sight UFOnauts
is accidentally photographed in our flats and homes. Several
examples of such photographs is shown on the web page
These are presented and explained on a
separate web page about
of miniature, computer-controlled UFO probes which frequently
fly into our flats:
These miniature discoidal probes are repetitively
captured on our photographs and videos. If they are photographed
from the top-side or from underneath during a motionless hovering,
then on photographs they come out round. Thus, then they are
called "orbs". In turn, if they are photographed in a side view or during
a fast flight, then on photographs they come out as "rods", or as
long segmented tapes. Examples of their photographs are shown
on web pages
"UFO", and
Photographs of
induced technically by UFOs:
These are presented and explained on a
separate web page about
Part #D:
Videos and films which captured UFO vehicles in flights:
Flying UFO vehicles were already captured on a huge number of movie films:
I personally lost already a count of the number
of various films on which flying UFOs were
captured. A significant number of these films
I am indicating and describing in my
monograph [1/4].
Below in items that follow I am going to indicate
just the most famous or most authoritative
amongst these films which recorded flights
of UFO vehicles.
The famous film of Kaikoura UFO from New Zealand, the authenticity
of which so-called "sceptics" did NOT manage to undermine until today:
A colour film of the famous in the entire world
so-called "Kaikoura UFO" is described more
comprehensively in item #77 from subsection
w4 in volume 18 of
monograph [1/5].
On "Fig. P23" from volume 13 of
monograph [1/4]
is shown a single frame from that film - showing
a UFO captured above the town Kaikoura in
New Zealand. This film was probably the longest
film of flying UFO that was ever recorded on the
Earth. In fact it is several hours long. The UFO
vehicle captured on it was shown as it manoeuvres
around a flying airplane in which the filming crew
was positioned. The authenticity of that film was
never undermined - although numerous so-called
"sceptics" did everything in their power to
devaluate its evidential value.
A UFO filmed by Chinese astronomers:
Scientists from the Chinese
Purple Mountain Observatory,
filming the solar eclipse on 22 July 2009, on
their film captured also a UFO vehicle which
was flying and manoeuvring near the Sun
for 40 minutes. On Tuesday, 8 September
2009 the description of this UFO film was
available in Internet at the address
The film of Chinese astronomers is one amongst
several UFO films which so-far were recorded
by scientists. About this film was also published
an article entitled "UFO report 'no surprise' " from
page 4 of the New Zealand newspaper
Otago Daily Times,
issue dated on Friday, September 11, 2009.
Part #E:
Reports of people abducted to UFOs:
Numerous cases when people abducted to UFOs reported their experiences after the return to Earth:
A report of a New Zealand female abducted to a UFO
is provided in chapter UB from volume 16 of
monograph [1/5].
In turn a brief discussion of such reports is provided
in subsection V6 from volume 17 of
monograph [1/5].
Quite a meaningful and characteristic case of
a probable "abduction to a UFO" was unveiling
in New Zealand television in January 2011.
A diver-amateur from Wellington, New Zealand,
went to dive for lobsters in a lone place and
disappeared. On the shore was left his car
and clothes. For 3 days the television (and
entire New Zealand) was watching searches
for his body by police and divers. Then
rapidly he, highly confused, entered a police
station distant at almost 300 kilometres.
Authorities did NOT explained to the society
neither how he got in there, what happened
to him, nor why he did NOT use his own car
to get there, but only locked him immediately
for the mental assessment - so that I had no way
to learn anything else about him. A brief statement
on his topic appeared in the article "Diver
walks into police station 270 km away" from
page A5 of New Zealand newspaper "The Dominion Post",
issue dated on Thursday, January 13, 2011.
But I know cases of UFO abductions which
were very similar to his fate. For example,
almost identical events affected Travis Walton
which fate was presented in the film "Fires
in the sky" discussed in subsection V5.4
from volume 17 of monograph [1/5]. Similar
events are described in my Polish treatise
[3B]. From these other cases we can learn that
just such events typically mean several-days
long abduction to a UFO deck and later letting
the confused victim to go in a completely
different place that the area from the one
where he was abducted.
On 25th of January 1959, 10-people strong
team of mountaineers from the "Svierdlovsk
Polytechnic" (today "Polytechnic in Jekaterynburg")
went on a climbing expedition. They started
the expedition from the town of Ivdiel, while
their goal was a mountain in Ural by local
Manses called the "Cholat Siahl" - what name can
be translated as the "Mountain of Dead People".
One of these participants soon turned back,
because he started to be troubled by the
rheumatic pains. Bodies of remaining 9 were
later found on the pass below the mountain,
spread along a trail of their panic night escape
from the tent in which they slept. To run out faster
from that tent, they cut it open in despair. The
reasons for their deaths turned out impossible
for determining, although all signs indicate that
they were killed by a UFO vehicle. This is because
their bodies were crushed, as if they were hit
by something very hard, massive and powerful -
similar to a fast flying UFO vehicle. Their dead
bodies had signs of being burned by some powerful
radiation - similar to the magnetic field and plasma
oozing from the propulsors of a UFO. In turn on
the snow, apart from their own footsteps, there
were NO any other traces of anything that could
chase, attack, and kill them. In addition, these
particular nights people saw UFO vehicles near
the "Mountain of Dead People". Until today on the
"Pass of Diatlov" on which they died, stands a
symbolic tombstone devoted to them.
That the team of Russians was "attacked" by a UFO
(which probably intended to abduct them onto the
deck) certifies also strongly another similar event
which took place around 1995 in the New Zealand
Tapanui Crater -
described on the web page named
In Tapanui also a team of investigators sleeping in
tents was "attacked" by UFOs, also all they panicked
and run for life, also UFOs chased them until they
reached nearby homes. Fortunately, in Tapanui no-one
was hit by a UFO nor killed.
In February 2011 descriptions of fates of these 9
Russians, and also their photographs, were available
in internet. In the original Russian language these
descriptions could be found at the address
(For example, photographs of the killed by UFO
participants of that expedition, taken during the
entire their trip, can be found under the address
In turn Polish-language descriptions of their
fate were available under the address
Independently from this note, tragic fate of that
team of Russians is also described briefly in
subsection UB3 from volume 16 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
Highly intriguing in the fate of that team is the
"warning" which tries to remind us that "in
your behaviour always mind the name of place
in which you stay". As this is explained in
e.g. item #C4 from the web page named
or in item #H4 of the web page named
for example "earthquakes" and "mudslides" are
lately troubling primarily inhabitants of these all
settlements which carry "holy names", such as
for example "Christchurch", but which do NOT
behave in a "holy" manner. In turn, in events
described here a team of mountaineers went
to the "Mountain of Dead People" and really
become "dead". Because on that "Mountain of Dead
People" similar cases of deaths repeated themselves
practically every now and again, local authorities
closed this mountain completely and at present
NO-ONE can visit it anymore.
UFO vehicles rather rarely destroy or kill in
an open manner. (However, on a noticeable
scale they do it from hiding - when it best serves
their goals and excellently illustrates their methods
of acting.) After all, UFOs are God's "simulations",
while God has to His disposal numerous more
"discreet" than UFOs methods of destroying and
killing these ones who try to obstruct accomplishing
His goals - for examples see abovementioned web pages
landslips.htm, or
The above event from the "Pass of Diatlov" is one
amongst rather very rare such well documented
cases of almost an open killing by UFOs. Another
similar event, about which I also know, was
an attack of a UFO vehicle on the small village
named "Saladare" in Ethiopia. That attack took
place at 11:30 on the morning of 7 August 1970.
The event lasted only about ten minutes, but during
this time a red glowing ball of a UFO vehicle, surrounded
with the highly destructive so-called "plasma saw",
swept over the village, destroying houses, knocking
down the stone walls of a bridge, uprooting trees,
and melting asphalt and metal cooking utensils.
That the destruction caused by this UFO vehicle,
had its origin in the magnetic whirl, is confirmed by
the fact that no fire was started in the environment
which was filled with flammable materials, and also
that all metals were molten. Description of this event
was presented in the book [4P2.7],
"Into the Unknown", Reader's Digest, Sydney,
1982, ISBN 0 909486 92 1, page 313. A summary
of that attack was also discussed in subsection
P2.7 from volume 14 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
Many religions pre-programmed their believers
into a blind belief that God only builds and only
does good deeds. (Only very sparse religions,
e.g. Hinduism, explain to their believers the
need for the existence of "God Destroyer" - who
by destroying and eliminating everything that is
old, makes place for a new.) For such people
that blindly believe in exclusively "good doing" activities of God,
there are difficulties with the acceptance, that
such God’s "simulations" as UFOnauts and
UFOs, also can destroy and kill. So for the
use of such people I am explaining here, that
God knows the future, and thus He knows
perfectly well which persons will act in the
future to the detriment of human race and
against God’s intentions. Thus, if there is a
need to spectacularly send someone to other
world for accomplishing various superior God's
goals, then God always selects just such individuals.
More information on this subject is provided
on a separate web page devoted to descriptions
of "why God tolerates pain and suffering" - named
Underground bases of UFOs in Poland
exist under the castle in
and under the hill called "Wzgórze Partyzantów" in
while in
New Zealand
they exist under the "Saddle Hill" near Dunedin.
Part #F:
Evidence which originates from palaeontology:
Evidence of human activities on the Earth left from times when there were no people yet on our planet:
A whole array of evidence for the operation
of humans on the Earth in times when the
humanity did NOT exist on our planet, was
found already. Below I am indicating only
these amongst such items of evidence,
which I managed to document so-far.
Here these are:
Imprints of human shoes. There are imprints
of "human" shoes 550 millions years old left by
UFOnauts when they seeded the first forms of
life on Earth (see Figure P31 in [1/4], or "Fig. 1"
on the web page on the secular view of
and on the web page about
Remains of human skeleton. In 2007 in a cave
from the north part of Spanish "Ataquerca Hills"
remains of a human skeleton were found (i.e.
jaw and tooth) that are already around a million
years old. This finding is described, amongst
others, in the article "Fossil find reveals humans
in Europe a million years ago" from page B2 of
the New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Saturday, March 29, 2008.
Remnants of previous
technical civilisation on Earth, which UFOnauts managed to destroy
in the same manner as presently they try to destroy our current
human civilisation:
We have also all this material evidence,
about which books of Erich von Däniken were written. The most
spectacular examples of this evidence, are huge megalithic structures
which exist on Earth until today, and with the construction of
which even the present advanced technology would have significant
difficulties. In order to provide here several examples of these,
they include: Egyptian and American pyramids, highland city of
Machu Picchu from Peru, Great Wall of the Incas from Bolivia,
and so-called "Wall at SANTA" from Santa in Northern Peru (South
America), gigantic stone heads from Negroid civilisation of
Olmecs from Mexican state of Veracruz and Tabasco and from
surrounding areas of Central America, Drawings on the highland
plate Nazca, carved mountain from Sri Lanka (so-called
"Citadel of Sigiriya"), city "Petra" from Jordan carved
entirely in solid rock, gigantic sculptures from the Easter
Island, etc., etc. This evidence is investigated by research
organization called the "Ancient Astronauts Society" that
strangely is forced by someone invisible to "work underground"
and on the private expense of its members (i.e. is forced to
further the progress on the same principles as I am forced
to do my research). Other evidence for the existence of
another highly advanced human civilisation on Earth, are
descriptions of flying machines "Vimanas" from ancient India
(examples of such flying machines are discussed in subsection
P5 from volume 13 of monograph [1/4]), descriptions of ancient
civilisation from Atlantis, which had machines controlled
with human thoughts, and also various archaeological findings
the technical level of which is equal or even higher than
the technical level of present civilisation on Earth (e.g.
see the principle of operation of the so-called
Zhang Heng seismograph,
which cannot be explained nor replicated by the present science
and technology on Earth.) This ancient material evidence clearly
indicates that before our present civilization, there was
already another human civilization even more advanced than
ours. Unfortunately UFOnauts managed to destroy it completely
around 12500 years ago, so that humanity needed to start again
from the very beginning, while UFOnauts could occupy and rob
us without obstructions for the next 12500 years.
It is worth to add here, that some remains of
this previous technical civilisation on the Earth
are presented and illustrated in item #D3 from
the totaliztic web page
eco_cars.htm - about "zero emission" cars of our future.
Human sculls cut out from whole crystals of quartz:
In item #D3 of the web page
telepathy.htm - about telepathy and devices which utilise telepathic waves
is shown and described so-called "telepathic
pyramid". This pyramid is a kind of telepathic
transmitter and receiver that works on intergalactic
distances. The technical description of it was
given to the humanity by our anonymous
allies from cosmos. The internal design and
electronic circuitry of this "telepathic pyramid"
quite precisely correspond to the design and
distribution of compartments in the Egyptian
pyramid of Cheops. This in turn suggests an
obvious conclusion, that probably all pyramids
that presently exist on the Earth are remains
after just such telepathic devices for interstellar
A key electronic component that is required for
constructing and for work of the "telepathic pyramid"
is an ellipsoidal quartz crystal. Thus if in fact all
pyramids on the Earth are remains of such
interstellar devices for telepathic transmission
and reception, then these ellipsoidal quartz crystals
should be found in interiors of pyramids. As it turns
out, really in several American pyramids in past
were found large quartz crystals that were artistically
carved into shapes of human sculls. Such "human
sculls" carved from whole quartz crystals today are
displayed in the museum in Paris, and also in the
British museum in London.
What even more interesting, these quartz crystals
artistically carved into shapes of human sculls are
clearly tuned to some telepathic wave of a specific
frequency. This is because we know that inside of
them strange phenomena take place which can be
interpreted, amongst others, as the resonation of
telepathic waves inside of these crystal sculls.
As this is explained in item #L1 of this web page,
in item #K3 of the web page
fe_cell.htm - about telekinetic cells,
and also in item #B3 of the web page
newzealand.htm - about mysteries and curiosities of New Zealand,
a noisy campaign targeted towards destruction
of the evidence for the hidden activities of UFOnauts
on the Earth is carried out on our planet for a
long time. An interesting manifestation of this
campaign which I encountered not long ago,
is that some anonymous "scientists" started
to attack just these crystal sculls from American
pyramids. These "scientists" claim that the sculls
for sure are "fabrications" and therefore should be
removed from museums and thrown to rubbish.
The argumentation which supposed to certify about
such a "fabrication" of these sculls is that in opinion
of these anonymous "scientists" the sculls could NOT
be prepared by ancient Indians, because these
Indians had no appropriate tools. The tools that
Indians had supposedly are unable to carve hard
quartz crystals. Thus these "scientists conclude,
that these sculls must be fabricated in 19-century
Europe. The article with the "scientific nonsense"
is published under the title "Scull's magic may be
only in movies" from page B4 of the newspaper
The New Zealand Herald,
issue dated on Monday, April 21, 2008.
For me personally is shocking the arrogance
with which some masked "scientists" tell increasingly
bigger lies to naive humans - like these ones
about the "fabrication" of quartz sculls from
American pyramids in 19-century Europe. After
all, when using a similar argument about the "lack
of required tools" the same "scientists" should also
claim that the famous gigantic drawings from the highland
plate in Nazca should be "fabricated" in the Europe
as well, because ancient Indians had no airplanes
from which they could see what they are drawing.
Following the same erroneous line of thinking,
also the majority of ancient walls from both Americas
should be a futuristic "fabrication" of Europeans,
because even present people have no required
tools to cut huge stones into such complicated
shapes and then fit these stones together with
such enormous precision. Unfortunately for these
masked "scientists", the drawings from Nazca
and walls from both Americas so-far is difficult
to announce "fabrications". After all almost everyone
knows that these existed a long time before
Europeans come to Americas. However, in
face of growing arrogance of these supposed
human "scientists" we have no guarantee what
else they are going to claim to be "fabrications"
in a near future.
Part #G:
Evidence which originates from history:
Ancient mythology and the existence of ancient "gods":
In addition, we have a branch of ancient
verbal history, which for diverting our attention from the
merit of it, many close-minded scholars call "mythology".
(Of course, one needs to ask question, whether these
are really close-minded "scholars", or perhaps rather
are "changelings" and intellectual saboteurs from UFOs,
who only pretend to be our scholars.) This verbal history
also describes various ancient "gods" that used to be
extremely hostile towards people. All attributes of these
gods correspond to characteristics of present UFOnauts.
Examples of descriptions of behaviours of these "gods"
from the area of present India in times before the previous
advanced human civilisation was destroyed on Earth
around 12500 years ago, are described in subsection
P5 from volume 13 of monograph [1/4].
There is an
interesting aspect of ancient mythologies, which confirms
their factual character of the verbal history which reports
precisely the knowledge about ancient equivalents of present
UFOnauts. This aspect is the fact that two separate mythologies,
namely these describing Greek and Roman gods,
report to us exactly the same
"organisational structure" of their gods, and the existence
of exactly the same jobs (professions) in the hierarchy of gods
that used to control humanity at that time. Only names of subsequent
gods were different in these two religions. Various close-minded
academics insist on telling us that this identity of the "organisational
structure" of Roman and Greek gods results from the fact that
Romans supposedly "copied" their gods from Greeks. But these academics
ignore the commonly known fact, that at times when Romans were
forming their knowledge of gods, they did not have any contacts
with Greeks (nor vice versa). In turn, if one considers the matter
rationally, both these ancient mythologies report the same
organisational structure of the "headquarters", or the
"occupational government", of UFOnauts
on Earth, who were send down to Earth in order to occupy
and to rule over it. After all, this ancient "headquarters" or
"occupational government", similarly like present governmental
institutions, or embassies of different countries, had a strictly
defined organisational structure. On the top of it, the chief governor,
ambassador, or head of some sort needed to be posted,
who ruled over Earth with his wife and sometimes also with his daughter.
In times of ancient Rome this chief governor was someone named
Jupiter, who ruled over the Earth with his wife Juno and daughter
Minerva. In turn during times of ancient Greece, this head was
Zeus, who ruled with his wife Hera and daughter Athena. What
even more interesting, the governor named Zeus was also
reported by ancient Indians, because in Indian Sanskrit exists
a chief god named Dyaus - whose name is simply a different
writing of the same sounding name Zeus. To assist the governor
in this ruling over Earth, he
had engineers, climatologists, genetic engineers, communication
officers, pilots, translators, etc. - similarly like for UFOnauts we
observe it now on UFO vehicles, while for people we observe
it now in present embassies. Interesting, that amongst these
ancient gods a special position existed of like an "engineer
responsible for undergrounds". In ancient Rome it was occupied
by Vulcan, while in ancient Greek it was assigned to Hephaistos.
The existence of this position certifies, that already in these
ancient times UFOnauts placed enormous attention to the
hiding of their vehicles from people in underground bases
evaporated by their vehicles, such as UFO bases discussed on
web pages
26th day, or
Of course, as time elapsed, UFOnauts who
occupied subsequent positions in this occupational government
of Earth were exchanged for others, although the organisational
structure remained almost unchanged. This is why names of
subsequent Roman and Greek gods are different, although their
organisational structure remains the same in both "mythologies".
In turn this identity of organisational structure in both "mythologies"
is additional conformation that in fact these "mythologies" one needs
to take NOT as folklore stories, but as a precise verbal report about
organisation of ancient UFOnauts that occupied and exploited our
What is even more interesting, ancient mythologies
of Greeks and Romans confirm also the conclusion
deduced in item #C1 of the web page
It states that Earth is a dumping place where the civilisation
of UFOnauts disposes own murderers, criminals, perverts, degenerates,
psychopaths, dangerous mentally ill, etc., whom are unwanted on their
own planet. The reason is that ancient mythologies much more
clearly than present UFO research disclose the true character and
lifestyle of UFOnauts. Thus they disclose, that these UFOnauts are
blood thirsty psychopaths who enjoy murdering, raping and robbing
humans. Especially interesting is that many ancient Goddesses,
including Hera and Juno, were not getting pregnant with humans
in spite that they copulated with every hansom man who crossed
their paths (although many of them had adult children from previous
times). It looks like female UFOnauts send to Earth are sterilised
on purpose in a similar manner as in some mental hospitals on
Earth sterilised are mentally ill females. (So these Goddesses had
only children whom they conceived before the sterilisation and
before ousting to Earth - means impregnated before on their planet
it was discovered that these Goddesses are mentally ill.)
Part #H:
Evidence which originates from religions:
The existence of religious "devils":
Furthermore, we have enormous religious
evidence for the existence of "devils" trying to destroy humanity -
which (the evidence) must originate from something or from someone.
The shocking aspect about this "devils" is that their anatomy, appearance,
capabilities, activities, and also their behaviour, correspond exactly to
what presently we know about
In fact, subsection V9.1 from volume 16 of
monograph [1/4] publishes a formal scientific
proof, that "religious devils are present UFOnauts".
Photographs of "devils" are shown in "Fig. #4"
from the totaliztic web page
sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm - about the church of St. Andrea Bobola in Milicz,
and in "Fig. #7" from the totaliztic web page
malbork_uk.htm - about mysteries and curiosities of the Malbork Castle.
Part #I:
Scientific evidence in support of the continuous presence and activities of
UFOnauts on Earth:
An entire discipline of UFOlogy:
We have also on Earth an entire
discipline of UFOlogy which could not eventuate if there is no
such thing as the existence and operation of UFOnauts on
our planet. Many problems of present UFOlogy is addressed
(in Polish) on the
blog of totalizm.
Activities of UFOnauts in space around Earth and on planets other than Earth:
Part #J:
Outcomes of evil activities of UFOnauts on
Earth, the characteristics of which disclose
the use of advanced alien technology:
Outcomes of continuous sabotages carried out by UFOnauts on Earth:
To this kind of evidence belong, amongst others, facts regarding
the bombing of the London metro by changelings from UFOs,
(this evidence is described on this web page), evidence for
the fact that e.g.
skyscrapers in New York were evaporated by a UFO vehicle,
or evidence that the space shuttle
was downed by UFOs.
Effects of generating by UFOnauts various disasters that torment people:
To this category of evidence belong, amongst others, findings
described on the web page on hurricanes, typhoons, and
which reveal that many hurricanes and practically all tornados
on Earth are technologically induced by UFO vehicles, evidence
for the fact that e.g. the murderous tsunami of
26th December 2004
was intentionally induced by UFOnauts, or the evidence that in
1178 around the township of
in New Zealand a UFO vehicle was intentionally exploded in order
to bring to Earth the darkness of medieval period.
Systematic murdering of rational UFO researchers:
One does not need
to be a genius to notice, that whenever appears on Earth some
rational researcher, who intends to find out the truth about UFOs,
then this researcher is murdered very fast in a well camouflaged
manner. In this manner on 9 January 1996 Dr Karla Turner was
murdered (by inducing in her a malignant cancer). Also in this
manner on 27 September 2004 murdered was mentioned already
on this web page Professor John Edward Mack, M.D. (October 4,
1929 - Sep 27, 2004), the professor of psychiatrics on Harvard
(USA) and the Pulitzer prize winner (UFOnauts caused that he
was hit by a silver Peugeot 306, which was apparently driven by
a drank driver - which is very easy to be manipulated telepathically).
A long list of rational UFO researchers killed by UFOnauts is
published in subsection W4 from volume 18 of
monograph [1/5].
Even a longer list of UFO researchers systematically murdered
by UFOnauts is presented on the web page (in English)
Controlling the views of society:
It is not difficult to notice, that views of the
society are controlled in various ways, so that people do not realise
the tragic situation in which they are. In order to notice this control
one needs to realise that the existence of such overwhelming
body of evidence for the existence of UFOs and for a secretive
occupation of Earth by UFOnauts, as the evidence listed in this
item, does NOT suffice to be noticed by people. Furthermore,
there are also cases of even more direct evidence for this control
of views. Examples of these are relatively frequent cases when
UFOnauts induce murderous panics, similar to the "stampede"
from Baghdad on 31 August 2005, discussed near the beginning
of this web page. The point is that if UFOnauts are able to induce
telepathically a panic and stampede, they are also able to change
views with the same tools.
Blocking of progress of morality and blocking of development of religions on Earth:
Another kind of evidence for the occupation of Earth by morally degenerated
UFOnauts, is the fact of continuous blocking on Earth the improvements
of religions, the progress of knowledge on God, and the moral development
of people. If this blocking is not imposed, it would NOT be possible that e.g.
proverbs from Roman times are still valid until today, while our main
religions were NOT improved for the last 2000 years. It would not also
be possible that practically every cult on Earth is deviated and commits
various monstrous crimes, while public prayers in recent times finish
with lost court cases undertaken against these people who organise
such prayers (see the article "Costly fight in the name of Jesus" from
page B2 of the issue of New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post
dated on Tuesday, August 16, 2005). Also there could NOT be these
continuous attacks on the moral and peaceful
which did nothing wrong to anyone.
Suffocating the world's economy:
Even if we assume that our economists
do not know what they are doing, still just by accident and ordinary
probability around a half of their decisions should be correct.
But if we assume that they know what they are doing, then our
economy on Earth should constantly improve. However, the
reality is such, that since around 1970s the economic situation on
Earth very fast and systematically worsens. Keeping jobs and
income becomes ever increasingly difficult. The number of
unemployed is constantly growing. The uncertainty of the future
increases. People are more and more in debt and more
and more exploited. Such a situation simply would not be possible
if our planet is NOT secretly occupied by evil creatures of some
sort, which are very interested in maintaining people in continuous
slavery and fear, and which disallows people to work for the good
of entire civilisation. For the fact that behind economic events
in fact hide invisible oppressors of humanity, the most clearly
is indicated by my own fate overfilled with continuous losses of
jobs, and with systematic depriving me possibility to carry out
my research on subjects that interest me and that serve for
the good of humanity (e.g. in New Zealand I was dismissed from
job by three subsequent employers in a row). This my fate is
relatively well described on two web pages, namely on pages
about me, and
my job search.
Systematic blocking of new inventions on Earth
and murdering or persecuting inventors:
The simulation of UFOnauts who are portraid
as if they occupy our civilisation, are very
concerned that the humanity develops technically
too fast. So in order to block our technical
development, a situation is created as if these
UFOnauts resort to a whole range of diabolic
tricks. Examples of these tricks include: systematic
murdering of creative people on the Earth,
forcing humanity that all breakthrough inventions
must be invented several times before they
can be disseminated amongst people, "locking"
most important inventions and disallowing these
to get into mass production, and many more.
The mysterious phenomenon of such blocking
the progress of the humanity, called the "curse
of inventors" is discussed on several totaliztic
web pages, for example in item #G1 of the web page
in item #K3 of the web page
and on the entire web page about
Aleksander Możajski and
New Zealand.
The meaning of this blocking is shocking - the
civilisation which is NOT occupied in a secretive
manner (as it happens to us) has no rights to
persecute its most creative people on so many
devilish ways.
Part #K:
Evidence of our repetitive abductions to UFOs
which is detectable on our own bodies and in
our homes:
To this group belong e.g.: scars
from UFO implants that in majority of us are well visible on the side
of our leg (a photograph and description of such a scar is shown
on the first Figure from the web page
the implant in our head near the left temple, which sometimes we can feel
as prickling or movements in our brain (this implant is described
in subsection U3.2 from volume 15 of monograph [1/4]), blue bruises
on our body left after our night abductions to UFOs (these are described
in subsection U3.3 from volume 15 of monograph [1/4]), evidence of
our rapes on UFO decks (these are described in subsection U3.7.1
from volume 15 of monograph [1/4]), and many more. In turn the
description of various evidence of repetitive presence of invisible
UFO vehicles in our homes is presented in subsections U3.6 and
U3.8 from volume 15 of monograph [1/4] (including into this the
evidence of "super-slipperiness" discussed also on this web page,
which frequently appears in our homes although usually is unnoticed.)
from identification implants, present on legs of all of us:
A photograph of just such a scar, together
with a brief description of it, is provided
on a first photograph from the separate
web page about
In turn the comprehensive description of
the identification implant which causes
this scar to appear when it is inserted
into the shine bone of every inhabitant
of the Earth, is presented in subsection
V3.1 from volume 15 of
monograph [1/4].
Part #L:
How UFOnauts hide from people their intense interfering into matters of Earth:
If one knows what should take notice of -
as this is revealed in previous parts of this
web page, then evidence of continuous and
highly destructive activities of UFOnauts on
Earth is visible literally everywhere. The shocking
for people who know about this huge ocean
of evidence that certifies for the continuous
interference of evil UFOnauts into matters
of Earth, is how it is possible that the majority
of people and scientists do not notice this
evidence, nor do not wish to know about it.
As it turns out, in order to accomplish just
such a silencing effect, UFOnauts use on
Earth a whole array of their cunning tricks
and advanced technical devices. This part
of the web page tries to present at least the
most vital of them.
use the authority of the Earth's science
for authentic photographs of UFOs
announce to be "fakes":
"Swines are not called swines because they never had opportunity to see pearls, but because of what they do to these pearls when they encounter them."
One area, where the orthodox science
commits excessively many cardinal
errors, are scientific judgements of
the authenticity of UFO photographs.
According to these judgements, all
UFO photographs subjected so-far
to such research, were announced
by someone to be "fakes". If with a
similar enthusiasm our orthodox science
would put down also all other evidence,
then probably we would still live in
darkness of medieval age, because
no progress could be made for many
centuries. Let us now consider an actual
case of such "scientific" analysis of an
authentic UFO photograph, which analysis
against the logic and sense of proportion
qualified this photograph to a "fake"
on the basis of premises which actually
confirm this photograph to be authentic.
This is easy to deduct theoretically, and also it
is confirmed by numerous empirical sigtings,
that magnetic field of a UFO interferes very
strongly with electromagnetic radiation. The
elaboration on this interference is provided
in several subsections of monograph
[1/4] - "Advanced magnetic devices" -
e.g. see there subsections F10.3 and P2.10
from volumes correspondingly 3 and 13.
An intentional overlooking this fact in analyses
of UFO photographs, in many cases provided
an excuse to qualify as "fakes" these UFO
photographs which in reality are conclusively
authentic. Such a case is shown in "Fig. #L1ab"
below. It originates from page 208 of the book
[7P2] Allan Hendry (Foreword by J. Allen
Hynek): "The UFO Handbook", Sphere Books
Limited, London, England, 1980. Figure
"Fig. #L1a" below shows the outcome of
an analysis of the authentic UFO photograph
(in the original version shown in "Fig. #L1b"),
on which a computer analysis called "digital
image enhancement" revealed a form which
resembles a thick "rope" that runs upward
from the centre of the UFO vehicle being
photographed. However, theories described
in volume 3 of monograph
[1/4] - "Advanced magnetic devices"
reveal, that this thick "rope" in reality is light
intercepted by the "central magnetic circuit"
of this UFO. (This "central magnetic circuit"
of a UFO is shown on "Fig. #L1c" below,
which illustrates force-lines of highly concentrated
magnetic field of this UFO spreading upwards
from the main propulsor of that space vehicle.)
This invisible for human eyes circuit of
highly-concentrated magnetic field yielded from
the main propulsor of this UFO, must fulfil the
following conditions that results from theories
presented in monograph [1/4]: (1) it must be
located exactly in the area shown on this
photograph (i.e. in the very centre of the
UFO vehicle), (2) it must take dimensional
proportions exactly as shown on the analysed
photograph (this is because of dimensions
of the so-called "twin-chamber capsule" from
the main propulsor of this UFO - see data
from Table F1 in [1/4]), and (3) the interference
of this column of magnetic field with light
should make an impression that it has a
shape of the column with square cross-section -
and actually on the photograph discussed
here the square outline of this column of
magnetic field is clearly visible. (Please notice
what kind of a hoaxer would hang his or her
false UFO on a rope the thickness of which
reaches almost 1/8, or 12.5%, of the outer
diameter of the photographed UFO vehicle.)
Furthermore, the same computer picture
reveals also edges of the "topside alignment
cone" and "complementary flange" that are
visible on the upper surface of the UFO vehicle.
These edges are unique and very characteristic
for a UFO type K7 - see also "Fig. #C1" above.
But so-called hoaxers would not have a way to
learn about the existence of these edges on
this particular type of UFO. Thus, the presence
of these edges on the photograph additionally
confirms the authenticity of the above photograph.
Therefore, actually all additional attributes of the
vehicle photographed, that are invisible on the
original photograph and that were revealed only
after the computer enhancement technique
discussed here was applied to this photograph,
actually confirm (not deny), the authenticity of
this photograph. But it does not stop "scientists"
who carried out the analyses of this photograph
to treat it in the manner contradictive to the logic,
and to qualify it as a "hoax". This in turn gives
us the right to draw the painful conclusion, that
the value of all computer analyses of UFO
photographs carried out so-far, is at lest doubtful,
if not completely useless. Therefore, the
revision of verdicts should be carried out for
the entire spectrum of UFO photographs
sentenced by orthodox scientists in this
shabby manner. Furthermore, it should
be also remembered, that these scientists,
and also scientific institutions in which these
scientists carried out their highly unjust verdicts,
have now a moral obligation to say sorry to the
authors of photographs affected by these unjust
verdicts, and also to repay authors of photographs
appropriate compensations for social suffering
and persecution that were served because
of such unjust verdicts. After all, if any
officially paid court gives an unjust verdict,
which later is invalidated above any doubt,
the affected person receives a compensation
and official apologies. Scientists do not have
a moral right to be exempted from such moral
responsibility for hurtful outcomes of unjust
verdicts that they were paid to make, and
that then were used as legal basis for official
condemnation procedures. Rather opposite,
they should be treated equally, as they represent
institutions of the highest knowledge on our
planet and they draw hefty salaries for their
#L1b (middle)
Fig. #L1abc: Here is an example which illustrates
how the authentic photograph of a UFO vehicle is
announced by scientists to be a "hoax". Thus the
example reveals also how wrong can be conclusions
from "scientific" analyses of UFO photographs, carried
out by scientists who have no clue about the subject
that they authoritatively deny. Originally the above
photograph is show on "Fig. P28" from volume 13 of monograph
[1/4] - "Advanced magnetic devices".
(Click on the selected amongst above photographs
in order to see it enlarged.)
The above photographs illustrate how genuine
photographs of a UFO type K7 are claimed by
scientists to be hoaxes, only because the computer
technique of "digital image enhancement" revealed
a form that resembles a thick vertical "rope" running
above the centre of the UFO. The deductions from
item #L1 above (as well as from subsection P2.10
of [1/4]) indicate, however, that this thick "rope" is in
fact an effect of the light being dissipated by the
"central magnetic circuit" of this UFO. This invisible
circuit of the highly-concentrated magnetic field
yielded from the vehicle's main Oscillatory Chamber:
(1) must be positioned exactly in the indicated place,
(2) should take the presented proportions of dimensions,
and (3) its interaction with light should produce the
impression of a rectangular column - in fact appearing
on the image (hoaxers would not use a rectangular
rope of the dimensional proportions shown above!).
Moreover, the same computer image also revealed
edges of the "topside alignment cone" and the
"complementary flange" visible at the upper side
of the vehicle. These edges are distinguishable
features for the UFO type K7 - see "Fig. #C1"
above. But the so called hoaxers could not
possibly have known about them. Therefore,
the edges additionally testify to the authenticity
of this photograph.
Fig. #L1a (left):
A computer image of the UFO obtained from
the authentic photograph of a UFO (shown in
part "b"), produced with the use of the "digital
image enhancement" technique and published
on page 208 of the book [7P2] by Allan
Hendry (Foreword by J. Allen Hynek ):
"The UFO Handbook", Sphere Books Limited,
London, England, 1980. This computer image
is claimed to be the "undisputed proof" that the
authentic UFO photograph discussed here is
a hoax. No UFO investigator to date has had
the courage to argue with such "scientific evidence"
and to provide a fair interpretation of this authentic
UFO image. It is also worth to remember, that
in a very similar manner in the name of science
hundreds of other authentic photographs of
UFOs were "burned on a stake". Of course,
immediate a question erases "whose interests
serves" this kind of scientific inquisition and
what are motivations of people that carry it out.
After all, there is no doubt that it shifts back the
development of our civilisation and extends the
unpunished exploitation of the humanity by evil aliens.
Fig. #L1b (middle):
An original photograph of the K7 type UFO, taken
by an anonymous photographer calling himself
"N.N." on 1 June 1966 over San Jose de Valderas,
Spain - see page 161 of the book [1P2] by Adolf
Schneider and Hubert Malthaner: "Das Geheimnis
der unbeakannten Flugobjekte" (means: "The
secret of the unidentified flying objects"). Hermann
Bauer Verlag KG - Freiburg im Breisgau, West
Germany, 1976, ISBN 3 7626 0197 6. It is one
of a series of photographs of the same UFO
vehicle taken by two independent photographers,
namely by "Antonio Pardo" and by this "N.N." -
example of photographs of both these photographers
were shown before in "Fig. #C1". It was this original
photograph from part (b) that was subjected to the
"scientific" analysis that led to the supposed "proof
of hoaxing" from part (a).
Fig. #L1c (right):
The course of so-called "magnetic circuits" in
a UFO vehicle type K6. These "magnetic circuits"
are simply strands of super-powerful magnetic
field which intercepts and bends light thus forming
the effect of so-called "magnetic lens" described
in subsection F10.3.1 from volume 3 monograph
[1/4] - "Advanced magnetic devices"
(disseminated free of charge via this web page).
It is this thick strand of super-powerful magnetic field
yielded to the environment from the main propulsor
of the UFO shown in photographs from parts "a"
and "b", that was declared by some under-educated
"scientist" to be a thick square "rope" on which
supposedly was hanging the "fabrication" used
for claimed "hoaxing" of this photograph.
It is worth to notice here, that these magnetic
circuits that intercept the light and that are formed
in the centre of the UFO by the main propulsor,
in case of being viewed from the inside of a
UFO vehicle they look as a "tree". In fact in the
UFO vehicle of the K7 type called "Eden" - which
brought to the Earth Adam and Eve, these "tree-like
magnetic circuits" grow vertically in the centre
of the vehicle, were called the tree of life.
In more important Christian Basilicas these
circuits are symbolised until today by black,
swirled, vertical, columns which support the
baldachin in the so-called "confession".
(What this "confession" is, it is explained
in item #16 of the web page
wroclaw_uk.htm - about curiosities and puzzles of the city of Wrocław,
and also in item #17 of the web page
milicz_uk.htm - about curiosities and puzzles of the town Milicz.
One can see these "confessions" e.g. in the
Basilica of St. Peters in Vatican, as well as in
several Basilicas from Poland, e.g. from
Gniezno, Kraków (so-called "Kościół Mariacki"),
and Święta Lipka - for the description of this last
one see item #C6.1 on the totaliztic web page
timevehicle.htm - about time, time travel, and time vehicles.)
The evidence in support that the biblical "Eden"
in fact was a UFO vehicle type K7, is presented
in subsection P6.1 from volume13 of monograph
[1/4] - "Advanced magnetic devices"
(disseminated free of charge via this web page).
with the use of various "tricks" combined with
loud accusations, scare authors of authentic
UFO photographs from publishing their photos:
Masked UFOnauts that secretly operate on
the Earth after impersonating human scientists
use also various "tricks" to scare authors of
authentic photographs of UFOs for publishing
these photos. Examples of such "tricks" are
described on the totaliztic web page
memorial.htm - about the history of a "trick" of UFOnauts with pillars of light generated by UFOs.
Most frequently they resort to various ways
of the public humiliation of the authors of
authentic photographs of UFOs through
insinuating somehow that these authentic
photographs of UFOs are supposedly
Science - or rather a "smoke screen":
"In science it is extremely difficult to distinguish
a true eagle from a stuffed eagle. But if something
holds back the progress and discourages research -
then most probably it is just such a stuffed one, not a real one."
UFOnauts look exactly like people do. After
all they are our closest
cosmic relatives.
This in turn allows them to infiltrate humanity
with their agents, who mix with the crowd
and who help these cosmic oppressors to
secretly exploit people for many thousands
of years already. On a separate web page
completely devoted to their description,
these agents of UFOnauts are called
As this stems from my estimates presented
in subsection V3.1.1 from volume 15 of
monograph [1/4]
(which - estimates are based on the scars
from identification implants inserted by
UFOnauts into the shine bone of every
person on Earth), a huge number of
these UFOnauts-changelings operate
on our planet. All data indicate that
one of them operates amongst every
less than 100 people. These changelings
can be found in practically all key
positions on Earth. So we should NOT be
surprised, that many of them impersonate
Earthly scientists. A trick which they
implement after they join the scientific
community, is to invent various scientifically
sounding fables with unambiguously defined
goals. Namely, these scientifically sounding
fables are aimed either at hiding the
continuous activities of UFOnauts on
Earth, or are to discourage human
scientists to carry out research in directions
which UFOnauts consider to be dangerous
for their occupational interests on Earth.
So in fact products of activities of these
changelings who impersonate human
scientists, are not representing fruits
of science, but a kind of "smoke screen"
or a kind of breaks that hold back our
progress. Let us have a look here at
several most known examples of just
such "smoke screens" created by
these UFOnauts-changelings.
A very successful "trick" of the "smoke screen"
type, accomplished by these UFOnauts-changelings,
which significantly contributed to a huge
number of atrocities that are committed
every day on people by UFOnauts who
secretly occupy our planet, are so-called
"Murphy's laws".
Before an UFOnaut-changeling dropped
onto the idea of insinuating to people that
such Murphy's Laws in fact do exist, every
atrocity committed on humans by UFOnauts
was called by our ancestors exactly with
the correct name - namely that it was an
action of "devils". (As this is explained
more comprehensively on some web
sites, e.g. on the web site about
"devils" is an old name for evil creatures which
presently are called "UFOnauts".) For example,
if something rapidly disappeared in spite that
only a moment earlier the owner put it down
in a well known place, in past people were
describing this with a saying disappeared
as if a devil covered it with its tail. In
turn today, when such a situation takes place,
we are saying, "o, just a Murphy's law is at work".
But in spite that we all believe so intensely
in the existence of these "Murphy's Laws",
in fact neither the existence nor the operation
of these laws can be confirmed in a scientific
manner. So these laws do exist, or not?
Why we refer to them, if it is impossible to
prove scientifically, that they in fact do exist?
After all, e.g. in case of UFOs, people
avoid the use of the word UFO supposedly
just because they believe that the existence
of UFOs was NOT confirmed formally. (It
actually is untrue, as in 1981 a formal scientific
proof for the existence of UFOs was published.
This proof was repeated in subsection P2 from
volume 13 of
monograph [1/4].
The brief discussion of this proof is provided
on several web pages of
e.g. in item #A1 of this web page, or in item
#C2 of the web page about
time vehicles.)
The fact that the existence and operation of
these supposed "Murphy's Laws" cannot be
proven scientifically, but simultaneously
thousands of people every day are affected
by their "operation", is very meaningful.
After all, from the everyday life we know
that in every case where something is
taking place, but it turns out to be extremely
difficult to prove, always a mischievous
intelligence hides behind it. For example,
all cases of cunning stealing and cheating,
carry just such attributes. Expressing this
in other words, the fact that the existence
of supposed "Murphy's Laws" cannot be
proven scientifically although many people
are persecuted by them, means that behind
them someone's mischievous, although
invisible, intelligence is hiding. But if
one analyses what this intelligence is,
then there are only three possibilities to
choose from. Namely, these are either
other people, or God, or UFOnauts. The
nature of operation of supposed "Murphy's
Laws" automatically eliminates other people
from a suspicion that these are their actions.
When God is concerned, the action of these
laws is too negative and too one-sided for
Him. So the only intelligence which can hide
behind these laws are UFOnauts. The fact
that Murphy's Laws are simulated by UFOnauts
is actually confirmed by the track record of
UFOnauts. Namely, we already know jolly
well, that UFOnauts always use all resources
available to them trying to make impossible
to people to gain any evidence of the
existence and continuous operation of
UFOnauts on Earth, that would be convincing
for everyone.
When one analyses these supposed "Murphy's
Laws", then it turns out that their operation
perfectly hides inborn mischievous behaviour
of UFOnauts. As it is explained in item #A2
of the web page about
bandits amongst us,
and also in item #C9 of the web page about
time vehicles,
UFOnauts are extremely evil. In fact the depth
of their evilness and inner deviation cannot be
compared to anything that we know from the
Earth. In addition to being so evil, UFOnauts
have in their disposal extremely advanced
technology. After all, their civilization is already
around 500 millions years older than ours.
For example, they have devices which allow
them becoming invisible to human sight, and
which also allow them to fly in the air like
birds, or to pass through walls and furniture -
as if these are made of a liquid not of a solid
mater. These devices of UFOnauts are
described under the title "state of telekinetic
flickering" in item #C1 of the web page about the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
UFOnauts also are able to e.g. slow down the
speed of
elapse of time
at every their wish. So when such an invisible
for our sight UFOnaut is present in our flat,
and he notices that we e.g. just dropped down
something heavy, then only from his inner
need to harm and to cause a pain, he will
slow down the elapse of time and so
change the trajectory of the falling object
that the impact of this object is going to
cause the destruction of something that
is most precious for us. In turn us, in our
naive outlook, and in the lack of knowledge
about the need to cause pain which UFOnauts
feel all the time, are going to claim that
"Murphy's Laws" just acted upon us. After
all, one such a law states that "dropped tool
always falls where it causes the most damage".
In a similar manner these invisible UFOnauts
for a simple need to satisfy their thirst to
cause pain, are going to hide from us
whatever we just need the most, or will spoil
our computer when we need it badly, or will
cut us from the internet connection when
we are just receiving an important email.
In item #A4.1 of a separate we page about
Wszewilki of tomorrow
I described how in my own case, whenever
I need to be physically fit, or whenever I have
a lot of work to do, UFOnauts always keep
abducting me at night and then they cut my
fingernail in two - so that it induces severe
pain when I type something on a keyboard.
Or they infect me at night with an illness -
when I should present myself somewhere
healthy and full of energy. Or they pull a
disk from my spine cord - when I supposed
to carry something heavy. Or they hit strongly
my foot - when I supposed to walk a lot. Or
they shoot some crystals under the skin of
my face, which causes a wound to last for
months - when I supposed to look hansom.
Or they pull out at night my tooth filling - when
I am in a new city and still have no access
to a dentist. They always do such things to
me when I sleep - around 3 am, so that I go
to bed healthy, and woke up ill, bitten, and
in severe pain. Of course, in my case, I already
know that all these are damages inflicted
on purpose by UFOnauts. So I do not
recognize actions of supposed
"Murphy's Laws", and I send my
for all these atrocities to a correct address.
But other people still believe that similar
cases and events affect them because of
the action of these supposed "Murphy's Laws".
So these laws perfectly fulfill their role of
a "smoke screen" which is imposed by
UFOnauts, so that they can hide behind
them all mischievous behaviours and atrocities.
Please notice that "Murphy's Laws" are NOT
the only kind of a "smoke screen" and the
"breaks for a progress" which UFOnauts
introduced on purpose into the human
science. Other ideas with similar functions include
"Occam's razor" -
which effectively holds back, amongst others,
the scientific research on subjects of UFOs,
souls, devils, angels, etc.. To the same category
belongs also the
"theory of relativity" -
which successfully blocks new research in
directions encompassed currently by the
scientific theory called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
An extremely destructive for humanity is
also the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
After all, it is skillfully utilized by UFOnauts
who impersonate administrators of science
to effectively block on Earth the development
of so-called
telekinetic generators of free energy,
such as e.g.
telekinetic cells.
In the area of engineering we also have a similar
situation. For example UFOnauts introduced there
various "blocking technologies". One example of
these can be the present technology based on radio
waves - which effectively blocks the development
on Earth of technologies based on telepathic
waves described more comprehensively at the
web page about
Another example of such a break for the progress
is the technology of inertial seismographs -
which is used by UFOnauts to skillfully block
the research on a development of telepathic
devices for the detection of impending
earthquakes, similar to the famous
Zhang Heng seismograph.
Of course, what I indicated here is just a small
droplet in a huge ocean of cases of intentional
pushing humanity down, misleading, confusing,
etc. Actually descriptions of other similar cases
are overflowing practically every book concerning
the fate of inventions - as I described this more
comprehensively in item #11 of the web page
fe_cell.htm - about telekinetic cells,
devoted to the explanation of the so-called
"curse of inventors".
Part #M:
The ending and conclusions, plus organisational
and legal matters of this web page:
Of course we can - but is it wise:
"The fact that in present times people
can apparently get unpunished when
they spit on
on rational
researchers, on builders of
telekinetic generators of free energy,
or on adherers of the philosophy of
does NOT mean at all, that someone's
joining such an organised manifestation
of spitting is wise or moral. After all, no
one really knows what mechanisms and
consequences this spitting may trigger
one day. And we need to remember that
life demonstrates to us continually how
improper behaviour is always punished
severely in the final count. Only that the
life always serves punishments for wrong
behaviour without explainations attached,
so the unwise punished person does not
really know what is hitting him, and why."
As it is explained on web pages
humanity.htm - about a better humanity and
partia_totalizmu_uk.htm - about the party of totalizm,
in our everyday life we are surrounded with
increasingly tight ring of limitations and bans.
Do not deposit chuming gum on street because
you are going to pay a fine, do not cross a
street outside of pedestrian crossing because
you are going to be hit by a car, do not
criticise your government because agents
of it will somehow persecute you, do
not photograph because you will be
accused of spying, do not inform because
you break the Privacy of Information Act,
do not forget to fasten belts in your car because
in case of an accident you do not get insurance,
etc., etc. In the result, the venting of increasing
frustration is done by many people in areas
where their experience taught them that
they are not going to be immediately arrested,
bitten, imprisoned, fined, made redundant
from jobs, etc. In this way for example many
frustrated although thoughtless people make
the use of hue and cry of orthodox scientists
So they begin to behave as if it is absolutely
sure that God does NOT exist. Or they allow
to be misled by official claims of
that UFOnauts do not exist, while all reports on
UFOs are simply creations of imagination of
alcoholics and drug users. Or they are impressed
with sarcasm of loud condemnation of totalizm by
agents of dark forces
and they join the choir of condemners of this
moral philosophy - in spite that they know nothing
about it. Or they conveniently forget that Biblical
texts were written in conspiracy when
agents of cosmic occupants of the Earth
watched hands of writers. So such frustrated people
begin to condemn the Bible for supposed inconsistencies
or ambiguity of the texts. Of course, all these things
people can do. This is why
gave them the so-called "free will". So they can
support with their actions the misleading reassurances
of orthodox scientists that God does NOT exist.
They can also join histeric condemnations of
reliable UFO research. They can scoff at totalizm
as much they wish, and practice
if they desire so. They can also consider the Bible
to be just a book of fables of ancient people. But the
question which it is worth to ask is "whether it is wise
to act that way". After all, the fact that something
can be done, does NOT mean that we get away without
a punishment for doing it. After all, what happens
if a given activity has a punishment written permanently
into it, about which no-one wished to loudly warn us
earlier. Or, if one supports with vigorous action a matter
which actually is going to have a catastrophic consequences
to the doer and to all other people. On the other hand,
every area being spitted at by frustrated people, as
described above, in fact does contain a true potential
for bringing a serious punishment to a spitting person,
or for causing a catastrophe which is to hit this person
in a manner that he will not even know what hits him.
Let us consider here for example the matter of
present turning by people their back sides to
God. After all, none of these people who turn
their back sides to God has any
specific evidence that God in fact does NOT
exist. Rather opposite, numerous evidence
and scientific proofs confirm the existence of
God - as an example see descriptions from
the web page about the
universal intellect (God).
In turn, if God does exist, while people behave
immorally as if He does NOT exist and as if he
did not established any
moral laws,
then really is anyone so unwise to believe
that such a behaviour gets unpunished. After
all this God continually tests us - amongst others
to document for us how immoral we really are.
All this until a time. One day God will have already
an exact illustrative documentation as to how we
broke his moral laws. What then happens to us?
Only those deprived logic can still believe that
they get away unpunished. What even more
interesting, the majority of people who turn
their back sides to God, would not have a
courage while facing an important person,
e.g. a president of a superpower, to turn their
back side to this person, or to say into eyes
what they truly thing of him, or what they dislike
about his actions. And such an important
person at most shakes only several scared
countries on Earth. But simultaneously these
people dear to turn their back side to the most
superior being which shakes the entire universe and
which openly states that is going to judge exactly
everyone later, to reward or to punish whatever
he or she did in entire life. Is such a turning
one's back side to God a wise behaviour?
Or let us consider the matter of persecution of
a rational UFO research. After all, even the Bible
warns us that the Earth is ruled by Satan and by
his devils. In turn the name "Satan", "devils", or
"fallen angels" in biblical times were assigned to the
same beings which presently we call "UFOnauts",
while their breathing fire vehicles w call now
"UFO vehicles". So if the Earth is ruled by these
evil creatures for thousands of years, then this
practically means, that such creatures cannot be
recognised by us, because they are so similar to
people. Furthermore, it also means that in fact
these creatures live amongst us, occupy
prominent positions in our civilisation,
and skilfully use entire their intelligence and the entire human
propaganda machine (which they control) against
these ones who try to disclose their presence on
Earth. So these people who join the present
persecution of rational UFO researchers actually
support with their actions the further keeping
humanity enslaved by these
evil creatures.
This in turn means the arrival to people soon
even more suffering, destruction, wars, terrorism,
enslaving of people, etc., etc. So it is highly
unwise to allow that anyone continues the present
persecution of rational UFO researchers.
It is as if we allow that in a next home secretly
lives a well-known murderer who at nights
raids our own bedroom, while we sit passively
and do nothing to get rid of him, and we even
spit at a detective who investigates this murderer.
The above analyses from this item I am
presenting for a specific reason. I wish to
inspire people to understand one vital truth.
Namely, the fact that if in some matters we
do not see instant effects triggered by given
causes, this still does NOT mean that such effects
do not exist at all. In other words, the real live
is not like television or computer games.
If in the real life we do something wrong today,
then consequences of this wrongdoing may
hit us only after tens of years - when we
least expect this. Then we get a hit without
even realising what actually hits us. Therefore
even if we can do many things, not always
doing them is wise or moral. In turn it is
worth to be wise and moral in our lives, as it
saves ourselves and other people from a lot
of pain in later times.
Conclusions from the above presentation of evidence:
There is no other
truth on Earth which would have so much evidence in support of
itself, as the truth about the existence of UFOs and about the
secretive occupation of Earth by UFOnauts. However, in spite
of all this, if one asks about UFOs any passer by from a street,
for sure is going to receive the answer NO. So how in such
circumstances to NOT realise why UFOnauts consider humans
from the planet Earth to be the most stupid beings from the entire
universe. How in such circumstances maintain the faith in
the sharpness of human minds and in the wisdom of human
scientists. How to stop UFOnauts from the complete destruction
our present civilisation which they already started? What is so
wrong with us, that we so stubbornly refuse to take notice of
the truth which countless evidence is constantly attacking us
from practically all sides?
Please notice,
that the above compendium of evidence for the existence of
UFOs, and for the continuous although hidden operation of
UFO vehicles on Earth, is presented also from a slightly
different point of view on separate web pages named
"26th day", and
How with the web page named
one can find totaliztic descriptions
of topics in which he is interested:
A whole array of topics equally interesting
as these from the above web page, is also
discussed from the angle that is unique to
the philosophy of totalizm. All these related
topics can be found and identified with the use of
content index
prepared especially to make easier finding
these web pages and topics. The name "index"
means a list of "key words" usually provided
at the end of textbooks, which allows to find
fast the description or the topic in which we
are interested. My web pages also has such
a content "index" - only that it is additionally
supplied in green
which after "clicking" at them with a mouse
immediately open the web page with the topic
that interest the reader. This content "index"
is provided on the web page named
It can be called from the "organising" part of
"Menu 1" of every totaliztic web page. I would
recommend to look at it and to begin using it
systematically - after all it brings closer hundreds
of totaliztic topics which can be of interest to
I would suggest to return periodically to this web page in order to check further updates of the evidence on continuous activities of UFOnauts on Earth:
In order to see how the updates of this web
page on evidence of UFO activities on Earth
going to eventuate and progress further,
it is worth to revisit it from time to time. From
the definition this web page is going to be
subjected to further improvements and extensions,
as soon as possible new information come
to my hands, or some events take place
which will inspire me for carrying out the
update. So if in the future you wish to learn
these news, then perhaps you should revisit
this web page. This is because I am going
to update it periodically, as soon as the
further developments give reasons for
reporting some further news.
It is also worth to check periodically the blog of
totalizm, currently available under uddresses
On this blog many events discussed here are also
explained with additional details written as these
events unveil before our eyes.
Current email addresses to the author of
this web page, i.e. officially to
Dr Eng. Jan Pajak
while courteously to Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak,
at which readers can post possible comments,
opinions, descriptions, or information which in
their opinion I should learn, are provided on the web page named
(for its version in the HTML language), or the web page named
(for the version of the web page "pajak_jan_uk.pdf"
in safe PDF format - which safe PDF versions
of further web pages by the author can also be
downloaded via links from item #B1 of the web page named
The author's right for the use of courteous
title of "Professor" stems from the custom that
"with professors is like with generals", namely
when someone is
once a professor, than he or she courteously
remains a professor forever. In
turn the author of this web page was a professor
at 4 different universities, i.e. at 3 of them,
from 1 September 1992 untill 31 October 1998,
as an "Associate Professor" from English-based
educational system, while on one university as
a (Full) "Professor" (since 1 March 2007 till
31 December 2007 - means at the last place
of employment in his professional life).
However, please notice that because of my
rather chronic lack of time, I reluctantly
reply to emails which contain JUST time
consuming requests, while simultaneously
they document a complete ignorance of their
author in the topic area which I am researching.
This web page is also available in the form
of a brochure marked [11], which
is prepared in "PDF" ("Portable Document
Format") - currently considered to be the
most safe amongst all internet formats, as
normally viruses cannot cling to PDF. This
clear brochure is ready both, for printing,
as well as for reading from a computer
screen. It also has all its
green links
still active. Thus, if it is read from the computer
screen connected to internet, then after clicking
onto these green links, the linked web pages
and illustrations will open. Unfortunately, because
the volume of it is around a double of the volume
of web page which this brochure publishes,
the memory limitations on a significant number
of free servers which I use, do NOT allow to
offer it from them (so if it does NOT download
from this address, because it is NOT available
on this server, then you should click onto any
other address from
Menu 3,
and then check whether in there it is available).
In order to open this brochure (and/or download
it to own computer), it suffices to either click on
the following green link
or to open from any totaliztic web site the
PDF file named as in the above green link.
If the reader wishes to check, whether some other
totaliztic web page which he or she just is studying,
is also available in the form of such PDF brochure,
then should check whether it is listed amongst links
from "part #B" of the web page named
This is because links from there indicate all totaliztic
web pages, which are already published as such
brochures from series [11] in PDF format.
I wish you a fruitful reading!
If you prefer to read in Polish
click on the Polish flag below
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kliknij na poniższą flagę)
Date of starting this page: 17 September 2006
Date of the latest updating of this page: 25 June 2013
(Check in "Menu 3" whether there is even a more recent update!)